110 ب مم

تشقق السماوات وتكور الشموس /ثالثة 3 ثانوي مدونة محدودة /كل الرياضيات تفاضل وتكامل وحساب مثلثات2ثانوي ترم أول وأحيانا ثاني التجويد /من كتب التراث الروائع /فيزياء ثاني2 ثانوي.ت2. /كتاب الرحيق المختوم /مدونة تعليمية محدودة رائعة / /الكشكول الابيض/ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية ترم اول يليه ترم ثاني ومعه 3ث /الحاسب الآلي)2ث /مدونة الأميرة الصغيرة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ث /مدونة السنن الكبري للنسائي والنهاية لابن كثير /نهاية العالم /بيت المعرفة العامة /رياضيات بحتة وتطبيقية2 ثانوي ترم ثاني /احياء ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /عبدالواحد2ث.ت1و... /مدونة سورة التوبة /مدونة الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق حسب سورة الطلاق7/5هـ /الثالث الثانوي القسم الأدبي والعلمي /المكتبة التعليمية 3 ثانوي /كشكول /نهاية البداية /مدونة كل روابط المنعطف التعليمي للمرحلة الثانوية /الديوان الشامل لأحكام الطلاق /الاستقامة اا. /المدونة التعليمية المساعدة /اللهم أبي وأمي ومن مات من أهلي /الطلاق المختلف عليه /الجغرافيا والجيولوجيا ثانية ثانوي الهندسة بأفرعها / لغة انجليزية2ث.ت1. / مناهج غابت عن الأنظار. /ترم ثاني الثاني الثانوي علمي ورياضة وادبي /المنهج في الطلاق/عبد الواحد2ث- ت1.  /حورية /المصحف ورد ج /روابط المواقع التعليمية ثانوي غام /منعطف التفوق التعليمي لكل مراحل الثانوي العام /لَا ت /قْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِفيزياء 2 ثاني ثانوي.ت1. /سنن النكاح والزواج /النخبة في /مقررات2ث,ترم أول عام2017-2018 /مدونة المدونات /فلسفة.منطق.علم نفس.اجتماع 2ث /ترم اول /الملخص المفيد ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /السيرة النبوية /اعجاز الخالق فيمن خلق /ترجمة المقالات /الحائرون الملتاعون هلموا /النُخْبَةُ في شِرعَةِ الطلاق. /أصول الفقه الاسلامي وضوابطه /الأم)منهج ثاني ثانوي علمي رياضة وعلوم /وصف الجنة والحور العين اللهم أدخلنا الجنة ومتاعها /روابط مناهج تعليمية ثاني ثانوي كل الأقسام /البداية والنهاية للحافظ بن /كثبر /روابط مواقع تعليمية بالمذكرات /دين الله الحق /مدونة الإختصارات /الفيزياء الثالث الثانوي روابط /علم المناعة /والحساسية /طرزان /مدونة المدونات /الأمراض الخطرة والوقاية منها /الخلاصة الحثيثة في الفيزياء /تفوق وانطلق للعلا /الترم الثاني ثاني ثانوي كل مواد 2ث /الاستقامة أول /تكوير الشمس /كيمياء2 ثاني ثانوي ت1. /مدونة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ث /مكتبة روابط ثاني /ثانوي.ت1./ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية /ميكانيكا واستاتيكا 2ث ترم اول /اللغة الفرنسية 2ثانوي /مدونة مصنفات الموسوعة الشاملة فهرسة /التاريخ 2ث /مراجعات ليلة الامتحان كل مقررات 2ث الترم الثاني /كتاب الزكاة /بستان العارفين /كتب 2 ثاني ثانوي ترم1و2 . /ترم اول وثاني الماني2ث

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الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2022

النداء مترجما للانجليزية {الطلاق للعدة} An appeal to the nation of Islam and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif

The elite in the law of divorce.
University blog that prevents all divorce provisions
The most wonderful downloads of the Qur'an /| Remembrance of God / O God, have mercy on my parents and forgive them and forgive their sins and all the righteous / Nostalgia / Scientific Blog z. / The Great Qur’an / The Prophet’s hadith and its term. / God Almighty said -------------------------------------------
An appeal to Al-Azhar and its distinguished sheikh and professors
Book: The Etiquette of Companionship Author: Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami/ Albanian Archive/ It is forbidden with the mother of the kisses to apply the semantics of the verses ... / To the perplexed + investigation of the beans in Muhammad bin Eid al-Rahman m... / November 2021/ Albanian ArchiveCorruption has appeared on land and sea for what people's hands have earned} / A complete explanation of the rituals of Hajj by Sheikh / Abdul Aziz bin Baz/ Conditions for saying there is no god but God by Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin BazThe position of preachers and scholars on the widespread spread of falsehoodWhat is the middle in religion? By Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-UthaymeenWisdom from the creation of the jinn and mankind by Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen/ C 1. Book: Jurisprudential Choices/ C 2. Book: Jurisprudential Choices Author: Sheikh Al-Islam... / Dictionary of Lisan Al Arab by Ibn Manzur/ C 1. Book: The Kindergarten of the Nazer and the Garden of the Landscaper Abdullah bin Aham... / C2..Book: The Kindergarten of the Nazer and the Garden of the Landscape.. Abdullah bin Ah... / Book: Summing up the injury in the sayings of the Companions, Khalil bin Kikaldi... / part 1... a book: Usul al-Fiqh called Answer to the Questioner Explanation for the purpose of... / c.1-: The Origins of Al-Sarkhasi Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Abi Sahl... / Book: The Origins of Al-Bazdawi Ali bin Muhammad Al-Bazdawi Al-Hanafi, chapters... / Book: Masterpiece of Kings Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Abdul Qadir Al... / Part 1..Book: Masterpiece of the Scholars Alaa Al-Din Al-Samarkandi Sections A... / Book: Explaining the facts, explaining the treasure of minutes, Fakhr Al-Din Othman... / Book: The Care, Explanation of Guidance, Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Babarti, is the most powerful... / Book: The Bright Jewel Abu Bakr bin Ali bin Muhammad Al-Hadadi... / Book: Al-Kasab Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Shaibani/ c1. Book: Al-Mabsout Muhammad bin Al-Hassan bin Farqad Al-Shaibani... / Guide to the Population of Science, the printed books of Ahl al-Hadith, arranged on... / Book: The Editor in Fiqh on the Doctrine of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal ...
Saturday, 23 September 2017
An appeal to the nation of Islam and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif ** The difference in divorce legislation between Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baqarah
Achievement of the degree of Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman
An Appeal to the Nation of Islam and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif
Allah is the greatest
first call
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful / Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the one who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, our master Muhammad and his wives, companions and followers until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows:
The legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH obligates us in it
Definition : As for its definition, it is a new legislation from its predecessor, which was present previously in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
= The Almighty has revealed Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH to abrogate with it most of the provisions of divorce of the previous divorce law in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH with a very precise and creative rule in which the Creator uses a single letter with a rhetorical miracle.
This letter is “Lam Al-Bad” or “Lam” in the sense of “after” by which God, the Most High, moved the subject of divorce from the beginning of the event to the event orchestrated the event , and to this change came most of the remaining provisions of divorce until the Day of Resurrection.. By dependence:
It is divorce and then several - it was in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
to me
Several counts and then constipation or divorce became in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
It is noted here that constipation is very supported by the entry of the spouses in the census kit into the marital environment, and in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH they were definitely divorced and the evidence for this is His saying, “And divorced women lie in wait..” Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, the abrogating suffix
And the consequences came to make the spouses enter into the marital environment, obligating the two of them together in one house, which is hers and his house , instead of leaving the house of her divorced one and going to the house of her guardian to observe the iddat with him alone .
- Likewise, among these transcendences is that God, the Creator, imposed upon them seclusion by compulsion and forbade the woman to leave her house (his house) or for her husband to remove her from it.
Convergence points of the divorce legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH with the legislation of Al-Baqara 2 AH
I said blogger
1. The two religions meet together in
1. Named only without substance and significance
2. In some of the provisions that were extended from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH to Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH with the rules of Surat Al-Talaq, such as
1. Multiple readings
2. Legislation of khul'
3. Legislation forbidding muscle
4. And some of what we did not mention except in its place, God willing = I mean by the rules of Surat Al-Talaq, meaning the fulfillment of the ruling after the waiting period , and there is no timing other than that . I went back to her house and her husband was with her.
2.. Likewise, the number of females who are married to the Qur’an becomes divorced after the waiting period has ended completely in order for the separation to take place and the waiting period is in the solitude of her husband.
3...and I add the inevitability of a condition , which is to establish the testimony to God inevitably and inevitable..on every event of its original or extended events...this is in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH.
2. As for Surat Al-Baqara 2 AH , it was printed on everyone who surprised her husband with the word divorce: I say the name of the divorced woman was printed on her, and as long as she was divorced, it is in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, and most of the provisions of her divorce were abrogated by Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH.
1 = divorced {and divorced women are lurking. verse}
2 = She goes out of the house to the house of her guardian to perform the iddat for herself - [Refer to the Golden Series for the narration of Abdullah bin Omar and his wife’s move to observe the iddat with her guardian]
3 = And if she finishes her waiting period , this leads her to demobilization , which is separation after separation
4 = He means the divorced woman, if he wants to keep it. In all cases, he loses, and the least of his losses is to calculate one shot from the number of 3 shots he has left:
5 = And in her waiting period for Istibra, if he wanted to seize her, he had this right , but in the case of her waiting and with her approval only , if this time was missed or she refused the peace, he lost it completely and only two times left for him + her approval + presenting it to her again with the letter and here he may lose it if a suitor surpasses him By accepting him without him
/ - While in Surat Al-Talaq and for the reason that the pronunciation changed from the beginning of the waiting period to her back , the woman remained a wife during her waiting period and until its end. Al-Qurtubi and a number of pious jurists] Al-Dinori said: 1. The first is that he should not divorce her, as she is his wife. I said the blogger and he did not lose anything...
2. And if he chooses to separate, he separates her on a reasonable basis. I said the written record, and it is counted as a divorce
I said to the blogger: In all his cases, he is a winner 1. His time in the waiting period to manage his affairs in it + 2. His decision to divorce, which he obtained after contemplation, contemplation and confirmation that he won by divorcing her after the waiting period and it is not suitable for him .. Unless he was poorly judged, then he is losing a great loss + great regret for me His chance, which he missed, miscalculated.
> And his loss, which he put himself in, is that if he wants to propose to her with the letter, he may lose it forever if another suitor surpasses him and she accepts him.
/ The essential difference between the two legislations is that in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH they were given the period of the waiting period together a privilege in which they are a married couple who enjoy each other in the waiting period between them.. Each of them has the full right to the other except for sexual intercourse, not because it is forbidden between them, but to abstain from it completely is a condition in passing the waiting period in order for them to pray Until the moment of forced divorce after the waiting period in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
The position of Muslims regarding the legalization of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq before the Lord of Glory in the life of this world and the hereafter
Al-Bari, the Majestic and Most High, summarized the position of Muslims who object to the legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, especially in the form of a group, village or individuals, by saying, Glory be to Him .
1. [ As a village " for the symptom of the group is about his order .
2. God has prepared for them a severe torment
3. Glory be to Him, warned His servants against rejecting the legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq with explicit specification by saying {{So fear Allah, O men of understanding who believe}* { God has sent down to you a reminder }.
And he indicated that He, the Most High, intended to bring it down with His knowledge, so He, Glory be to Him, said {{ God has sent down to you a reminder (10 )}.
And the separation of the means of its downloading of the rulings on the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq, which the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, came withHis saying {{A messenger who recites to you the clear verses of God.
{{ - Explaining the divine intention behind this revelation, the Almighty said:
{ In order to bring out those who believe and do good deeds from darkness into light.
1. The darkness of the analogy to the light of the arbitrator
2. From the darkness of disagreement to the light of reconciliation
3. From the darkness of disagreement to the light of agreement
4. From the darkness of bewilderment and the pain of separation to the light of steadfastness, lack of bewilderment, and comfort of connection
* {{{I told the blogger and God shows that he is rewarded for his believers. He says Glory be to God.
I said the blogger : As shows that if possible to download the provisions of the divorce is not something miraculous. He is nothing wrong . With knowledge of everything (12) / Surah At-Talaq
** ..........................
The media position and the reporting duty is to entrust the preachers with a statement of the divine mandate for all people from:
1- Al-Azhar Al-Sharif
I said the blogger The burden of informing Muslims of this neglected law of the jurists and all people falls on the shoulders of the scholars of Al-Azhar because they are the front for providing, defending and clarifying God’s law before God Almighty and then before the people after that I have to study it in light of the following points.
1 = The necessity of their definitive belief in the existence of abrogation in the Qur’an and the pure Sunnah. See the verse of Surat Al-Baqarah {We do not abrogate or forget a verse….}
2 = It is imperative for them to know that God is the Lawgiver and His Messenger, and there is no one else besides them, and that those other than them are human beings who are subject to forgetfulness or error.
Rather, the absence of a dot in a letter may distract scholars from the correctness of the path to knowing the truth . The individual and the group are equal in that
= Or the entry of elements of the reasons for the well- known hadith, so the blame is on the transmitters of the Mushaf or distorted news with the reasons for the narration {See the hadith of Nadr Allah as a woman.. and he continued the reasons of the text and the chain of transmission of Dr. Maher Al-Fahl} .. This is said in all the errors of ijtihad based on the authenticity of the news entrusted with its transmission by the narrators who are in They preserved something . {And we referred to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, {May God bless the hadith} at the beginning of the page} [?]
3 = I also invite them to consider that Ibn Umar’s hadith on the incident of his divorce, which is rejected, was narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim alone from 39 paths . In which God described every disagreement and disagreement , it is from other than God { Do they not then reflect upon the Qur’an, even if it was from other than God, they would have found in it a difference of opinion/particularly if it was 82 and this is the Sunnah of all of God ? } It is abundant, it is definitely from other than God.
<> God has cited this report in this context because: What the narrator does not master among his memorizersnotattributed to God, and the narrator is not held accountable for it because he did not intend it, but the fact is that it is from other than Godnot obligatory for the commissioned person from the nation of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, except what was from God only--
<> None of these hadiths were authentic at all except the hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar who is called the Golden Chain as described by al-Hafiz al-Bukhari, Ibn Hajar al - Asqalani and others in the Salaf.Legitimate Egypt said in the hadith of Ibn Umar his famous saying, I can almost say that he is disturbed, rather he is indeed disturbed .. <> and the fair of people are those who describe Ibn Omar’s narrations as disordered, except for Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on him . The one who conceives and the number of menstruation and purity in the sequence mentioned in the Great Qur’an
4 = I also called them - meaning the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and his honorable professors - to reflect... that the one who caused a great disturbance in several pregnancies by claiming divorce during pregnancy is Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, the custodian of the Talha family.
And I say the blogger there is no divorce during pregnancy, even if all the people of the earth unite in saying it, because God the Creator said: { And those who are pregnant are the ones who give birth .} Where Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman narrated his hadith that split the row and violated the order of God and His Messenger that legislated him to divorce a woman after she gives birth, so he imagined { And the narration by visualization is based on a matn {I say visualize that it is purity or pregnancy [because the pregnant woman does not menstruate definitely] contrary to all the narrations of the hadith of Ibn Omar , which is a dangerous transgression by which the law of divorce has been distorted in Surat Al-Talaq and evidence of its perversion:
1. The venerable Al-Hafiz Al- Nasa’i said in his book Al-Aqadas, commenting on the narration of Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman, he said: He does not follow it and its meaning calmly.
1- It is unique in the word without the others
2- And his violation of the evidence, the perfect preservers
3- The denunciation of the narration by the lack of memorization and the dangerous anomaly
4. He is truthful and has errors in memorization and perfection, as Al-Nasa’i, Ibn Abi Hatim and others said, and his narration is similar to that :
1. If it is unique to {Not Reserved}
2. Or his narration is rejected if it contradicts trustworthy or well-preserved documents such as the owner or the beneficial owner and the like
5- Or it contradicts the text of a verse or a hadith.. God Almighty said { 1. And the one who despairs of menstruation is among your women, if you are in order * then the number of them is three for menstruating.
2. . And the loads of the loads for their pregnancy _
3. As for the iddat of women with readings, it is extended from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH to Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, as it is in its significance in the number , but it took the rule of the law of divorce in the surah Al-Talaq in the position that it is after the waiting period because it is a separation
{ Divorce and take off both disperse } and God said .
We continue what was said before the previous square, and I say, and this expansion occurred by the act of sympathy with which God began to legislate the number with it, so He, Glory be to Him, said: { And ... he who despairs of menstruating ... the verse } So, the waw here is for sympathy. The women of the Qur’an are stretched here in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH from Surat Al-Baqara 2 AH
= I also call on the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and the professors of Al-Azhar to warn of the extreme tyranny of God as a result of their silence on passing the warnings that God filled the corners, sides and corners of Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH with these warnings and warnings . The first warning is :
1. And fear God, your Lord
2. And those are the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits of God has wronged himself. You do not know, perhaps God will happen after that . 1
3. And establish the testimony of God that is admonished to those who believed in God and the last day.
4. And whoever fears God, He will make for him a way out ( 2 ) and provide for him from where he does not expect.
5. And whoever relies on God, that is his sufficiency.
6. God is in control
7. God has made a measure for everything ( 3 )
8. For those who carry their load, their term is to give birth, and whoever fears God, He will make his affair easy (4)
9. That is the command of God that He sent down to you.
10. And whoever fears God, He will atone for his sins and increase for him his reward.
11. And how many of the towns revolted from the command of its Lord and His Messengers, so we took it seriously
12. We tormented her with a terrible torment ( 8 ).
13. So she tasted bad and the result of her affair was loss.
14. God has prepared for them severe torment
15. Fathers of God, O priority of Alba, who believed, may Allah reveal you to you. ( 10 )
16. And whoever believes in God and does righteous deeds, He will admit him to gardens under which rivers flow, ( 11 ).
17. It is God who created the seven heavens and the earth as they are, the matter descends between them.
18. That you may know that God has power over all things, and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge ( 12 )
= I said the blogger 18 - a warning, warning, intimidation, encouragement and intimidation. Each of them crossed the sides of Surat Al-Talaq [-12. Verse in which 18 - warning and intimidation ] There is no admonition and I warn you of severe punishment from God as He promised everyone to turn away from activating Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH as indicated by its letters. Its words, phrases, and phrases refer to it from the legislation to postpone divorce until after the waiting period and to arrange the affairs of those wishing to divorce accordingly.
* And you must know that the abrogated ruling is invalid from the time of a copy {The example of alcohol, so the copied from it has become a behavioral crime, and saying it is a legislative crime, and separating them by historical verification. Almost so that the Muslims will stop working with the abrogated laws and decide to work with the abrogated laws.}
This is a warning and a warning that I remind you of, so beware, for all of you are in the grip of God, and nothing will fail Him to inflict His tyranny on the complainers of His law who turn away from His command.
And remind him of his saying { that is the command of Allah which He sent down to you , and whoever fears Allah will atone for his sins and magnify his sins } ( Hijr 5 ).
Among the media that must be involved in their role =1 Islamic institutions such as Islamic summit conferences
=2 The Islamic mainstream media and its role in inviting Muslims to learn about the law of divorce, which is court in Surat Al-Talaq
3 = Any other media such as a printed book, radio, Dar al-Fatwa, Internet sites, or many other things
= The embarrassment that scholars and jurists will encounter as a result of their laziness in examining the evidence on the issue of divorce and not adopting the Shariah of Surat Al-Talaq as a savior from all controversy and disagreement.
1 = The inability to extinguish the fires of disagreement and control the difference between the Muslim public, despite the fact that Al-Azhar and the house of fatwas, the Legislative Council, its sheikh, the Mufti , and..and..and many, many others..
2. While the fires of disagreement will be extinguished when the law of Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH is activated, and you will not find in it an iota of disagreement or difference , because God Almighty is the most wise of His verses in this Surah 5 AH and made it the law that remains until the Day of Resurrection
3. I am a firm believer in this that: By applying the law of divorce Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH, you will not find an iota of difference in an absolute manner with no exception or similarity, and the irrefutable hadith of the Prophet is Malik’s hadith on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar [ on the authority of Ibn Umar, that he divorced his wife, and she was menstruating while she was menstruating. God peace be upon him, Omar ibn al - Khattab asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him ) said : ]
- I said the blogger [Bukhari's pronunciation, then he catches it and it is more correct] Then menstruation 2, then purification 2 .
I said the blogger : This is the second recitation, and the recitation is menstruation and purification, then the sequence and commentary for a third recitation is: If he wants, he can hold it - after , and the adverb of place after indicates the time of the third recitation in the form of a menstrual period 3. And if he wanted, he should be divorced before he was touched, {indicating the entry of the third purity 3- } So touching is intercourse and intercourse does not take place except during purity.. and the position here is the third recitation that came later [the second recitation] and indicated by a tool , then he killed the kit that was the object of the hurricane. Women have . Al-Bukhari and Muslim] I said the blogger and the adverbs of place or time after and before each of them has an indication in specifying The place and time of menstruation and the third purity, so that each of them interrupts the place and time of the second menstruation, and the third purity is the purity of divorce..
The textual, rational, fundamental and jurisprudential postulates that jurisprudents, scholars, and even all Muslims must deal with
1 = postulate of the non-definitive conditional clause {linguistically} [if you are divorced.]
2 = The Muslim Lam Al-Dad or Al-Lam in the sense of after (linguistically) transfers the event definitely to after the pre-specified meeqaat in an answer if the other is definitive, and we have at the time of Moses with his Lord Almighty, for example:⇊⇊
And we helped us thirty nights and we belong to ten times the Lord of his Lord forty nights.
] for our time, i.e. immediately after the specified time {after 40 nights}
And he said, "and the sun is taking place to stabilize the assessment of Aziz al-Alim ( 38 ) / Yas} and the meaning is taking place for the end of its creativity after being moved,
and the sun and the moon are all being for a named {I mean after its flow.
-{ He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night, and He has subdued the sun and the moon, each one running for a term named after Jari.}
3. The style of a call, O Prophet, if you divorce…….. then divorce them…. {linguistically} does not mean divorce, but rather it is the initiation of the issue of divorce and not the initiation of an investigation .
1. The initiation of the event is the beginning of the time path that ends with the realization of the event
2. The investigation is the actual application of the event, but after the end of the time path

And 💥 it is forbidden to combine the two opposites {intellectual and fundamentalist Muslim} holding and divorce at the same time, which is the time of the end of the waiting period, so it is not possible to hold the divorced woman when the term is reached, God Almighty said
O Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period
And fear God your Lord
do not drive them out of their homes
It is not permissible but to come with a fragrant shown and those of the limits of God and whoever limits the limits of God has wronged himself .
So if they reach their term, hold them with kindness or separate them with kindness . Imam al-Shafi’i said: Do not hold them except for those who have the right to hold them, meaning the wife, as is the case in the Qur’an. Ibn Gharib said
Ibn Qutayba al-Dinuri
He said [ {So if they reach their term of life}... that is, the waiting period is over -: Either you withhold from divorce, then be married, or you have a beautiful separation that does not harm in it. Interpretation of Gharib Al-Quran: 469
* The linguistic postulate, which is the style of the condition, is a two-fold sentence
The first is the conditional verb
The second is the conditional answer
The fulfillment of the sentence of the answer to the condition is contingent on the occurrence of the conditional verb. If they reach their term, then they seize them with kindness or separate them with kindness and a paradox that was separated { the absolute is a meaningless repetition of God’s disavowal from idle talk and absurdity }
** The following Muslim is {legislative transfer} and bear witness to those of you who are just.
** The following Muslim woman [mandatory] entered into the divine mandate and became a condition for the occurrence of divorce after the waiting period
And unless it occurs, then there is no divorce. {And establish the testimony for God, that is admonished to him who believed in God and the last day and those who rejoiced.( 2 )
** And establishing the testimony other than the testimony {Muslim, linguistic and legislative}
Establishing the testimony to God has pillars that cannot be established without it
As for the attestation, it is the incident after completing a residence permit for the following testimony -- just now
1. The place element {Have they committed aggression in their house or not?
= Did the woman go out or not?
= Did her husband take her out or not?
= Did her husband harm her or not?}
= Did he spend on her as well as wives, or not?
Everything mentioned here is assigned to them, and it is an obligation, and the imposition is a condition in something that can only be done by it. And the evidence is that it is an obligation
2. The element of time [at the end of the waiting period is inevitably necessary with the certainty that the waiting period has ended] and that is for the reason of specifying the place of uttering the divorce by blam distance or lam meaning a dimension in the verse, so they divorced them for their waiting period that
1. Enter the name
2. And the dimensionality is specified, noting that God Almighty has replaced the word after and came in place of it for lam the after because lam after is used in the investigation just for the sake of completing the period and there is no use for it other than that.
While the word “after” may include its meaning of laxity in the dimensionality to the end of its period, which is what God abolished fair justice, as the wife has the right to fulfill the time and the right just by making it available just now.
3. The human element [the husband and wife prior to divorce and the two witnesses]
4. He followed the human element and the two witnesses, both in description and qualitatively
The gender is to be from men and not from women
And the description is two well- known justices from whom justice is well known { those who are just and the reputation for justice is indicated by the word “ justice ” }.
5. It is obligatory to get to know the wife by sight and hearing by hearing and actually seeing the possibility of changing the wife to his sister, for example, or to another woman for some purpose.
The rule if the establishment of the certificate is violated in one of them:
There is no testimony, and the waiting period has been rescinded, and they have to repeat the waiting period from the beginning
** The postulate of piety on which all matters of divorce are based, from obedience to God and sincerity of private and public orientation
** Muslim that God sends down messengers with laws to bring people out of darkness into light in Surat Al-Talaq and in any other revelation
** A postulate of the necessity of obeying the command of God and of everything that he warns, Glory be to Him. {That is the command of God that He revealed to you}
** Muslim {translated} is that the warnings of the Almighty God placed first for the events of Surat al-Tazl first, then for all previous and subsequent revelations, so it is from that His saying, come , that is the command of God revealed to you **
*Next Postulate
Who is behind the motive for the confusion of the jurists and their many differences in matters of divorce?
I said the blogger and his saying come *that is the command of God that He sent down to you = it is a divine warning of strong impact, a great bell that rings the ears and terrifies the hearts
1. Is there any of the creatures who turned to this command of God in Surat Al-Talaq?
2. Has anyone interested in this command of God that He sent down to us wondered ?
3. Did anyone care and said, What is this God’s command?? The one who singled us out for his revelation and the sign {He sent it down to you..}
4. Why did he not say that in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH?
5. People have neglected God’s command, which is the Sharia revealed by His command in Surat Al-Talaq, presenting the waiting period for a census, and delaying divorce by force, and the hope that these transcendences entail from the Creator after that cause something to happen.. We belong to God and to Him we shall return !
The position of someone who is divorced and discovers that Ali is not real, contrary to the command of God in Surat Al-Talaq, how should he do it?
I said blogger
- The judge corrects the mistake by severing immediately, then it is returned to the original after several menstrual cycles or 3 lunar months with a new contract and dowry
- Or she abstains from both until she gives birth, then gives the option to the one who returns with a new marriage contract and a new dowry .
- Otherwise, I trespass from him, and then at the end of the waiting period, she is given the choice between the first husband - as a rightful person - and to separate them
= And the testimony is held on all the event and new marriage procedures take place for any of you choose so that the beginning is pure for only one
* Linguistically, mentally and fundamentally Muslim
The time of the laws that many people misunderstood unintentionally, so the dilemma that they got themselves into by misunderstanding the rule of the opposite in language and logic
* The rule of the opposite cannot be activated between more than two elements . Divorce during menstruation or divorce during purity are two elements with which the rule of the opposite does not fit, because they have a third element, which is divorce for the waiting period.
All the jurists considered that there is an opposite between them, so they made a mistake, and this error resulted in their understanding that divorce can only take place during purity, because purity is against menstruation, so the error resulted in three arms.
1. They considered that divorce only takes place during purity, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, nullified the divorce of Ibn Umar, but they were quick to understand because the Messenger did not invalidate it because he was in menstruation, but rather he nullified it because it occurred for other than the waiting period . Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar and the Prophet’s response to him this comment, in which he explained the reason for nullifying the event} and he missed their view that the pregnant woman divorced her right at the time of her jetty {And the voids are menstruation }
2. They considered menstruation and purity ( the state of a woman ) and did not notice that God and His Messenger intended it at the time of the event itself, and they did not mean the state of a woman in terms of menstruation and purity
= Menstruation is a time and a time
= And purity is a time and a time
= Divorce after the waiting period is time and time
And there was no opposite between them because there is a third reason, which is divorce for the waiting period
** And the real impact in the purpose of God and His Messenger that appeared from the verses is the element of time in them and not the element of the situation *** That is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) was returning Ibn Omar’s wife to him because he did not divorce after the waiting (the element of time and time) see the terms from The most correct of his paths is Malik, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar.. It has already been mentioned at the beginning of the page
2. The invalidity of considering menstruation to legislate the divorce of pregnant women in their jets, and the jets are menses. The Almighty said: {And the first of the loads.... the verse}
= The obligation of all people to submit to the religion of God in the smallest and greatest of costs, including the law of divorce revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
Every Muslim has the right to obey God and His Messenger in all aspects of the holy law, and the Book of God contains almost innumerable evidence of obedience to God and obedience to His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace only.
Interfering with the circle of legislation is forbidden against all human beings, except Muhammad, the Prophet , his Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace
= How do Muslims deal and differentiate between sharing the details of the law of divorce in the two surahs Al-Baqarah 2 AH and divorce 5 AH
1. By following the rules of divorce between them in light of the parts of the two legislations abrogated
* Soorat Al-Talaq 5 AH is later in its revelation to Surat Al-Baqarah 5 AH, meaning Surat Al-Talaq abrogates all the provisions of divorce found in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
The legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH has been copied its previously established base on the order of its events with a universal base :
The pronouncement of divorce , then the waiting period of istibra , then the release
And replace it with a total rule :
It begins with several counting, then holding or divorce, then separating , then witnessing
= And what is the behavior of people in the face of the predecessors and successors’ view of divorce issues, especially those whose stakes were rooted in the hearts of the predecessors and bequeathed them to their successors from among the Muslims
Acting in a nutshell is obedience to God and His Messenger , and there will remain those who defend falsehood on the pretext that victory is for the one who is more knowledgeable and knowledgeable? --- God is the one to whom victory is due, and His Messenger wills whomever He wills, and my Father is from my Father . {But God guides whom He wills }
= Here a case emerges: To whom is subordination and obedience required?
= Are God and His Messenger in the form of the revealed texts, Qur’an and Sunnah?
= Or export what is said about the understanding of the predecessors of the true religion??
* We have learned from the incident of Solomon and David upon them and upon our Prophet, prayers and peace be upon them, that the One God is the one who is grateful to some of his servants by understanding what He wills of issues and prevents whomever He wills from that.
= Then we have a light and bright house in the book of God from that as saying : " Make us a dash and curriculy, and if God willing, to make you one nation but to your nation, but I will leave you . To God , your reference all of you . the table }
And what are the supports that hinder us in activating their sockets for their understanding of the verses of the Qur’an and the more correct Sunnah within the limits of the huge amount of evidence - scattered in the chests of the jurists earlier due to the lack of indexes of the sources in which the particles of Sharia are glued to their jurisprudential materials
- I said the blogger first: God has revealed His book in a clear Arabic tongue, so He made the proof and established it upon His servants
Secondly , he assigned each of his servants what God gave him of his power
The narrator was not required by God to narrate, and he is not in his power to be precise in memorization.
Thirdly , the guidance of God is the guidance, and there is no assignment in God’s law except that it has with God an argument and proof , and do not despair of those who hasten to turn away and distance themselves from the clear truth .
And God Almighty, who did not burden a soul with a measure beyond its ability, will not question it except for its ability in all aspects of the mandate and its actual ability . The servants, even if unintentionally, do not change the laws of the One God because it is the absolute truth, and the transgressions of the servants are not from the truth.
* Some of those who doubt may consider that this is a call to turn away from some hadiths, forbid God and His Messenger, rather it is a call to adhere to the texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah [the more correct] because the Qur’an has been preserved by God with a covenant that cannot be included in its body an extra letter and it cannot be deducted from its body a point. There is a letter in the entire Qur’an, and God’s covenant has been established on this matter, and if the nations of misguidance gather to change it or distort it, they will not be able to do that and like that is the more correct Sunnah
But the issues of inclusion, distortion, fraud, correction, lack of memorization, disorder of control or mastery, or all the ills of the texts in the archives of the purified Sunnah that were introduced to it seemed proportional in quantity and quantity with the amount and amount of excesses of preservation in their preservation and the disparity between them in the degrees of justice, documentation, preservation, honesty and control in Transfer and narration between them, and there is no escaping this painful reality
But the solution to this cannot be by avoiding the Sunnah and turning away from it, for it is: i.e. the correct Sunnah { An authentic part of the Shariah that was revealed from God. It is not possible to turn away from some or all of it except what we know is weak, fabricated, included, falsified, disordered, distorted, or narrated in general. Or brevity, meaning, visualization and understanding without verbalization, abbreviation, confusion, opposition to trust for someone who is more trustworthy than him, oddity or awkwardness, and all of that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, warned in a brief saying, saying , For there may be a holder of jurisprudence to someone who is more knowledgeable than him, and there may be a holder of jurisprudence who has no jurisprudence. There are three things that the believer’s heart does not deceive: devotion to God’s work, advice to those in authority, and adherence to the community; Their supplication will be from behind them .} The difference between the Qur’anic text and hadith in the means of transmission is that the Qur’an was transmitted to us through Gabriel the King. As for the text of the Prophet’s hadith, it is an undisputed truth, but its transmitters from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, are human beings who are subjected to what happens to people of memorization, perfection, mixing and forgetting. That is why the Prophet warned May the peace and blessings of God be upon him who transmits a hadith except as the listener heard it, neither adding to it nor detracting from it I said blogger
O Muslims, is it not enough for you that God and His Messenger sent down to His Messenger a valuable religion with His knowledge deposited in His Book, which falsehood does not come from before him or from behind it
= Since He is the Mighty, the Wise, then He is surrounded by God’s protection in all its aspects, a covenant with Him, and He is the Strong and the Strong, so we rely on Him** and from His revelation, the Exalted and Most High, is His wisdom that He revealed to the heart of His Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so what is the guarantee??
Both of them are revelations, and both are preserved, and both of them are legislated from God, but the prophetic wisdom has gone through its paths that transmit it from all sects of transmitters from: the just, trustworthy, perfect preservation, and the just trustworthy, varying in memorization, and the difference between them in the degrees of memorization and control , which resulted in the multiplicity of narrations for one hadith In proportion to the narrators’ disparity in mastery and memorization, which is the matter that resulted in a multiplicity of jurisprudential opinions on the same subject, and it is indispensable to verify the most authentic hadith narrations in every jurisprudential topic in which a dispute arises and through which a jurisprudential difference arises: - meaning that all disputes on any subject have only one saying that is The truth and the rest of these disagreements are not true
- It is also not right for every Muslim to follow a sheikh, sect or path, because it arose from the articles of disagreement between them based on the discrepancy in the narration by the lack of memorization or control of the narrators of a single hadith and the difference in their control over what they narrate
He said, " Annibin said to Him and fulfill him and establish prayer and do not be from the polytheists .
= But the Sunnah of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the truth that comes out of the mouth of the Prophet , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is in the power of the Qur’an, with a right in which there is no doubt or conjecture.
God revealed Surat Al-Talaq around the year 5 AH in a form and content that is completely contrary to the form and content of the download. The article will be completed, God willing.
See the following links. Note if the link does not work, copy it and simplify it in the Google search rectangle
An appeal to Al-Azhar and its distinguished sheikh and professors
https://alnukhbhtattalak.blog spot.com
How do you oppress all Muslims after the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace ...
What is the duty of the Nation of Islam towards the law of divorce ?
Appeal 4 -- Legislation of Surat Al-Talaq, which people squandered, including in the ...
An Appeal to the Nation of Islam and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif
Second call 2---
🅜🅜 First call redacted
** Inserts and Nuclear
( You do not know, perhaps God will happen after that ...
* If the circumstance and the saying of God Almighty (If you divorce women, divorce ...
hhh ✌
Khul' https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/2021/11/5.html
Al-Lam meaning after in the legislation of divorce Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
The provisions and system of Islam in divorce
The Holy Qur’an is written in Word
Divorce Blog for kit
Divorce sites guide for several
A second guide to divorce sites for the moment
We will briefly re-investigation of the hadith of God, someone who heard my article..the hadith
We first mention the verses of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq because of its importance
O Prophet, if you shut up the women, they bruted them for their enemy and grabt the kitten and fear God, your Lord, do not leave them from your bayten and do not go away, but they will come with a fragrant shown and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God and the limits of God has been injured. Or their difference, and I will see you, and I testify with you. 3) My GodIt is better than the noodles. I will find you, and do not heal them, and if they are pregnant, and if they are pregnant. what's upWill make God after the hardship of Yousra (7) and as one of the village of Ettat about the command of her Lord and his sentence. Here is a male (10) messengers. The matter comes down between them so that you may know that God isAll things are powerful, and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge (12)
Here is an example copied from Al-Alukah for the hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the obligation to convey his narrations as the narrator heard them from him, and it is an order from him supported by a beautiful and wonderful invitation to show the exact extent of the Prophet’s concern, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him The transmission as the transmitter heard it, so that it does not enter into it the distortions of human beings known about them, which are the causes of the texts and the chains of narrators that, by entering them, cloud the Shari’a and within it are human interpretations that corrupt and distort the legislation: the
hadith of God bless a woman.. a model of twenty ways narrated from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. God is a man.” A narration and awareness , the Most
High said: “O you who believe, fear God as you should be revered, and do not die unless you are Muslims.” [Imran: 102]
) O people, fear your Lord, who created you from the same one and created her husband and broadcast them a lot and women and fear God, who asked him and the mercy.
) O ye who believe, fear God and say a good word.
The most truthful speech is the Book of God, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family - and the worst of newly inventive matters, and every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a misguidance, and every misguidance is in the Fire.
This is an extensive graduation of a mutawatir hadith, which is:
((May God bless a servant who hears my article)).
A group of companions of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family - narrated it from him, including:
1- Abdullah bin Masoud./ 2- Anas bin Malik. 3- Zaid bin Thabet./ 4- Abdullah bin Omar./ 5- Jubayr bin Muta’im ./ 6- Al-Nu’man bin Bashir./ 7- Muadh bin Jabal./ 8- Abu Qorsafa (Jandara bin Khishna Al-Laithi)/ 9- Jaber bin Abdullah.
10- Umair bin Qatada Al-Laithi./ 11- Saad bin Abi Waqqas./ 12- Abu Huraira./ 13- Abu Al-Darda’/ 14- Mother of the Believers Aisha.
15- Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani./ 16- Abu Saeed Al-Khudri./ 17- Rabia bin Othman./ 18- Shaybah bin Othman./ 19- Bashir bin Saad, father of Nu’man./ 20- Abdullah bin Abbas.
There are twenty Companions who narrate this hadith and it has several words, including: What has been previously narrated here, and the rest we will single out, God willing, has a separate page, we will put its link here -----
((God blesses a servant who hears my speech and understands it, so he conveyed it to those who did not hear it, for perhaps the holder of jurisprudence is to someone who is more knowledgeable than him, and the Lord is the carrier of jurisprudence but has no jurisprudence. be behind them}}
.. A jurisprudence is not a jurist, and a lord
bearer of jurisprudence to one who is more knowledgeable than him, three things that the heart of a believer does not lose sight of: devotion to God Almighty, advising those in authority, and sticking to the group of Muslims. Jurisprudence to the one who is more knowledgeable than him, there are three things that the heart of a Muslim does not lose sight of: sincerity of work for God, advising the imams of Muslims, and sticking to their congregation, for the da’wah surrounds them.”
Including: ((God blesses a servant who hears my article, then memorizes it, understands it, and performs it, for there may be a holder of jurisprudence who is not a jurist, and another who is a holder of jurisprudence to one who is more knowledgeable than him. behind them)).
This hadith has been authenticated from the narration of Ibn Masoud. It was narrated by Sammak bin Harb on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Abdullah on the authority of his father. It was included by Ahmad (4157), Al-Tirmidhi (2657), Ibn Majah (232), Ibn Abi Hatim (1/ 1/9), Abu Ya’la (5126, 5296), Ibn Hibban (69), and Al-Bayhaqi in “Al-Ma’rifah” (1/ 3), Al-Ramhurazi in “Al-Muhaddith Al-Fasal” (6, 7), Al-Khalili in “Al-Irshad” (2/699), Ibn Abd Al-Barr in “Jami’ Bayan Al-Ilm” (1/40), and Al-Khatib in “Al-Muwadhir” (2/294) From the narration of Sammak and Abd al-Rahman ibn Abbas, both on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn Abdullah on the authority of his father, and its chain of transmission is good.
And it was authenticated from the hadith of Zaid bin Thabit, narrated by Ahmad in Al-Musnad and Al-Zuhd, Ibn Majah, Al-Darami, Ibn Abi Asim in the Sunnah and Al-Zuhd, Ibn Hibban and Al-Tabarani, and Ibn Abd Al-Bar from the narration of Shu`bah on the authority of Omar bin Suleiman on the authority of Abdul Rahman bin Aban bin Othman on the authority of his father. I said: Its chain of transmission is correct.
And it was authenticated on the authority of others, and its graduation will come soon in detail after the benefits of the hadith are mentioned, and it is frequent news; as in "Scattered Flowers"; for al-Suyuti, the "sparse systems"; for katani.
The hadith has close words for the same meaning and meaning: The
first: The hadith of Ibn Masoud Hasan Sahih:
it has two paths from it:
the first is from Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Masoud on the authority of his father, narrated by two on his authority: Sammak bin Harb, and Abd al-Malik bin Omair, and both of them are trustworthy on the authority of Thiqah.
As for the narrators on the authority of Sammak, they are: Shu’bah, Hammad bin Salamah, Israel, and Ali bin Saleh, and they are all trustworthy.
As for the narrators on the authority of Abd al-Malik, they are: Sufyanan, Harim ibn Sufyan, and Ja`far ibn Ziyad, and they are all trustworthy. And without them trustworthy celebrities.
The second: Hasan Gharib:
It is from the narration of Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Salem Al-Mafluj Al-Qazzaz, Ubaidah bin Al-Aswad narrated from Al-Qasim bin Al-Waleed from Al-Harith Al-Akli (Ibn Yazid) from Ibrahim Al-Nakh’i from Al-Aswad from Ibn Masoud.
It was included by Abu Ya’la, and al-Tabarani in al-Awsat, and its chain of transmission is good, and it has a third path that was mentioned by the author of “Tarikh Isfahan” (1/229). Bin Talha, on the authority of Zubaid, on the authority of Murrah, on the authority of Abdullah Bin Masoud, he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - delivered a sermon in this mosque, the Al-Khayf Mosque, and he said: “May God bless a person who heard this article of mine, so he memorized it until he reached someone else. He is more knowledgeable than him, and there may be a holder of jurisprudence who is not a jurist, there are three things that the heart of a Muslim does not lose sight of: devotion to God’s work, advice to those in authority, and adherence to their group, for their supplication surrounds them.” And the hadith: It was included by Ahmad (1/436, No. 4157), Al-Tirmidhi (5/34, No. 2657), and he said: Hassan Sahih, Ibn Hibban (1/268, No. 66), and Al-Bayhaqi in “Shu’ub Al-Iman”
The second: The hadith of Anas bin Malik:
It was included by Ibn Asaker (27/60), Ahmad (3/225, No. 13374), Ibn Majah (1/ 86, No. 236), Al-Diya’ (6/307, No. 2329), and Al-Bayhaqi in Al-Sha`b (7514), Ibn Abd al-Barr in “Jami’ Bayan al-Ilm wa Fadl” (1/42), Ibn Abd al-Barr (1/42), and al-Tabarani included it in al-Awsat (9440), and Ibn Adiy in al-Kamil. 4/ 1584), so he narrated it on the authority of Anas five, they are: Muhammad bin Ajlan, narrated by Ibn Amr in his part (136), he said: We were told by Muhammad bin Muslim bin Wara, Muhammed bin Musa bin Ayan, my father told us on the authority of Khalid bin Abi Yazid On the authority of Abd al-Wahhab ibn Bukht, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ajlan, on the authority of Anas, I said: This is a sahih chain of narrators. I stand on his translation, so he should pay attention, for he is the son of Abi Yazid.”
It was also narrated by Uqbah bin Wassaj on the authority of Anas, it was narrated by Abu Naim in the Musnad of Abu Hanifa, Ibn Abd al-Bar in his Jami’, and al-Diya’ in “Al-Mukhtarah” and by Abu Amr al-Asbahani in his “Juz” from the path of Abd al-Jabbar bin Asim al-Nasa’i, Hani bin Abdul Rahman bin Abi Abla on the authority of Ibrahim Ibn Abi Abla, told us by Uqbah, with him, his men are trustworthy except for Hani; Ibn Hibban trusted him, and said: It is strange, and it is valid in the evidence.
And it was narrated by Abd al-Rahman bin Zaid bin Aslam on the authority of his father on the authority of Anas, and it was narrated by al-Tabarani in “Al-Awsat” and al-Atarabulsi in his jurisprudence.
I said: Its chain of transmission is weak. Abd al-Rahman bin Zaid bin Aslam was weak.
And it was narrated by Abd al-Wahhab ibn Bukht on the authority of Anas, it was narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Abd al-Bar, Abu Bakr al-Zuhri, and Ibn Fakher al-Asbahani, from the hadith of Maan ibn Rifa`ah, Ibn Bukht dissuaded on the authority of Anas, I said: Ma`an is a soft hadith that contradicts, and it was created as it was described.
It was narrated by Ibn Sirin on the authority of Anas Abu Nu’aym in the Musnad of Abu Hanifa, and its chain of transmission is weak; In it is Bashir bin Zazan. Ibn Ma’in said: It is nothing.
Conclusion: The hadith is authentic on the authority of Anas through Khalid bin Abi Yazid, on the authority of Abd al-Wahhab bin Bakht, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ajlan, on the authority of Anas, and Al-Albani said: It is authentic for others. For the sake of investigation, we will present the rest of them later, God willing, but these hadiths are an adequate model and we will suffice with it here temporarily
Differences in divorce provisions Word/1.
And a complete divorce
By Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Suleiman Al-Bandari
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
. Comprehensive divorce
That is, according to the law of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
Surat Al-Talaq is the comprehensive, prohibitive, abrogating most of the rulings on divorce that were revealed before it ( in the two surahs of Al-Baqarah and Al-Ahzab).
God Almighty has enjoined upon us to believe in all that He has revealed of the Book and commanded us to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and made the proof against all people what He revealed of the Book and the Sunnah
1. The Almighty said(Say, God is the ultimate proof. If He had willed, He would have guided all of you(149)/Surat Al-An’am.
2. The Almighty said in Surat Al-Talaq: {That is the command of Allah which He has revealed to you, and whoever fears Allah will atone for his sins and magnify him/5.
3. He also said in the same period of divorce to those who refuse his legislation and his new legislation . O men of understanding who believe , God has sent down to you a reminder ( 10 ) (ISLO ) . That God has power over all things, and that God has encompassed all things in knowledge ( 12 )/Surat Al-Talaq.}
^God Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Aware, wanted the legislation and rulings on divorce in Surat al-Talaq 5 AH to be a revelation with a divine intention beginning with the attribute of transcendence from the beginning. It was downloaded during the year 5 AH and until the Hour is established.And God Almighty has decreed to establish legislation whose beginning is light, its path is mercy, and its end is justice and equity, as it is characterized by perfection and completeness in proportion to the value of this valuable religion. A deviation from them from the path of the road, and the one God intended from this legislation, and it is due to a lack of people’s understanding or their follow-up to the similar in content and content. [And when the star falls (1), your companion does not go astray and does not go astray (2) and does not utter desires (3) that it is nothing but a revelation and it is the revelation of God (5)(5) Once, he was established (6(5) Once, he was established (6(7 ) and then DNA dazzled (8) Come on or the lowest (9) and the tenth of his slave, and I am seen (10) . ) When Sidra El-Manshi (14) has the parents of shelter (15). Divorce 5 AH, with a new assignment letter and an imposition of what was previously established in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, with a letter of assignment addressed to his Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, four years after the beginning of the revelation of the provisions of the initial divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah
*And since the speech is on the same subject and the provisions of divorce previously downloaded with all its content, which was previously downloaded in a previous speech in Surat Al-Baqarah * and since the last discourse in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH was verified with certainty that it was lax in the descent from the speech of Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH, the condition of transcription was fulfilled between the two letters, which is :
1 * Both are a speech from the One God
2 * They came down on one subject (which is divorce and its rulings )
3 * and in the same place
4 * with a conflict between them (it will be mentioned, God willing, and see the table of legislative differences between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH and the family of divorce 5 AH )
5 * with proof The element of temporal laxity between them is certain, as it is imperative to implement abrogation and the knowledge of God’s intention in this legislation has been confirmed
**In another simple sense, God Almighty wanted to reveal the speech of Surat Al-Talaq, which includes the provisions of divorce, to replace with it the previous provisions in divorce revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah
* As for the contradictions between them (between the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baqarah they are :) ,
1. The provisions of Surat Al-Talaq are early provisions that were revealed to me Badaa and not for a specific reason among Muslims, while the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah are a reaction to correct the course of action of one of the Muslims who divorced their wives :
2. The provisions of Surah Al-Baqarah were 2, but began to say to God. And God is Mighty, Wise (228)Divorce twice in touch with the well-known or demobilized and does not resolve you to take nothing but afraid not to believe that the limits of God will not support the limits of God. Its divorced is not yet resolved until he swallows a husband other than a husband. wronged himselfAnd do not take the verses of God shaken and remember the grace of God upon you and what they have come to you from the book and the wisdom preaches with him and fear God and know that God is all knowledgeable. And the last day that is more pure and purer for you, and God knows while you do not know (232) / Al-BaqarahTo be able to paired their husbands if they are satisfied with the allegation so that he is enough for you who believed in God and the other day.To be able to paired their husbands if they are satisfied with the allegation so that he is enough for you who believed in God and the other day.)
*While the provisions of Surat Al-Talaq became 5 AH, and it began with a comprehensive mandate and a comprehensive speech to the Nation of Islam entrusted to the Prophet as a means of news between God and His servants.And fear Allah, your Lord, do not go out of their peoples and do not go away, but they will come with a dangerous and those of the limits of God and whoever limits God. That's the one who believes in God and the other day and the other day and the fear of God makes him a way out (2). I counted them three months, and the one who did not menstruateAnd the loads of the loads are to put their pregnancy and those who fear God makes him one of his command. To put their pregnancy, they will be sentenced to you. ),God makes him a pleasure. 4. And see you among you well, and you will be subjected to another.God makes him a pleasure. 4. And see you among you well, and you will be subjected to another.(5) I will be in terms of what you will find out of your feet and do not disrupt them, and do not heal them, and if they are pregnant. Of what God has given, God does not burden a soul except for what He has given it. God will make ease after hardship (7) / Surat Al-Talaq.(5) I will be in terms of what you will find out of your feet and do not disrupt them, and do not heal them, and if they are pregnant. Of what God has given, God does not burden a soul except for what He has given it. God will make ease after hardship (7) / Surat Al-Talaq.I will have another (6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and it is estimated at him.I will have another (6) to spend with a capacity of his capacity and it is estimated at him.
In this mandate came :
☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ثلاثة
☎آ آ.(Aya Surah Al-Baqarah) has three read) and does not resolve them to be what God created in their womens. cow),
It was copied according to it :
A) Copies of the mandate to count in the verse of Surat Al-Talaq (so they divorced them for their waiting period and they were counted), and what was mandated to stalk in the verse of Surat Al-Baqarah they stalked themselves by themselves, so the two wives were obligated to abrogation, so it was the duty of each of them to abrogation in the verse of Surat Al-Baqarah. Statistics, they brought them to their enemies and took the kit b
) as well as copies of mandate to deprive the syndrome of the sperm .
) and also abrogated (and their husbands are more entitled to return them to that if they want reform) because in the census they are still: a married couple,
d) As the census kit copied the saying of the Most High (and they have the likeness of those who owe them with kindness, and for men over them a degree, and God is Mighty in the existence of the woman) because the number of the cow becomes the same after him. (Count the waiting period) 5 AH ended all these related matters by destroying the existence of these belongings .
☎The verse of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH was copied and it is a total word that referred to the iddat by the name of the gender (includes all the names and types of the number as the name of a species), what had been revealed as a mandate in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH to specify the kit as a gender and one type without using the gender name (because it was only legal at the time for the number of readers only) And there is nothing yet, meaning that all kinds of numbers in Surat Al-Talaq included it in the name of the genus, which is the kit as a complete word, or in other words that all the number mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah is only a number of reading, while I mentioned the word kit in Surat Al-Talaq with a complete word that God Almighty included the word The waiting period to indicate the imposition of all its types in the same Surat Al-Talaq, and its types are :
1. The Iddah of Al-Iqra’ for those who are incubating women (remaining from the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah, only its place of divorce was changed, so that the number of reciters in Surat Al-Baqarah came after the occurrence of the divorce ):
Divorce first and then several Then lay off x, then solve the speech
So it became in the legislation of divorce in the last chapter of divorce 5 or 6 AH in the revelation and the conclusion of any legislation in divorce until the Day of Resurrection, I say it became in Surat Al-Talaq :
Iddah first, then confiscation or divorce
* Iddah first, then .. Constipation or divorce , then → separation , then an assignment to testify , then it is resolved to the speech
💥 This is in the legislation of the fifth or sixth year of Hijrah (Surat Al-Talaq )
2. The number of women who despair of menstruation and those who did not menstruate (and they are three types :
the first of them: those who stopped bleeding [menstruation] because of their old age and the ovaries stopped secreting eggs, which caused menstruation,
and the second of them: young women who have not yet menstruated) and the third of them were those who had a disease or disease that prevented them from bleeding and refraining from menstruation, or they breast-feed their children because the hormones prolactin and lactin circulate in the blood of nursing mothers in order to prevent ovulation and increase the production of milk for the child .
3. The first pregnancies: like a woman whose womb is full of a pregnancy, and the term of her pregnancy is: the complete count of her waiting period, which is when she reaches its end, and this is defined by the delivery (birth or miscarriage ).
A pregnant woman’s waiting period is the length of the pregnancy and her complete count is that she gives birth, and this is known by the status of her pregnancy. This
means that the legislation on divorce for a pregnant woman is as follows :
The husband informs her that he will divorce her without uttering the divorce (because pronouncing does not work here at the beginning of the waiting period) and then the beginning of their counting (is And her husband) the waiting period (which is the length of the pregnancy), then if she reaches the end of her pregnancy and this is known by her position of pregnancy, the time comes for abstinence or
divorce .
The husband informs her that he will divorce her without uttering the divorce (because uttering does not work here at the beginning of the waiting period) and then the beginning of their counting (she and her husband) the waiting period (which is the length of the pregnancy )Then if she reaches the end of her pregnancy and this is known by her position to pregnancy, the time for abstinence or divorce comes, and here the utterance of divorce, and here only, the divorce covenant is broken for him, then the time for separation must be established and the testimony to God must be established -------------
☎I copied the verse 1 in Surah Al-Dalaaq to be sentenced to the judgment that women wife in the narratives (O Prophet) if you shut up the women, they brought them to their enemies. Perhaps God will bring about after that a thing (1) / Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH), I say that she abrogated what was in the position of the woman during the several days when Surat Al-Baqarah was legislated (that she was divorced by her husband’s utterance of divorce and then she observes the waiting period, and she was called an absolute for the words of God Almighty:And divorceds are liberated by themselves three calm and do not resolve them to make what God created in their womens.)
☎ Al-Bari, the Exalted and the Most High, affirmed that the woman in the census kit revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH is a wife, therefore :
1. It is forbidden for her husband or any of the people, whoever he is, to expel her from her home
2. And she herself forbade her to leave the house,
3. So, Glory be to Him, He declared the seclusion between them, which does not happen unless the two are married, because God has forbidden seclusion with foreign women, and divorce is a realization of alienation between the two.
If the non-deterministic, whose action indicates the imposition of its use of what is received
from .So they divorced them for their 'iddah) and the use of lam, which is lam meaning after (lam of the end), which is a fulfillment of the function of a conditional verb if (it is obligatory to use it for what is to come from the time of commissioning, i.e. after the end of their iddat), and the use of the word: they caught them with a certain favor because the woman in the waiting period is a wife who was not divorced because Constipation is the scarcity of what the husband owns, not spending it or not divorcing her, and emphasizing that she is a wife in the waiting period, using the term or separating them with a favor, because separation is the removal of spouses, lovers, friends, or one of the living, each by his means. It is by quarreling and desertion, and so on, meaning that the differentiation is the negation of the offer, but the dismissal is the negation of the robbery :
the difference between the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and the dismissal in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH the
differentiation is the transition from the affirmative to the robbery The
differentiation is the transition from marriage To divorce
Demobilization is the transition from robbery to robbery
Demobilization from divorce to dispatch
4.The Almighty has established the continuation of the marital status between them. The verse of Surat Al-Baqarah (And the divorced women stalk themselves for three recitations), and accordingly: the woman was in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah inevitably out of her house to wait for the waiting period of istibra in the house of her guardian because it became a hadith of divorce that was not permissible for her to be divorced. Al-Dhahab by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, p. 98, while Al-Bari, Glory be to Him, affirmed in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq that it is forbidden for the husband to expel his wife from her home or to leave her because she is still a wife, in order to delay the imposition of bringing about a divorce until the end of the waiting period (that is why it is called the census kit )
but how did this change happen?
In the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah, the woman was divorced first and then the waiting period, and the preparation was for Istibra, for this she was going out from the house to the house of her guardian, or whoever acts as a substitute for her guardian from among the Muslims if she did not have a
guardian .
After the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, and it has changed :
Ž the position of the waiting period x with divorce Ž and the divorce x with the waiting period Ž that is that the waiting period came in the place of divorce, meaning the matter became as follows: from: divorce, then waiting to : waiting, then holding or divorce, meaning to : several, then divorce, then separation Then attestation of the new position of the waiting period replaces the position of the previous divorce
This substitution is based on its general rule in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH by which God changed the scales of the matter and the law of divorce until the woman became from previously divorced there in Surat Al-Baqarah to only warning of divorce here in Surat Al-Talaq, and from being truly divorced there to being a wife in the waiting period, she was not divorced here, and from the fact that the waiting period is for Istibra there To the fact that the waiting period is for the census here, and there is a difference between istibra and the census, the istibra because the divorce has occurred and the census is because the divorce was placed in the course of the waiting period and was completed at its end and did not happen. It has been previously explained that the census is the counting of the end of the count whose kind is specified (the iddat in readings, months, or the entire duration of pregnancy until the pregnant wife gives birth). By protecting her from something she has never had, except to cleanse her womb.
That is why the waiting period placed at the beginning of the path of divorce has become a high rock that cannot be crossed, and the divorce can only be signed by passing its end, and the waiting period has become of great importance in liberating the wife and immunizing her from the effects of the husband’s desire to divorce and the demolition of his family entity, as the waiting period has become a painful obstacle for men on their way to destroying the house Marriage and its destruction by divorce, so that husbands cannot break the marital bond, demolish their homes, displace their children, and untie the knot of their marriage and the bond of their marriage, except by walking a journey estimated at three readings or the amount of several times each case according to its condition and the number is : 1 If his wife menstruates (three readings ) 2 or three lunar months If his wife has given up menstruation, or if she is young and does not menstruate, or if she is breastfeeding her child because blood does not come with breastfeeding due to the presence of the milk-producing hormone Lactin or Pro-lactin 3
Or the length of the pregnancy, which may reach nine months if she is pregnant, then if the woman reaches her term by the end of her waiting period, the immunization cover is revealed and appears to the husband and authorizes him to take the demolition shovel to smash it on the marital bond to break it if he does not want to retreat from his resolve and abandon his decision (laudable negligence) by which he saves his house before he falls into a divorce in order to destroy it, but before that, God does not authorize the husband to take the divorce, and he cannot utter the divorce because he made the moment of its activation the moment of the expiration of the waiting period, so he ordered the divorce to reach the waiting period and the blame here is for no time and purpose, as well as an order In statistics and statistics, it is reaching the end of the counted number and stressing the achievement of the term (They brought them to their enemies and took the tyrannology . Divorce was pronounced before the waiting period has expired. It has become worthless after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq and the immunization of the spouses by submitting the waiting period and issuing it for the process of divorce, because God Almighty stripped the husbands after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq from owning the decision to divorce and put the possibility of finding it and hid it from them at the end of the waiting period, contrary to what was before. When the predominance of the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah, which God Almighty has prohibited, with the comprehensive and prohibitive legislation of Surat Al-Talaq . ☎
Any utterance of divorce before the expiry of the waiting period has become worthless after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq and the immunization of the spouses by presenting the waiting period and issuing it for the journey of divorce, because God Almighty stripped the husbands after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq from owning the decision to divorce and placed the possibility of finding it and hid it from them at the end of the waiting period, contrary to what It was before when the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah, which God Almighty forbade the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq, which is comprehensive and prohibitive, prevailed . ☎ Divorce legislation after the revelation of Surat At-Talaq 5 AH : waiting period, then divorce, then separation, then attestation of the new waiting period, replacing the previous position of divorce ☎ I said the blogger: Either the situation has changed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH : for several periods first, then constipation or divorce, then separation and then testimony after it was previously in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH : first divorce, then waiting period, then laying off
All the details of this universal rule have been changed in proportion to the change of this rule. In Surat Al-Talaq : The general
rule is: changing the status of divorce so that the waiting period replaces the divorce and takes the lead in the divorce process, i.e .:
( in Surat Al-Baqarah) From : It was a divorce and then Iddat
means to : The waiting period first and then holding or She calls
on this :
☎ The woman (in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq) became a wife in her waiting period to postpone the divorce until the end of the waiting period (several readings for those who are cuddled, or months for those who do not incubate, or the length of pregnancy for the pregnant woman ) ,
☎ The inactivity of the word divorce and its absolute absence in breaking the bond Marriage during the waiting period (this inactivity and nothingness is removed from him when the time for the waiting period comes to end ) ,

It means the invalidity of any utterance of divorce and the irrelevance of it permanently even if it occurs because its active position has been taken to the back
of the waiting period Its end and the time for its activation, and the time of the waiting period, whose light appears on the horizon only when the light of the last purification (the third menstruation), for those who are incubating, or the emergence of the first light of the crescent of the fourth lunar month indicates the elapse of the entire third month (several women who are desperate for menstruation and young women), Or hearing the first cry of the newborn, the newborn, who is pregnant with the waiting period for divorce, which definitely indicates the termination of her pregnancy and the moment of her divorce, if the husband wants not to hold her and he proceeds with his resolve, or she gives birth as well by her fall .
When the end of the waiting period is achieved, whatever its kind, i.e. by counting it except (and the census is reaching the end of the counted), as for the counting, it is the sequence of the number without a known end :
I say when the end of the waiting period is reached and its counting is complete, the hidden word is revealed in the folds of the end of the count and behind its back wall. And the husband has authorized him to divorce his wife ..
But God, the All-Knowing, the Wise, the Compassionate, the Merciful, has given him a last chance to review himself until he relapses in his resolve and returns in his decision, and reviews himself and his decision for the last time. The One God has given him this opportunity by saying, the Most High, saying: (Then they had reached their term. And they wish them to know or have known them with the well-known and appalled by you and the certificate of God.) And he is in terms of what is not counted and who trusts in God is true that God is very
wrong . All the conditions for the destruction of the house and the flights to his wife and his
children .The majesty and eloquence of the Qur’an and the eloquence of its statement becomes clear here when he used in this situation the term separation in the Almighty’s saying (So keep them with kindness or separate them with kindness), while he had previously used the term “dismissal” in this place when the rulings of divorce, the Almighty, said to him in the Qur’an: So seize them with kindness or set them free with kindness, and do not hold them to any harm, so that you may transgress (Surat Al-Baqarah ) (Al -
Baqara : Al - Talaq : The difference between the two applications) .
Indicates that the divorced woman leaves her husband’s house to the house of her guardian, free of her own decision, and is eligible for the speech, while the differentiation
is indicative of the wife who has been warned of divorce leaving her waiting period as a wife to her fate as a divorced and free woman, qualified for the speech after her separation and testimony . (divorced people), and it means that the separation benefits: separation after documentation, while the dismissal indicates: separation after separation. At the time, it is a virtue, not an imposition, and a gift not a mandate. Until the date of this legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, she did not acquire any advantage of a right despite her exiting clearing herself of the suspicion of a newborn in her womb from her divorced woman. As for the differentiation, the Sharia gave the wife before her divorce rights that she acquired by the force of the legislation of my Surat. Parties and Surah Divorce.
☎ I copy the core of disperse in verse (if they are in their orphans, they are known for their well-known or deducted. " So seize them with kindness or release them with kindness, and do not hold them to any harm that you may transgress (Surat Al- Baqarah )
As for how a Muslim man divorces his wife in the tolerant Sharia of Islam after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in approximately the year 5 AH, in which the waiting period for divorce was presented, it is as follows: 1. The husband who intends to divorce inform his wife of his desire to divorce her, and this is the fairest possible in the tolerant Sharia, or he is absent from her for a period The waiting period is if he is unable to control his emotions and is not able to frankly with her, or something happens to him that causes him to travel or away from her for some reason.This is a minimum of justice, because the assignment of the divorce included the couple in several statistics. I do not know that God will happen after that. He puts his trust in God, for it is sufficient for him that God is in control of his affair.God has made a measure for everything (3)/Surat Al-Talaq5 e ) ,
☎ This is because the law of surprising the woman with divorce and arranging all other procedures after that was in Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH, and it was changed by the common census law between spouses and the postponement of divorce until the end of the waiting period after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, where there is no surprise or surprise to postpone the divorce until the end of the waiting period .
2. Then they remain in their home and their marital status, as nothing has changed except for the imposition of the waiting period, which is in the Qur’an for the woman who is incubating women (menstruation and purification, then menstruation and purification, then menstruation and purification of the third divorce as mentioned in the most authentic narrations of Abdullah Ibn Omar, the gold chain through Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet, 4954, and his wording was narrated to us by Ismail bin Abdullah, he said: Malik told me on the authority of Nafi ’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar , may God be pleased with them both.He divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him take her back, then let him hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then becomes pure, then if he wants, hold after and if he wants, divorce Before touching, is that kit that God commanded women to
release a pictorial statement for the number of reciters ?
Or three lunar months for those who do not breastfeed, such as a young woman or one who is desperate for menstruation or a breastfeeding woman whose menstruation has stopped due to breastfeeding, or any other hormonal or functional reason, or the length of the pregnancy for a woman to become pregnant and the time for her to give birth, then it is which husband with the option in The end of the term (the waiting period is either held and not divorced, or he continues with his intention and divorces)
☎ The spouses begin to count the waiting period, and the count is the counting to the end of the term, meaning to the end of the waiting period, each according to the woman’s type of menstruation, lack of menstruation, or pregnancy, as we explained before linesL: The
number of menstruating women: menstruation Œ and purification Œ then menstruation v and purification v then menstruation Ž and the permission to divorce purified Ž and it is the third purification. See the hadith of Ibn Umar, one of his most authentic narrations, Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar with a chain of transmission with it. Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim with this wording, and they agreed to extract it as a text With this wording ..... As for the number of women who do not menstruate, they are: Month 1, then month 2, then month 3, then after the end of the third month, the position of the divine permission to divorce, and counting the number of months is only in lunar months because the number of months with God Almighty is that lunar estimate The Almighty said: (They ask you about the new moons, say, “These are times for people and the Hajj../Surat Al-Baqarah ). As for the waiting period for a pregnant woman, it is the length of pregnancy :
The placement of the pregnancy is the end of the waiting period and the end of the term, and the placement of the pregnancy is by birth or miscarriage, and it is forbidden for the wife to
deliberately miscarry for any purpose that she conceals or shows .
Their organs of you . He will atone for his evil deeds and maximize his reward (5) / Surah At- Talaq
Witnessing to divorce and separation is the law of divorce revealed in Surat Al - Talaq 5 AH, and it is a substitution and a copy of what was before it of the laws of divorce in Surah Al-Baqarah 1 and 2
. //moshaf70.blogspot.com.eg/2013/07/blog-post_361.html
How did the matter happen in Surat Al-Talaq and it was transformed from the demobilization kit to
the census kit? What is the story of the census of the waiting period? And when did it cost the believers? And did the number of statistics revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH abrogate what was preceded in Surat Al-Baqarah, previously revealed in 1 and 2 AH, with the number of tools in it for istibra?
Statistics kit :
1.It is a period of time that the spouses spend in their home under special legislative procedures, the most important of which is the prohibition of removing the woman from her home, as it is the prohibition of her going out and the divine robbery of their will to stay away from each other, as if God Almighty wants to intensify their presence and embody their feelings at the last opportunity in which they stay with each other so that there is no One of them is an argument from remorse or blame if they lead to separation and divorce
2. It is a new legislation revealed in Surat Al-Talaq, verse 1 of Surat Al-Talaq
3. It is one of the consequences of changing the waiting period in the legislation revealed in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH to replace the place of divorce in the previous legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
4. It was revealed to accompany the transfer of divorce to the end of the waiting period until we know the end of the waiting period, when the time for divorce comes when the term has reached .
5.And Ijeeb that the whole nation has introduced several statistics. It is not permissible, but they will come with a fragrant and those of the limits of God and those who believe the limits of God. And the last day, and whoever fears God, He will make for him a way out (2) and provide for him.As far as it does not count, and whoever puts his trust in God, that is his account. God is in control of his affair. God has made you(3)/ Surat Al-Talaq )
6. The census, as stated in Lisan Al-Arab, is the termination of the term and the end of the counted (the number of all kinds )
7. As for the counting, it is the sequence of the counted to infinity: we know it, while the count is the end of the number
8. The assignment.. to count is, Copies of what the divorced woman used to consider in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (the waiting period for dismissal )
9. The situation in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH is approximately as follows :
.Then, attestation, and accordingly, the waiting period for dismissal with all its consequences was lacking by the legislation of the number of census, because the waiting period for dismissal was necessary for the woman who had divorced her husband (in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH). The waiting period for demobilization due to the lack of progress of divorce before the waiting period, and because divorce has become in the dominant legislation of Surat Al-Talaq hidden behind the waiting period
9.Several statistics have become a result that is not divorced except by them and necessary from the words of God. Divorce) to be counted by every person who intends to divorce and to make sure that its end is fully reached (and if they have reached their term), so that he can divorce his wife and break the bond and bond of marriage. To another man without actually untangling it, for human beings’ stubbornness and their turning away from the true law of God and their follow-up to the conceptions of men without the conceptions of the Creator and his purpose from which man only gains the clear loss .
Investigation of the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar :
First: The narration of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman the custodian of Talha on the authority of Salem: verifying the invalidity of divorce in pregnancy and clarifying the abnormality of his narration
c) the narration of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman the custodian of Talha on the authority of Salim: verifying the invalidity of divorce during pregnancy and clarifying the abnormality of his narration
5. (1471) Abu Bakr bin Abi told us Shaybah and Zuhair bin Harb and Ibn Numayr. (The pronunciation is for Abu Bakr) they said: Wakee told us on the authority of Sufyan, on the authority of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Rahman, (Mawla Al Talha) on the authority of Salem, on the authority of Ibn Umar; He divorced his wife while she was menstruating. So Omar mentioned that to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: "Once, let him review her. Then let him divorce her, pure or pregnant."...[The blogger said: This narration has entered it from the ills of the
following text :
1. Extreme brevity,
And disposing of it is a narration of the concept, as it occurred in the conception of Muhammad Ibn Abd al - Rahman, the custodian of Talha, that divorce takes place during purity or pregnancy, given that the pregnant woman is pure from menstruation and is not in menses . The first basis is: His violating the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar is the main rule of divorce on his behalf. And the basis
2. The second is: he summarized in general all the textual or declarative details mentioned in the other narrations on the authority of Ibn Umar, so he made a great anomaly,
3.The third basis is: its violation of the judgment of the Divorce. And those are the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits of God has wronged himself, you do not know, perhaps God will happen after that (1 )
If they are entitled to them, and they wish them with the well-known or familiar with you, and I will see the people of you and establish the certificate of God. God has decree for everything (3 )And me is better than the tenderness of your women. Divorce )
As for Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman, it is :
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman is: the mawla of the family of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah Salem ibn Abdullah ibn Umar m.4, al-Sa`ib ibn Yazid, Suleiman ibn Yasar t, Ikrimah the custodian of ibn Abbas, Ali ibn Rabia al-Walibi, Issa ibn Talha ibn Ubaidullah t.S.Q., and Kreeb, the custodian of ibn Abbas Bakhm. 4 Muhammad bin Muslim bin Shihab al-Zuhri, Musa bin Talha bin Obaid Allah, Abu Salamah bin Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, narrated from him by Israel bin Yunus, Al-Hasan bin Amara T., Hammad bin Yunus Al-Zuhri, Saad bin Shifsan Al-Thawri, Qadi Bin Shazan Al-Salt MDS, Sharek bin Abdullah, Shubah bin Al-Hajjaj, TS, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Masoudi, TS, Abdul Malik bin Abi Bakr bin Hafs bin Omar bin Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Musa`ar bin Kadam (MDS )
# Abbas Al Douri and Yaqoub said Bin Shaybah, on the authority of Yahya Bin Ma’in: Trustworthy (I said the blogger and he did not add to that) # While Abu Zur’a, Abu Hatim, and Abu Dawud saidSaleh Al-Hadith I said to the blogger: How do you know who they are: Abu Zur’a, Abu Hatim, and Abu Dawood? They are the most accurate of what God Almighty has made of critics of men, a promise to the prophetic hadiths, and their saying this means that they are not trustworthy and his hadith is valid and means that he does not rise to the hadith of the trustworthy and controlling. Al-Nasa’i said: There is nothing wrong with him, and it is a challenge to his accuracy and not his justice , as Al-Nasa’i said in this hadith after he mentioned its text in his book Al-Adaa ’ : He said: Ali Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman does not follow in this hadith, and this means that he is unique in this narration without the narrators who preserve the most exacting justice . It is more reliable and fairer, and he has characterized this narration as severe anomalies by Al-Hafiz Al -Nisa’i.Al-Bukhari said: Ali told us, on the authority of Ibn Uyaynah: He was more knowledgeable than us in Arabic
. About that he narrates to him in the Sahih just as Al-Bukhari did not authenticate him and contented himself with his saying, “He was more knowledgeable than us in Arabic, and it is an insult in the narrators rather than a modification in the memorization and bearing of the hadith and the quality of its
performance . ” (The dismissal is the separation after the separation, but the separation is the separation after the documentation (
The dismissal is the separation after the separation, but the differentiation is the separation after documenting
the turbulent narrations of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar and the statement of the authenticity of Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’, the absolute validity of the
divorce and then the waiting period).
It is (The Legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH )
several counting first, then holding or divorcing, then separating, then witnessing, then it is resolved to the discourse
that a great and burning disagreement has occurred between all the jurists, and between all the sects in the issue of divorce, and two doctrines did not agree on any of the elements This topic, and the one
who looks at the mothers of the books of jurisprudence and interpretation, will see the amazement of the ways, ideas, doctrines and trends in the issue of divorce, even Al-Qurtubi said commenting after mentioning the verse of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq, he said :
( In it there are 14 sayings and gold that list the sayings and mention their owners, and the differences of others in each of them. Until the doctrinal differences rose from 14.. Doctrinal differences to more than one hundred and twenty differences or more.
Perhaps the only motive for these differences is due to two reasons :
The first reason: * Is not to arbitration of the saying of God
. Surat Al-Nahl ) , 2. And he said: (What is reproduced from the verse or forgotten I have died okay or like it. " 107) / Al-Baqarah ( 3 ). And the Almighty’s saying :(
And with the right to revealed him and at the right to come down and what we sent except by Sorry and Nazira (105) and our peg not to read on people to stay and leave it down (106) Say . Our Lord promises to act (108) and they will fall down to their beards weeping, and He will increase them in reverence (109) (Surat Al-Isra ) * and the verses about that are many. . There is no controversy regarding the proof of abrogation in all its forms, from erasure to substitution, except for the decrees of Afak that invalidate them.
Surat Al-Baqarah (the first two years of Hijrah), 1 and 2 AH,
and between its rulings revealed in Surat Al-Talaq (the fifth year AH), 5 or 6 AH
, even if people knew that God Almighty only revealed it (i.e. the Qur’an) with truth and balance, and that God Almighty did not tamper and it is impossible in His right, Glory be to Him, to tamper with Him. When the rulings were revealed again after they were revealed previously (2 AH) - until he revealed them in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH ) ,
and all people had to be sure that God Almighty has decreed and He does not tamper [I say he decreed that he alter the rulings on divorce that were not among them(2 AH). ) to whatever his will wished that he should have the order of divorce after the inevitability of the ruling by changing it (in 5 AH), and also for Muslims to submit to the rule of God and His Messenger when He revealed the provisions previously revealed in divorce that were in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) to replace it with another in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH). Which of the surahs in which divorce was
based follows Rule 1 in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH:
Divorce then waiting period [in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH ]
to image 2 in Surat Al-Talaq, which is changed to : Iddah
counting then holding or divorce [in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH ]
The second reason is: اختلاف الناقلين لحديث ابن عمر في قصة طلاقه لإمرأته وهي حائض علي عهد رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم، ولو أنهم فقهوا أن الله رب العالمين واحدٌ وأن محمداً صلي الله عليه وسلم واحدٌ وأن حادثة طلاق ابن عمر حادثة واحدةٌ وأن مقام التشريع الإلهي في حادثته وتكليف الله المنزل علي رسوله في شأن الطلاق واحدٌ والمقام فيها واحدٌ لعَلِموا جميعاً أن الحق فيه لا يتعدد وأن قصد الله فيها قصداً واحداً لا تُثَنِِّيه اختلافات الناقلين له، ولا يصلح قبول غير قصدٍ واحدٍ فيه هو تشريع الحق الواحد،4954 حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبد الله قال حدثني مالك عن نافع عن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما أنه طلق امرأته وهي حائض على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فسأل عمر بن الخطاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ذلك فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مره فليراجعها ثم ليمسكها حتى تطهر ثم تحيض ثم تطهر ثم إن شاء أمسك بعد وإن شاء طلق قبل أن يمس فتلك العدة التي أمر الله أن تطلق لها النساء.
☎ The truth is from the closest path in the incident of Abdullah Ibn Omar is what Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar that he narrated on the authority of his father Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (with his text) as agreed upon by the two sheikhs Al-Bukhari and Muslim,
☎ and also because it is through the golden chain that Al-Bukhari established in his commentary Ali is the most authentic chain of transmission on the authority of Ibn Umar, and since Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar is the most correct of the chains of transmission on the authority of Ibn Umar, it is right for us to describe it with the following description :
1. It is the narration of authority (I mean the authority of the hadiths of divorce on the authority of Ibn Umar )
2- It is the criterion for knowing
a A ) Estimate the deviations of the narrators of this story in other narrations from the limit of truth
b) and the type of transmission deviation,
c) and the number of transmission deviations (I mean the reasons for the text ) ,
d) And the provisions that fell from the sequence of the event in each textual narration, including them transmitted by transmission impairment, e) and their number
and) and their quality,
and it is worth mentioning here that it separated the provisions of divorce after changing its provisions that were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), to those new provisions that he replaced God Almighty in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH ).
This was stipulated by Ibn Umar in the narration of Silsilat al-Dhahab, which was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim in agreement, and he said at the end of the hadith: “That is the kit of God for which God commanded that women be divorced. They graduated from my bayten and do not heal only that they come with a brilliant shown and those of God and whoever limits the limits of God. It has been wronged .
لقد نزلت أحكام الطلاق في القرآن الكريم في سورة البقرة بعد انقضاء (13عاماً)، من بداية البعثة وكانت العادات السابقة قبل بعثة النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم ما زال بعضها متمدداً في قلب المجتمع المسلم ،ومنها سائر عادات الطلاق التي كانت قبل هذه المدة، وكثيرا من العادات مثل عادة التبني وعادة لعب الميسر وشرب الخمر والأنصاب والأزلام ، وإرضاع الكبير والتبرج والإختلاط والطواف الخاطىء حول الكعبة والحج بدون سعي بين الصفا والمروة،وعادة التوجه لقبلة بيت المقدس، وغير ذلك كثيرا..والذي أولآها القرآن الكريم في أول العهد المدني بداية الضبط والإحكام والتشريع ولم يشأ الله تعالي أن يُنزل أي نسخ أو تعديل لما كان منها قبل أن يتمكن المسلمين من دولتهم في المدينة بعد انقضاء ال13 سنة المكية، حتي إذا تمكن المسلمون من دولتهم بدأ الوحي يتتابع علي رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم بالتنزيل ، وأول الذي نزل من السور القرآنية المتضمنة تفصيلات الأحكام الشرعية خاصةً سورة البقرة، ومن الأحكام التي أولآها القرآن اهتماما كبيراً هي أحكــــــــــام الطــــــــــلاق ، والمتتبع لمسار تنزيل أحكام الطلاق في مسار التشريع المدني كله سيجد أن هذه الأحكام نزلت في ثلاث سور عظيمة:
1. ( Surat Al-Baqarah
2. And Surat Al-Ahzab
3. And Surat Al-Talaq ) ,
and its implications revolve around two axes that have no third : The
first axis: downloading the provisions of divorce in the form of a universal rule or basis, namely :
divorce first (then) the waiting period
وقد تأسس هذا التشريع في سورة البقرة حين قال تعالي (وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلَاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَنْ يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ فِي أَرْحَامِهِنَّ إِنْ كُنَّ يُؤْمِنَّ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَبُعُولَتُهُنَّ أَحَقُّ بِرَدِّهِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ إِنْ أَرَادُوا إِصْلَاحًا وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَلِلرِّجَالِ عَلَيْهِنَّ دَرَجَةٌ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ (228) الطَّلَاقُ مَرَّتَانِ فَإِمْسَاكٌ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ تَسْرِيحٌ بِإِحْسَانٍ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ أَنْ تَأْخُذُوا مِمَّا آَتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ شَيْئًا إِلَّا أَنْ يَخَافَا أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا فِيمَا افْتَدَتْ بِهِ تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ فَلَا تَعْتَدُوهَا وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ (229) فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا تَحِلُّ لَهُ مِنْ بَعْدُ حَتَّى تَنْكِحَ زَوْجًا غَيْرَهُ فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا أَنْ يَتَرَاجَعَا إِنْ ظَنَّا أَنْ يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ يُبَيِّنُهَا لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ (230)/سورة البقرة)، وهو تشريع السنوات الخمس من الهجرة ،حيث سادت أحكام الطلاق في هذه الفترة الزمنية يحكمها أن من يطلق امرأته ، فقد اعتبرها الشرع مطلقةً ووجب عليها أن تتربص بنفسها ثلاثة قروء ،ويُحَرَّمَ عليها أن تكتم أي حمل يحدث في رحمها ، وتكون المرأة في هذه العدة مُطلَّقَة بالفعل فلا هي زوجة ولا هي تحل لرجل آخر فكانت هذه المدة تعتبر فترة محسوبة علي المرأة من عمرها لمجرد أن تستبرء لرحمها ،لا جريرة لها فيها إلا لكونها وِعاءاً للزوج تحمل له الولد وتنجبه، وعليه فقد وجب أن تستبرء لنفسها (رحمها) حتي لا تخطئ فتتزوج علي حمل قد يحدث من الزوج المُطَلِق فيُحْسب علي زوجها الثاني وهو جريمة عظيمة تحري الشرع اجتنابها بكل سبيل ممكن ،ولما كانت هذه المدة (العدة) تعتبر حقيقة لحساب الزوج المُطلِّق فقد أعطاه الله تعالي ميزة تحسب له هي أنه أحق بردها في ذلك( أي في عدة الاستبراء المفروضة عليها)،لكن الشرع قد أعطاها ميزة التخيير في قبول مبادرة الزوج المطلِّق بالرد إن أرادا إصلاحا، وجعل الله لهن مثل الذي عليهن بالمعروف في هذه العدة ،لكن الله قد جعل للرجال عليهن درجة ،وهي أحقيته بردها في العدة إن أرادوا إصلاحا ،وكان من العادات التي تمددت من عهد الجاهلية إلي المجتمع المسلم عادةالتطليق بلا كَمٍّ وعَدَدَ ومن ذلك ما روي عن الرجل الذي طلق امرأته قبل ذلك من عادات العهد السابق فيما رواه ابن كثير في تفسيره حيث يقول:(هذه الآية الكريمة رافعةً لما كان عليه الأمر في ابتداء الإسلام، من أن الرجل كان أحق برجعة امرأته، وإن طلقها مائة مرة ما دامت في العدة، فلما كان هذا فيه ضرر على الزوجات قصرهم الله عز وجل إلى ثلاث طلقات، وأباح الرجعة في المرة والثنتين، وأبانها بالكلية في الثالثة، فقال(الطَّلاقُ مَرَّتَانِ فَإِمْسَاكٌ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ تَسْرِيحٌ بِإِحْسَانٍ)،قال أبو داود، رحمه الله، في سننه: "باب في نسخ المراجعة بعد الطلقات الثلاث": حدثنا أحمد ابن محمد المروزي، حدثني علي بن الحسين بن واقد، عن أبيه، عن يزيد النحوي، عن عكرمة، عن ابن عباس(وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ وَلا يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَنْ يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ فِي أَرْحَامِهِنَّ)،الآية: وذلك أن الرجل كان إذا طلق امرأته فهو أحق برجعتها، وإن طلقها ثلاثا، فنسخ ذلك فقال :(الطَّلاقُ مَرَّتَانِ)،الآية. And it was narrated by Al-Nasa’i on the authority of Zakariya bin Yahya, on the authority of Ishaq bin Ibrahim, on the authority of Ali bin Al-Hussein, with it, Ibn Katheer in Tafsir (1/610) - Ibn Abi Hatim said in what Ibn Katheer mentioned about him: Suleiman - on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa, on the authority of his father, that a man said to his wife: I will never divorce you, nor will I ever harbor you. She : How is that? He said: I will let you go, so that when your term is near, I will return to you. So she came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and mentioned that, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce is twice) and this is how Ibn Jarir narrated it in his interpretation through Jarir bin Abdul Hamid and Ibn Idris. And Abd bin Humaid narrated it in his interpretation, on the authority of Jaafar bin Aoun, all of them on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father. He said: A man was more entitled to take his wife back, and if he divorced her as long as he wanted, as long as she was in the waiting period, and a man from the Ansar was angry at his wife and said: By God, I will neither protect you nor leave you. She said: How is that ?He said: I release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back, then I will release you, and if your term is near, I will take you back. So I mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so God Almighty revealed: (Divorce is twice) He said: So the people accepted the divorce, who was divorced and who was not .Mawla al-Zubayr - on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, and he mentioned it according to what was mentioned above. Then he narrated it on the authority of Abu Kuraib, on the authority of Ibn Idris, on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of his father. He said: This is more correct. Al-Hakim narrated it in his Mustadrak, via Ya`qub bin Hamid bin Kasib, on the authority of Ya`la bin Shabib with it, and he said its chain of transmission is correct. Then Ibn Mardawayh said: Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim told us, Ismail bin Abdullah told us, Muhammad bin Hamid told us Salama bin Al-Fadl told us, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, she said: There was no time for divorce, a man divorces his wife and then takes her back as long as the waiting period is not over, and there was between a man from the Ansar and his family some of what is between people He said: By God, I will not leave you, neither married nor unmarried, so he began to divorce her, even if the waiting period was about to end, to take her back, and he did that several times, so God Almighty revealed in it: Marry another husband. This is how it was narrated on the authority of Qatada. Al-Suddi, Ibn Zayd, and Ibn Jarir mentioned it as well, and he chose that this is the interpretation of this verse. And his saying: (So withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e.: If you divorce her one or two times, you have a choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reform her and be kind to her, and between you leaving her, until you set her free and you set her free. Do not wrong her from her right, and do not harm her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. Al-Suddi, Ibn Zayd, and Ibn Jarir mentioned it as well, and he chose that this is the interpretation of this verse. And his saying: (So withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e.: If you divorce her one or two times, you have a choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reform her and be kind to her, and between you leaving her, until you set her free and you set her free. Do not wrong her from her right, and do not harm her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. Al-Suddi, Ibn Zayd, and Ibn Jarir mentioned it as well, and he chose that this is the interpretation of this verse. And his saying: (So withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e.: If you divorce her one or two times, you have a choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reform her and be kind to her, and between you leaving her, until you set her free and you set her free. Do not wrong her from her right, and do not harm her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. (So ​​withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e., if you divorce her one or two times, then you have the choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to make amends with her and treating her kindly, and between leaving her until the benefactor expires and you set her free. Do something wrong with her of her right, and do no harm to her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. (So ​​withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness), i.e., if you divorce her one or two times, then you have the choice in her as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to make amends with her and treating her kindly, and between leaving her until the benefactor expires and you set her free. Do something wrong with her of her right, and do no harm to her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. If you divorce her one or two, then you are free to do so as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reconcile with her and be kind to her, and between leaving her until her waiting period expires, so she becomes clear from you, and releases her as a benefactor to her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness]. If you divorce her one or two, then you are free to do so as long as her waiting period remains, between returning her to you intending to reconcile with her and be kind to her, and between leaving her until her waiting period expires, so she becomes clear from you, and releases her as a benefactor to her. [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (1/611),] ​​I said the blogger: And this is how the divorce rulings continued to descend to consolidate the great principles of Islam, including the one that abolished the customs of ignorance that expanded in the heart of the Muslim community from the remnants of the early ignorance, including what established a new form of the rulings of divorce that were revealed to the beginning. So the restriction on the number of divorces was revealed, and he limited them to only three, [Divorce is two times, withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness].
[ It does not replace you to take nothing of them], and then the ruling of the judgment was not present from the days of ignorance. God, so do not transgress her, and whoever transgresses the limits of God, those are the unjust (229)] Then he set a final numerical limit that the woman is not permissible for the husband after consuming it
.The divorced is not yet resolved until he wants a husband. He makes it clear to a people who know (230)] / Surat Al-Baqarah, then he revealed the sequel to what the Muslim community will follow in terms of divorce for a few years only. A few verses from Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Ahzab, as they are the two chapters that contain the rulings based on the legislative basis :
divorce first, then the waiting period
, which will be abrogated in Surat Al-Talaq
And ( 231 )
If women are shut down, they will not be mandated .
, And then saying Come on Surah Al-Baqarah (and for divorcees are truly known for the righteous (241) as well .
Surah al-Baqarah has reached several months or two years,
this is the judgment
. The rulings revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah and Al-Ahzab, and these rulings were not completed in a way that is acceptable to God Almighty for His servants until the Day of Resurrection
المحور الثاني محور تشريع سورة الطلاق5هـ :
وأراد الله أن يحكم آياته في تشريعات الطلاق فأنزل سبحانه تتمة تشريعات الطلاق النهائية إلي يوم القيامة فأنزل أحكاما جديدة بسورة الطلاق أسسها سبحانه علي الأساس
العدة أولا ثم الامساك أو الطلاق
وكانت بداية عهد جديد تمم الله فيه غاية العدل ورفع به ميزان القسط فقدم العدة علي الطلاق حيث قال تعالي (يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1)
فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَأَشْهِدُوا ذَوَيْ عَدْلٍ مِنْكُمْ وَأَقِيمُوا الشَّهَادَةَ لِلَّهِ ذَلِكُمْ يُوعَظُ بِهِ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا (2)
وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا (3)
وَاللَّائِي يَئِسْنَ مِنَ الْمَحِيضِ مِنْ نِسَائِكُمْ إِنِ ارْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَاثَةُ أَشْهُرٍ وَاللَّائِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا (4) ذَلِكَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ أَنْزَلَهُ إِلَيْكُمْ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يُكَفِّرْ عَنْهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِ وَيُعْظِمْ لَهُ أَجْرًا (5)/
سورة الطلاق) ،
[ قلت المدون: لقد أنبأ الله تعالي النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم( بأنه والمؤمنين من بعده إذا أرادوا أن يطلقوا النساء أن يطلقوهن لعدتهن ، أي لتمام عدتهن – اللام هنا لام الأجل – أي لبلوغ من يريد أن يطلق نهاية العدة حتي يُباح له أن يطلق ، وبذلك تكون العدة حائلاً حقيقياً بين الزوج وبين تمكنه من كسر رباط الزوجية ،ويعني هذا أن من أراد أن يطلق امرأته فلن يتمكن من ذلك إلا بعد انقضاء عدتة قدرها ( ثلاثة قروء للتي تحيض، وَاللَّائِي يَئِسْنَ مِنَ الْمَحِيضِ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَاثَةُ أَشْهُرٍ وَاللَّائِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ ) هكذا حكم الله تعالي وقضي لمن أراد أن يطلق امرأته أن ينتظر مرور مدة زمنية قدرها الله تعالي بالعدة في الآيات من (1 إلي 3) من سورة الطلاق ،ثم فصل العدة في الآيات بعدها من ( 4إلي الآية 5)من نفس السورة ،ولم يكن المسلمون حتي بعد نزول سورة الطلاق قد أدركوا الجديد من تشريعات الطلاق التي أنزلت في سورة الطلاق( والتي أسست علي تقديم العدة علي الطلاق) وغلب علي حدسهم ما اعتادوا عليه من تطبيقات سورة البقرة( التي كانت قد أسست علي تقديم الطلاق علي العدة) ،فجاءت أول حادثة طلاق بعد نزول سورة الطلاق علي يد عبد الله ابن عمر، رضي الله عنه فما كان يعرفه ابن عمر هو ما كان سائداً بناءً علي تطبيقات سورة البقرة (العامين الأولين للهجرة) أن يطلق امرأته بغض النظر عن كونها في حيض أم لا ؟ فطلق امرأته وظن أنها طلقت وأخرجها من بيته إلي بيت أهلها، فكان إذا أراد أن يذهب إلي المسجد كان يسلك طريقا آخر غير طريق منزل أبيها التي ذهبت إليه وكان بطريق المسجد[ أورد هذه الحادثة عن ابن عمر ..ابن حجر العسقلاني يرويه من طريق سلسلة الذهب ( مالك عن نافع عن ابن عمر)]،وكان قَدَرُها أن يطلقها وهي في حيض، وشك عمر ابن الخطاب في صحة ما وقع بعد نزول سور الطلاق فذهب عمر ابن الخطاب إلي رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم يسأله فقال فيما أخرجه البخاري برقم (4953 ). حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبد الله قال: حدثني مالك، عن نافع، عن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما: أنه طلق امرأته وهي حائض، على عهد رسول الله وسلم صلى الله عليه وسلم، فسأل عمر بن الخطاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ذلك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (مره فليرجعها، ثم ليمسكها حتى تطهر، ثم تحيض ثم تطهر، ثم إن شاء أمسك بعد، وإن شاء طلق قبل أن يمس، فتلك العدة التي أمر الله أن تطلق لها النساء). [وهو في صحيح مسلم بنفس اللفظ ونفس الإسناد(4625)]متفق عليه من رواية السلسلة الذهبية ؟ وكان هذا الحديث بهذا السياق وبهذا الترتيب يكون حديث مالك عن نافع عن ابن عمر هو خير مفسر لقول الله تعالي فيما أنزله من جديد الأحكام في سورة الطلاق(5هجري) متأسساً علي:
العدة أولاً ثم الامساك او الطلاق
ما هو الفرق بين تشريع سورة البقرة(2هجري) وبين تشريع سورة الطلاق(5هجري)؟
1).سورة البقرة نزلت في العامين الأولين بعد الهجرة(2هجري)،بينما نزلت سورة الطلاق في العام الرابع أو الخامس بعد الهجرة(5هجري)، وهذا يعني أن أحكام الطلاق الموجودة في سورة(الطلاق)،مهيمنةً علي الأحكام التي كانت قبلها في سورة البقرة،وأن الذي جاء (بعد) سيُعَدِّل، أو يبدل أو ينسخ أحكام الذي كان (قبلاً)، وهذا شيء بديهيٌ ومعروف لدي كل العارفين بالناسخ والمنسوخ،
2)كانت أحكام الطلاق في (سورة البقرة) تعتبر أحكاما سابقة بينما صارت أحكام الطلاق في (سورة الطلاق) هي الأحكام اللاحقة.
3). كانت أحكام الطلاق السابقة(التي نزلت في سورة البقرة) في العامين الأولين من الهجرة، قد تأسست علي القاعدة (الطلاق ثم العدة)، فتحولت بإذن الله وإرادته إلي كونها مؤسسة علي( تقديم العدة علي إيقاع الطلاق) وذلك بعد نزول سورة الطلاق في العام الخامس هجريا،
4). وكان الدليل في سورة البقرة علي وقوع (الطلاق) أولا ثم تعتد المرأة (العدة) هو قوله تعالي(وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلَاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَنْ يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ فِي أَرْحَامِهِنَّ إِنْ كُنَّ يُؤْمِنَّ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَبُعُولَتُهُنَّ أَحَقُّ بِرَدِّهِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ إِنْ أَرَادُوا إِصْلَاحًا وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَلِلرِّجَالِ عَلَيْهِنَّ دَرَجَةٌ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ (228) /سورة البقرة) فقد سمي الله سبحانه المرأة مطلقة قبل أن يكلفها بالإعتداد،فقال سبحانه (وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلَاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ )، فصار الدليل علي أن المرأة في أحكام ما بعد نزول سورة الطلاق زوجة متأهبة فقط لاستقبال الطلاق بعد الإعتداد بنص قوله تعالي( لا تخرجوهن من بيوتهن ولا يخرجن)، وبنص قوله تعالي(يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1) فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَأَشْهِدُوا ذَوَيْ عَدْلٍ مِنْكُمْ وَأَقِيمُوا الشَّهَادَةَ لِلَّهِ ذَلِكُمْ يُوعَظُ بِهِ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا (2) / سورة الطلاق) .
5). When a woman was divorced when the rulings of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) became dominant, she would be divorced , and accordingly :
1. She was counted as a divorced woman
2. She was called a divorced
woman 3. She used to go out of her home to observe the ‘iddah in her family’s house
4. Her number was several to isolate the womb
5. She was lying in wait for herself. For the inevitable existence of her with herself, away from her husband, because he becomes a divorced woman, not a husband
6.Her exit from the waiting period was called a discharge because of the Almighty’s saying: “Divorce takes place twice, then withholding with kindness or letting go with kindness.” And the release here in Surat Al-Baqarah corresponds to the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq. The Arabs in Article (Sarah): (Surning) The Seal Money Letting Selection Money Selection in the pasture of the Al-Anam Sulfate Livestock Sell Sorry and Snow Samat and Sahah Samat and Sahah Samat and Sarha is an organs and did not exceed. And I named it, and I neglected it, and I let it go, this alone without a thousand. And Abu Al-Haytham said in the Almighty’s saying: When you let go and when you let go, he said it is said that I let go of the cattle, that is, I let them out of their mounds (Makan Mahbas )بالغَداةِ إلى المرعى[ قلت المدون: الفراق ضد السراح وهو مختلف عنه،وقولنا فرق الخصام بين الرجلين أي فصل وباعد بينهما ،وسرحه أي فارقه نهائيا بعد أن فارقه ابتداءاً،( يعني فارق ما بقي من أثرهما بعد تفريقهما أصلاً)، وهو هنا مفارقة المرأة لعدتها التي كانت حائلا بينها وبين زوجها أصلاً// أي فراق بعد فراق فالسراح إذن هو الفراق بعد الفراق ،وهذا يدل علي أن المرأة المُسَرَّحة قد سبق لها الخروج من بيتها ثم أخرجت بالغداة إلي منزل أهلها، فلا يقال لغير الخارجة من بيتها مسرحة إنما تُسرح التي خرجت من بيتها أو من بيت زوجها قَبلاً ، ولفظة(سرحوهن بمعروف)،دليل قاطع علي أن المرأة في نفسها، المنقضية عدتها بناءاً علي أحكام سورة البقرة(2هجري) لم يكن يمنعها من التسريح غير الاعتداد استبراءاً للرحم، ومعني هذا أنها قد فورقت من قبل العدة أي أُخرِجت من بيتها من قبل العدة ثم سُرِحَت تلقائيا عند انتهاء العدة، إن مادة(س_ر_ح) تدل علي ( الفراق بعد الفراق)،أي التحرك الحر ابتعاداً بعد الخروج من قيدٍ،فالمرأة في عدتها حين تفعيل أحكام سورة البقرة(2هجري) كانت قد فرض عليها الخروج من بيت الزوجية بعد إلقاء لفظة الطلاق عليها ،لكنها عُقِلَت في بيت أبيها ثلاثة قروء لاستبراء رحمها، فبانقضاء أقرائها فهي مُسَرَّحة يعني تسير بلا قيد عليه من قيود الزوجية حتي قيد العدة قد انفكت منه،لذلك يقول تعالي في سورة البقرة(فَإِمْسَاكٌ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ تَسْرِيحٌ بِإِحْسَانٍ)،بينما سنري في أحكام سورة الطلاق المنزلة في العام الخامس الهجري أن القرآن قد استخدم لفظة(فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ)،والفراق معروف أنه الخروج للتو من اللقاء، والإجتماع، ومن الحياة المشتركة التي سبقت الفراق الذي وقع بين الفرقاء)،وليس في هذه الآية أي تطبيق أو تشريع لمدلول التسريح، إذ الفراق ضد السراح وهو مختلف عنه،وقولنا فرق الشيء بين الرجلين أي فصل،وباعد بينهما ،لكن السراح هو الفراق بعد الفراق،
In summary, I say: [Demobilization is separation after separation, but separation is separation after documenting ] ,
so the separation in Surat Al-Baqarah was separation (by pronunciation, leaving the house, followed by separation by the expiration of the waiting period and the woman’s exit from her ) ,
while the paradox in Surat Al-Talaq became (separation after documenting the woman). In the provisions of divorce revealed in Surat Al-Talaq, she is still a wife on the covenant and covenant of her husband for the length of the waiting period, but with the expiry of the waiting period and the husband’s desire to divorce her, it becomes a paradox, which becomes permissible for others.
That is because several kisses have prevented their divorce and the desire of the husband in reaching its divorce has prevented him from their positions. The other, and whoever fears God, He will make for him a way out (2) / Surat Al-Talaq (Al-Talaq )
6)- One of the important differences between the legislation of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) and what came after it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), as follows : The
waiting period stands between the husband and the divorce His wife, after she was only for istibra, after amending the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was established in the form of :The waiting period first, then the divorce, the man is not able to divorce until he goes with his wife in her house, which is his house, a waiting period of three readings (pure), in which he is forbidden to have intercourse with her until he fulfills the condition of divorce. Divorce is to count the days from the beginning again, because by having intercourse with her even once in the days of the waiting period (the census), he has destroyed the procedures for reaching its end, and he has to count again.And this is clear to the reader of great wisdom from the law of counting and increased the divorce. God has wronged himself, you do not know, perhaps God will bring about after that a matter (1)/ Surat Al-Talaq) ,
7.One of the differences that distinguished after God Almighty amended the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq, and based on the imperative to precede the waiting period for being able to sign the divorce, is that there is no loss of even a day for the woman in the law of God from the days of her life, she used to count the days of the rule of divorce provisions in Surat Al-Baqarah three reading In order to extricate her from her womb in her family’s house (her father’s house), she lurks herself, these three readings were a real loss from the days of her life, and she had no way of estranged from her, because she had a womb that might involve a pregnancy after her divorce, so these readings were imposed on her by herself, then she must then To announce her departure from the waiting period of istibra, but God Almighty, in His great justice and greatness of His greatness, has willed not to waste a day on the woman in the new divorce legislation revealed in Surat Al-Talaq when the time of the waiting period was entered in the woman’s life, and she is a wife who enjoys her sovereignty in her home next to her husband, and they both have to count and count. To reach the end of the waiting period and the end of the three months so that the husband can take the initiative to divorce and be able toBreaking and untangling the marital bond, here and here only he can divorce his wife, and here and here only he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and only here the wife can be ready to receive a new husband’s life from the day of her separation and leaving her divorced husband’s house for her.8). ,
8)ومن الحكمة المستشعرة بعد تبديل أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق(5هجري) ووتأجيل الطلاق إلي ما بعد انقضاء العدة أن أُتيحت الفرصة للزوج أن يخلو بنفسه ويراجع قراره ويعيش المؤثرات المحيطة بنفسه وزوجته وبيته وأولاده يوما بعد يوم وأسبوعاً بعد أسبوع وشهرا بعد شهرٍ إلي أن يصل إلي نهاية الشهر الثالث،وهو في هذه العدة يتربص بنفسه وزوجته وتُلِحُّ عليهما خطورة شبح الفراق وتتجسم لهما ملامح أن يذهب كل منهما لغيره في حياةٍ زوجية قد لا يستطيع الزوج أن يَطيق الصبر علي تصور أن تقع امرأته في فراش زوج غيره وأن يتبدل الحب الذي نشأ بينهما فيؤول لرجل غيره، وأكثر من هذا أن يري الزوج الثائر في لحظة رغبته في الطلاق أقول يري أولاده وقد شتتوا عنه ويتجسم تصوره في معيشة أولاده فلذات كبده ونور عينيه وملىء وجدانه بعيداً عنه تاركا إياهم للضياع، كل هذا والفرصة في التراجع وهدم إجراءات الطلاق ممكنة لأن العدة حائلٌ بين قراره وبين تنفيذه .فإن أصر الزوج ومضت عزيمته علي إيقاع الطلاق فقد أعذره الله تعالي مدة العدة فلا يلومن إلا نفسه إن كان سيئ التقدير، أو ليهنأ بالاً إن كان مظلوما في هذه الحياة الزوجيةالتي أنهاها،لقد جاء حديث عبد الله ابن عمر خير دليل لبيان الطلاق للعدة وتفسير قول الله تعالي (يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1) فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَأَشْهِدُوا ذَوَيْ عَدْلٍ مِنْكُمْ وَأَقِيمُوا الشَّهَادَةَ لِلَّهِ ذَلِكُمْ يُوعَظُ بِهِ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا (2) وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا (3)/سورة الطلاق) ***
[ I said the blogger: I have cited the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Omar as a whole in terms of the chain of narrators so that we may know how many narrations they are, then I included a precise critique of the reasons for the texts contained in each path or narration, and I saw that I would help the reader with what has been achieved today in the investigation of the reasons for the narrations And comparing each narration with the narration of the main, or the narration of the criterion, then appended to this part another part in which I completed what I started with the grace and power of God, in the second part of this work, and God is behind the intention and he takes charge of the righteous .
1. Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported through Yahya bin Yahya Al-Tamimi, who said: I read on Malik bin Anas on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar (and he mentioned it ) 2. The narration of Al-Layth on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar: Al-Hafiz Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, may God have mercy on him and be pleased with him, said : 2
M - (1471) Yahya bin Yahya / Qutaiba / and Ibn Ramh (the pronunciation is Yahya) told us. (Qutaybah said: Laith told us. The other two said: Al-Layth bin Saad told us) on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah; He divorced his woman while she was menstruating. One divorce
3- Ibn Numayr’s narration on the authority of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar
4- Then Al-Hafiz Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj narrated in his Sahih, he said: 2-(1471) Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Numayr told us. Tell us dad. Obaidullah told us on the authority of Nafi, on the authority of Ibn Umar 5 and 6 - Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Idris on the authority of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar , No. They said: Abdullah bin Idris told us on the authority of Obaidullah, with this chain of transmission, similar to it. He did not mention what Ubaydullah said to Nafi’
7- Ayoub’s narration on the authority of Nafi’: 3- (1471) Zuhair bin Harb told me. Ismail told us on the authority of Ayoub, on the authority of Nafi’; That Ibn Omar
8-The narration of Salem on the authority of Ibn Umar and the narration of Ya`qub on the authority of al-Zuhri on the authority of Salim
b) the narration of al-Zubaydi on the authority of al-Zuhri on the authority of Salim on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar,
(1471) and Ishaq ibn Mansur narrated to me. Yazid bin Abd Rabbo told us. Muhammad bin Harb told us. Zubaidi told me about syphilis, with this attribution. However, he said: Ibn Umar said: I reviewed it. The divorce she divorced was calculated for her
c) the narration of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman Mawla Talha on the authority of Salim
(1471) and we were told by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Shaybah and Zuhair Ibn Harb and Ibn Namir. Talha ) on the authority of Salem, on the authority of Ibn Umar
9- Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Dinar on the authority of Ibn Umar
a) (1471 ) and Ahmad Ibn Othman Ibn Hakim al-Awdi told me. Khalid bin Makhlid told us. Solomon told meHe is Bilal's son. Abdullah Ibn Dinar told me on the authority of Ibn Umar
10- Ibn Sirin’s narration on the authority of Yunus on the authority of Ibn Jubayr (Abu Ghallab) on the authority of Ibn Umar....../D) Ibn Sirin’s narration on the authority of Abu Ghallab (Yunus bin Jubayr al-Bahili), on the authority of Ibn Umar :
11-7/(1471) A), Ali bin Hajar Al-Saadi told me. Ismail bin Ibrahim told us on the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Ibn Sirin
b) (1471), and Abu al-Rabee’ and Qutaiba told us, they said: Hammad told us on the authority of Ayyub, with this chain of narrators,
12- Narrated by Yunus Ibn Jubayr on the authority of Ibn Omar: A) (1471) and Ya`qub bin Ibrahim al-Durqi told me on the authority of Ibn Aliyah, on the authority of Yunus, on the authority of Muhammad Ibn Sirin, on the authority of Yunus Ibn Jubayr. He said : I said to Ibn Umar
b) (1471) Muhammad Ibn Al-Muthanna and Ibn Bashar told us. Ibn al-Muthanna said: Muhammad bin Jaafar told us. Shu'bah told us about Qatada. He said: I heard Yunus Ibn Jubayr said: I heard Ibn Umar
13 - Narrated by Anas Ibn Sirin on the authority of Ibn:
a) (1471) Yahya bin Yahya told us. Khalid bin Abdullah told us on the authority of Abd al-Malik, on the authority of Anas bin Sirin
b) (1471) that Muhammad bin al-Muthanna and Ibn Bashar told us. Ibn al-Muthanna said: Muhammad bin Jaafar told us. Shu'bah told us on the authority of Anas bin Sirin; He heard Ibn Umar
c) (1471) and Yahya bin Habib told me about it. Khalid bin Al-Harith told us. H and told me by Abdul Rahman bin Bishr. Tell us about it. They said: Shu'bah told us with this chain of narrators. However, in their conversation, "to return it ."
16- In their hadith: He said: I said to him: Do you seek reward for it? He said: His mouth .
14. ( AD) Tawus narration on the authority of Ibn Umar
(1471) and Ishaq bin Ibrahim told us. Abdul Razzaq told us. Ibn Juraij told us. Ibn Tawus told me on the authority of his father; That he heard Ibn Umar ask: (and his remembrance )
15 -N ) narrated by Abd al-Rahman Ibn Ayman (Mawly Azza) on the authority of Ibn Umar: He said: Ibn Jurayj said:. Abu al-Zubayr told me: He heard Abd al-Rahman Ibn Ayman (Mawla Azza) ask Ibn Umar? And Abu Zubair hears that. How do you see in a man who divorced his wife menstruating? He said (and mentioned it )
16- Narrated by Abu al-Zubayr on the authority of Ibn Umar
( A) / (1471), and Harun bin Abdullah told me. Abu Asim told us on the authority of Ibn Juraij, on the authority of Abu Zubair, on the authority of Ibn Umar. towards this story .
b) (1471) and Muhammad bin Rafi’ narrated it to me. Abdul Razzaq told us. Ibn Juraij told us . Abu al-Zubayr told me: That he heard Abd al-Rahman ibn Ayman (Mawla Urwa) ask Ibn Umar? And Abu Zubair hears. Like the hadith of Hajjaj. It has some extra .
Muslim said: He made a mistake when he said: Urwah. Rather, he is the guardian of the glory of
fulfilling the hadiths and texts in the narration of Ibn Umar’s divorce of his wife: 71. The Book of Divorce by Al-Hafiz Imam Al-Bukhari, may God have mercy on him and be pleased with him .
God Almighty says: {O Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period and count the waiting period} / Al-Talaq: 1/. {We have counted it} / Yaseen: 12/ We have memorized and counted it. And the Sunnah divorce: to divorce her in a state of purity without intercourse, and with two witnesses to testify .
4953. Ismail bin Abdullah told us, he said: Malik told me, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them :He divorced his wife when she was menstruating, to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: It is the first purification], then menstruation, then purification, [I said the blogger: This is the second purification], then if he wants, he withholds after, and if he wants, he is divorced before he touches, [I said the blogger: This is the third purification in which divorce is not permissible except in it, since touching Any intercourse that is not light except in purity ] , that is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women) [I said the blogger: And Muslim agreed with him in
his Sahih in Hadith
No.Yahya bin Yahya al-Tamimi told us, he said: I read on Malik bin Anas on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Omar; He divorced his wife while she was menstruating. In the era of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about that. Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: “Once, let him take her back. Then let him leave her until she becomes pure. Then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure. Then, if he wants, he should keep after, and if he wants, he may divorce before he touches. That is the waiting period for which God Almighty commanded to divorce women.” [I said the blogger: This narration is the basis of the narrations of the hadith of Ibn Umar because it
is 1. From the narration of the Golden Chain, which is Malik on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar, and this is the saying of Al-Bukhari/Al-Silsilah Al-Zahabiya what Malik narrates on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar
2.It was agreed to narrate it verbally from the same path as the Golden Chain, Al-Bukhari and Muslim (Al-Bukhari No. (4625) and Muslim No. 1471), and everything that came in contradiction to this word was included in the actions of the narrator in the pronunciation during transmission. It has been known and agreed that I memorize and master the narrations on the authority of Ibn Umar is Malik on the authority of Nafi’, and therefore every word that contradicts the utterance of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ in the total number of narrations on the authority of Ibn Umar is therefore less precise and lighter than it. On the authority of Ibn Umar, there is a missing or extra term that is not found in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’, so it is a word that has entered the transferable disposition of the narrator in violation of the text of Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, and if it is trustworthy, then Malik on the authority of Nafi’ is more trustworthy than him. Then al-Bukhari said in his Sahih :
1. Chapter If she divorces a menstruating woman, that divorce counts
.I said the blogger: It will come true later, God Almighty, the saying that the wrong shot does not count ]
4954. Sulaiman bin Harb told us, Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Anas bin Sirin, he said: I heard Ibn Omar said: Ibn Omar divorced his wife while she was menstruating, so Omar mentioned to the Prophet, peace be upon him. God bless him and said: (to take it back). I said: Do you count? He said: His mouth? [I said the blogger: This narration has entered it from the ills of the text, the reason for the severe abbreviation, and we knew that from our comparison of this narration with the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar and al-Qiyas. The text has been shortened and seriously summarized in it, which resulted in
1. He omitted the legislative sequence detailed in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’, which is (He should review it. Then let him leave it until she becomes pure. Then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure. Then, if he wishes, he withholds afterwards, and if he wishes, he is divorced before he touches.” This is the waiting period for which God Almighty commanded to divorce women.” He sufficed with narrating one word, which is (to take it back).) , and even in this dangerous abbreviation, the word was narrated in contradiction.. Where Malik said on the authority of Nafi’ (to review it) and he said (to take it back) without the active form, so he dropped the mention of the first purity, the second menstruation, the second purity, the third menstruation, the purification of the third divorce, and the commentary of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, the explanation of the verse, which is (that is the waiting period for which God Almighty commanded to divorce women, and he added to it what was not mentioned in the narration of Malik al-Umdah, where he added: “I said: Do you count? May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and it does not express except his opinion, which is his, may God be pleased with him, and despite that, it is an abnormal addition in which he contradicted the narration of the evidence who did not cite it
] . On the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Yunus bin Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn Omar, he said: “Once, let him take it back.” I said: Do you count? He said: Do you see if he is incapable and fools.[ I said the blogger: In this narration one of the narrators on the path of: Anas bin Sirin on the authority of Ibn Omar has also shortened the text and summarized it in a dangerous summary that resulted in
1.He omitted the legislative sequence that was detailed in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’, which is (His time, let him review it. Then let him leave it until she becomes pure. Then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure. Then, if he wills, he withholds afterwards, and if he wishes, he is divorced before he touches. This is the waiting period that God Almighty commanded to be divorced for. Women.” And he sufficed with narrating one word, which is (let him take it back), and even in this dangerous abbreviation, the word was narrated contrary to where Malik said on the authority of Nafi’ (to review it) and he said (let him take it back) without the form of the interaction, so he dropped the mention of the first purity, the second menses, the second purity, and the menses The third and the third divorce became pure, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, commented on the verse, which is (This is the waiting period for which God Almighty commanded to divorce women, and he added to it what was not mentioned in the narration of Malik al-Umdah, where he added) and Ihthamq), and it is one of the endowments of Ibn Omar and is not attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and expresses only his opinion, may God be pleased with him.]]
^ Abu Muammar said: Abd al-Warith told us: Ayoub told us, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn Umar, he said: I counted a divorce. [4625].[ I said the blogger: And here came the report of calculating the divorce in the construction form for the unknown, so we did not know that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had calculated it, so perhaps Omar obliged his son Abdullah to calculate it out of piety and punishment for his son Abdullah?
4958.Hajjaj bin Minhal told us: Hammam bin Yahya told us, on the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Abu Ghalab Yunus bin Jubayr, who said: I said to Ibn Omar: A man divorced his wife while she was menstruating? He said: You know Ibn Umar, that Ibn Umar divorced his wife while she was menstruating, so Umar came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and mentioned that to him, so he ordered him to return her, and if she became pure [I said the blogger: This is the first purification, and he did not mention after him any menstruation and any other purification other than that. Purity], so he wanted to divorce her, so let him divorce her. I said (meaning: Yunus bin Jubayr: Was that counted as a divorce? He said: Do you see if he is incapable and foolishly). And the personal perception, where the narrator changed from his textual saying (He said: I said to Ibn Omar: A man divorced his wife while she was menstruating? He said : Ibn Umar knows that Ibn Umar divorced his wife when she was menstruating, so Umar came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and mentioned that to him) to the narration with the meaning and the visualization where he completed the meaning and said (so he commanded him to return her, and if she became pure and he wanted to divorce her, let him divorce her), and this action resulted from this action. Al-Nukali and the transition from the narration by text to the narration with the meaning in :
1. Omitting the second menstruation and purification and the third menstruation and purification? And there is an abnormal addition that they did not see the most reliable and just, which is (Is that considered a divorce? Allah is the son of Omar, which is endowed on him, and is not from the chain of transmission .]
5022.Qutaiba told us: Al-Layth told us on the authority of Nafi’ that Ibn Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, divorced his wife, who was menstruating, and divorced only once. He has another menstruation, then he gives her time to purify her from her period, [I said the blogger: This is the second purification], and if he wants to divorce her, then let him divorce her when she becomes pure before having intercourse with her, (that is the waiting period that God commanded that women be divorced for her).[The blogger said:One of the narrators in the hadeeth of Al-Layth Farroy had the meaning of the hadith and deviated in his narration from the text, so it fell out of the context of menstruation and the third purification, and it appears to the reader that the divorce takes place after two menstrual cycles and two purifications in the second of them. Except at the time of the third purity, and perhaps he wanted to control what was stated in Malik’s hadith on the authority of Nafi’, which clarified that divorce takes place in the third purity. That he will achieve his will by inflicting divorce if he wants to, after delaying her third menstruation, and this disturbance occurred as a result of the transmission in the narration with the meaning and meaning, but we knew that due to the violation of Al-Layth Malik Ibn Anas, one of the members of the gold chain, as well as the violation of Al-Layth text of his saying, the Most High.The third menstruation, and this disturbance occurred as a result of the transmission of the narration in the narration with the meaning and meaning, but we knew that due to the violation of Al-Layth Malik Ibn Anas, one of the members of the Golden Chain, as well as the violation by Al-Layth of the text of his saying, the Most High.The third menstruation, and this disturbance occurred as a result of the transmission of the narration in the narration with the meaning and meaning, but we knew that due to the violation of Al-Layth Malik Ibn Anas, one of the members of the Golden Chain, as well as the violation by Al-Layth of the text of his saying, the Most High.:
( Three recitations), which remained as a number from the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH), but what has changed only is its place of application, that is, the number of recitations has remained as it is from the legislation (2 AH), but its place in legislation (5 AH) has It changed from before the waiting period (the first of it) to the back of it (the last of it)], and if Abdullah was asked about that, he said to one of them: If you divorced her three times, she has forbidden you until you marry a husband other than you [I said the blogger: This is also suspended on Abdullah and it is part of a disturbing narration With regard to and comparison with Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar, the narrations of the incident of the divorce of Ibn Umar]. Others added in it, on the authority of Al-Layth : Nafi’ told me: Ibn Umar said: If I divorced once or twice, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded me to do so. [4625], [I said the blogger, and this context is not understood, and I do not know what he means, and it is not one of the highly accurate memorized transmissions ]
43. Chapter: Revision of the menstruating woman.
50 % Before her waiting period, I said : So she should observe that divorce. Did you see if he was incapable and Ithmq? [4625].[I said the blogger : And in this narration, we found in it the following reasons for the text :
1. He deleted in its place the line between the parentheses (______), and estimated it (then to hold it until it becomes pure, then menstruates, and then becomes pure) [The blogger said: This is the second purity] Then, if he wishes, he withholds after, and if he wishes, he is divorced before he touches. Women), all of this has been omitted by the narrators from the chain of transmission: Yunus bin Jubayr: I asked Ibn Omar
And from Sahih Muslim 5-18 - The Book of Divorce from Sahih Muslim
(1)Imam Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, may God have mercy on him, said: Chapter on the prohibition of divorcing a menstruating woman without her consent, and that if he violated the divorce, the divorce would take place and he was ordered to take her back. Tell us dad. Obaidullah told us on the authority of Nafi', on the authority of Ibn Umar. He said: I divorced my wife during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when she was menstruating. So Umar mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: "Once, let him take her back. Then let him leave her until she becomes pure. Then another menstruation. If she becomes pure, let him divorce her before he has intercourse with her. Or he should hold her. It is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for her." Ubaydullah said: I said to Nafeh: What did you do to divorce? He said: One of which Hadith 2 was used. (1471) It is a narration in which I strike the narrators on the authority of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi’. They narrated this addition that came, which was not included in the hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, which confirms the abnormality of this addition. The body of this narration will be investigated immediately after the next hadith .
1=Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar
1. (1471) Yahya bin Yahya al-Tamimi told us, he said: I read on Malik bin Anas on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar; He divorced his wife while she was menstruating. In the era of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about that. Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him, “Let him go back to her. Then let him leave her until she becomes pure. Then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure. Then, if he wants, he can hold her after, and if he wants he can divorce before he touches. That is the waiting period for which God Almighty commanded to divorce women .”
[ I said the blogger: This narration is the mainstay of the narrations of the hadith of Ibn Umar because it is :
1. From the narration of the Golden Chain, which is Malik on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar, and this is what Al-Bukhari said - The Golden Chain is what Malik narrates on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar .
2. Agreed upon to narrate it verbally from the same path as the Golden Chain, Al-Bukhari and Muslim (Bukhari No.(4625) and Muslim No. (1471), and everything that contradicts this word has been included in the actions of the narrator in the wording at the time of transmission, and it is known that trustworthy people vary in degrees of accuracy according to their mastery in memorization and control, and it was known and agreed that the most accurate and perfect narrators in a narration on the authority of Ibn Omar is Malik On the authority of Nafi’, therefore and based on him, every word that contradicts the word of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar is therefore less precise and lighter than it. Al-Nukali is from the narrator who is in conflict with the text of Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, and if he is trustworthy, then Malik on the authority of Nafi’ is more reliable than him. We have found :
^In the following hadith (1471) that al-Layth Ibn Saad narrated it on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, but it contradicts Malik’s narration in his transmission of the hadith, where al-Layth narrated it in the style of reporting, and it is a style that carries the meaning of deviation from the word that was transmitted by the companion Ibn Omar, and this behavior in the narration led to me The following :
1. Aborting (purify) from the three pure ones mentioned in the hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’, where Malik narrated on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar the word “Once, let him review it. He wanted to be divorced before he touched.. and his saying (before he touched is conclusive evidence that he entered into the third purity because touching does not happen except during purity.. So the waiting period here (in Malik’s narration) is in fact three pure, which is indicated by his saying (once, let him review it and then hold it) Until she becomes pure (this is the first purification), then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure (This is the second purification. Then, if he wishes, he should hold after (after this menstruation, that is, during the third purification, because after here a circumstance of time), and if he wishes he divorced before he touches and before here a circumstance of time indicating the entry of the third purity: The third purity) .. and his saying (before touching is conclusive evidence of her entering into the third purity because touching does not occur except during purity ^ since it is known that Ibn Omar divorced her while she was menstruating ) ^
^ Al-Laith narrated his narration by disposing of Malik, saying : ( He divorced a woman He had one menstruation, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered him to go back to her and then hold her until she purified (this is the first purification in the narration of al-Layth on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar). This is the second purity in the narration of Al-Layth) and what Al-Layth narrated in the following words occurred in which a verbal omission of the phrase her appreciation (from her third menstrual period)) , which included the previous phrase for this: then he gives her time until she becomes pure from her menses (i.e. the second). So Al-Layth said: If he wants to divorce her, let him divorce her when she becomes pure (i.e. whoever wants to divorce her, let him divorce her like this in the hadith of Al-Laith..(before he had intercourse with her), (I said the blogger understands from Al-Layth’s hadith that he is in the second purification, and it is invalid, rather Divorce takes place in the third purity, as in the hadith of Malik on the authority of Nafi’. I said the blogger : The type of behavior here in the narration of Al-Layth is the disposition of the narration by visualization and meaning without adhering to the utterance of the hadith narrated by the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. The response to him is that this is impossible here because the incident is one, its human elements are one, and the circumstance of time and place of its utterance cannot be changed, and the saying of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about it is one that cannot be singled out or repeated. One does not change it except the actions of the transmission narrators according to the degrees of their proficiency and the intensity of their memorization, and there is no memorizer of this hadith more perfect and memorized than Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar (Silsilat al-Dhahab) as described by al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, al-Hafiz al-Iraqi and others .
I will present here a valuable study of the confusion of the text in the case of the hadith narration with different words, the station being one, and the legislation of the Prophet in one, and the incident in its human form cannot be imagined to be repeated.
، قال صاحب البحث: (الاضطراب في المتن،فالاضطراب نوعان : اضطراب يقع في السند ، واضطراب يقع في المتن ، والإضطراب الذي في الإسناد مشهور ومعروف . أمّا هنا فالكلام على النوع الثاني ، وهو الاضطراب في المتن ؛ إذ كَمَا أن الاضطراب يَكُوْن في سند الْحَدِيْث فكذلك يَكُوْن في متنه . وذلك إذا أوردنا حَدِيْث اختلف الرُّوَاة في متنه اختلافاً لا يمكن الجمع بَيْنَ رواياته المختلفة ، ولا يمكن ترجيح إحدى الروايات عَلَى البقية ، فهذا يعد اضطراباً قادحاً في صحة الْحَدِيْث ، أما إذا أمكن الجمع فَلاَ اضطراب ، وكذا إذا أمكن ترجيح إحدى الروايات عَلَى البقية ، فَلاَ اضطراب إذن فالراجحة محفوظة أو معروفة ( والمرجوحة شاذة أو منكرة** وإذا كان المخالف ضعيفاً فلا تعل رِوَايَة الثقات برواية الضعفاء فمن شروط الاضطراب تكافؤ الروايات وقد لا يضر الاختلاف إذا كان من عدة رواة عن النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم ؛ لأن النَّبِيّ صلي الله عليه وسلم قَدْ يذكر الْجَمِيْع ، ويخبر كُلّ راوٍ بِمَا حفظه عن النَّبِيّ صلي الله عليه وسلم (وَلَيْسَ كُلّ اختلاف يوجب الضعف إنما الاضطراب الَّذِي يوجب الضعف هُوَ عِنْدَ اتحاد المدار، وتكافؤ الروايات، وعدم إمكان الجمع ، فإذا حصل هذا فهو اضطراب مضعف للحديث، يومئ إلى عدم حفظ هذا الراوي أو الرواة لهذا الحديث . قال ابن دقيق العيد ( إذا اختلفت الروايات ، وكانت الحجة ببعضها دون بعضٍ توقف الاحتجاج بشرط تعادل الروايات ، أما إذا وقع الترجيح لبعضها ؛ بأن يكون رواتها أكثر عدداً أو أتقن حفظاً فيتعين العمل بالراجح ، إذ الأضعف لا يكون مانعاً من العمل بالأقوى ، والمرجوح لا يمنع التمسك بالراجح Al -
Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: “Difference over preservation in the hadith does not necessitate that it be confused except with two conditions : One of them is that the differences are equal, so when one of the sayings is more likely, it is presented, and the correct one does not depend on the preferred one. That the hafiz did not control that hadith in particular, then he judges that narration alone to be confused, and he stops judging the validity of that hadith for that. Whenever one of the sayings is more likely, it is presented / and there may be a difference, and it is not possible to give preference except that it is a difference that does not disparage the scholars due to the lack of complete contradiction, such as the hadith of Al-Wahbah herself, which was narrated by Abu Hazim, on the authority of Sahl bin Saad, he said: A woman came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He, peace be upon him, said: O Messenger of God, I have given you from myself. A man saidMarry her. He said: We have married her to you with what you have of the Qur’an . This hadith was unique to Abu Hazim, and the narrators differed from him in it. Some of them said,
“ I married her,” some of them said, “
You married her,” and some of them said : “You owned her,” and some of them said :
“ We married her. ”
( I married you), and some of them said: (I owned it), and some of them said
:I owned it), and some of them said (your wife) and this was explained in the footnote. However, this difference did not disparage the scholars, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said (and most of these narrations are in the two Sahihs, it is very far away that Sahl bin Saad, may God be pleased with him, witnessed this story from its beginning to The last of which was many times, and each time he heard a word other than the one he had heard in the other. Rather, he might even know that by way of exclusion - also. So what is certain is that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not say all these words at once at that hour, so it remains only to say: The Prophet May the peace and blessings of God be upon him said one word of it, and the rest of the narrators expressed it with the meaning)?], the last research into the confusion of trustworthy narrations as opposed to the most reliable of them .
2. Al-Layth’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar
. Al-Hafiz Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj, may God have mercy on him and be pleased with him: (1471) told us Yahya bin Yahya/ Qutaiba/ and Ibn Rumah (The pronunciation is for Yahya. (Qutaybah said: Laith told us. The other two said: Al-Layth bin Saad told us) on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah; He divorced his woman while she was menstruating. One divorce [I said the blogger: This word (one divorce) is in contradiction to what was mentioned in the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’, so Al-Laith added it, but Malik did not add it, and it is from the actions of one of the narrators of the hadith through Al-Laith on the authority of Nafi’], then Muslim resumed the narration: [So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ordered him And he gave the permission to look at it and then hold it until
1- it becomes pure. Then menstruation has another period. Then give it up to
2-She becomes purified from her menses _________ [I said the blogger: here is the place of the horizontal line by dropping his estimate (then she menstruates and then becomes pure)/ meaning the third purity in comparison to Malik’s hadith on Nafi’], and if he wants to divorce her, let him divorce her when she becomes pure (I said the blogger: that is, in the third purity), from before intercourse with her. This is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for.** Ibn Ramh added in his narration: (If Abdullah was asked about that, he would say to one of them: You have divorced your wife once or twice. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, commanded me to do this. Even if she divorced her Three times, it has been forbidden to you until you marry a husband other than you, and you have disobeyed God in what He commanded you to divorce your wife. Muslim said: The goodness of Al-Layth in his saying : One divorce .
1. The novel by the concept is separate from the novel by the text
2.The act of transferring the novel in the sense resulted in the fall of a menstrual period and its third purification .
3. Ibn Ramh’s addition is not well understood, as it is difficult to assess his intention, and more than this, it was not mentioned in Malik’s hadith on Nafi’, the narrations of Ibn Omar’s hadith on divorce, so it is an abnormal addition, and with this nothing was mentioned in the addition to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. And peace ] ,
the narration of Ibn Numayr on the authority of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar
, then Al-Hafiz Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj narrated in his Sahih, he said :
2 - (1471)Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Nameer told us. Tell us dad. Obaidullah told us on the authority of Nafi', on the authority of Ibn Umar. He said: I divorced my wife during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when she was menstruating. So Umar mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: "Once, let him take her back. Then let him leave her until she becomes pure. Then another menstruation. If she becomes pure, then let him divorce her before he has intercourse with her. Or he should hold her. It is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for her ." Ubaydullah said: I said to Nafeh: What did you do to divorce? He said: One he used. [I said the blogger: This hadith is the third narration of the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Omar, which was narrated by Muslim in his Sahih through Abdullah bin Nameer. His father told us. Obaidullah told us on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn
UmarAnd he mentioned it as it is mentioned here), and the narrator through Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar Farawi in the hadith (contrary to the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar, and he miscarried and became pure when he deviated from the narration Matn and said what Malik did not say on the authority of Nafi’ as he disagreed with him regarding it” 1 Malik narrated the word (once, let him review it, then (to hold it ) , and Ubayd Allah (to leave it), and the difference between holding and depositing is like the difference between the one who owns the thing and the one who loses it. And that the divorce during menstruation did not take her out of his grip and his infallibility), while the word (to leave her) indicates her exit from his grip or his infallibility, so constipation is not left, and farewell is left, and both are completely contradictory to the meaning of the other and the legal consequence on both is also completely contradictory, while the word (holds her ) indicatesعلي انعدام تحريمها وعدم وقوع تطليقها ، يدل لفظ ( ليدعها ) علي خروجها من عصمته وقبضته، ووقوع الطلاق عليها ، وسوف نري أن اتجاه التشريع المنزل في سورة الطلاق نحا بالمسلمين ناحية عدم احتساب التطليقة الخاطئة وأغلق هذا الباب عليه إلي يو القيامة وتأكد من قواعد التححديث والعقل أن رواية مالك التي فيه (ليمسكها ) هي الأضبط ، وأن الراوي لخلافها هو المتجوز والمضطرب بروايته).. ويدل علي ذلك أن الرواية من طريق عبيد الله اشتمل مدلولها علي إسقاط حيضة وطهر حيث قال (مرة فليراجعها. ثم ليدعها حتى تطهر(1). ثم تحيض حيضة أخرى(2). فإذا طهرت( 2 ) فليطلقها قبل أن يجامعها. أو يمسكها ) وبهذا النقل يكون التجوز فيه رواية بالمفهوم والتصور قد اختلج في ذهن الرواة من طريق عبيد الله عن نافع وأسقطوا الحيضة الثالثة والطهر الثالث الذي سيباح التطليق فيه حيث لم يكن مباحا فيما سبقه من طهر أول وثان ، والخلاصة في رواية عبيد الله عن نافع أنها دخلها من علل المتن ( الرواية بالمفهوم والتصور).
^ The narration of Abdullah Ibn Idris on the authority of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar
(1471). We told him Abu Bakr bin Abi Shaybah and Ibn Al-Muthanna. They said: Abdullah bin Idris told us on the authority of Obaidullah, with this chain of transmission, similar to it. He did not mention what Ubaydallah said to Nafi’ . [ I said the blogger: In the same path of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi’, the narrators of this path differed. It was narrated that Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Nameer narrated on the authority of his father with the following addition: (Ubaidullah said :I said to Nafeh: What did you do to divorce? He said: One he used) and Abdullah Ibn Idris did not see it, and there is no doubt that the difference of narrators on the proof of the addition or its omission is a supporting evidence for the disorder of the narration of Ubayd Allah on the authority of Nafi’ if compared to the narration of the golden chain that is fixed and very correct] I said the blogger: Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj said: Ibn al-Muthanna said in his narration: Let him return it. Abu Bakr said: Let him review it. [And it is evidence of a disturbance in memorization that weakens the narration from this path compared to the method of the Golden Chain .]
** Ayoub’s narration on the authority of Nafi’
3. (1471) Zuhair bin Harb told me. Ismail told us on the authority of Ayoub, on the authority of Nafi’; That Ibn Umar divorced his wife while she was menstruating. Omar asked the Prophet, peace be upon him. So he ordered him to return it and then let it go until (----- I said to the blogger: Here is the place of the broken line, his estimation has fallen )She becomes purified, then menstruates, then purifies, then another menstruation. Then let it purify itself. Then he releases it before he touches it. This is the waiting period
that God commanded to divorce women . The difference between them is like the difference between the compelled excuse and the one who is entitled to be wronged. The time limit is left to a mistake she committed and she was punished with an incomplete punishment. It is possible that her punishment is to be left out of the marital buttress, but the hold remains as it is . 3. The abolition of the mention of the first purity, then menstruation, and the second purity . 4.
A gradual increase occurs who is not mentioned in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ al-‘Umdah] He said: When Ibn Umar was asked about a man divorcing his wife while she was menstruating, he would say: Either you divorced her one or two. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ordered him to return it. Then let her menstruate until another menstruation. Then let it purify itself. Then he releases it before he touches it. As for you, you divorced her three times. You have disobeyed your Lord in what he commanded you to divorce your wife. and bant from you. I said the blogger: He will respond, God Almighty willing, to verify the correct saying about the three divorces and to make it clear that it is not counted unless it is only one provided that it fulfills the conditions of divorce, which were modified in the verses of Surat Al-Talaq from (divorce then several) to (several then divorce )
^^ Narrated by Salem on the authority of Ibn Umar .
a) Jacob’s narration on the authority of al-Zuhri on the authority of Salem
4. (1471)Abd bin Hamid told me. Ya'qub ibn Ibrahim told me. Muhammad (who is my nephew al-Zuhri) told us about his uncle. Salem bin Abdullah told us; Abdullah bin Omar said : I divorced my wife while she was menstruating. So Omar mentioned that to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, became angry. Then he said: “Once, let him review it. Until another future menstruation (I said the blogger means the second menstruation, because the divorce occurred by Ibn Omar in the previous menstruation, and with this, the two menses have joined one menstruation) and the narrator resumes saying: Except for her menstruation in which he divorced her. It seemed to him that he should divorce her, so he should divorce her in a state of purity from her menses) [I said the blogger: This means proof of the second purity and permission for him to divorce him if it seemed to Ibn Omar to divorce her, provided that he does not touch her ]And the narrator resumes saying: (Before he touches her. That divorce is for the waiting period as God commanded), [I said the blogger: His saying, then that divorce is for the waiting period as God commanded him. It came in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, but on me three menstrual cycles and three pure periods, while it came in This narration of al-Zuhri on the authority of Salim Ali is two menstrual cycles and two pure periods as we have indicated, and with this narration the path of al-Zuhri on the authority of Salim is less precise because it contradicts the narration of the gold chain (Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar’s hadiths of divorce by Ibn Umar), and thus results from this marriage of the narration due to the lightness of control compared to the narration of the gold chain The following :
1. Aborting a menstrual period and purification, which are the third menses and the third purification
2. Inclusion of the word (the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) was enraged, as Ibn Umar did not mention it in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’
3.تغيير وجه التشريع الصحيح الموافق للآيات التي نصت علي أن العدة ثلاثة قروء( 3 أطهار) حيث القرء المعتد به في الحساب هو الطهر وليس الحيض وكيف يكون الحيض وقد أبطل النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم إجمالي الحدث فيه بقوله لعمر(مره فليراجعها ...)، ولقوله تعالي (وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ ثَلَاثَةَ قُرُوءٍ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَنْ يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللَّهُ فِي أَرْحَامِهِنَّ إِنْ كُنَّ يُؤْمِنَّ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَبُعُولَتُهُنَّ أَحَقُّ بِرَدِّهِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ إِنْ أَرَادُوا إِصْلَاحًا وَلَهُنَّ مِثْلُ الَّذِي عَلَيْهِنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَلِلرِّجَالِ عَلَيْهِنَّ دَرَجَةٌ وَاللَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ (228) الطَّلَاقُ مَرَّتَانِ فَإِمْسَاكٌ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ تَسْرِيحٌ بِإِحْسَانٍ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ أَنْ تَأْخُذُوا مِمَّا آَتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ شَيْئًا إِلَّا أَنْ يَخَافَا أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا فِيمَا افْتَدَتْ بِهِ تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ فَلَا تَعْتَدُوهَا وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ (229) فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا تَحِلُّ لَهُ مِنْ بَعْدُ حَتَّى تَنْكِحَ زَوْجًا غَيْرَهُ فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا أَنْ يَتَرَاجَعَا إِنْ ظَنَّا أَنْ يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ يُبَيِّنُهَا لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ (230)/ سورة البقرة)
4. In this narration, the sequence of the context shown for the number of menstruation and the three phases that came in the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’, with a context that was narrated by the narration by Munir Tariq al-Zuhri on the authority of Salem al-Madrib, where he lost his period and became pure,
5. The word “Nafi’” on the authority of Ibn Umar (then To hold it), and holding it is a meaningful term, indicating the continuity of the marriage and the absence of its collapse with this divorce that took place, and thus indicates that it is not taken into account as it will be detailed, God Almighty willing]. She was counted from her divorce, and Abdullah reviewed her as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered him .
[ This is how the addition was not mentioned in Malik’s hadith on the authority of Nafi’. Ibn Omar
b) Al-Zubaidi’s narration on the authority of Al-Zuhri on the authority of Salem on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar
(1471) , and Ishaq bin Mansour narrated it to me. Yazid bin Abd Rabbo told us. Muhammad bin Harb told us. Zubaidi told me about syphilis, with this attribution. However, he said: Ibn Umar said: I reviewed it. And I calculated the divorce she had divorced her [I said the blogger: In the narration of Al-Zuhri on the authority of Salem Ziadeh, it was not reported in the path of Malik on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Omar, which is: I reviewed it. The divorce she had divorced was calculated for her, and there is no evidence to refer to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for the one who is responsible for the calculation is Ibn Umar from his ijtihad, and it is also contrary to the narration of the Golden Chain .
C) The narration of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman Mawla Talha on the authority of Salem :
investigating the invalidity of divorce during pregnancy and an explanation of the abnormality of his narration
5. (1471)We were told by Abu Bakr bin Abi Shaybah, Zuhair bin Harb and Ibn Numayr. (And the pronunciation is for Abu Bakr) They said: Waki’ told us on the authority of Sufyan, on the authority of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, (Mawla Al-Talha) on the authority of Salem, on the authority of Ibn Umar; He divorced his wife while she was menstruating. So Omar mentioned that to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: “Once, let him review her. Then let him divorce her, pure or pregnant.” I said the blogger: This narration has entered into it from the ills of the text
1. Extreme brevity,
2. And the disposition of it is a narration with meaning, as it occurred in the conception of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, Mawla Talha that Divorce takes place during purity or pregnancy, given that the pregnant woman does not have menstruation, and what he understood as being from the textual narration of Ibn Umar, and it contradicts three foundations :
1. The first basis is: its violation of Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi` on the authority of Ibn Umar, the main reason for divorce rulings on him . and base
2.The second is that he summarized in general all the textual or declarative details mentioned in the other narrations on the authority of Ibn Umar, thus making a great anomaly,
3.والأساس الثالث هو :مخالفته لأحكام العدد الواردة في سورة الطلاق والتي تؤكد أن المرأة الحامل لا تطلق إلا بعد أن تضع حملها لقوله تعالي(يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1) فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَأَشْهِدُوا ذَوَيْ عَدْلٍ مِنْكُمْ وَأَقِيمُوا الشَّهَادَةَ لِلَّهِ ذَلِكُمْ يُوعَظُ بِهِ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا (2) وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا (3) And me from the tenderness of your women. Surat Al-Talaq) As for Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman, he is :
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman is: the mawla of the family of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah Salem ibn Abdullah ibn Umar m.4, al-Sa`ib ibn Yazid, Suleiman ibn Yasar t, Ikrimah the custodian of ibn Abbas, Ali ibn Rabia al-Walibi, Issa ibn Talha ibn Ubaidullah t.S.Q., and Kreeb, the custodian of ibn Abbas Bakhm. 4 Muhammad bin Muslim bin Shihab al-Zuhri, Musa bin Talha bin Obaid Allah, Abu Salamah bin Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, narrated from him by Israel bin Yunus, Al-Hasan bin Amara T., Hammad bin Yunus Al-Zuhri, Saad bin Shifsan Al-Thawri, Qadi Bin Shazan Al-Salt M D Sq, Sharek Bin Abdullah D, Shuba Bin Al Hajjaj T S, Abdul Rahman Bin Abdullah Al Masoudi T S, Abdul Malik Bin Abi Bakr Bin Hafs Bin Omar Bin Saad Bin Abi Waqas, Musa`ar Bin Kadam S S # Abbas Al Douri and Jacob Bin Shaybah said On the authority of Yahya bin Mu’in: Trustworthy # Abu Zara’a, Abu Hatim, and Abu Dawud said: It is a good hadith. I said the blogger :
How do you know who they are: Abu Zur’a, Abu Hatim, and Abu Dawood? They are the most accurate of what God Almighty has made of critics of men, a promise of the prophetic hadiths, and this means that they are not trustworthy and his hadith is valid and means that he does not rise to the hadith of the trustworthy and controlling. Al-Nasa’i said: There is nothing wrong with him, and it is an objection to his accuracy, not his fairness. This type of hadith is not suitable for the narrator to be singled out with this description. Ibn Hibban mentioned him in the Book of Trustees^ Al-Bukhari said to us, Ali, on the authority of Ibn Uyaynah: He was more knowledgeable than us in Arabic .
Al-Bukhari narrated it to him in literature and the rest .
[ And Al-Bukhari’s narration of him in literature is his reluctance to narrate to him in the Sahih, just as Al-Bukhari did not authenticate him and contented himself with saying he was more knowledgeable than us in Arabic . Ibn Omar 6. (1471)
And Ahmed bin Othman bin Hakim Al-Awdi told me. Khalid bin Makhlid told us . Suleiman (he is Bilal's son) told me. Abdullah Ibn Dinar told me on the authority of Ibn Umar; He divorced his wife while she was menstruating. Omar asked about that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. He said : " Once, let him review her until she becomes pure (I said al-Mudawwan: this is the first purification) and then another menstruation. Then she purifies ( I said al-Mudoon: this is the second purification) and then it is released after or withholding . [I said the blogger: And in this narration through Abdullah Ibn Dinar, there is a severe disorder, as the narration of the narration by visualization and abbreviation led to 1 - the omission of the third menstruation and the third purity . obscene, denoted by the word (then released after, or caught ) -
And the word: After is a circumstance of time that indicates the occurrence of divorce at its time, i.e. the time of the menses following this purification mentioned before it, because the one after the second purity is the third menses? On the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar, the rulings on divorce in the famous story of Ibn Umar’s divorce. And the abnormal narrations are those who were narrated by the trustworthy in opposition to the most reliable, or by those who narrated them by the masterful narrator out of fear of the memorized and mastered ones.. The narration of Yunus on the authority of Ibn Jubayr (Ibn Sirin Abu Ghallab) on the authority of Ibn Omar ......
d) the narration of Ibn Sirin Abu Ghallab (Yunus). Bin Jubayr Al-Bahili), on the authority of Ibn Omar :
7- (1471)And Ali bin Hajar al-Saadi told me. Ismail bin Ibrahim told us on the authority of Ayoub, on the authority of Ibn Sirin. He said: I spent twenty years talking to someone who I am not accused of. Ibn Umar divorced his wife three times while she was menstruating. He ordered to review it. So I did not accuse them, nor did I know the hadith, until I met Abu Ghallab, Yunus bin Jubayr Al-Bahili. That was proven. He told me; He asked Ibn Umar. He spoke to him; He divorced his wife when she was menstruating. He ordered to return it .I said: Did you think about it? He said: His mouth. Or if he is incapable and is foolish?. [The blogger said: This narration was narrated by Ibn Sirin in a short, abbreviated form, where he summarized what came like it in Malik’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Umar what he said “Then he should leave it until she becomes pure. Then she menstruates. Then she becomes pure. Then, if he wills.” Hold on after, and if he wants, he will divorce before he touches. That is the waiting period that God Almighty commanded to divorce women.” Then he added to him what Malik does not have from Nafi’, and he said, “I said: I thought about him? He said: His mouth. An increase rather: anomalies. [This is the first part, to be followed by the second part, God Almighty willing ]
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ruling on divorcing a pregnant woman is
abstaining from divorce during pregnancy,
and its prohibition .
O Prophet , if you
shut up the women . _ _ _ _ _ _ Do not know that God will happen ( 1 ) .
13. They established the certificate of God
14. That's whom he believes in God and the other day
15. Whoever fears God makes him a director (2) and I will not count
16. And whoever trusts God is
(3 )
Detailing the provisions of the census kit to reach the term of abstinence or divorce
1.And---- The waw here is waw of sympathy and it must be sympathetic to it at the beginning of detailing the rulings of several women, and I say the blogger: It sympathizes with what will be mentioned from the number of women on a previous detail whose existence has been extended from Surat Al-Baqarah to Surat Al-Talaq, and God informed him here with a word or say one letter He (and -----) is a few of the people (and three readers as I mentioned by the Aya al-
Aidi , " he said
. The loads are to put their
campaign and whoever fears God makes him a good thing (4)
God ordered him to bring to you. I said to you.
Except for the one who was preserved by God Almighty and did not replace it with copies and erased like the three readings and some of what we will mention here from the extended rulings without copying from Surat Al-Baqarah to Surat Al-Talaq. God envisions and greatness of his sanctity (5
( Ishnohn in terms of scent from finding
you .
Be pregnant women, so spend on them until they give birth to the same cause, i.e. their becoming husbands.
قلت المدون: فبعد أن يضعن حملهن ويَصِرْنَ الي طلاق ولم يُمسكهن أزواجهن فسيظهر في أفق المطلقين (الزوج المطلق والزوجة التي طلقت في نهاية العدة(بعد وضعها الحمل بسقط أو ولادة) مسائل الإرضاع وأجر الإرضاع لكون المرأة قد صارت مطلقة بعد وضع حملها وبلوغ أجل طلاقها ،والإنفاق علي الطفل وحضانة أمه والتي هي مطلقته كما ذكرها الله تعالي هنا في الآيات التالية ::::------- **اضغط الرابط**
فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى (6) لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آَتَاهُ اللَّهُ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آَتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7)/سورة الطلاق المنزلة في العام الخامس أو السادس هجريا
قال السائل:
طلّقت زوجتي وهى حامل فى الشّهر الثامن، و سمعت أنّ هذا طلاقاً بدعياً، لأنّ الحامل طاهرة وقد جامعتها قبل ذلك، وهذا يعد جماعاً فى طهر قد طلّقتها فيه، فهل بقولي لها: "أنت طالق" عند ذلك يكون طلاقاً بدعياً لا يقع، أم يقع؟ **اضغط الرابط**
الإجابة: أقول لهذا الذي طلق امرأته في الشهر الثامن وهي حامل حكمها أنها لم تطلق ولم يحدث طلاق من أصله وتلفظك باطل لا يؤدي إلي تفريق ولم يفك عقدة النكاح كما لم يفلق تلفظك عقد الزوجية ولو جمعت الأرض جميعا ليساعدوك علي فلقه لأن الله تعالي منع التلفظ منك علي الحقيقة وحَرَّزهُ في دُبُرِ العدة وإن تلفظت بملئ الأرض طلاقا فميقــــــــات تفعيل اللفظ ليكون قادرا علي فلق عقد الزواج وإحداث أثره من الطلاق والفراق هو بلوغ الأجل واتمام عدة الإحصاء ونهاية العدة [سواءا كانت المرأة من ذوات الأقراء فنهاية عدتها هي حلول الطهر الثالث الذي حُرِّز إليه التلفظ بالطلاق أو كانت ممن لا تحيض فنهاية عدتها التي لا يجوز التلفظ بطلاقها إلا بنهايتها هو بعد نهاية الشهر القمري الثالث وإن كانت من أولات الأحمال فتوقيت تطليقها هو أن تضع حملها بولادةٍ أو سقطٍ وذلك كله إن لم يشأ الزوج أن يُمسكها أو يُبقيها علي ميثاقه وعقده فهما الي قبل لحظة نهاية العدة أقول هما حتي هذه اللحظة أزواج *(فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَأَشْهِدُوا ذَوَيْ عَدْلٍ مِنْكُمْ وَأَقِيمُوا الشَّهَادَةَ لِلَّهِ ذَلِكُمْ يُوعَظُ بِهِ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآَخِرِ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا) وبلوغ الأجل هو الذي شُرِّعَ لِأَجْلِهِ حكم إحصاء العدة وهو بعد ميقات نهاية العدة وهو ميقات تفعيل والاستحواذ الفاعل علي لفظ التطليق وذلك لإحداث التفريق واتمام الإشهاد
] لقد فَصَّلَ النبي محمد /صلي الله عليه وسلم/ ذلك في حديث السلسلة الذهبية من طريق مالك عن نافع عن ابن عمر مرفوعا ولفظه في صحيح البخاري ووافقه علي روايته مسلم بن الحجاج تفصيلا وتوضيحا كما جاءت به آيات سورة الطلاق مما ذكرنا من تفصيلات أحكامها وتفصيلات أحكامه صلي الله عليه وسلم وختم روايته بقول النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم [فتلك العدة التي أمر الله أن تطلق لها النساء] مما يُطِيِحُ بآراء كل الذين يقولون [يطلق لطهرها] بل قال الله تعالي ورسوله [فطلقوهن لعدتهن]
وأتساءل المدون:
أين قال الله تعالي فطلقوهن لطهرهن؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!
وهو الذي قال ورسوله [فطلقوهن لعدتهن] كالآتي:
**اضغط الرابط**
4954.حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبد الله قال حدثني مالك عن نافع عن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما أنه طلق امرأته وهي حائض على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فسأل عمر بن الخطاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ذلك فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مره فليراجعها ثم ليمسكها حتى تطهر ثم تحيض ثم تطهر ثم إن شاء أمسك بعد وإن شاء طلق قبل أن يمس فتلك العدة التي أمر الله أن تطلق لها النساء
وفي سورة الطلاق المنزلة 5 أو 6 هجري
[يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ {قلت المدون ولم يقل [فطلقوهن لطهرهن}
ثم يقول رب العزة:
{وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ}
{وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ}
{لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ}
{وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ} إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ
{وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ} {وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ}
{لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا} (1)
وعدة الحامل بوضع الحمل لقوله تعالى:{وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن ومن يتق الله يجعل له من أمره يسرا} [الطلاق:4]
ولك أن تواطئها وتفعل بها كما يفعل الأزواج إن تخليت عن عزمك علي التطليق في نهاية العدة فإن غُلِبْتَ علي أمرك وواطئتها فقد هدمت كل إجراءات الطلاق وعليك أن تعيدها من أولها فإن عجزت علي أن تمنع نفسك من زوجتك طيلة ساعات وأيام وأسابع وأشهر العدة حتي تصل الي نهايتها فلن تصل إذن أبدا إلي لحظة تفعيل لفظ الطلاق المحرز هناك في دُبُرِ العدة وبعد نهايتها
اسكنوهن من حيث سكنتم من وجدكم
أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ وَإِنْ كُنَّ أُولَاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى (6) لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آَتَاهُ اللَّهُ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آَتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7)/[سورة الطلاق] المنزلة في العام الخامس أو السادس هجري
والآية6و7(أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ
وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ
وَإِنْ كُنَّ أُولَاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ
فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى(6) لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آَتَاهُ اللَّهُ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آَتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7)/سورة الطلاق قلت المدون ما سيأتي من الآيات هنا هو من داخل الحياة الزوجية التي يتأهب فيها الزوج لتدميرها بقرار الطلاق المرتقب بعد نهاية العدة عدة الإحصاء :
الآية6و7(أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ {لكونها ماتزال زوجة في عدة طلاق سورة الطلاق5هـ}
وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ {Because she is still a wife in the waiting period of divorce Surat Al-Talaq 5AH}
And if they are pregnant women, then spend on them until they deliver their pregnancy {Because she is still a wife in the waiting period of divorce} Surah Al-Talaq 5H
The sixth of the sixth and all of the first of the first { will be sentenced to you . 7 ) } The new relationship after the divorce has just been legalized
To this point, the matter has made a difference from the very beginning of His Almighty saying{...until they give birth} I said the blogger . The linguistic estimate indicates an eloquence in the context of its appreciation , if they give birth and become breastfeeding for their children after their divorce. ....}, I willreturntoyou.Surat Al-Talaq} And the Qur’an has become the setting of the rules for the post-divorce relationship thatShe is out of marital life from the beginning of her divorce after she gave birth and after the presence of the permission to utter the divorce that is authorized by the One God in this place and in it only: the end of the census count, and it is inferred by the placement of {the first pregnancies carried them} :
1 . After the divorce and its timing is after the occurrence of the divorce and separation and the testimony of it and after the end of the counting period according to the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq and it is codified that the divorced woman according to the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq has no share of spending except the reward of breastfeeding .
2.وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ (هذا التكليف توقيته هو بعد تحقيق الطلاق والتفريق في نهاية عدة الإحصاء وبعد بلوغ الأجل ونهاية العدة)عدة الحامل نهايتها تعرف بوضع حملها
3.وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى(6)[هذا التعاسر إن حدث فهو تبعة من تبعات حدوث الطلاق ثم التفريق للمرأة الحامل التي تم تطليقها في نهاية الحمل كعدة اعتدتها مع زوجها حين كانا داخل دائرة الزوجية والتي انتهت بوضع حملها ونفاذ سهم الطلاق بعد وضع الحمل]
5.لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آَتَاهُ اللَّهُ {وقد عين الله تعالي ما سينق أصلا وهو أجر مطلقته فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ }
6.لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آَتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7)/سورة الطلاق
(هذان التكليفان 6 و7.توقيتهما هو بعد نفاذ الطلاق والتفريق في نهاية عدة الإحصاء وبعد بلوغ الأجل ونهاية العدة)عدة الحامل نهايتها تعرف بوضع حملها استمع للاية مجملة // حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى (6) لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آتَاهُ اللَّهُ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7) //
أما في استدلال الحافظ القرطبي هنا فقد حدث خلطٌ وتداخلٌ بين شِرْعَتَيْنِ محت ونسخت إحداهما (وهي شرعة الطلاق في سورة الطلاق 5هـجري) جُلَ أحكام الأخري{البقرة} تبديلاً(وهي أحكام سورة الطلاق الناسخة لأحكام طلاق سورة البقرة2 هجري)
قلت المدون هذا الخلط هو قول الحافظ القرطبي [ قال:لا خلاف بين العلماء في وجوب النفقة والسكنى للحامل المطلقة ثلاثا أو أقل منهن حتى تضع حملها]]] قلت المدون
1.فلا نفقة للمطلقة إلا أجر إرضاعها ولا سكني : كيف وقد صارت الزوجة مطلقة لا يحل لمطلقها الخلوة بها
2.ولا حامل تطلق في حملها انما تطلق الحامل بعد ولادتها وهي في دمها ونفاثها الم يقل الجبار في علاه { وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن} فكيف غاب عن فطنة الفقهاء اسلوب زمان تحديد واقعة تطليق الحامل في قوله تعالي { وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ فأجلهن/ أقول المدون والاجل المقصود هنا ولا يقصد سواه هو حدث التطليق وما يترتب عليه من عدد اخري مثل عدة الحامل المتوفي زوجها وأي عدة اخري تشرع للحامل فميقات كل عددها هو بعد وضع حملها بولادة أو سقط وما شابهها }
فهم يخلطون زمنين في حساب واحد
الاول: زمن عدتهما احصاءا
والثاني : زمن انشاء وضع الطلاق وما بعده
قلت المدون:لقد انتهي مفهوم الحامل المطلقة وحل محله الحامل حتي تضع حملها
فهي حسب شرعة سورة الطلاق لم تعد(حامل+ ومطلقة)،، بل هي (حاملٌ+ وزوجة)حتي ::
1. تضع حملها
2. ثم إن شاء زوجها إمسكها بإذن من الله [ فَإِذَا بَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ]سورة الطلاق
3. وإن شاء فارقها فبإذن من الله الواحد[ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ]
ففي هذا الموضع وفيه فقط حيث تجلي ربنا تبارك وتعالي علي عبده الشارع في طلاق امرأته أن لا يطلق إلا في هذا الموضع الذي هو منتهي عدة الإحصاء ولم يأذن له إلا في هذا الموضع فقط..
قال الحافظ القرطبي:{وإِنْ كُنَّ أُولاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ}
قلت المدون ليس لأنهن مطلقات لكن لأنهن في عدة الاحصاء اي عدة سورة الطلاق تأجل التلفظ بالطلاق جبرا لبعد انتهاء العدة فبقين علي حالتهن من الزوجية لأجل بعد العدة فإما امساك واما فراق وخصت الحامل بالذكر من باب التنبيه علي المهم بالأهم
قال القرطبي: لا خلاف بين العلماء في وجوب النفقة والسكنى للحامل المطلقة ثلاثا أو أقل منهن حتى تضع حملها.
[ قلت المدون: ليس لأنها طُلِّقَتْ بل هي ما تزال زوجة في العدة من بعد نزل سورة الطلاق لأن الله تعالي في سورة الطلاق5هـ قد حرَّزَ التلفظ بالطلاق لنهاية وخلف جدار العدة الخلفي،بخلاف ما كانت عليه سورة البقرة2هـ والتي كانت تعتبر المرأة فيها مطلقة فور التلفظ عليها بلفظ الطلاق..
والفقهاء وأولوا العلم يخلطون بين شرعتين نسخت أحدهما 5هـ الأخري 2هـ حيث نسخت بالتبديل :أحكام الطلاق بسورة الطلاق5هـ ما سبقها من أحكام سورة البقرة2هـ]
قال القرطبي مسترسلا: فأما الحامل المتوفى عنها زوجها {قلت المدون لقد توفي من كان ينفق عليها وهي لم تزل زوجة حتي تضع حملها } فقال علي وابن عمر وابن مسعود وشريح والنخعي والشعبي وحماد وابن أبي ليلى وسفيان والضحاك: ينفق عليها من جميع المال حتى تضع. وقال ابن عباس وابن الزبير وجابر بن عبدالله ومالك والشافعي وأبو حنيفة وأصحابهم: لا ينفق عليها إلا من نصيبها.{قلت المدون اي نصيب تقصدون انها زوجة مات عنها زوجها كسائر النساء المتزوجات وهي مادامت علي عهده فلها ان تسكن ولها ان تطعم الا ان كانت ستخطب فلا تسكن ولا تطعم لأنها في كل الاحوال خرجت من عدته بوضع الحمل} وقد مضى في "البقرة" بيانه.
اثبات أن سورة الطلاق جاءت متراخية في النزول عن سورة البقرة وأن أحكامها في الطلاق مهيمنة علي أحكام الطلاق في سورة البقرة
ادخل علي الرابط
http://moshaf70.blogspot.com.eg/2016/06/blog-post_29.htm l
تفسير قوله تعالى: (وَاللَّائِي يَئِسْنَ مِنَ الْمَحِيضِ مِنْ نِسَائِكُمْ إِنِ ارْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَاثَةُ أَشْهُرٍ وَاللَّائِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا (4)
قالَ عَبْدُ اللهِ بنُ وَهْبٍ المَصْرِيُّ (ت: 197 هـ): (قال سفيان: وحدّثني سليمان عن أبي الضّحى، عن مسروقٍ قال: قال عبد اللّه بن مسعودٍ: الّتي في سورة النّساء القصرى: {وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن}، {قلت يعني نسخت} بعد الّتي في سورة البقرة وقال ابن مسعودٍ: من شاء لاعنته،لقد نسخت الآية التي في: {يأيها النبي إذا طلقتم النساء}، الّتي في سورة البقرة). [ الجامع في علوم القرآن: 1/122-123]
تفسير قوله تعالى: (وَاللَّائِي يَئِسْنَ مِنَ الْمَحِيضِ مِنْ نِسَائِكُمْ إِنِ ارْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَاثَةُ أَشْهُرٍ وَاللَّائِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا (4) )
قالَ عَبْدُ اللهِ بنُ وَهْبٍ المَصْرِيُّ (ت: 197 هـ): (قال سفيان: وحدّثني سليمان عن أبي الضّحى، عن مسروقٍ قال: قال عبد اللّه بن مسعودٍ: الّتي في سورة النّساء القصرى: {وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن}، بعد الّتي في سورة البقرة ،وقال ابن مسعودٍ: من شاء لاعنته، لقد نسخت الآية التي في: {أيها النبي إذا طلقتم النساء}، الّتي في سورة البقرة). [الجامع في علوم القرآن: 1/122-123]
قالَ عَبْدُ اللهِ بنُ وَهْبٍ المَصْرِيُّ (ت: 197 هـ): (أخبرني [ .... عن] المسيب بن رافع ومجاهد بن جبر في قول الله: {إن ارتبتم فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهرٍ}، قالا: اللاتي لم تبلغن المحيض، {إن ارتبتم فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهرٍ}، واللاتي قد قعدن من المحيض فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر؛
قال: وقال لي مالك مثله). [الجامع في علوم القرآن: 2/47-48] قالَ عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ بْنُ هَمَّامٍ الصَّنْعَانِيُّ (ت: 211هـ): (عن معمر عن الزهري في قوله تعالى إن ارتبتم قال في كبرهن أن يكون ذلك من الكبر فإنها تعتد حين ترتاب ثلاثة أشهر فأما إذا ارتفعت حيضة المرأة وهي شابة فإنها تتأنى بها حتى ينظر أحامل هي أم لا فإن استبان حملها فأجلها أن تضع حملها فإن لم تستبن حملها استوفي بها وأقصى ذلك سنة). [تفسير عبد الرزاق:2/298]
قالَ عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاقِ بْنُ هَمَّامٍ الصَّنْعَانِيُّ (ت211هـ): (عن الثوري عن إسماعيل بن أبي خالد قال لما نزلت هذه الآية والمطلقات يتربصن بأنفسهن ثلاثة قروء سألوا النبي فقالوا يا رسول الله أرأيت التي لم تحض والتي قد يئست من المحيض فاختلفوا فيه فأنزل الله تعالى إن ارتبتم يقول إن سألتم فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر واللائي لم يحضن بمنزلتهن وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن جملهن). [تفسير عبد الرزاق: 2/298] (م)
قال محمدُ بنُ إسماعيلَ بن إبراهيم البخاريُّ (ت: 256هـ) : (بابٌ وقال مجاهدٌ: {إن ارتبتم} [الطلاق: 4] : " إن لم تعلموا: أتحيض أم لا تحيض فاللّائي قعدن عن المحيض، واللّائي لم يحضن بعد فعدّتهنّ ثلاثة أشهرٍ وبال أمرها جزاء أمرها "
قال محمدُ بنُ إسماعيلَ بن إبراهيم البخاريُّ (ت: 256هـ) : (باب {وأولات الأحمال أجلهنّ أن يضعن حملهنّ، ومن يتّق اللّه يجعل له من أمره يسرًا} [الطلاق: 4] " وأولات الأحمال واحدها: ذات حملٍ حدّثنا سعد بن حفصٍ، حدّثنا شيبان، عن يحيى، قال: أخبرني أبو سلمة، قال: جاء رجلٌ إلى ابن عبّاسٍ وأبو هريرة جالسٌ عنده، فقال: أفتني في امرأةٍ ولدت بعد زوجها بأربعين ليلةً؟ فقال ابن عبّاسٍ: آخر الأجلين، قلت أنا: {وأولات الأحمال أجلهنّ أن يضعن حملهنّ} [الطلاق: 4] ، قال أبو هريرة: أنا مع ابن أخي - يعني أبا سلمة - فأرسل ابن عبّاسٍ غلامه كريبًا إلى أمّ سلمة يسألها، فقالت: «قتل زوج سبيعة الأسلميّة وهي حبلى، فوضعت بعد موته بأربعين ليلةً، فخطبت فأنكحها رسول اللّه صلّى الله عليه وسلّم، وكان أبو السّنابل فيمن خطبها».
- وقال سليمان بن حربٍ، وأبو النّعمان: حدّثنا حمّاد بن زيدٍ، عن أيّوب، عن محمّدٍ، قال: كنت في حلقةٍ فيها عبد الرّحمن بن أبي ليلى، وكان أصحابه يعظّمونه، فذكروا له فذكر آخر الأجلين، فحدّثت بحديث سبيعة بنت الحارث، عن عبد اللّه بن عتبة، قال: فضمّز لي بعض أصحابه، قال محمّدٌ: ففطنت له فقلت: إنّي إذًا لجريءٌ إن كذبت على عبد اللّه بن عتبة وهو في ناحية الكوفة، فاستحيا وقال: لكن عمّه لم يقل ذاك، فلقيت أبا عطيّة مالك بن عامرٍ فسألته فذهب يحدّثني حديث سبيعة، فقلت: هل سمعت عن عبد اللّه فيها شيئًا؟ فقال: كنّا عند عبد اللّه فقال: أتجعلون عليها التّغليظ، ولا تجعلون عليها الرّخصة، لنزلت سورة النّساء القصرى بعد الطّولى {وأولات الأحمال أجلهنّ أن يضعن حملهنّ} [الطلاق: 4] ([صحيح البخاري: 6/155-156] قال أحمدُ بنُ عَلَيِّ بنِ حجرٍ العَسْقَلانيُّ (ت: 852هـ): (قوله وأولات الأحمال أجلهنّ أن يضعن حملهنّ ومن يتّق اللّه يجعل له من أمره يسرا)
حادثة طلاق فاطمة بنت قيس وقعت ابان العام الثاني هجري حين سيادة احكام الطلاق بسورة البقرة
*وقعت حادثة طلاق فاطمة بنت قيس ابان العام الثاني الهجري في زمن إرسال النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم السرايا لتتبع الكفار حول المدينة وردعهم حتي يُرْدَعُوُنَ من ملاحقة المسلمين في دولتهم وينتهوا عن محاولات تقويض دولة الإسلام الوليدة توا في ظروف صعبة من تآمر كل قوي الشر عليهم
وكان المخزومي مع علي ابن ابي طالب في سريته التي كلفه النبي بها بعد أن أرسل لها زوجها المخزومي آخر ثلاث تطليقات وهو بالغزو، وكانت أحكام سورة البقرة في هذا الوقت تســــود بتطبيقاتها في كل حوادث الطلاق حينئذٍ ولم يتنزل بعد أي أحكامٍ غيرها لذلك كانت المرأة تقع مطلقةً بعد التلفظ بالطلاق لقول الله تعالي(والمطلاقات يتربصن ..الآية) وكانت في التطليقة الأخيرة لا تعتبر بها الزوجة تابعـــة لمطلقها زوجة بل مطلقة لأن الله تعالي قد حرمها عليه حتي تنكح زوجا آخر بوطء وعسيلة | فكانت فاطمة بنت قيس النموذج الحاضر لتجسيد حكم الطلـــاق وقتها والذي كان يتبع القاعدة الكلية (طلاق ثم عدة) وحينها لم يُشرع في سورة البقرة أحكام السكني والنفقة والإرضاع فكانت من تُطلق من النساء ليس لها سكني ولا نفقة ثم استمرت هذه القاعدة (الطلاق ثم العدة ) ساريةً في المجتمع المسلم حتي أراد الله تبديلها الي ما هو أحسن منها بتأخير التلفظ بالطلاق الي ما بعد انتهاء العدة ،وسماها عدة إحصــاء (وأحصوا العدة..الآية)
انظر جدول الفروق بين أحكام الطلاق بسورة البقـــــرة1و2هـ ( و سورة الطلاق )المنزلة في العام5هـ وقد وقع عامة الفقهاء في هذه الكبوة عندما خلطوا بين أحكام سورة البقرة1و2هـ- وسورة الطـــــلاق5هـ، برغم ثبوت عناصر النسخ كالتراخي البيِّن في تنزيل سورة الطــلاق 5هـ متصورين أنها أحكاما متوافقة متجانسة لا نسخ بينهما ولا تعديل[فوقع منهم هذا الكم الخطير من الخلافات التي عجت بها كتب الفقه ولم يتفق اثان منهم] وتناسوا أن كل أحكام الطـــلاق بين السورتين أحكاماً َمُتَبَدَلة بقاعدة كلية هي العدة أولا ثم التطليـق ثم الإشهاد ثم التفريـــق بعد كانت أحكام سورة البقـــــرة تتبع قاعدة كلية هي (الطـــــلاق أولاً ثم العــدة(عدة استبراء) )ثم التسريـح دونما إشهاد
لام العاقبة (لام الغاية)،أو اللام بمعني (بعد)نحو:
1.أَقِمِ ااصَّلاةَ لِدُلُوكِ الشَّمسِ} (الآية "78" من سورة الإسراء "17")أي بَعدَ دلوكها
2.وكمثل قوله تعالي ( يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ{أي بعد عدتهن} وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1)/سورة الطلاق ) أي فطلقوهن بعد إحصاء العدة ومنتهي عددها(أي لنهاية عدتهن وتمامها أي في دبر هذه العدة ونهايتها أي في دبر العدة)
3.وَلَمَّا جَاءَ مُوسَي لِمِيقَاتِنَا وَكَلَّمَهُ رَبُّهُ قَالَ رَبِّ أَرِنِي أَنْظُرْ إِلَيْكَ قَالَ لَنْ تَرَانِي وَلَكِنِ انْظُرْ إِلَى الْجَبَلِ فَإِنِ اسْتَقَرَّ مَكَانَهُ فَسَوْفَ تَرَانِي فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّى رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ جَعَلَهُ دَكًّا وَخَرَّ مُوسَى صَعِقًا فَلَمَّا أَفَاقَ قَالَ سُبْحَانَكَ تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَأَنَا أَوَّلُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ( (143/سورة الأعراف) أي لتمام ميقاتنا ونهايته
3.وَوَاعَدْنَا مُوسَى ثَلَاثِينَ لَيْلَةً وَأَتْمَمْنَاهَا بِعَشْرٍ فَتَمَّ مِيقَاتُ رَبِّهِ أَرْبَعِينَ لَيْلَةً وَقَالَ مُوسَى لِأَخِيهِ هَارُونَ اخْلُفْنِي فِي قَوْمِي وَأَصْلِحْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ142/ وَلَمَّا جَاءَ مُوسَى لِمِيقَاتِنَا{قلت المدون اي بعد ميقاتنا} وَكَلَّمَهُ رَبُّهُ قَالَ رَبِّ أَرِنِي أَنْظُرْ إِلَيْكَ قَالَ لَنْ تَرَانِي وَلَكِنِ انْظُرْ إِلَى الْجَبَلِ فَإِنِ اسْتَقَرَّ مَكَانَهُ فَسَوْفَ تَرَانِي فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّى رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ جَعَلَهُ دَكًّا وَخَرَّ مُوسَى صَعِقًا فَلَمَّا أَفَاقَ قَالَ سُبْحَانَكَ تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَأَنَا أَوَّلُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ- 143/الاعراف) ،واللام هنا هي في قوله تعالي (لميقاتنا)) لتمام ونهاية الميقات)
سيأتي إن شاء الله بيان تحقيق سائر أحاديث الطلاق عند الحافظ البخاري رحمه الله والملاحظ أن كل الفقهاء تعاملوا مع سورة الطلاق علي 1.أنها مكملة لاحكام سورة البقرة بالطول او العرض، 2.وتعاملوا مع المتناقضات التي فيها علي أنها تراكيب لغوية مطلسمة /مثل الخلوة التي أباحها الله بين الطرفين وخرجوا من طلسمها باراء متناقضه مختلفة /ومثل قوله تعالي فإذا بلغن أجلهن فأمسكوهن بمعروف فقد صدروا مقارنتها بإمساك سورة البقرة2هـ وكلاهما مختلفان فالامساك له معني واحد هو ابقاء ما في القبضة كما هو فيها لكن كل امساك بخلفيته وكنهه وقت الامساك فإمساك البقرة2ه يبقيها علي عهده لكن a/بخسارة احتساب طلقة b/وتمكن الزوجة بشرطها في البقاء معه من عدمه / ومثل {واولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن} فصدروا لذلك حديث محمد بن عبد الرحمن مولي طلحة a/الشاذ جدا b/ومعارضته للاية { وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن c/وتعارض ذلك مع الاية وكل طرق حديث ابن عمر الثمانية ومتابعاتها جميعا .
ومثل بلاغة لــــ عدتهن واعتبارهم خطأ اللام هنا بمعني قبل العدة بمخالفة صارخة لقواعد اللغة لأنها لام بمعني بعد انظر الكلام في مدونة الحق الالهي ومدونة النخبة في شرعة الطلاق ومثل نداء الله لنبيه والمؤمنين بأسلوب الشرط غير الجازم وغضهم الطرف عن قول الله تعالي الحكيم العليم الخبير{لا تدري لعل الله يحدث بعد ذلك أمرا}
4959.حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف أخبرنا مالك عن بن شهاب أن سهل بن سعد الساعدي أخبره أن عويمرا العجلاني جاء إلى عاصم بن عدي الأنصاري فقال له يا عاصم أرأيت رجلا وجد مع امرأته رجلا أيقتله فتقتلونه أم كيف يفعل سل لي يا عاصم عن ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فسأل عاصم عن ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فكره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المسائل وعابها حتى كبر على عاصم ما سمع من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما رجع عاصم إلى أهله جاء عويمر فقال يا عاصم ماذا قال لك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال عاصم لم تأتني بخير قد كره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المسألة التي سألته عنها قال عويمر والله لا أنتهي حتى أسأله عنها فأقبل عويمر حتى أتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وسط الناس فقال يا رسول الله أرأيت رجلا وجد مع امرأته رجلا أيقتله فتقتلونه أم كيف يفعل فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قد أنزل الله فيك وفي صاحبتك فاذهب فأت بها قال سهل فتلاعنا وأنا مع الناس عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما فرغا قال عويمر كذبت عليها يا رسول الله إن أمسكتها فطلقها ثلاثا قبل أن يأمره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال بن شهاب فكانت تلك سنة المتلاعنين
نبذة عن الناسخ والمنسوخ (من موقع الألوكة)
اضغط علي هذا الرابط مع وضع اصبعك علي زر كونتول الابط هو بيان تشرع النسخ في القرآن والرد علي منكري السنة
النسـخ تأليف ناصر عبد الغفور
يُعتبر علم النَّسخ من المباحث المهمة التي اهتم بها العلماء قديمًا وحديثًا، وأخص بالذكر الأصوليين والمحدِّثين والمهتمِّين بعلوم القرآن؛ وذلك لأهمية هذا العلم عند كل هؤلاء؛ فأما الأصوليون فموضوع بحثهم استنباط الأحكام من الأدلة - المتفق عليها والمختلف فيها، ولما كان النَّسخ يعني رَفْعَ حُكم متأخر بدليل آخر متراخٍ عنه، فقد عُنوا كثيرًا بمسألة النَّسخ، وأما المحدِّثون فقد اعتنوا به باعتباره طورًا مهمًّا في الأطوار أو المراحل المتبعة عند ظهور تعارض بين حديثين؛ حيث إنه إذا تعذر الجمع لجؤوا إلى الترجيح، فإن تعذر وعُلِم التاريخُ اعتمدوا النَّسخ، وأما علماء القرآن فاهتمامهم بالنَّسخ يعود لكونه وقع بلا ريب في القرآن الكريم، ويتوقف على وجوده من عدمه بقاءُ أحكام أو ارتفاعها؛ لذا فقد اعتنوا به عناية كبيرة، ومنهم من جعله علمًا مستقلاً من علوم القرآن، كالإمام السيوطي رحمه الله تعالى؛ حيث عقد له الباب السابع والأربعين - في ناسخه منسوخه -، وقبله الإمام بدر الدين الزركشي جعله في الباب الرابع والثلاثين من كتابه البرهان: "معرفة ناسخه ومنسوخه".
كما ألفت كتب كثيرة في هذا المبحث العظيم، وممن ألف فيه: قتادة بن دعامة السدوسي، وأبو عبيد القاسم بن سلاَّم، وأبو داود السجستاني، وأبو جعفر النحاس، وهبة الله بن سلام الضرير، وابن العربي، وابن الجوزي، وابن الأنباري، ومكي، والمقري، والكرمي، وقتادة، وابن حزم، وغيرهم.
وقد أفرد ابن الجوزي رحمه الله تعالى بابًا خاصًّا لبيان فضيلة هذا العلم وضرورة تعلمه، وأورد فيه تسعة آثار بأسانيدها عن علي وحذيفة بن اليمان وابن عباس رضي الله عنهم، وكلها تتحدث عن وجوب معرفة الناسخ والمنسوخ لمن يُفتي الناس أو يحدِّثهم في أمور الدِّين وأحكامه.
وقد كثُرت أقوال العلماء في بيان أهمية موضوع النَّسخ، وذلك منذ عهد الصحابة رضي الله عنهم؛ فقد رُوي عن علي رضي الله عنه أنه مر على قاص، فقال له: "هل تعلم الناسخ والمنسوخ؟"، قال: لا، فقال: "هلكتَ وأهلكتَ".
وعن الحَبْر ابنِ عباس رضي الله عنهما في قوله تعالى: ﴿ يُؤْتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَنْ يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّا أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ ﴾ [البقرة: 269] قال: "يعني: المعرفة بالقرآن؛ ناسخه ومنسوخه، ومحكَمه ومتشابهه، ومقدَّمه ومؤخَّره، وحلاله وحرامه، وأمثاله"[1].
قال الإمام الزركشي في بداية حديثه عن علم النَّسخ: "والعلم به عظيم الشأن.."[2].
وقال الإمام السيوطي: "قال الأئمة: لا يجوز لأحد أن يفسِّر كتابَ الله إلا بعد أن يعرف منه الناسخ والمنسوخ"[3].
ومما يبين عِظم شأن علم النَّسخ ما ذكره العلامة الزرقاني رحمه الله تعالى في مناهله:
♦ Familiarity with the abrogated and the abrogated reveals the course of Islamic legislation, and informs man of God’s wisdom in his upbringing of creation, his policy of human beings, and his affliction of people, which indicates a clear indication that the soul of the illiterate Prophet Muhammad could not be the source of such a Qur’an, nor the source of such legislation. It is a download from Hakim Hamid .
♦ Knowing the abrogator and the abrogated is a great pillar in understanding Islam, and in guiding to the correct rulings, especially if conflicting evidence is found. The contradiction between them is not repelled except by knowing the previous one from the later one, and the one who abrogated it from the abrogated one; That is why our righteous predecessors meant this aspect, they made it smart, drew people's attention to it, and carried them to it..." [4 ]. Research objectives : To clarify the importance of abrogation in Islamic law .
Explanation of the wisdom of the existence of copies in all its forms .
The book includes an introduction, and three chapters :
The first chapter
defines abrogation, its conditions and ways of knowing it, and the difference between it and the beginning and the specification, and it has three chapters :
Chapter One: Definition of abrogation, and it contains three sections :
The first topic: Definition of abrogation in the language .
The second topic: the definition of abrogation in terminology .
The third topic: the definition of the abrogator and the abrogated, and it has two demands :
The first requirement: the definition of the abrogator .
The second requirement: the definition of the copied .
The second chapter: Conditions of abrogation and ways to know it, and it contains two sections :
The first topic: The conditions of abrogation, and it contains two demands : The
first requirement: The agreed upon conditions.
The second requirement: different conditions .
The second topic: Methods of knowing abrogation, and it has two requirements : The
first requirement: the agreed upon methods for knowing abrogation .
The second requirement: the different ways in which to know the abrogation .
The third chapter: the difference between abrogation, privatization, and primacy, and it contains two topics :
The first topic: the difference between abrogation and privatization .
The second topic: the difference between abrogation and bada .
The second chapter is the
difference in the existence of abrogation and the evidence for its proof, and it contains two chapters :
Chapter One: The doctrines of the people of religions in abrogation, and it contains three sections :
The first topic: The first doctrine of abrogation .
The second topic: the second doctrine of copying .
The third topic: The third doctrine of copying .
S Chapter Two: Evidence for Proof of Abrogation, which includes three sections :
The first topic: Mental evidence for the existence of abrogation .
The second topic: the audio evidence for the existence of transcription, and it has two demands : The
first requirement: Sharia texts .
The second requirement: the permission of the auditory or fall .
The third topic: the evidence of consensus on the existence of copies .
The third chapter: Types of abrogation and the wisdom of its existence, and it contains two chapters :
Chapter One: Types of abrogation, and it contains four sections :
The first topic: Islam's abrogation of the previous laws .
The second topic: Reproduction in Islamic law is either for an alternative or not, and it has two requirements
The first requirement: copying into an allowance .
The second requirement: copying to something other than an alternative .
The third topic: copying between the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and it includes four demands :
The first requirement: transcribing the Qur’an with the Qur’an .
The second requirement: copying the Qur’an with the Sunnah .
The third requirement: transcribing the Sunnah with the Qur’an .
Fourth requirement: Copying the year by year .
The fourth topic: copying the consensus and analogy and abrogating them, and there are two demands :
The first requirement: copying the consensus and copying with it .
The second requirement: copy the analogy and copy it .
Chapter Two: The wisdom of abrogation, and it contains three sections :
The first topic: The wisdom of Islam abrogating the laws that preceded it .
The second topic: the wisdom of copying the provisions of Islam from one another .
The third topic: the wisdom of some types of abrogation, and it contains four demands : The
first requirement: the wisdom of abrogating the judgment without recitation .
The second requirement: the wisdom of transcribing the recitation without judgment .
The third requirement: the wisdom of copying to a lighter allowance .
The fourth requirement: the wisdom of copying into an equal or heavier allowance .
Conclusion .
The reference .
Chapter One :
Definition of abrogation, its conditions and ways of knowing it, and the difference between it and the beginning and specification :
Œ Chapter One: Defining abrogation :
The first topic: Defining abrogation in the language :
Naskh: source of the triple verb: copy, it is said: abrogated, abrogated, and comes with the meaning :
Œ1. removal
2. And invalidation 3. And transfer (review what the researcher wrote) [Review the link Click on this link with your finger on the control button. The link is a statement that legitimizes abrogation in the Qur’an and responds to the deniers of the Sunnah ] 4. And the proof, ( review what the researcher wrote ) ] Press a statement legislating abrogation in the Qur’an and responding to the deniers of the Sunnah ] 5. And conversion '6. and switch :
Ibn Faris, may God Almighty have mercy on him, says: “(Nuke) Nun, Sin and Khaa: the same origin, except that it is different in its analogy . The book, and abrogation: an order that was practiced before and then abrogated by the event of another, such as a verse in which an order is revealed and then abrogated by another verse. He swears, including: the transmigration of times and centuries. Al-Sijistani said: The abrogation: is to transform what is in the hive of honey and bees into another. He said: and from it is abrogation of the book”[5 ]
and to clarify these meanings :
• Removal and nullification: It is said: the sun abrogated the shadow: remove it, The wind copied the effects :Removing it and nullifying it, al-Ragheb al-Mufradat says: “Anaskh: is the removal of something with something that follows it, such as abrogating the sun’s shadow, the sun’s shadow, and the young gray hair”[6 ] and
from it the Almighty’s saying: Allama Al-Shanqeeti says in Adwa’a: “..because abrogation here is linguistic abrogation, and its meaning: nullification and removal, from their saying: the sun abrogated the shadow, and the wind abrogated the effect” [7 ]
• Transfer and proof: that is: the transfer from one place to another, it is said: abrogated. The book: If you quote what is in it simulating the word and its handwriting, and in this the meaning of proof is also achieved. As Al-Ragheb says: “And copying the book: transferring its abstract image to another book, and this does not require removing the first image, but rather it requires affirming its like in another article..” [8 ].
Copying the book , copying it and copying it alike, and the copy: the name of the copy from it.
And from him the Almighty’s saying: “This Book of Ours speaks truth to you. We were making copies of what you used to do.” [Al-Jathiyah: 29] Al-Bukhari, may God have mercy on him, narrated on the authority of Mujahid bin Jabr that he said: “That is, we write .”
• Transfer: This is like the transmigration of inheritance, meaning the transfer of inheritance from one to one .
Scholars have differed in these meanings, which of them are by way of truth, and which are by way of metaphor: Judge Abu Bakr and those who followed him such as Al-Ghazali and others went to the view that the name of abrogation is common to these two meanings, and Abu Al-Hussein Al-Basri and others went to the fact that it is a fact in removal, metaphor in transmission, and Al-Qaffal went. Among the companions of al-Shafi’i, that it is a fact in transferring and transferring, and Abu al-Husayn al-Basri argued that calling the name “abrogation” to transfer in their saying: I abrogated the book - a metaphor; Because what is in the book has not been transmitted in reality, and if the name of the abrogation is a metaphor for transmission, it must be true in the removal; Because it is not used in anything else, and if it is invalid in being a fact in one of them, it must be true in the other...” [10 ].
The second topic: Definition of abrogation in terminology :
abrogation in terminology :
1. Lifting a legal ruling with slack legal evidence,
2.Or lift a legal ruling similar to it with inaction .
3. He differed in it among the fundamentalists on the sayings: It was said: “Removing the example of a fixed ruling by a saying transmitted from God Almighty or from His Messenger, with his inaction on it in a way that had it not been for him, would have been established,
4. It was said: It is the removal of the ruling after its stability,
5. And it was said: It is Transferring the ruling to his disagreement.. Imam Al-Amidi invalidated these sayings with faces,
6. As for the definition that many of the fundamentalists accepted - such as Al-Amidi and Judge Abu Bakr Al-Baqlani, Al-Sayrafi, Abu Ishaq Al-Shirazi, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and others - that the abrogation is: If it were not for him, he would have been firm, even though he was lax.” [11 ] Imam Al-Shawkani explained the importance of these restrictions that the scholars mentioned in this definition, saying :
Rather, they preferred the discourse to the text, so that it would include the wording, the content, and the concept, as it is permissible to copy all of that .
And they said: It indicates the elevation of the ruling, to deal with the command, the prohibition, the report, and all kinds of the ruling .
And they said in the previous discourse, that the obligation of worship comes out from the beginning, because it removes the judgment of reason with acquittal, and it is not called abrogation; Because it is still the rule of speech .
And they said: If it were not for him, it would have been firm. Because it is the reality of abrogation and lifting, and it is only translating if the precedent was such that if it were not for its occurrence, it would have remained .
And they said: With his slackening him; Because if he called, it would have been a statement of the duration of worship, not a copy”[12 ].
Imam Al-Shawkani, may God Almighty have mercy on him, responded to this definition from several aspects, then mentioned other definitions, and concluded by saying :
It is better to say: It is to lift a legal ruling similar to it with its laxity.”[ 13 ].
See the link for a statement on the legalization of copying in the Qur’an and responding to those who deny the Sunnah ( click with the mouse to copy in the Qur’an after you place your finger on the control button on the keyboard )
The third topic: Definition of the transcriber and the abrogated :
The first requirement: Definition of the transcriber : The
transcriber : a passive noun from copies He abrogates, then he is a transcriber, and the one who copies in reality is God Almighty; He is the one who abrogates whatever he wants. As the Almighty said: “We do not abrogate or forget a verse, We bring something better or similar to it” [Al-Baqarah: 106 ].
The scribe may call the text with which the previous ruling was lifted, whether it was a verse or a verbal or actual hadith or a declarative from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace .
The second requirement: the definition of the copied:
abrogated: an accusative noun from the triple verb abrog, abrogated - building on the unknown - copies, it is abrogated .
What is meant is a legal ruling that has been lifted with sluggish legal evidence. Like sacrificing one for ten, this ruling is abrogated by sacrificing two, as in Surat Al-Anfal .
The second chapter: Conditions of abrogation and ways to know it :
The first topic: Conditions of abrogation : The conditions
of abrogation are divided into agreed conditions, and there are different conditions
in them . The transition from the original patent to the assignment does not count as copies; Because this innocence is a rational matter, not a legitimate one . •
That the evidence indicating the elevation of the ruling is legitimate: the elevation of the ruling by the death of the obligee or his insanity is not by abrogation, rather it is the fall of the assignment
altogether . ” Rather, it is a specification, such as the Almighty’s saying: “Then complete the fast until night” [Al-Baqarah : 187] This does not nullify fasting during the day . There is no prayer after the morning prayer until the sun rises, and there is no prayer after the afternoon prayer until the sun has set.” The time during which it is permissible to perform supererogatory actions for which there is no reason is temporary. Because timing prevents copying” [14 ].
The second requirement: the conditions in which there is a difference :
• That the abrogator be stronger than the abrogated or something similar, and if it is weaker than it, he should not abrogate it; Because the weak does not remove the strong .
The scholar Ibn Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him, said: “The majority stipulated that it be stronger than the abrogated, or similar to it, so that the mutawatir is not abrogated by them, even if it is established, and most likely it is not required that the abrogator be stronger or similar, because the place of abrogation is the ruling, and it is not stipulated in It is proven by mutawatir” [15 ].
• That the copies of the Qur'an be in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah with the Sunnah .
• The letter indicating the elevation of the ruling has been received after the time for compliance has entered .
• That the abrogated speech be of a ruling that does not include exception and specification .
•That the abrogated and abrogated two texts are definitive .
• The transcriber should be in contrast to the abrogated one with the command to forbid, and the narrower with the expanded one .
• That the copies be in exchange .
Imam Al-Amidi, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said after mentioning the last five conditions - the difference in it -: "All of that is different about it, and the truth is that these matters are not considered"[16 ].
Among the conditions that some scholars also mentioned are :
• It is not possible to combine the two evidence. If it is possible to combine, then there is no abrogation; To be able to work with both of them .
• Knowing that the transcriber was late, and this is known either by the text, or by the report of the companion, or by the date .
An example of what is known to be delayed is the text: His, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: ((I had given you permission to enjoy intimacy with women, and God has forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection.)).
An example of what was known about the companion’s news is: Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: “In what was revealed from the Qur’an, ten specific sucklings were forbidden, then it was abrogated with five information”[ 17 ]
. It remains and continues, and the same is known in the text that it is perpetuated and not stagnant [18 ] .The
second topic: Methods of knowing abrogation : abrogation
means raising a legal ruling, and this elevation necessitates not to act on this ruling, and no one has the right to speak about it by mere opinion and deduction. It is a matter of legal rulings raised .
Ibn Hisar, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said: “It is not relied on the abrogation of the sayings of the common commentators, but rather the ijtihad of the mujtahids without sound transmission or clear opposition, because abrogation includes lifting a ruling and confirming a ruling that was established in his time, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. "[19 ].
Imam, son of Hazem, may God have mercy on him. God, and the Messenger sought forgiveness for them, they would find God Most Forgiving, Most Merciful ( [النساء: 64]، وقال تعالى: ﴿ قُلْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي أَخْرَجَ لِعِبَادِهِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتِ مِنَ الرِّزْقِ قُلْ هِيَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا خَالِصَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ كَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الْآيَاتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ ﴾ [الأعراف: 32]، فكل ما أنزل الله تعالى في القرآن أو على لسان نبيه ففرضٌ اتباعُه، فمن قال في شيء من ذلك: إنه منسوخ، فقد أوجب ألا يطاع ذلك الأمر، وأسقط لزوم اتباعه، وهذه معصية لله تعالى مجردة، وخلاف مكشوف، إلا أن يقوم برهان على صحة قوله، وإلا فهو مفترٍ مبطِل، ومن استجاز خلاف ما قلنا، فقوله يؤُول إلى إبطال الشريعة كلها؛ لأنه لا فرق بين دعواه النَّسخ في آية ما أو حديث ما وبين دعوى غيره... فعلى هذا لا يصحُّ شيء من القرآن والسنَّة، وهذا خروج عن الإسلام، وكل ما ثبت بيقين فلا يبطُلُ بالظنون، ولا يجوز أن تسقط طاعةُ أمرٍ أمَرنا به الله تعالى ورسوله إلا بيقين نسخ لا شك فيه، فإذ قد صح ذلك وثبت، فلنقل في الوجوه التي بها يصحُّ نسخ الآية أو الحديث، فإذا عُدِم شيء من تلك الوجوه فقد بطَلت دعوى مَن ادعى النَّسخ في شيء من الآيات أو الأحاديث[ 20]
Also, abrogation requires that there be two real contradictory evidence that cannot be combined, just as it is impossible to give preference to one over the
other . It is divided into two parts: agreed methods, and different methods in them.The
first requirement: the agreed upon methods for knowing abrogation :
1 - That there be in one of the two texts what indicates the identification of the later ones, i.e., that the wording should indicate progress and delay, so the abrogator is The late one, as Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in his joke on Al-Nuzha: “And if he is presented with the same, and if it is possible to combine, then the hadith is different, or not, and the later is proven, then he is the abrogator and the other is abrogated ” [ 21] .
The verse :) I ask you to make between my hand . My salutations to you are charity (Al-Mujadalah: 12 ).
An example is his saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: ((I used to forbid you to visit graves, so visit them, for they remind the Hereafter)). (Muslim: 977 ).
2 - Ijma’: that is, the consensus of the ummah in one era is established to determine the advanced from the later of them, for example: the drinker of alcohol was killed the fourth time, it was abrogated, its copy is known to be unanimous, as mentioned by Imam Al-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim .
3 -It is reported from authentic chains of transmission on the authority of one of the Companions that one of the two contradictory texts was specified to precede the other, or to be slack about it .
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: “And among them - any of the ways of knowing abrogation - is what the Companion asserts that it is late, as Jaber, may God be pleased with him, said: “The last of the two orders of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was marked by leaving ablution from what touched the fire .”
• This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawood . And al-Nasa’i and others with an authentic chain of narrators
4 - History: that is: knowing the history of the two texts, so the later versions are abrogated, and this path is many, as al-Hafiz mentioned in his joke on al -
Nuzha .The hadith of Shaddad bin Aws, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The one who has cupped and the one who is fasting breaks his fast.” As it was narrated in the hadeeth of Shaddad: that he was with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, at the time of the conquest, and he saw a man having cupping in the month of Ramadan, and he said: “The one who has cupped and the one who has had cupping breaks their fast.” Thus : the first was at the time of the Conquest in the year eight, and the second was during the Farewell Pilgrimage in the year ten [ 22 ] . This does not constitute evidence for abrogation, because the statement of the Companion may have been based on an ijtihad in which he erred, so that neither the preceding nor the later was correct .
Among the scholars are those who considered this as one of the ways of knowing abrogation: because the Companion could not strive in a matter of greatness like this; The Companions are among the most pious of people and the most pious of them to God Almighty, so how can one of them be willing to strive to lift a legal ruling? !
Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said :If he was told that this is late, and if he said: This is abrogating, the abrogation was not proven by him, they said: It is permissible for him to say it on the basis of his ijtihad, based on the fact that his saying is not a proof, and what the people of hadith said are clearer and more famous, and abrogation is not made by ijtihad and opinion, but rather it is made to it. When learning the history, the Companions were too cautious for any of them to pass a legal ruling by abrogating without knowing that the abrogator was late. He said - as narrated by al-Bayhaqi in al-Madkhal -: The abrogated and abrogated are not inferred except by a report from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, or by an endowment indicating that one is after the other, or by the saying of the one who heard the hadith, meaning from the Companions or the common people. The hadith, by which he meant the words of the Companion absolutely..." [ 23 ]
2-the fact that one of the two contradictory texts is inserted into the Qur’an after the other text; Some think that the one who is late in the proof abrogates the previous one, and the majority of scholars do not see that. Because the order of the verses in the Quran is not according to the order of revelation .
3 - That one of the narrators is from the events of the Companions without the narrator of the other text, so it is not judged that the hadith of the young man is late than the hadith of the great; Because it is permissible for the young one to have narrated the abrogated one from the one with whom he preceded his company, and for the permission for the older one to hear the transcriber from the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, after the young one heard from him the abrogated one, either as a reference to a past time, or to the delay in the legislation of both the abrogated and the abrogated .
4 - That one of the narrators converted to Islam before the other, so it is not judged that what the earlier narrators of Islam had abrogated and what the later narrated from him was abrogated; For the reality to be the opposite .
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: “It is not among them - any of the ways of knowing abrogation - that the later companion of Islam narrates in opposition to the one who preceded it, because of the possibility that he heard it from another companion older than the aforementioned or similar, so he sent it.”[ 24 ]
5 - That one of the two texts agrees with the original patent without the other, so he may be under the illusion that the one who agrees with it is the previous one, and the one who is late to it is the later, although this is not necessary; Because there is no objection to the precedence of what contradicts the original innocence over what agrees with it, for example, his saying, peace be upon him: ((No ablution if touched by fire)), it does not have to be prior to the report that it is required to perform ablution from what touched fire, and the occurrence of this is not free from A great wisdom, which is God’s relieving of His servants after He had tested them with severity[25 ] .
[1] Narrated by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in his Tafsir: 5/576 . [2] The proof: 2/28 .
[3] Itqan: 2/55 .
[4] Manasil al-Irfan: 2/174 .
[5] Dictionary of language standards: 5/424 - 425 .
[6] Vocabulary: 490 .
[7] Adwaa al-Bayan fi clarification of the Qur’an by the Qur’an: 5/288 .
[8] Vocabulary: 1/490 .
[9] Mukhtar Al-Sihah: 688 .
[10] Al-Hakam by Al-Amidi: 3/112 .
[11] Al-Hakam by Al-Amidi: 3/115 .
[12] Guidance for stallions: 2/51 .
[13] Guidance for stallions: 2/52 .
[14] Usul al-Fiqh al-Missir: 2/230 .
[15th]The assets of the science of assets: 54 .
[16] Al-Hakam by Al-Amidi: 3/126 .
[17] Al-Osoul Min Al-Usul: 53 .
[18] Guidance for stallions: 2/55 .
[19] Quoted from Al-Itqan: 2/47 .
[20] Al-Hakam by Ibn Hazm: 4/484 .
[21] Jokes on the Nuzha: 105 .
[22] Introduction Ibn al-Salah: The thirty-fourth type .
[23] Fath al-Mugheeth, Explanation of Alfiyyah al-Hadith: 324 .
[24] Jokes on the Nuzha: 106 .
[25] Manasil Irfan: 2/210 Adapted .
God Almighty says {O Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period, and count the waiting period{ We have enumerated it} We have memorized and counted it, and the Sunnah divorce is that he divorce her purely without intercourse and witness two witnesses
4953. Ismail bin Abdullah told us that Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the time of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said once, let him take her back, then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then purifies, then if he wants, hold on after and if he wants, divorce before he touches
. The hadith is from the narration of Malik on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God Almighty be pleased with them both, and it is the main pillar of the hadiths of divorce, because it is from the narration of the Golden Chain,
chapter “If she divorces the menstruating woman,” the divorce
counts 4954.Suleiman bin Harb told us, Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Anas bin Sirin, he said, “I heard bin Omar say that bin Omar divorced his wife when she was menstruating.” So Omar mentioned to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said to review her. If he is incapable and fools, Abu Muammar said: Abd al-Warith told us, Ayoub told us, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn Umar, he said, “I thought Ali
divorced . Urwa told me on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, that when the daughter of al-Jun was brought to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he approached her, she said, “I seek refuge in God from you.” He said to her, “You have sought refuge in the greatness of my right to your family.” That Aisha said ******* 4956.
Abu Naim told us, Abd al-Rahman bin Ghasil told us, on the authority of Hamza bin Abi Usayd, on the authority of Abu Usayd, may God be pleased with him, he said, “We went out with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, until we set out to a wall called the circuit until we reached two walls and we sat between them. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Sit here. And he entered and he was brought in Jounieh, and she was lowered in a house in palm trees in the house of Umaima bint al-Numan bin Sharaheel, with her midwife, incubating her. I sought refuge with Muadh, then he came out to us and said: O Abu Usayd, dress her with two wizards and join her family
4957.Al-Husayn bin Al-Walid Al-Naysaburi said on the authority of Abd Al-Rahman on the authority of Abbas bin Sahl on the authority of his father and Abu Usayd who said that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, married Umaima bint Sharaheel. Ibn Abi al-Wazir told us Abd al-Rahman on the authority of Hamzah on the authority of his father and on the authority of Abbas bin Sahel bin Saad on the authority of his father this
4958 . A man divorced his wife when she was menstruating, and he said, “You know bin Omar that bin Omar divorced his wife when she was menstruating?” Omar came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and mentioned that to him, so he ordered him to take her back.
Chapter: Who Permisses Three Divorces for God Almighty’s Saying (Divorce Twice, So Hold With Kindness or Leave With Kindness) Ibn Al-Zubayr said regarding a divorced patient, I don’t see that you inherit his stupor, and Al-Sha’bi said you inherit him
. Said bin Afair told us: Al-Laith told me, he said, Aqeel told me on the authority of bin Shihab, he said, Urwa bin Al-Zubayr told me that Aisha told him that Rifa’a’s wife Al-Qurazi came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: “Oh, Messenger of God, Rifa’a divorced me. Al-Qurazi, but with him is like a fringe. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Perhaps you want to go back to Rifa’a, not until he tastes your sweetness and you taste his sweetness
4961.Muhammad bin Bashar told us, Yahya told us, on the authority of Ubayd Allah, he said: Al-Qasim bin Muhammad told me on the authority of Aisha that a man divorced his wife three times, and she got married and divorced. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked to marry the first, he said, “No, until he tastes her honey, as the first tasted,
a door from the best of his wives, and God Almighty’s saying: Tell your wives that You would desire the life of the world and its adornment, so come, I will give you comfort and make you a beautiful release }
4962. Omar Ibn Hafs told us, Abi told us Al- A’mash told us, Muslim told us on the authority of Masruq, on the authority of Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with her, who said: Our best is the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Musaddad: Yahya told us on the authority of Ismail. Aamir told us on the authority of Masruq. He said: I asked Aisha about the good, and she said: Our best is the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so was it a divorce ?
If he says I separated you, or released you, or divorced you, or deserted, or what he meant by divorce, then he is on his intention and the saying of God Almighty, {And set them free with a beautiful release} and he said: { And let them free you beautifully} And he said: “Constrain them with kindness or leave them with kindness.” And he said, “Or separate them with kindness,” and Aisha said he knew. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that my parents did not command me to separate him.
: Who said to his wife, “You are forbidden to me.” Al-Hasan said his intention. The scholars said: “If he divorces three things, then it is forbidden to him, so they call him forbidden by divorce and separation . ”
And he said about divorce three times, it is not permissible for him until she has married another husband
.Muhammad told us, Abu Muawiyah told us, Hisham bin Urwah told us, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, she said: A man divorced his wife, and she married another husband, so he divorced her, and she was with him like a gift, and she did not reach anything she wanted, so he divorced her soon after, so she came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, my husband divorced me and I married.” Another husband, and he entered with me, and he was with him only like a fringe, and he only brought me close to one moment, and he did not reach anything from me, so he was permitted to my first husband, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Do not sweeten your first husband until the other tastes your sweetness and you taste his sweetness.”
Chapter (You did not forbid what God permitted you )
4965 Al -Hasan bin Sabah told me, Al-Rabee’ bin Nafi’ told us, Mu’awiyah told us, on the authority of Yahya bin Abi Katheer, on the authority of Ya’li bin Hakim, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, that he told him that he heard bin Abbas saying that if he forbade his wife, it is nothing, and he said: “You have in the Messenger of God a good example” 4966
.Al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin Sabah told us, Hajjaj told us on the authority of bin Juraij, he said, Ata’ claimed that he heard Ubaid bin Omair say: I heard Aisha, may God be pleased with her, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was staying with Zainab bint Jahsh and drinking honey with her. May God’s peace and blessings be upon him, so say, “I find from you the smell of Maghafir that ate Maghafir.” So he entered upon one of the two of them, and she said to him, so he said, “No, but I drank honey with Zainab bint Jahsh, and I will not go back to it.” So I came down {O Prophet, you did not prohibit what God has permitted for you} to” If you repent to God} to Aisha and Hafsa {And when the Prophet confided himself to some of his wives} to his saying: I drank honey
[4967]حدثنا فروة بن أبي المغراء حدثنا علي بن مسهر عن هشام بن عروة عن أبيه عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها قالت كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يحب العسل والحلواء وكان إذا انصرف من العصر دخل على نسائه فيدنو من إحداهن فدخل على حفصة بنت عمر فاحتبس أكثر ما كان يحتبس فغرت فسألت عن ذلك فقيل لي أهدت لها امرأة من قومها عكة من عسل فسقت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم منه شربة فقلت أما والله لنحتالن له فقلت لسودة بنت زمعة إنه سيدنو منك فإذا دنا منك فقولي أكلت مغافير فإنه سيقول لك لا فقولي له ما هذه الريح التي أجد منك فإنه سيقول لك سقتني حفصة شربة عسل فقولي له جرست نحله العرفط وسأقول ذلك وقولي أنت يا صفية ذاك قالت تقول سودة فوالله ما هو إلا أن قام على الباب فأردت أن أباديه بما أمرتني به فرقا منك فلما دنا منها قالت له سودة يا رسول الله أكلت مغافير قال لا قالت فما هذه الريح التي أجد منك قال سقتني حفصة شربة عسل فقالت جرست نحله العرفط فلما دار إلي قلت له نحو ذلك فلما دار إلى صفية قالت له مثل ذلك فلما دار إلى حفصة قالت يا رسول الله ألا أسقيك منه قال لا حاجة لي فيه قالت تقول سودة والله لقد حرمناه قلت لها اسكتي
Chapter: No Divorce Before Marriage, and God Almighty’s Saying: {O you who have believed, if you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them, then you have no waiting period for them to transgress, so give them comfort and set them free in a beautiful way }
Ibn Abbas said, “God made divorce after the marriage
. Bin Al-Zubayr, Abu Bakr Bin Abdul Rahman, Obaid Allah Bin Abdullah Bin Utbah, Aban Bin Othman, Ali Bin Hussein, Shureh, Saeed Bin Jubair, Al Qasim, Salem, Tawus, Al Hassan, Ikrimah, Ata, Amer Bin Saad, Jaber Bin Zaid, Nafeh Bin Jubayr, Muhammad Bin Ka’b, Suleiman Bin Yasar, Mujahid, Al Qasim Bin Abd Al-Rahman And Amr bin Haram and Al-Sha’bi that she does not release
the door if he says to his wife while he is forced
باب الطلاق في الإغلاق والكره والسكران والمجنون وأمرهما والغلط والنسيان في الطلاق والشرك وغيره لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الأعمال بالنية ولكل امرئ ما نوى وتلا الشعبي {لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا} وما لا يجوز من إقرار الموسوس
وقال النبي صلىالله عليه وسلم للذي أقر على نفسه أبك جنون
وقال علي بقر حمزة خواصر شارفي فطفق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يلوم حمزة فإذا حمزة قد ثمل محمرة عيناه ثم قال حمزة هل أنتم إلا عبيد لأبي فعرف النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قد ثمل فخرج وخرجنا معه
وقال عثمان ليس لمجنون ولا لسكران طلاق
وقال بن عباس طلاق السكران والمستكره ليس بجائز
وقال عقبة بن عامر لا يجوز طلاق الموسوس
وقال عطاء إذا بدا بالطلاق فله شرطه
وقال نافع طلق رجل امرأته البتة إن خرجت فقال بن عمر إن خرجت فقد بتت منه وإن لم تخرج فليس بشيء
Al-Zuhri said, “If he said, ‘If I did not do such-and-such, then my woman is divorced three times
.’ Qatadah said: “If you are pregnant, then you are divorced.” Ibn Abbas said: “Divorce is on the authority of Watar and freeing is what is intended by God.” He intended and said Ali, “Did you not know that the pen was lifted from three: from the insane until he wakes up, from the boy until he realizes, and from the sleeper until he wakes up?” Ali said, “All divorce is permissible except for the lunatic.”
[4968]Muslim bin Ibrahim told us, Hisham told us, Qatadah told us, on the authority of Zurara bin Awfa, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said, “God has forgiven my nation for what they have done to themselves as long as they do not act or speak.” Qatadah said, “If he divorces himself, it is nothing.
” [4969] Asbagh told us, Ibn Wahb told us, on the authority of Yunus, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, he said, “Abu Salama told me on the authority of Jabir that a man who embraced Islam came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while he was in the mosque and said that he had committed fornication, so he turned away from his apartment . Have you been immunized? He said, “Yes.” So he ordered him to be stoned in the prayer-place. When the stones threw him at him, he crossed until he caught up with the stone, and was killed
. [4970]حدثنا أبو اليمان أخبرنا شعيب عن الزهري قال أخبرني أبو سلمة بن عبد الرحمن وسعيد بن المسيب أن أبا هريرة قال أتى رجل من أسلم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو في المسجد فناداه فقال يا رسول الله إن الآخر قد زنى يعني نفسه فأعرض عنه فتنحى لشق وجهه الذي أعرض قبله فقال يا رسول الله إن الآخر قد زنى فأعرض عنه فتنحى لشق وجهه الذي أعرض قبله فقال له ذلك فأعرض عنه فتنحى له الرابعة فلما شهد على نفسه أربع شهادات دعاه فقال هل بك جنون قال لا فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اذهبوا به فارجموه وكان قد أحصن وعن الزهري قال أخبرني من سمع جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري قال كنت فيمن رجمه فرجمناه بالمصلى بالمدينة فلما أذلقته الحجارة جمز حتى أدركناه بالحرة فرجمناه حتى مات
وقول الله تعالى { ولا يحل لكم أن تأخذوا مما آتيتموهن شيئا إلا أن يخافا أن لا يقيما حدود الله} إلى قوله} الظالمون }
وأجاز عمر الخلع دون السلطان
وأجاز عثمان الخلع دون عقاص رأسها
وقال طاوس {إلا أن يخافا أن لا يقيما حدود الله} فيما افترض لكل واحد منهما على صاحبه في العشرة والصحبة ولم يقل قول السفهاء لا يحل حتى تقول لا أغتسل لك من جنابة
[ 4971 ]
حدثنا أزهر بن جميل حدثنا عبد الوهاب الثقفي حدثنا خالد عن عكرمة عن بن عباس أن امرأة ثابت بن قيس أتت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت يا رسول الله ثابت بن قيس ما أعتب عليه في خلق ولا دين ولكني أكره الكفر في الإسلام فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أتردين عليه حديقته قالت نعم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أقبل الحديقة وطلقها تطليقة قال أبو عبد الله لا يتابع فيه عن بن عباس
4972.حدثنا إسحاق الواسطي حدثنا خالد عن خالد الحذاء عن عكرمة أن أخت عبد الله بن أبي بهذا وقال تردين حديقته قالت نعم فردتها وأمره يطلقها وقال إبراهيم بن طهمان عن خالد عن عكرمة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وطلقها وعن أيوب بن أبي تميمة عن عكرمة عن بن عباس أنه قال جاءت امرأة ثابت بن قيس إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت يا رسول الله إني لا أعتب على ثابت في دين ولا خلق ولكني لا أطيقه فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فتردين عليه حديقته قالت نعم
[ 4973 ] Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak al-Makhrami told us, Qarad Abu Noah told us, Jarir ibn Hazim told us, on the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both. Religion and no morals except that I fear infidelity, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “You will return to him in his garden.” She said, “Yes.” She replied to him and his order, so he left it
. His family, and a judge from her family }
[4974] Abu Al-Walid told us, Al-Layth told us on the authority of Ibn Abi Malikah, on the authority of Al-Miswar Ibn Makhrama, he said, “I heard the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, say, that the Banu al-Mughirah asked permission to marry their daughter Ali, so there is no permission
door that the sale of the ummah is not a divorce
.” 4975Ismail bin Abdullah told us. Malik told me on the authority of Rabia bin Abi Abdul Rahman on the authority of Al-Qasim bin Muhammad on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, the wife of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Allegiance is to the one who was freed. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, entered the porch with meat, so bread and Adam came to him from Adam’s house, and he said, “Did I not see the twig in it was meat?” They said: “Yes, but that is meat that you give as charity to Barira and you do not eat charity.” He said on it is charity, and we have a
. 4976] Abu al-Walid told us, Shu’bah and Hammam told us, on the authority of Qatada, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said, “I saw him as a slave, meaning Barira’s husband .
” 4977 He follows her on the railroads of the city, crying over her
Qutayba bin Saeed told us, Abdul Wahhab told us, on the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, he said: Barira’s husband was a black slave called Mughith, a slave of so
-and-so . [ Muhammad told us Abd al-Wahhab told us Khalid told us on the authority of Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn Abbas that Barira’s husband was a slave called Mughith as if I was looking at him walking around behind her crying and tears running down his beard. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: If I go back to him, she said, “O Messenger of God, you command me.” He said, “I only intercede.” She said, “I have no need for it.
” [4980]Abdullah bin Raja’ told us Shu’bah told us about Al-Hakam on the authority of Ibrahim on the authority of Al-Aswad that Aisha wanted to buy Barira, but her masters refused unless they stipulate loyalty. He gave it in charity to Barira, so he said, “It is charity for her, and we have a gift.” Adam told us, Shu’bah told us, and he added, so she chose from her husband the
chapter on God Almighty’s saying: “And do not marry polytheists until he believes, and a believing nation is better than polytheism, even if you like it .
” [4981] He was asked about the marriage of a Christian and a Jew. He said that God forbade polytheisms for the believers, and I do not know of anything greater than polytheism than that a woman says her Lord Jesus, and he is a slave of God’s servants .
حدثنا إبراهيم بن موسى أخبرنا هشام عن بن جريج وقال عطاء عن بن عباس كان المشركون على منزلتين من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم والمؤمنين كانوا مشركي أهل حرب يقاتلهم ويقاتلونه ومشركي أهل عهد لا يقاتلهم ولا يقاتلونه وكان إذا هاجرت امرأة من أهل الحرب لم تخطب حتى تحيض وتطهر فإذا طهرت حل لها النكاح فإن هاجر زوجها قبل أن تنكح ردت إليه وإن هاجر عبد منهم أو أمة فهما حران ولهما ما للمهاجرين ثم ذكر من أهل العهد مثل حديث مجاهد وإن هاجر عبد أو أمة للمشركين أهل العهد لم يردوا وردت أثمانهم وقال عطاء عن بن عباس كانت قريبة بنت أبي أمية عند عمر بن الخطاب فطلقها فتزوجها معاوية بن أبي سفيان وكانت أم الحكم بنت أبي سفيان تحت عياض بن غنم الفهري فطلقها فتزوجها عبد الله بن عثمان الثقفي
Chapter: If a polytheistic or Christian converts to Islam under a dhimmi or al-Harbi, and Abd al-Warith on the authority of Khalid, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, if a Christian woman converts to Islam an hour before her husband, she is forbidden to him. Unless she wants, she is a new marriage and a dowry. Mujahid said, “If he embraces Islam during the waiting period, he will marry her.” And God Almighty said: “Neither they are permissible for them, nor are they permissible for them.” I said to the giving of a woman from the polytheists who came to the Muslims, should her husband compensate her for the saying of the Most High: {And give them what they spent} He said: No, but that was between the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the people of the covenant
.حدثنا بن بكير حدثنا الليث عن عقيل عن بن شهاب وقال إبراهيم بن المنذر حدثني بن وهب حدثني يونس قال بن شهاب أخبرني عروة بن الزبير أن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنها زوج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قالت كانت المؤمنات إذا هاجرن إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يمتحنهن بقول الله تعالى { يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا جاءكم المؤمنات مهاجرات فامتحنوهن } إلى آخر الآية قالت عائشة فمن أقر بهذا الشرط من المؤمنات فقد أقر بالمحنة فكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أقررن بذلك من قولهن قال لهن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم انطلقن فقد بايعتكن لا والله ما مست يد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يد امرأة قط غير أنه بايعهن بالكلام والله ما أخذ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على النساء إلا بما أمره الله يقول لهن إذا أخذ عليهن قد بايعتكن كلاما
Chapter on the words of God Almighty {For those who take refuge from their wives wait for four months. If they repent, then God is Forgiving, Most Merciful, and if they resolve to divorce, then God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing} {If they repent} they return [4984] Ismail bin Abi Uwais told us on the authority of his brother on the authority of Suleiman on the authority of Hamid al-Taweel that he heard Anas bin Malik says to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, one of his wives, and his leg was loosened, so he stayed in his drinker for twenty-nine, then came down, and they said, “Oh, Messenger of God, have you come for a month?” He said, “The month is twenty-nine
.” [4985 ] In the loyalty that God has named, it is not permissible for anyone after the term except to adhere to what is good or resolve to divorce as God Almighty commanded, and Ismail told me, Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Ibn Omar, if four months had passed, he is suspended until he is divorced, and the divorce does not occur on him until he is divorced, and he mentions that on the authority of Othman and Ali Abu al-Darda’, Aisha and twelve men from the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace
The chapter on the ruling of the missing regarding his family and his money, and Ibn al-Musayyab said, “If he was lost in line when fighting, his wife waited for a year, and Ibn Masoud bought a slave girl, and his owner sought a year, but he did not find it, and he lost, so he began to give the dirham and the two dirhams. In his place, his wife does not marry, he does not divide his money, and if his knowledge is cut off, then his Sunnah is the Sunnah of the missing
[4986]حدثنا علي بن عبد الله حدثنا سفيان عن يحيى بن سعيد عن يزيد مولى المنبعث أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سئل عن ضالة الغنم فقال خذها فإنما هي لك أو لأخيك أو للذئب وسئل عن ضالة الإبل فغضب واحمرت وجنتاه وقال ما لك ولها معها الحذاء والسقاء تشرب الماء وتأكل الشجر حتى يلقاها ربها وسئل عن اللقطة فقال اعرف وكاءها وعفاصها وعرفها سنة فإن جاء من يعرفها وإلا فاخلطها بمالك قال سفيان فلقيت ربيعة بن أبي عبد الرحمن قال سفيان ولم أحفظ عنه شيئا غير هذا فقلت أرأيت حديث يزيد مولى المنبعث في أمر الضالة هو عن زيد بن خالد قال نعم قال يحيى ويقول ربيعة عن يزيد مولى المنبعث عن زيد بن خالد قال سفيان فلقيت ربيعة فقلت له
باب الظهار وقول الله تعالى { قد سمع الله قول التي تجادلك في زوجها } إلى قوله { فمن لم يستطع فإطعام ستين مسكينا } وقال لي إسماعيل حدثني مالك أنه سأل بن شهاب عن ظهار العبد فقال نحو ظهار الحر قال مالك وصيام العبد شهران وقال الحسن بن الحر ظهار الحر والعبد من الحرة والأمة سواء وقال عكرمة إن ظاهر من أمته فليس بشيء إنما الظهار من النساء وفي العربية لما قالوا أي فيما قالوا وفي نقض ما قالوا وهذا أولى لأن الله لم يدل على المنكر وقول الزور
The chapter on referring to divorce and matters. Ibn Omar said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God does not torment God with tears in the eye, but is tormented by this.” So he pointed to his tongue and said Ka’b ibn Malik. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, referred to me, “Take the half.” To Aisha, what is the matter with the people while she was praying? So she nodded her head towards the sun. I said Aya. So she nodded her head yes and said Anas, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gestured with his hand to Abu Bakr to come forward. Ibn Abbas said the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, nodded with his hand. Abu Qatada said the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. And he greeted one of you when he was hunting for the forbidden one of you who commanded him to carry it or referred to it. They said, “No.” He said, “So eat.”
[4987]Abdullah bin Muhammad told us, Abu Amer Abdul Malik bin Amr told us, Ibrahim told us, on the authority of Khalid, on the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said, “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, walked on his camel, and every time he came to the corner, he pointed to it and said takbeer. Gog and Magog are like this and a contract of ninety
[4988] told us Musaddad told us Bishr bin Al Mufaddal told us Salamah bin Alqamah on the authority of Muhammad bin Sirin on the authority of Abu Hurairah said Abu Al-Qasim, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: On Friday there is an hour when a standing Muslim does not agree to pray and ask God for good except that he gives it and said with his hand and put His fingertip is on the middle abdomen and the little pinkie. We said he renounces it
[4989]Al-Owaisi told us, Ibrahim bin Saad told us, on the authority of Shuba bin Al-Hajjaj, on the authority of Hisham bin Zaid, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, who said that a Jew in the era of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, took a slave-girl. She was silent, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to her, “Who killed you, so-and-so to someone other than the one who killed her?” She indicated with her head “No.” He said, “No.” He said to another man, as other than the one who killed her
. Qabisa told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Abdullah bin Dinar, on the authority of bin Omar, may God be pleased with him, who said: I heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “Fitna is from here, and he pointed to the East
.” [4991]Ali bin Abdullah told us, Jarir bin Abdul Hamid told us, on the authority of Abu Ishaq Al Shaibani, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Awfa, he said, “We were on a journey with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and when the sun set, he said to a man, go down, so I pray for me.” He said, “Oh, Messenger of God! O Messenger of God, if it was evening that you had to day, then he said, “Go down and make a prayer.” Then he came down, and he cursed him for the third time. Then the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, drank, then gestured with his hand towards the east and said, “If you see the night has come from here, then the fasting person has broken his fast.
” (4992) Abdullah bin Maslamah told us. Yazid bin Zura’ on the authority of Suleiman al-Taymi on the authority of Abu Uthman on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, who said that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Do not prevent any of you from calling Bilal or saying his call to prayer is from his suhoor. Fajr and Yazid showed his hands, then stretched one out of the other
[4993]Al-Layth said: Ja`far bin Rabi`ah told me on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Hormuz I heard Abu Huraira said the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, is like a miser and a spendthrift is like two men with iron robes from their breasts to their throats. A miser does not want to spend except that each ring is stuck in its place, so he expands it and does not expand, and he points with his finger to his throat
, the door of cursing, and the saying of God Almighty: {And those who accuse their wives and have no witnesses but themselves} to His saying {of the truthful }If a mute person slanders his wife by writing, gesture, or a well-known gesture, then he is like a speaker because the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, has permitted gesture in obligatory duties, which is the saying of some of the people of Hijaz and scholars, and God Almighty said: “So she referred to him. } A sign and some people said, “There is no limit or curse.” Then he claimed that divorce by means of a letter, a sign, or a gesture is permissible, and there is no difference between divorce and slander.
Qatadah , if he said, “You are divorced,” then he pointed with his fingers, it was clear from him by his sign, and Ibrahim al-Akhras said, “If he wrote the divorce with his hand, it is necessary for him.”Qutayba told us, Al-Layth told us, on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed Al-Ansari, that he heard Anas bin Malik say: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Shall I not inform you of the best role of the Ansar? They said: Yes, O Messenger of God. Banu Sa’idah then said with his hand, so he caught his fingers, then spread them like an archer with his hand, then said, “And in every role of the Ansar is good
.” [4995] He, peace be upon him, sent me and the Hour like this from this or these two, and he joined between the index and middle finger
[4996], Adam told us, Shu’bah told us, Jableh bin Suhaim told us, I heard bin Omar saying: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “The month is like this and so and so, meaning thirty.” Then he said, so and so, and so, meaning twenty-nine. Thirty times and twenty-nine times
[4997]Muhammad bin Al-Muthanna told us, Yahya bin Saeed told us, on the authority of Ismail, on the authority of Qais, on the authority of Abu Masoud, he said, and the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, pointed with his hand towards Yemen, faith is here twice, except that cruelty and hardening of hearts are in the acres where the horns of Satan appear, Rabia and Mudar
[4998] told us Amr bin Zarara told us Abd al-Aziz ibn Abi Hazim, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Sahl, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like this.” He pointed with his forefinger and middle finger and separated something between them.
Chapter: If it is presented that the child be exiled
[4999] Yahya Ibn Qaza’ told us, Malik told us, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, on the authority of Saeed Ibn al-Musayyib, on the authority of Abu Hurairah that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, a black boy was born for me.” He said, “Do you have camels?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “What colors are they?” He said, “Hammer” said, “Does it have leaves?” He said, “Yes.
” Fuckers
[ 5000 ] Musa bin Ismail told us, Juwayriyah told us, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, that a man from among the Ansar slandered his wife, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, swore to
them . Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God Almighty be pleased with them both, that Hilal Ibn Umayyah slandered his wife, so he came and testified, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says, “God knows that one of you is a liar .
Ismail told us. Malik told me on the authority of Ibn Shihab that Sahl Ibn Saad Al-Saadi told him that Owaimra Al-Ajlani came to Asim Ibn Uday Al-Ansari and said to him, “Asim, did you see a man who found a man with his wife, should he kill him and you would kill him, or how would he do?” Asim then asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about that. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, thought of the issues and played them until he grew old against Asim. What he heard from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, hated the issue that I asked him about. Uwaimir said, “By God, I will not stop until I ask him about it.” Uwaimir came until the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came among the people and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, did you see a man who found a man with his wife, should he kill him?” So you kill him, or how should he do it? Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: It has been revealed about you and your girlfriend, so go and bring her.God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when they had finished cursing them, Uwaimir said, “You lied to her, O Messenger of God.
The door of cursing in the mosque
[5003]Yahya told us, Abd al-Razzaq told us, Ibn Jurayj told us, he said Ibn Shihab told me about the curse and the Sunnah in it, according to the hadith of Sahl ibn Sa`d, my brother of Banu Sa`idah, that a man from the Ansar came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, have you seen a man who found a man with his wife, should he kill him or how? He does, so God revealed in his regard what was mentioned in the Qur’an about the cursers, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God has judged you and your wife.” He said, “So we were in the mosque while I was witness.” When they finished, he said, “I lied to her, O Messenger of God. And when they finished the cursing, he separated her with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and that was a separation between all the blasphemers. Ibn Juraij said Ibn Shihab said, and the year after them was to differentiate between the cursing and she was pregnant, and her son was called his mother. To him, Ibn Juraij said, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, on the authority of Sahl Ibn Sa`d al-Sa`idi, in this hadith that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that if she brought him, he was short and red.It is as if it is free and I do not see it except that it has been truthful and a lie about it, and if it is brought by black-eyed with two buttocks, I do not see it except that it has been truthful to it, so it brought him on the abomination of that.
Chapter: What the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: If I were stoning without evidence
[5004] Said bin Afair told us that Al-Laith told me on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin al-Qasim on the authority of al-Qasim bin Muhammad on the authority of Ibn Abbas that he mentioned the blaming of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said Asim bin He counted on that and then left, and a man from his people came to him and complained to him that he had found a man with his wife. Asim said, “I have not been afflicted with this except for my words.” So he took him to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and told him what he found his wife on. He found him in the presence of his family, Adam’s cheeks with a lot of meat, so the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Oh God! I stoned this and he said: No, that is a woman who used to show evil in Islam. Abu Salih and Abdullah bin Yusuf Khadla said
Chapter: The Dowry of the Cursed
[5005] Amr bin Zurara told me Ismail told us on the authority of Ayoub on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr. He said I said to Ibn Omar a man had ejaculated his wife, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, separated between my two brothers, Banu Al-Ajlan, and he said, “God knows that one of you is a liar.” One of you is a liar, so is one of you repentant, but he refuses? Then God knows that one of you is a liar, so is one of you repentant? So he refused. So he differentiated between them. Ayoub said. Amr bin Dinar said to me: “There is something in the hadith that I don’t see you talking about.” The man said, “My money.” It is farther from you than
the door of the imam’s saying to the cursing that one of you is a liar, so does any of you repent?
[5006]Ali bin Abdullah told us, Sufyan told us, Amr said: I heard Saeed bin Jubayr said: I asked bin Omar about the cursers, so he said, The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to the cursers. Please see her, and if you lied to her, that is further away from you. Sufyan said I saved it from Amr and Ayyub said I heard Saeed bin Jubayr said I said to Ibn Umar a man cursed his wife, so he said with his two fingers and Sufyan separated his index and middle fingers The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, separated the two brothers of Banu Al-Ajlan, and God knows that one of you is a liar So do any of you repent three times? Sufyan said: I preserved it from Amr and Ayyub, as I told you
in the chapter on the differentiation between the reprobates
[5007]: Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir told me, Anas bin Iyad told us, on the authority of Ubayd Allah, on the authority of Nafi’, that bin Omar, may God be pleased with them, told him that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, differentiated between A man and a woman slandered her and swore to them
[5008]Musaddad told us, Yahya told us, on the authority of Ubayd Allah, Nafi’ told me, on the authority of Ibn Umar, he said to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, between a man and a woman from among the Ansar, and a difference between them
was a chapter on the curse of the boy
[5009] . And the cursed peace was greeted between a man and his woman, and he abstained from her son, so he separated them, and the boy joined the woman in
the chapter on the saying of the Imam: Oh God between
[5010]حدثنا إسماعيل قال حدثني سليمان بن بلال عن يحيى بن سعيد قال أخبرني عبد الرحمن بن القاسم عن القاسم بن محمد عن بن عباس أنه قال ذكر المتلاعنان عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال عاصم بن عدي في ذلك قولا ثم انصرف فأتاه رجل من قومه فذكر له أنه وجد مع امرأته رجلا فقال عاصم ما ابتليت بهذا الأمر إلا لقولي فذهب به إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فأخبره بالذي وجد عليه امرأته وكان ذلك الرجل مصفرا قليل اللحم سبط الشعر وكان الذي وجد عند أهله آدم خدلا كثير اللحم جعدا قططا فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم اللهم بين فوضعت شبيها بالرجل الذي ذكر زوجها أنه وجد عندها فلاعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بينهما فقال رجل لابن عباس في المجلس هي التي قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لو رجمت أحدا بغير بينة لرجمت هذه فقال بن عباس لا تلك امرأة كانت تظهر السوء في الإسلام
باب إذا طلقها ثلاثا ثم تزوجت بعد العدة زوجا غيره فلم يمسها
[5011] Amr bin Ali told us Yahya told us Hisham said my father told me on the authority of Aisha on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told us Othman bin Abi Shaybah told us Abda on the authority of Hisham on the authority of his father on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her that Rifa’a al-Qardi married a woman and then divorced her, so she married another and she came to the Prophet The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and I mentioned to him that he does not come to her and that he has nothing with him but the like of a gift. He said, “No, until you taste his honey and he tastes yours.” “And those
of your women who despair of menstruation, if you are in doubt,” Mujahid said, “If you don’t know whether to cuddle or not cuddle, and those who have stopped menstruating” {Then their waiting period is three months }
​​Chapter: And those who are pregnant have the time to give birth .}
[5012]Yahya bin Bakir told us, Al-Layth told us, on the authority of Jaafar bin Rabi’ah, on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Hormuz al-Araj, he said, Abu Salamah bin Abd al-Rahman told me that Zainab bint Abi Salama told him on the authority of her mother, Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that a woman from Aslam said to her Saba’a who was under her husband died. From her while she was pregnant, Abu Al-Sanabel bin Ba’ak proposed to her, and she refused to marry him
. To him that Ubayd Allah bin Abdullah told him on the authority of his father that he wrote to Ibn Al-Arqam to ask Saba’a Al-Aslamiyah how the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave her a fatwa
.Yahya bin Qaza’a told us, Malik told us, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwa, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Al-Miswar bin Makhrama, that Sabi’ah
Al- Aslamiyah breathed after the death of her husband in the nights, so she came to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and asked him for permission to marry, so he gave her permission to marry . He got married during the waiting period, and he had three menstrual cycles, she was from the first, and she did not count for it for those after him. Al-Zuhri said it counts, and this is more beloved to Sufyan, meaning the saying of Al-Zuhri. Muammar said, “It is said that a woman reads when her menstruation approaches, and she recites when it comes to purify her.”
Chapter: The story of Fatima bint Qais and God’s saying: “And fear God, your Lord. Do not drive them out of their homes, and do not go out unless they commit a clear indecency, and those are God’s limits. And whoever transgresses God’s limits has wronged himself, you don’t know. Perhaps God will happen after that something.” And if they are pregnant women, then spend on them until they deliver their pregnancy” up to his saying “After hardship comes ease” [
5015] : Ismail told us, Malik told us on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed on the authority of Al-Qasim bin Muhammad and Suleiman bin Yasar that he heard them mention that Yahya bin Saeed bin Al-Aas divorced the daughter of Abdul Rahman bin Al-Hakam Abd al-Rahman moved her and sent Aisha, the mother of the believers, to Marwan ibn al-Hakam, who was the governor of Medina. Fear God, and bring her back to her home. Marwan said in the hadith of Sulayman that Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Hakam overpowered me. Marwan bin Al-Hakam, if you have evil, then what is between these two evils will count for you
[5016]Muhammad bin Bashar told us, Ghandar told us, Shu’bah told us, on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Qasim, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, that she said, “What is the matter with Fatima that you do not fear God?” I mean in her saying, “There is no housing or maintenance .
” Urwa bin Al-Zubayr said to Aisha, “Did you not see So-and-so, the daughter of Al-Hakam, that her husband divorced her at all, so she went out and said, “Wretched is what I did.” He said, “Didn’t you hear what Fatima said? She was in the place of a monster, so he was afraid for her side, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, granted her the
door of a divorced woman, if he feared that she would break into her husband’s residence or commit indecency to his family [ 5018
] That's on Fatima
Chapter on God’s saying: {And it is not lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs} of menstruation and
pregnancy [5019] We were told by Suleiman bin Harb, Shu’bah told us on the authority of Ibrahim on the authority of Al-Aswad on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, who said when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that He turns away when Safiya at the door of her hideout is bleak, so my aunt, my throat, said to her, “Would you have left us on the Day of Sacrifice?” She said, “Yes.” Then he said, “And their
husbands have more right to return them
. ” Maqil’s husband said his sister divorced her
[5021]And Muhammad bin Al-Muthanna told us, Abdul Al-Ala told us, Saeed told us on the authority of Qatada, Al-Hasan told us that Ma’qil bin Yasar had his sister under a man, so he divorced her and then abandoned her until her waiting period ended. You have divorced the women, and they have reached their term, so do not neglect them} To the end of the verse, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called him, and he recited it to him, so he abandoned the diet and submitted to God’s command (
5022).Qutaybah told us, on the authority of Nafi`, that Ibn Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with them both, divorced his wife, and she was menstruating, divorced only once. Let him divorce her when she becomes pure before he has intercourse with her, for that is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for. Abdullah, if he was asked about that, said to one of them: If you divorced her three times, she has been forbidden to you until she marries a husband other than you, and others have added to it on the authority of Al-Laith. Twice, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded me to do this in
the chapter on reviewing menstruating women
[5023] Hajjaj told us Yazid bin Ibrahim told us Muhammad bin Sirin told me Yunus bin Jubayr I asked bin Omar and he said bin Omar divorced his wife while she was menstruating Omar asked the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he ordered him to review her then He is divorced from before her waiting period, I said, so she is waiting for that divorce
Chapter: The deceased’s husband’s defiance of four months and ten
daysAbdullah bin Yusuf told us Malik told us on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Bakr bin Muhammad bin Amr bin Hazm on the authority of Hamid bin Nafeh on the authority of Zainab bint Abi Salama that she told him these three hadiths. Ibn Harb, so Umm Habeeba called for perfume in which there was a fine yellowish color or something else, and she applied it to a girl and then touched her bar, then said, “By God, I have no need for perfume except that I heard the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, say: It is not permissible for a woman who believes in God and the Last Day to mourn over a dead person for more than three nights, except for three nights.” I was married for four months and ten days, Zainab said, so I went to Zainab bint Jahsh when her brother died, and she prayed for perfume and I touched on it, then said: By God, I have no need for perfume except that I heard the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, say on the pulpit: It is not permissible for a woman who believes in God and the Last Day to mourn over me. He died over three nights, except for a husband of four months and ten days, Zainab said, and I heard Umm Salama say, a woman came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, my daughter has died.”Her husband about her, and her eyes complained, so should I apply eyeliner on her? Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, No, twice or thrice. He says no. Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: It is only four months and ten. With the bare on the head of the year, Zainab said, “If the woman died, she would enter a litter and put on the evil of her clothes and did not touch her perfume until a year passed by, then she would be brought with a donkey, a sheep or a bird, and she would open it, and she would seldom shed anything except that he died. OThe worst of her clothes, and she did not touch any perfume until a year passed by her, then she was brought with a donkey, a sheep or a bird, and she ran with it.The worst of her clothes, and she did not touch any perfume until a year passed by her, then she was brought with a donkey, a sheep or a bird, and she ran with it.
The kohl chapter for sharpening
[5025] Adam bin Abi Iyas told us Shu’bah told us Hamid bin Nafeh told us on the authority of Zainab bint Umm Salamah on the authority of her mother that a woman died her husband and they feared for her eyes, so they came to the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, and asked him for permission to apply kohl, and he said: Do not apply kohl. Her dream or the evil of her house, and if it was around the mouth of a dog, she threw a stinger, not until four months and ten passed and I heard Zainab bint Umm Salamah talk about Umm Habiba that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: It is not permissible for a Muslim woman who believes in God and the Last Day to mourn for more than three days except for her husband four Months and ten months
[5026] Musaddad told us Bishr told us Salamah bin Alqama told us on the authority of Muhammad bin Sirin Umm Attia said we were forbidden to mourn more than three except on the husband of
the door of the installment for sharpness at purity
[5027]Abdullah bin Abd al-Wahhab told us Hammad bin Zaid told us on the authority of Ayyub on the authority of Hafsa on the authority of Umm Attia who said: We were forbidden to mourn for a dead person more than three, except for a husband, four months and ten days. One of us from her menstruation, in a brief account of those who had nails on, and we used to forbid the followers of funerals
, the chapter on wearing sharp clothes with nerves
[5028] We were told by Al-Fadl bin Dukain. The other is that she mourns for more than three, except for a husband, for she does not apply kohl and does not wear a dyed garment except for a tight-fitting garment. Al-Ansari said: Hisham told us: Hafsa told us, Umm Atiyah told me the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade, and do not touch perfume except the lowest. Her purity, if she is pure, is a bit of a piece of premium and fingernails, Abu Abdullah al-Qast said. And the cloth is like camphor and camphor, just a piece
of the door { And those of you who die and leave wives behind, they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten days, and when they reach their term, then there is no sin on you for what they do to themselves in a kind manner, and God is aware of what you do. }
[5029]Ishaq bin Mansour told me, Rawh bin Ubadah told us, Shibl told us, on the authority of bin Abi Najih, on the authority of Mujahid, {And those of you who die and leave wives behind} He said: This waiting period was obligatory with her husband’s family, so God revealed {And those of you who die and leave wives will bequeath to their wives a provision for a year without expulsion. It is a sin against you for what they have done in themselves of a favor.” He said, “God has made for her the completion of the year, seven months and twenty nights. And Ata said: Ibn Abbas said: I abrogated this verse, and I counted it with her family, so she can observe it wherever she wants . She should observe the waiting period wherever she wants, and she has no residence
[5030]Muhammad bin Katheer told us on the authority of Sufyan on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Bakr bin Amr bin Hazm that Hamid bin Nafeh told me on the authority of Zainab bint Umm Salamah on the authority of Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan when her father’s mourning came to her, she called for perfume and wiped her arms and said, “I have no need for perfume if I had not heard the Prophet praying.” God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says: It is not permissible for a woman who believes in God and the Last Day to
mourn over a dead person over three, except for a husband, four months and ten days
. ] Narrated by Ali bin Abdullah, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Abu Bakr bin Abdul Rahman, on the authority of Abu Masoud, may God be pleased with him, who said the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade the price of a dog, the sweetness of a priest, and the dowry of a prostitute
[5032]Adam told us, Shu’bah told us, Awn bin Abi Juhaifa told us, on the authority of his father, he said, “The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, cursed the one who tattooed, the one who was tattooed, the one who eats usury and the one who pays it, and he forbade the price of a dog and the earning of a prostitute, and cursed the photographers
[5033] The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbade the earning of female slaves,
on the authority of the dowry to be consummated, and how to consummate or divorce her before consummation and the politicized
[5034] Amr bin Zurara told us Ismail on the authority of Ayyub on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr said I said to Ibn Umar a man slandered his wife, so he said: The Prophet of God, peace be upon him, separated Between my two brothers, Bani Al-Ajlan, and God said, “God knows that one of you is a liar, so do any of you repent?” Then he refused. God said, “God knows that one of you is a liar.” So, is one of you repentant, so he refused, so he differentiated between them?” Ayoub said. You entered it, and if you are a liar, then he is farther from you
The door of pleasure for the one who is not obligated to it, because of the Almighty’s saying: {There is no sin on you if you divorce women as long as you have not touched them or imposed for them an obligation} to His saying {God sees what you do } and His saying {And divorced women are enjoyment with kindness. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in cursing is a pleasure when her husband divorced her
[5035] Qutayba bin Saeed told us, Sufyan told us, on the authority of Amr, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, on the authority of bin Omar, that the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said to the cursed ones: Your account is with God. One of you is a liar. Mali said, “You have no money, if you believed in her, then it is with what she asked for from her vagina, and if you lied about her, then that is further and further away from you from her.” ✌✌
The difference in divorce legislation between
Surat Al-Talaq and Surah Al-Baqarah

The provisions of Surat Al-Talaq
1. Surat Al-Baqara, which was revealed in the first two years after the Hijrah (2 AH ) ,
while Surat Al-Talaq was revealed in the fourth or fifth year after the Hijrah (5 AH), and this means that the provisions of divorce found in Surat (Al-Talaq), dominate over the provisions that were before it in Surat Al-Baqarah, and that what has come (after) will modify, alter or abrogate the rulings of what was (before), and this is something self-evident and known to all those who know the abrogated and abrogated ones.

. The provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Baqarah) were considered previous rulings, while the provisions of divorce in (Surat Al-Talaq) became the subsequent rulings . * The previous divorce rulings (which were revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah) in the first two years of the Hijrah, were based on the rule :
( Divorce and waiting period )
When the provisions were subject to the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH,
So, by God’s permission and will, it was changed to being based on Ali
Preceding the waiting period according to the rhythm of divorce
, that is, it was changed to ( the waiting period first, then holding or divorce )
, after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH.
[ And that was after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth year of Hijri ]
. The guide in Surah Al-Baqarah was first (divorce) first and then the women (the mighty) is : as saying: The words (and divorced is the same as three calm and does not resolve what God has created in their womens, if they believe in God and the other day, Reform and they are like aware of the best and for men .
On the basis of the rulings after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, the woman is a wife who is only ready to receive the divorce after the legal status of the text of the Almighty’s saying: “Do not drive them out of their homes and do not go out . ”
*And in the text as saying (O Prophet) if you shut up the women, they brought them to their enemies. Their orphans are known for them, and I will see the certificate of God
. :

The divorce was counted for her (and that was before the revelation of the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq in the fifth or sixth year of hijrah) and then after the revelation of this legislation, what was related to divorced women related to Surat Al-Baqarah came to an end with what was revealed later in Surat Al-Talaq 5 or 6 AH, when all matters of divorce were postponed to what After the end of the census and at the end of it
/ and she was called a divorced woman according to Surat Al-Baqarah, which ended with the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq and the census, which God Almighty postponed all the matter of divorce to its full end, so this abrogated what was the matter of divorce before that, and the census kit abrogated the kit of Istibra, and God Almighty abrogated the name The woman with a divorced woman previously found in Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH to prove that she is still a wife in the census number located in Surat Al-Talaq 5 or 6 AH [ Do not drive them out of their homes nor go out ..] /
She used to leave her home to observe the iddat in her family’s house because she is divorced [according to the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah, so God abrogated that by keeping her in her husband’s house after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, because she was still a wife, and because God Almighty has honored all matters of divorce and guarded it to the management of the waiting period and at the end of
it ] Istibra of the womb [in Surat Al-Baqarah], so it became a census after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq , / and she was waiting for herself, for the inevitable existence of her with herself away from her husband because he became a divorced person, and because he was not her husband after he pronounced the divorce according to the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah. A census after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, because they are still married couples .
Her exit from the waiting period was called a discharge because of the Almighty’s saying (Divorce takes place twice, withholding with kindness or dismissal with kindness
) . Surat Al-Baqarah xx× corresponds to the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq
/ But the separation benefits the separation of the separated,
// As for the differentiation in Surat Al-Talaq, it is the separation of the two parties or the separation of the spouses,
. Among the important differences between :: the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH ) and those that came after it in Surat Al -Talaq (5 AH), the following : Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH), which was founded in the form of: the transposition of the waiting period from divorce, where the divorce preceded the waiting period in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, so the waiting period precedes the divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 5 or 6 AH. In Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH:/:: it was :
The waiting period for istibra first, then divorce ( it was in Surat Al-Baqarah )

So in Surat Al-Talaq, 5 or 6 AH, it was changed to:
Several Statistics ----------- Divorce
ثــم عدة الإحصاء-1-2--3--الإمساك أو التطلق
صار الرجل لا يستطيع التطليق حتي يُمضي مع زوجته في بيتها الذي هو بيته عدة قدرها ثلاثة أقراء (أطهار) يمتنع عليه فيها أن يطأها حتي يحقق شرط التطليق ،فإذا عجز عن التمكن من تجنب مواقعة زوجته في أثنائها فعليه إن أراد استئناف إجراءات التطليق أن يُحصيَ الأيام من أولها مرة أخري لأنه بمواقعته لها ولو مرة في أيام العدة(الإحصاء) فقد هدم إجراءات الوصول إلي نهايتها، وعليه العد من جديد .
وبهذا يتضح للقارىء الحكمة العظيمة من شريعة تقديم الإحصاء والإعتداد علي التطليق ،وفي ذلك استشعارٌ لحكمة قوله تعالي (يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ فَطَلِّقُوهُنَّ لِعِدَّتِهِنَّ وَأَحْصُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ رَبَّكُمْ لَا تُخْرِجُوهُنَّ مِنْ بُيُوتِهِنَّ وَلَا يَخْرُجْنَ إِلَّا أَنْ يَأْتِينَ بِفَاحِشَةٍ مُبَيِّنَةٍ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَقَدْ ظَلَمَ نَفْسَهُ لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ أَمْرًا (1)/ سورة الطلاق)،

هذا تشريع سورة الطلاق المُنَزَّل في العام الخامس أو السادس هجري والمبدل لما كان سابقاً من تقديم الطلاق علي العدة حين كانت سورة البقرة المنزلة في العامين الأول والثاني هجري
Among the differences that distinguished after God Almighty amended the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq, and based on the imperative to present the waiting period ( the census kit) to be able to sign the divorce : That ::
Not even a day was wasted for a woman in the law of God from the days of her life, she used to count the days of the rule of divorce rulings in Surat Al-Baqarah three readings to seek forgiveness for her mercy in her family’s house (her father’s house), waiting for her by herself, these three readings were real missing from the days of her life, there is no trick She has the right to separate from her, because she has a womb that may involve a pregnancy after her divorce, so these readings were imposed on her by herself. The new divorce revealed in Surat Al-Talaq when the time of the waiting period was introduced in the woman’s life, and she is a wife who enjoys sovereignty in her home next to her husband. To divorce his wife, and only here and here he can separate from her and she has fulfilled her waiting period and he is a witness to her, and here and hereOnly the wife can be ready to receive a new husband's life from the day she separates and leaves the house of her divorced husband
* It is the wisdom that is felt after changing the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) and postponing the divorce until after the waiting period is over, that
1. The husband had the opportunity to be alone
2. He reconsiders his decision
3. He lives with the influences surrounding himself, his wife, his home and his children day after day, week after week, and month After a month until he reaches the end of the third month, while he is in this waiting period, he counts the waiting period himself and his wife, and the danger of parting is pressing on them, and they have features that each of them goes to another in a married life. And that the love that arose between them be replaced by another man,
*More than this, he sees the rebellious husband at the moment of his desire to divorce, I say, he sees his children who have been scattered from him, and his perception is embodied in the lives of his children, so his liver and the light of his eyes and the fullness of his conscience are far from him, leaving them to be lost
. its implementation .
If the husband insists and is determined to effect a divorce |__| God Almighty has excused him for the duration of the waiting period, so he should only blame himself if he was poorly judged, or let him take care if he was wronged in this married life that he ended . ,,

4954 Ismail bin Abdullah told us that Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. The salaam once, let him return to her and then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then purifies, and then if he wishes, hold after and if he wishes he divorces before he touches, that is the waiting period for which God commanded that women be divorced (Bukhari, Muslim and the authors of the Sunan texts with his wording ).

The talk of Abdullah Ibn Omar is the best guide to the divorce statement for several and interpretation of the words of God. The same I do not know that God will happen after that. And whoever puts his trust in God, it is sufficient for him that God is the ultimateAllah has made a decree for everything(3) / Surah Al - Talaq
1. ( repeated in more detail )
Surat Al-Talaq became the transcriber of the provisions of divorce that were revealed before that in Surat Al-Baqarah, because Surat Al-Talaq was lenient in the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah, where Surat Al-Talaq was revealed in the fifth year AH
(5 AH) and Surat Al-Baqara in the second year of AH. Thus, Surat Al-Talaq transcribes the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah by alteration as we will see now
2. The rulings on divorce in it are abrogated
3. The type of abrogation: by alteration
4. In it are altered rulings
5. The position of the waiting period (before the divorce ) is the
waiting period, then the divorce and then the separation
6. The waiting period itself is three readings for the woman who menstruates
7. God Almighty has increased In the provisions of the number
a) the waiting period of menstruation
b) the kit of a small one that does not menstruate
c) the waiting period of a pregnant woman
8.The husband is not able to divorce before he counts the waiting period ...
9. The rule of counting the waiting period was revealed for those who wanted to divorce
10. Statistics is a necessary rule for divorce (Surat Al-Talaq )
11. Divorce can only take place at the end of the count (Surat Al-Talaq )
12. Because statistics is an assignment With the end of the counted (iddah) in (Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH), the statistic kit in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH copied what was imposed from the iddat al-Istibra in Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, because God Almighty has changed the positions of divorce and the kit in the two surahs
. After the divorce preceded the kit in Surat Al-Baqarah , it became The waiting period precedes divorce in Surat Al-Talaq , and it ends the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, which was imposed before it from the waiting period in Surat Al-Baqara 2 AH, because God Almighty revealed Surah Al-Talaq about three years after Surat Al-Baqarah
And this laxity is a sure evidence of God’s will to replace those rulings with the previous ones in exchange for what was in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH
13. The census became necessary for divorce because the divorce took place during the waiting period (Surat Al-Talaq )
14. Divorce became at the end of the waiting period, that is, at the end of the census (Surat Al-Talaq )
15 Reaching the specified term in the period of the waiting period became necessary for the occurrence of divorce and then withholding or separation (Surat Al-Talaq )
16. Thus, it is summarized that divorce is for someone who wants to divorce his wife as revealed in Surat Al-Talaq, so it became: ‘iddah first, then divorce, then separation in (Surat Al-Talaq )
17 . The differentiation is indicative of releasing the bonds completely, and there are no consequences after it, because it has
become :It is counted, which is counted to its end, and the term is not reached unless the census is taken, i.e., the counting is done until the end of the counted number, which is the waiting period) first , then withholding a favor or divorcing with a favor and then separating
. ) Where the woman in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq is a wife in the waiting period * as God Almighty indicated by the word “differentiation” in Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH that the woman in the waiting period is a wife and not a divorced woman , … . The two being a married couple before it occurs, ....... Separation is to send the assembled, the two companions, or the spouses to become separated, because the separation is the opposite of the combination (as in the tongue )....
It is not said to the opponents to disperse, but rather to be released (send two people after they are separated ) , but it is said (i.e. to separate) to the two lovers or the two companions,
just as it is not said to the close ones to be released, but rather dispersed, because the dismissal is separation after separation and separation is separation after documentation
18. It became: Divorce arrangements in Sur Divorce is :
a ) iddat first
b) enumeration by spouses
c) then divorce
d) then separation
e) then attestation .
19. The woman is resolved directly to the discourse after the separation in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq, because the waiting period precedes the divorce : ( Iddah first , then divorce ) ( Surat Al-Talaq )
20.The arrangements for the dissolution of a divorced woman for husbands in (Surat Al-Talaq) are : Counting the waiting period between them , then divorcing by reaching the end of the waiting period , then separating , then witnessing , and then dissolving directly for the husbands, including her husband himself, if he wants to marry her again . 21. Accordingly, in the legislation (Surat Al-Talaq) the woman becomes permissible for husbands immediately after witnessing the separation to the end of the waiting period, and the last divorce procedure completely occurs after the testimony of the separation occurred after the waiting period was counted while she was still a wife during the procedures : Œ Iddah with census reaching the end of the waiting period and then holding or divorce and then Ž break up
And witness to the separation Then it is for spouses
And the new number in Surat Al-Talaq is :
1.Œ Three recitations for one who menstruates ( the assignment was extended and did not change from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH to Surat Al-Talaq 5 or 6 AH )
2. And three lunar months for those who have given up menstruation or for a young girl who does not menstruate
3.Ž And the duration of the pregnancy, what remains of it, is prolonged or increased until the pregnant woman gives birth by miscarriage or childbirth, at which time she reaches the end of her waiting period, and at that time it is permissible for married couples.
He said: ( 5) / Surat Al- Talaq

Provisions of Surah Al-Baqarah
1.(مكرر) كانت سورة البقرة هي المنسوخ منها أحكام الطلاق التي نزلت فيها وتم النسخ بواسطة سورة الطلاق لأن سورة الطلاق جاءت متراخية في زمن النزول عن سورة البقرة حيث نزلت سورة البقرة في العام الثاني هجريا (2هـ)بينما نزلت سورة الطلاق في العام الخامس هجريا(5هـ) فالسورة ناسخة لأحكام الطلاق في سورة البقرة لنزولها بعدها زمنيا مع تناول نفس الموضوعات بشكل مُبَدَل. ويعني أن أحكام الطلاق فيها منسوخة بالتبديل
2.أحكام الطلاق فيها منسوخة
3.نوع النسخ بالتبديل
4.فيها أحكام مُتَبَدِلة
5.موضع العدة (بعد التطليق)
التطليق ثم العدة ثم التسريح
6.العدة نفسها ثلاثة قروء للمرأة التي تحيض
7 -As for the rulings on divorce and numbering in Surat Al-Baqarah, they were :

A) there was no waiting period for menstruation
B) there was no waiting period for the young woman who did not menstruate
C) there was no waiting period for a pregnant woman
8. The husband would divorce if he wanted, then the divorced wife
would wait 9. The rule for censusing the waiting period for divorce was non-existent
10. The census was non-existent The husband was first divorced (Surat Al-Baqarah )
11. Divorce was at the beginning of the waiting period , so there was no need to count (Surat Al-Baqarah )
12. The waiting and waiting period (Iddah Al-Istibra 2 AH) in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH by the divorced woman and she is assigned to him without her divorced in order to clear her womb from Possible sperm that God may create in her womb (Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH ) ,
* God replaced this waiting period later, and presented it to divorce in Surat Al-Talaq 2 AH,
And all matters related to the waiting period of istibra 2 AH ended by imposing the assignment of the statistic kit 5 AH.
1. The woman was called the divorced woman
2. The previous rights of the divorced man ended during the iddat al-Istibra a ) such as the right to return them during their waiting period , because all these rights entered the folds of the census kit after the revelation of Surat al-Talaq 5 AH, b ) And postponement of divorce until the end of the waiting period for the census in Surat Al-Talaq 13. The census was not necessary for the divorce because the divorce was at the beginning of the waiting period (Surat Al-Baqarah ) 14. The divorce was at the beginning of the waiting period and there was no census (Surat Al-Baqarah ) 15. Reaching the term was not obligatory in the occurrence of Divorce because it actually took place in the waiting period, but it was necessary for the release (Surat Al-Baqarah ) 16.
The assignment to the one who actually divorced was in the form: This was previously in
Surat Al-Baqarah: (Surat Al-Baqarah) and it was :
first divorce, then several, then lay -off
in (Surat Al-Baqarah )
17. The dismissal in Surat Al-Baqarah indicates the separation of the divorced, i.e. separation after divorce because the dismissal indicates me Prohibition of the divorced wife completely after she was first forbidden by divorce
18. The arrangements for divorce were :
first divorce and then
several istibra :
only the wife counts it by duty
and then demobilization 19. The woman was not permitted to husbands except after completing the waiting period of istibra and then she reached the end of the waiting period and she is entrusted to her piety and conscience to say The Almighty (and do not conceal what God created in their wombs if they believe in God and the Last Day) so she is released.

20.ترتيبات حل المطلقة للأزواج هي: كانت
يطلقها زوجها فتصير مطلقة أولا ثم
تعتد استبراءا لرحمها ثم: ثم تُسَرَّح
فتحل للأزواج بما فيهم مُطلقها مالم يصل بها الي التطليقة الثالثة لأنه إن طلقها ثلاثا فلن تحل له حتي تنكح زوجا غيره بوطء وعسيلة ويلاحظ انعدام الإشهاد في تشريعات سورة البقرة ،
21.وعليه فقد كانت المطلقة(في تشريع سورة البقرة) لا تحل للأزواج إلا بعد عدة استبراء كانت هي المُكَلَفَةُ دون زوجها بإحصائها والوصول الي نهايتها حتي تُسَرَّح ، ويلاحظ أن هذه المدة(العدة) كانت فقد من عمرها لا ذنب لها فيه غير كونها وعاءاً لطفل مُطلِقَهَا الذي طلقها وذهب حراً لا قيد عليه ، وسنري أن الله تعالي قد بَدَّلَ هذالفقد في حياة الزوجة التي طلقها زوجها حين سيادة أحكام سورة البقرة بإدخال هذه المدة (العدة)في حسابها حين تنزلت (سورة الطلاق) لا تفقد المرأةُ منها شيئا وذلك بإحصائهما هما الاثنين وهما ما يزالا زوجين لعدة تتصدر التطليق وتحول بينه وبين طلاق امرإته مدتها
èوالعدد الجديدة(المنزلة في سورة الطلاق) هي:è
22.التفريق هو:
إبعاد الزوجين ليصيروا أغرابا
وبمعني آخر:
فالتفريق هو فك وثاق الزوجين ،وإبعادهم أغرابا
فالتفريق هو :
تفريق بعد توثيق
وبمعني ثالث:
فالتفريق هو:
تحريم الزوج علي زوجته بعد أن حالت العدة دون تطليقها ثم فرقهما الطلاق بعد العدة ذلك لأن الله قدم العدة علي التطليق:
العدة_ثم_الطلاق_ ثم التفريق_ثم الإشهاد –ثم تحل للأزواج

23.صار التطليق
منهجا وشريعة وسيرة بين المؤمنين يجب إشهارة بالإشهاد وإقامة الشهادة لله ويشهد علي فراقهما اثنان ذوا عدل من المسلمين(وأشهدوا ذوي عدل منكم وأقيموا الشهادة لله) لأنها ستُحَرَّمُ علي زوجها للتَوَّ وتحل بذات التو للأزواج والفيصل إقامة الشهادة لله ،
24.يعني قد صار التطليق يؤدي إلي* التفريق والتفريق بين الزوجين
*يلزمه إشهاد بذوي عدل من المسلمين لأن الزوجة التي خرجت من عدتها وفارقها زوجها بالتطليق في دبر العدة ستحل تواً للأزواج بهذا التفريق المشهد عليه
يتبع إن شاء الله ص25
الترتيب التاريخي في نزول سورة الطلاق(5هـ )بعــد سورة البقرة(2هـ)
ترتيب نزول سورة الطلاق بعد نزول سورة البقرة ب 12 سورة سورة(هي الفارق بين العام 2 هـ والعام5 هـ) :
1.سورة البقرة عدد آياتها 286
2.سورة الأنفال 75 آية
3.سورة آل عمران 200 آية
4.سورة الأحزاب 73 آية
5. سورة الممتحنة 13 آية
6. سورة النســــــــــاء176 آية
7.سورة الزلزلة 8 آيات
8. سورة الحديــــد 29 آية
9.سورة محمد 38 آية
10.سورة الرعـد 43 آية
11.سورة الرحمن 78 آية
12.سورة الإنسان 31 آية
13.سورة الطلاق 12 آية
14.سورة البيِّنة 8 آيات
26.ما الحكم بالنسبة للمرأة الحامل في سورة الطلاق؟
¡نزل تشريع العدد كلها التي لم تتنزل قبلاً في سورة البقرة وتكرر ذكر عدة اللآئي يحضن ضمنا علي أساس فرضها قبلا في سورة البقرة لكن الذي تعدل فيها موضع العدة(ثلاثة قروء) من الطلاق ، وسائر العدد نزل الشرع بها بكراً في سورة الطلاق وهي:
زاد الله تعالي في أحكام العدد
أ )عدة اليائسة من المحيض
ب)عدة الصغير التي لاتحيض
ج)عدة المرأة الحامل
تحقيق القول في طلاق المرأة الحامل وكيف يكون…هو كالآتي:
طلاق الحامل
انذار بإحصاء العدة_______ثم انتهاء الحمل ثم الإمساك أو التطليق ثم التفريق والإشهاد

وهكذا فقد تحتم أن المرأة الحامل في آخر تشريعات الطلاق المنزلة في آخر سورة تناولت كل تفصيلات الطلاق المعدلة بالتبديل لا يسري طلاقها إلا في دبر حملها وتلك هي عدتها(الحمل المتبوع بوضع وليدها) ولا تطليق بغير هذا شاء الكون كله أم أبي هكذا قال الله(وَأُولَاتُ الْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَنْ يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْرًا (4) ذَلِكَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ أَنْزَلَهُ إِلَيْكُمْ وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يُكَفِّرْ عَنْهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِ وَيُعْظِمْ لَهُ أَجْرًا (5)/سورة الطلاق)،الم يعي الناس قوله تعالي ذلك‼ بل ينُذر الله تعالي عباده بقوله:
1. ذَلِكَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ أَنْزَلَهُ إِلَيْكُمْ
2.وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يُكَفِّرْ عَنْهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِ وَيُعْظِمْ لَهُ أَجْرًا
وقد كلف الله تعالي كل الذين يشرعون في تطليق نسائهم بأن نسائهم صاروا بعد تنزيل سورة الطلاق هذه أنهن صرن زوجات لم يغيرهن وضع إرادة الزوج في التطليق لأنه سبحانه وضع العدة عقبة عثرة في طريق كل الأزواج ابتداءاً من تنزيل سورة الطلاق :
عدة (طول مدة الحمل)__ثم طلاق بعد وضع الحمل____ثم تفريق___ ثم إشهاد
ثم قال تعالي:(أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ وَإِنْ كُنَّ أُولَاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى (6) لِيُنْفِقْ ذُو سَعَةٍ مِنْ سَعَتِهِ وَمَنْ قُدِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ فَلْيُنْفِقْ مِمَّا آَتَاهُ اللَّهُ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آَتَاهَا سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا (7)/سورة الطلاق)
ولأن الزوجة بعد تنزيل سورة الطلاق ممنعة محصنة من التطليق بالعدة لأجل ذلك فرض علي الأزواج الآتي :
1.الإنتهاء عن إخراجهن من البيوت
2.الإنتهاء عن أن تخرج المرأة من بيتهاآية1/سورة الطلاق)
3.التكليف بإسكانهن من حيث سكنتم،ولن يتحمل غير الزوج حمل زوجته في المسكن والمطعم والمشرب والمسكن (ألم يجعلها الله زوجة في عدتها؟ بلي)قال تعالي(أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ)
4.الانتهاء عن محاولات الأزواج أن يُضَيِّقوا عليهن فكفي ما بها من ضيق ما وضعها زوجها فيه من تحسس مستمر لألم وشبح الفراق وترقب حدوثة طول مدة العدة وترقب انتهائها:
عدة__________ثم طلاق
قال الله(وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ)
5.وقد أوصي الله تعالي خاصة علي أولات الأحمال في نفس الآيات فقال:
وَإِنْ كُنَّ أُولَاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ/6الطلاق
6. فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى (6)/الطلاق، … ˆ
7.هذه مرحلة ما بعد وضع الحامل حملها وانزلاقها لهوة الطلاق وبعده التفريق ثم الإشهاد بعد العدة والذي تم نتيجةً لاستمرار عزم زوجها علي ذلك وقد نفذ سهم الفراق بينهما وصارت الزوجة (زوجة ووليدها من زوجها المطلق لها)لذلك كلف بالآتي في
أ) أَسْكِنُوهُنَّ مِنْ حَيْثُ سَكَنْتُمْ مِنْ وُجْدِكُمْ
ب) وَلَا تُضَارُّوهُنَّ لِتُضَيِّقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ
ج)وَإِنْ كُنَّ أُولَاتِ حَمْلٍ فَأَنْفِقُوا عَلَيْهِنَّ حَتَّى يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ
الي هنا تنتهي مرحلة الزواج بالطلاق والتفريق عندما حل ميقات الطلاق في دبر عدة الحامل وهي وضع حملها ثم بعد التفريق هناك تبعات ينبه الباري جل وعلي عليها وهي:ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ
د)فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَآَتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ هـ)وَأْتَمِرُوا بَيْنَكُمْ بِمَعْرُوفٍ
و )وَإِنْ تَعَاسَرْتُمْ فَسَتُرْضِعُ لَهُ أُخْرَى
L ) To spend with a capacity of his capacity
it is as much as he did not cost God, he does not cost
God . To become strangers
, in another sense : the dismissal is the release of
the consequences of the divorced and their alienation from the strangers , and the dismissal
is :
separation after separation
, and also a third meaning : the dismissal
is : the
prohibition of the divorced woman on her divorced woman after his prohibition of his wife against himself and their exclusion according to Sharia after his expulsion from her in a procedure. That is because God delayed the waiting period for divorce
Divorce_then_iddat_then demobilization_then dissolution for spouses
23. Attestation was lacking in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (5 AH) and the testimony of just Muslims regarding the dismissal was not legislated because the divorce had already occurred at the beginning of the waiting
period * and in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah there was no testimony, but the divorced women do not conceal What God created in their wombs as an enabling condition in belief in God and the Last Day,
24. I mean, divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah was non-existent in testifying (2 AH), so God imposed it in Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH) * and in the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah there was no testimony, but the divorced woman does not conceal What God created in their wombs as a strong condition in belief in God and the Last Day,
God willing, p. 25, follows
the historical order in the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 AH) before Surat Al-Talaq (5 AH )
26. What is the ruling for a pregnant woman in Surat Al-Baqarah?
¡All the number legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah was non-existent, except for the number of those who breastfeed only, so their waiting period is three months, and the rest of the number is not mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah

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I said the blogger 18 - a warning, warning, intimidation, encouragement and intimidation. Each of them crossed the sides of Surat Al-Talaq [12]. Verse in it 18 - warning and intimidationThere is no admonition, and I warn you of severe punishment from God, as He has promised everyone that I will turn away from the activation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH, as its letters, words, sentences and phrases indicate to him from the legislation to postpone divorce until after the waiting period and arrange the affairs of those who wish to divorce accordingly.
I said the blogger 18 - Warning, warning, intimidation, encouragement and intimidation. Each of them crossed the sides of Surat Al-Talaq [-12. Verse in it 18 - Warning and intimidation] There is no admonition and I warn you of severe punishment from God as He promised everyone that I would turn away from activating Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH, as indicated by its letters and words. Its sentences and phrases include legislation to postpone divorce until after the waiting period and to arrange the affairs of those wishing to divorce accordingly
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Ethics and biographies
https://makakh.blogspot.com/ ; The Book of Ethics and the Complete Biography of Ibn Hazm
Al-Khul` in the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq
Elite {khula} in the law of divorce s https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/11/5/2021.html
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To all Muslims
Shortcuts blog
Links to important sites, including the Al-Albani site
Sheikh Al-Albani's website
Soul of Islam website
Badr Network for hosting
Sheikh Abdul Haq Al Turkmani website
Sheikh Abdul Salam bin Barjas website
Cheikh Mouhammad Nacirouddine Al Abany - English
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Are the actions of the Antichrist paranormal or impostor?
Treatment of breast cancer and all cancers that appear on the skin
Investigations of the narrations of Abdullah Ibn Omar in the incident of his divorce to his wife and the rules that must be paid attention to
Complete divorce book
The Qur’an is arranged in a historical order according to the date of the revelation and temptation by Naim Ibn Hammad
Reply to Ahmed Sobhi Mansour's denial of apostasy and his denial of the torment of the grave
The response to the Qur’anic denials of the abrogated and abrogated
Very important links from the elite blog in the divorce law
The crime of the owners of interpretation {middle of the page}
. https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/2021/09/8.html
Al-Shamrli Quran
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Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman
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Retroactive divorce is wisdom
Punishment for killing himself
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Encyclopedia of Hadith
Reasons for divorce
Ibn Qutayba al-Dinuri
Interpretation problems
The crime of interpretation
The crime of the owners of interpretation {middle of the page}
Very important topics in the law of divorce after the waiting period
3 temporal stages in the divorce of Surat Al-Talaq* and the abstention and prohibition of divorce during pregnancy)
What is the significance of the words of God Almighty, that is the command of God revealed to you, and what is the relationship of the other half (from verse 8 to verse 12.) of Surat Al-Talaq with its first half{
There are many differences between the scholars
Question and answer on divorce
14. Historical verification and divorce investigation of Surat Al-Talaq
The hadith of Abdullah bin Omar (authentication)
Historical verification of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq
Blogger links 15.
Historical verification of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq
https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/ 2019/01/9 .html
https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/ 2017/10 /blog- post_75 .html
The hadith of Abdullah bin Omar (authentication)
angry divorce
Extension of the law of right
Divorce Blog Surah Divorce
Diwan Comprehensive Code of Divorce Rulings
Blog May God have mercy on my father and the righteous
Divorce Blog for kit
Blog Description Heaven and Poplar Eye
Elite Blog Divorce
Divorce Divorce Blog Terms
Divorce Blog Surah Divorce
Elite Blog
What is God's command that he sent down to us?
And His saying, Exalted be He, *That is the command of God that He has sent down to you = It is a divine warning of a mighty impact, a mighty bell that rings the ears and terrifies the hearts . Did anyone care and said what is this God's command?? The one who singled us out for its revelation and the sign {He sent it down to you..} And why did he not say that in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH? People have neglected the command of God, which is the Sharia revealed by His command in Surat Al-Talaq, presenting the waiting period for census, and delaying divorce by force, and the hope of these transcendentalities that the Creator will bring about a matter after that.. We belong to God and to Him we shall return!
Khula legally then legally *-*-
Khul' https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/2021/11/5.html
Ibn Qutayba al-Dinori For those who oppose postponing divorce until after the waiting period, it is necessary to postpone it after the waiting period
Ibn Qutayba al-Dinori For those who oppose postponing divorce until after the waiting period, it is necessary to postpone it after the waiting period
He said [ {And when they reach their term}...that is, the waiting period is over-: Either you withhold from divorce, then become wives, or you have a beautiful separation that does not cause any harm.
The Comprehensive Divorce Book Copy the link and simplify it in the Google search rectangle
download links

Divorce is different
Elite Blog in the Law of Divorce
Elite Blog in Divorce
Kufr is blasphemy, lesser and greater blasphemy, and the recompense of the wrongdoers, and..
Punishment of the wrongdoers
Blasphemy grace or intimate partner
Smaller and greater infidelity
Unbelief is disbelief and polytheism is greater and lesser
. Punishment of the wrongdoers
Infidelity of grace or intimate partner https://thelowofalhak.blogspot.com/2021/10/blog-post_15.html
A smaller and greater blasphemy https://thelowofalhak.blogspot.com/2021/10/blog-post_52.html
Those who believed and did not clothe their faith will have security https://alnukhbhtattalak.blogspot.com/2021/10/blog-post_18.html
general links {{additional}}
Al-Sayyab, Bader Shaker/ SibawayhAl - Sijzi, Abu NasrAl - Mughrabi, Al-Samwal Bin YahyaAl -Suyuti, Jalaluddin/ Sayyid Qutb/ Saeed bin Ali bin / Wahf Al-Qahtani/ Ahmed Shawky/ Humaidan Al Shuwaier/ Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafi’i/ Antara bin Shaddad/ Ahmed Zaki Abu Shadi/ Shawkani/ Ahmed Fares Chidiac/ Kate Chopin/ Ibn Shaheed/ Ibn As-SalahAl -Sanani, Abdul RazzaqAl -Sanani, Muhammad bin IsmailAl -Sufi, Abdul Basit/ Hatem Al-Tai/ Tabari/ Tabarani/ Eltahawy/ Ibn al-Arabi/ Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani/ Ibn Abd al-BarrAl -Izz bin Abd al-Salam/ Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab/ Ibn Qudamah/ Muammar Gaddafi/ Al-Qurtubi/ Qastalani/ Ibn al-Qayyim/ Amr bin Kulthum/ Ibn Kathir/ Muhammad Karim Khan Al-Kirmani/ Analoid/ Ibn Majah/ MawardiAl -Mutanabbi, Abu Al-Tayyib Ahmed/ Al-Maarri, Abu Al-Ala/ Ibn al-Muqaffa'/ Ali Al Husseini MilaniAl- Mandhari, Zaki Al-Din/ Maurer, JamesAl -Maqrizi, Taqi Al-Din/ women// Nizar Qabbani// nuclear// Al-Hamdani, Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan bin Ahmed bin Yaqoub/ God's mercy Indian/ Ibn al-Atheer/ _/ Ibn Al Ardakh/ raven/ Obama, Barack/ Malik bin Anas/ Mahmoud Shukri Al-AlusiBashar bin Burd/ son/ duck// Bukhari// Al-Bayhaqi// Ibn Battuta// Barbahari/// Abdullah Al-Turjuman/ Abu Issa Al-Tirmidhi/ Ibn Taymiyyah/ Umm Al-Aghar Bint / Rabia / Al-Taghlibia/ Hassan bin Thabet/ Gibran Khalil Gibran/ Abdul Qaher Al-Jurjani/ Ibn Al-Jazari/ son of a genie/ Ibn Abi Jamra Al-Azdi/ son/jozy/ Abu Al-Maali Al-Juwayni/ Al-Jahez/ Ibn Abi Hatim/ Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj/ Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani/ Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami/ Ibn Hazm/ Al-Hamdani, Abu Firas/ Ahmed bin Hanbal who happened A radio broadcaster to turn them into commercial stations only/ Ibn Khaldun/ Nasir Khusraw/ Al- Khwarizmi/ Abu Daoud/ golden/ Al Randi, Abu Al-BaqaAl- Rassi, Ziada bin YahyaMaarouf Al - Rasafi/ Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali/ Zaki, Ahmed/ ZarkashiAl - Sayyab, Bader Shaker/ SibawayhAl - Sijzi, Abu NasrAl - Mughrabi, Al-Samwal Bin YahyaAl -Suyuti, Jalaluddin/ Sayyid Qutb/ Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani/ Ahmed Shawky/ Humaidan Al Shuwaier/ Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafi’i/ Antara bin Shaddad/ Ahmed Zaki Abu Shadi/ Al- Shawkani / Ahmed Fares Al-Shidyaq/ Kate Chopin/ Ibn Shaheed/ Ibn As-SalahAl -Sanani, Abdul RazzaqAl -Sanani, Muhammad bin IsmailAl -Sufi, Abdul Basit/ Hatem Al-Tai/ Tabari/ Tabarani/ Eltahawy/ Ibn al-Arabi/ Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani/ Ibn Abd al-BarrAl -Izz bin Abd al-Salam/ Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab/ Ibn Qudamah/ Al-Qurtubi// for kastlany/ Ibn al-Qayyim/ Amr bin Kulthum/ Ibn Kathir/ Muhammad Karim Khan Al-Kirmani/ Ibn Majah/ MawardiAl -Mutanabbi, Abu Al-Tayyib Ahmed/ Al-Maarri, Abu Al-Ala/ Ibn al-Muqaffa'/ Ali Al Husseini MilaniAl- Mandhari, Zaki Al-Din/ Maurer, JamesAl -Maqrizi, Taqi Al-Din/ women// Nizar Qabbani/ nuclear/ Al-Hamdani, Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan bin Ahmed bin Yaqoub/ God's mercy Indian
Divorce for the waiting period means after the waiting period
The provisions and system of Islam in divorce
The Holy Qur’an is written in Word
Divorce Blog for kit
Divorce sites guide for several
A second guide to divorce sites for the moment
lam meaning after
Al-Lam meaning after in the legislation of divorce Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
Acting in the abrogated is null and void, and calling for it is a crime
Abrogated and abrogated verses in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al- Talaq God’s commissioning it and erasing it is removing and removing it means dropping the assignment because it became void after erasure and the call to it . Clinging to the abrogated verses is one of the crimes of those who distort the religion of God, and if that was permissible, God would not have erased that abrogated verse. The Almighty says [We do not abrogate a verse or forget it, we bring something better or similar to it.... the verse.. Surat Al-Baqarah]
Destruction of the universe by the horn of Dad 27-
1. Destruction of the universe by shouting PDF 2. Destruction of the
universe by shouting
3. Destruction of the universe by shouting (God forbid) Scenes from the Day of Resurrection...
4- Continue 4 Destruction of the universe by shouting or fire...
5 The torment of fire (God forbid) and situations The unbelievers on the Day of Resurrection...
Elite Blog in the Law of Divorce
M elite in the law of divorce
The elite in the law of divorce
Sami Yusuf
Blog Archive. Mm Elite in Divorce Law
Do not count the wrong divorce

3 sec notes
Asmaa Salah Blog Downloads
1. Downloads from dot com
2. Arabic language for the third grade of secondary 2017
3. - A new full Arabic language note 2017
4. - Arabic language for the third secondary grade: the series of geniuses by Professor Kamal Abd Rab Al-Nabi 2017
5. - Memorandum of the basics of expression, which will make it easier for you to express greatly
6. Towards the third secondary grade : a simplified explanation of Arabic grammar 2017
7. English for the third grade of secondary 2017
8. - first note full new english 2017
9. - The second note full new English 2017
10. - Memorandum of expected questions in the English language for the third grade of secondary 2017
11. Skills note
12. - How to write a paragraph
13. The Prisoner of Zenda Story Note
14. French for the third grade of secondary 2017
15th. French grammar notes
16. Statistics for the third year of secondary school 2017
17. - Statistics note for the third grade of secondary 2017
18. - Statistics summary for the third year of secondary 2017
19. Religious education for the third grade of secondary 2017
20. - Religious Education Note for the third grade of secondary 2017
21. Scientific Division
22. Mathematics for the third grade of secondary 2017
23. Note on algebra and space geometry
24. Calculus note
25. - Dynamics note
26. - Memo statics
27. Physics for the third grade of secondary 2017
28. Physics note
29. Chemistry for the third year of secondary 2017
30. Chemistry note
31. Biology for the third year of secondary 2017
32. Biology note
33. - Biology for high school: all drawings 2017
34. Geology for the third year of secondary 2017
35. Geology note
36. - Geology third grade of secondary school: the most important drawings of the curriculum
37.Literary Division
38.Geography for the third year of secondary 2017
39. - Political geography for the third secondary grade: Explanation note + maps 2017
40. - The third secondary exercise book in political geography - Sharkawy Salon
41. - Geography for the third year of secondary school: tests on the first and introductory units 2017
42. Philosophy and Logic for the third year of secondary 2017
43. - A note on philosophy and logic for the third grade of secondary 2017 Amal Al-Badri
44. - High School: All the Philosophy and Logic exams 2016-2017
45. - Philosophy for the third grade of secondary school: a note by Professor Khaled Fayoum 2017
46. Psychology and Sociology for the third year of secondary school 2017
47.- Psychology and Sociology for the third grade of secondary: a note on the new curriculum - A complete explanation of Psychology and Sociology for the third grade of secondary
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M ohh............mm
my blogs
➌ High School 3 secondary .
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➌ Description of Paradise and the Houris
➌ The second educational blog, Asmaa Salah 3 . High school
➌ Sedition and the end of the world
➌ Inserts a .
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➌ Qur'anic misguided category
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➌ Jurisprudence issues in marriage, divorce, mut`a and taking back
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The law of the immutability of God’s Sunnah in creation
➌ Oh God, have mercy on my father, mother and the righteous
➌ Biography of the Prophet
➌ Blog {completion} Code of Divine Right Law
➌ Blog1 .
Heaven and its enjoyment, and Hellfire and the evil of its inferno, God forbid .
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➌ Mama, may God protect you and my father, and be pleased with you both, and have mercy on you
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The Book of Fitnah Signs of the Resurrection by Ibn Kathir
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➌ Divine Right Law 3
The law of divine right 4 .
The limits of ideological dealings between Muslims
➌ Inserts AA .
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The interpretation of Sheikh Makhlouf mm
Interpretation of the Qur'an by Sheikh Makhlouf
Hetmel the Qur'an is Makhlouf
The mini archive, the guide to the Holy Qur’an, word verse verse
DAD Blog Archive - 077-8
2- Surah Al-Baqarah
3- Surah Al Imran
4- Surah An-Nisa
5- Surah Al-Ma’idah
6- Surah Al-An'am
7- Surah Al-A'raf
8- Surah Al-Anfal
9- Surah At-Tawbah
10- Surah Yunus
11- Surah Hud
12- Surah Yusuf
13- Surah Al-Rad
14- Surah Ibrahim
15- Surah Al-Hijr
16- Surah An-Nahl
17- Surah Al-Isra
18- Surah Al-Kahf
19- - Surah Meri M
20- Surah Taha
21 = Surat Al-Anbiya
22- Surah Al-Hajj
23- Surah Al Muminoon
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25- Surah Al-Furqan
26- Surah Al-Shu`ara`
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28-Surat Al-Qasas
29- Surah Al-Ankabut
30- Surah Al-Rum
31- Surah Luqman
32 - Surah Al-Sajdah
33- Surah Al-Ahzab
34- Surah Sheba
35- Surah Fatir
36- Surah Yasin
37- Surah As-Saffat
38- Surah p
39- Surah Az-Zumar
40- Surah Ghafir
41- Surah Fasslat-
42- Surah Al-Shura
43- Surah Az-Zukhruf
44- Surah Al-Dukhan
Surah 45-Al-Jathiya
46- Surah Al-Ahqaf-
47- Surah Muhammad -
48 - Surah Al-Fath
49 - Surah Al-Hujurat
50 surah q
51 - Surah Al-Dhariyat
52- Surah At-Tur
53- Surah An-Najm
54 - Surah Al-Qamar -
55 - Surah Ar-Rahman
56 - Surah Al-Waqi’ah
57 - Surah Al-Hadid
58 - Surat Al-Mujadila
59 - Surah Al-Hashr
60 - Surah Al Mumtahinha -
Surah Al-Saff 61
62 - Surah Friday
63 - Surah Al-Munafiqun
64 - Surah At-Taghabun
65 - Surah Al-Talaq
66 - Surah At-Tahrim
67- Surah Al-Mulk
68- Surah Al-Qalam
69- Surah Al-Haqqah
70- Surah Al-Ma'arij
71- Surah Nuh
72- Surah Al-Jinn
73 - Surah Al-Muzammil
74- Surah Al-Muddathir
75- Surah Al-Qiyamah
76- Surah Al-Insan
Surah Al-Mursalat 77
78- Surah An-Naba
79- Surah An-Naza'at
80- Surah Abs -
Surah At-Takwir 81
Surah Al-Infitar 82
Surah Al-Mutaffifin 83-
84- Surah Al-Inshiqaq
85- Surah Al-Buruj
86- Surah Al-Tariq
87- Surah Al-A'la
88- Surah Al-Ghasheya
89- Surah Al-Fajr
90- Surah Al-Balad
91-Surat Al-Shams
92- Surah Al-Layl
93- Surah Ad-Duha
94- Surah Al-Sharh
95- Surah Al-Tin
96- Surah Al-Alaq
97- Surah Al-Qadr
98 - Surah Al-Bayinah
99- Surah Al-Zalzalah
100 - Surah Al-Adiyat
Surah Al-Qari'ah 101
Surah 102 - At-Takathur
103- Surah Al-Asr
104- Surah Al-Hamza
105- Surah Al-Fil
106- Surah Quraish
107 - Surah Al-Ma'un
108- Surah Al-Kawthar
109- Surah Al-Kafirun
110 - Surah An-Nasr
Surah Al-Masd 111
112- Surah Al-Ikhlas
113- Surah Al-Falaq
114- Surah An-Nas
Index Elite ×××××mm
Downloads from dot com
Arabic language for the third grade of secondary 2017
- A new full Arabic language note 2017
- Arabic language for the third secondary grade: the series of geniuses by Professor Kamal Abd Rab Al-Nabi 2017
- Memorandum of the basics of expression, which will make it easier for you to express greatly
Towards the third secondary grade : a simplified explanation of Arabic grammar 2017
English for the third grade of secondary 2017
- first note full new english 2017
- The second note full new English 2017
- Memorandum of expected questions in the English language for the third grade of secondary 2017
Skills note
- How to write a paragraph
The Prisoner of Zenda Story Note
French for the third grade of secondary 2017
French grammar notes
Statistics for the third year of secondary school 2017
- Statistics note for the third grade of secondary 2017
- Statistics summary for the third year of secondary 2017
Religious education for the third grade of secondary 2017
- Religious Education Note for the third grade of secondary 2017
Scientific Division
Mathematics for the third grade of secondary 2017
Note on algebra and space geometry
Calculus note
- Dynamics note
- Memo statics
Physics for the third grade of secondary 2017
Physics note
Chemistry for the third year of secondary 2017
Chemistry note
Biology for the third year of secondary 2017
Biology note
- Biology for high school: all drawings 2017
Geology for the third year of secondary 2017
Geology note
- Geology third grade of secondary school: the most important drawings of the curriculum
Literary Division
Geography for the third year of secondary 2017
- Political geography for the third secondary grade: Explanation note + maps 2017
- The third secondary exercise book in political geography - Sharkawy Salon
- Geography for the third year of secondary school: tests on the first and introductory units 2017
Philosophy and Logic for the third year of secondary 2017
- A note on philosophy and logic for the third grade of secondary 2017 Amal Al-Badri
- High School: All the Philosophy and Logic exams 2016-2017
- Philosophy for the third grade of secondary school: a note by Professor Khaled Fayoum 2017
Psychology and Sociology for the third year of secondary school 2017
- Psychology and Sociology for the third grade of secondary: a note on the new curriculum - A complete explanation of Psychology and Sociology for the third grade of secondary
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Solution and answers to questions and exercises of the Ministry's book, 3 sec
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Download a note on psychology and sociology for the third grade of secondary
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Amanah spread it
The third part of divorce Q and C. / The lamas and their uses in the Arabic language
The third part of the divorce Q&A.
The residential and all the wives is right for the street her husband in its divorce
Written introduction to all issues of divorce
�� Written Introduction to All Divorce Topics Latest Introduction
Inhabit them from where you dwelt, from where you found you...
The lamas and their uses in the Arabic language
The insertions☆ and Al-Nawawi’s intentions to distort its meaning in contravention of the meanings of the dictionaries of the future language

The method of comparing the chains of transmission / method of comparing the texts / the reasons for the text:
14. The Cause of Transliteration Briefness
2. Transliteration Abbreviation Bug2
3. The bug of the novel as a whole
4. The fault of the novel in the sense 4.
5. The bug of fraudulent projection5.
6. The novel’s fault is with the human understanding of the narrator 6.
7. The bug of the novel 7.
6. The novel's fault is with the human understanding of the narrator.
Index of Dr. Maher Al-Fahl's books in criticism of the text and...
1. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal: The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
2. Dr. Maher Al Fahal Types of Variation
3. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The fifth topic: Knowing the difference and entering...
4. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The impact of this hadith on the difference in jurisprudence...
5. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The second topic: The effect of uniqueness on...
6. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal Chapter Two Differences in Text...
7. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl, the second topic, in violation of the hadith...
8. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal Section VII Hadith Violation of...
9 D */ Maher Al-Fahl The eighth topic The difference in hadith...
10. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl Chapter Three: Differences in...
11. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl, the effect of the difference in the boy’s urine
12. Dr. Maher Al Fahal Fifth Type: The addition of a man in one of the...
13************ Dr. Maher Al-Fahal Section Two The turmoil...
14. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The second topic: The difference in the increase...
15. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The impact of this hadith on the difference of opinion...
16. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The jurists differed regarding the prostration of forgetfulness. The topic is...
17. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl: Inclusion and the difference of weak, trust and...
16/18. The effect of this increase on the differences of jurists: How to...
18^/16. The effect of this increase on the differences of jurists: How...
19 Dr. Maher Al-Fahal. Fourth topic: The difference between the weak and the weak.
20. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal and this type of listing is the most common...
21. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The seventh topic: Inverted, and its impact on...
22. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The effect of the heart on the differences of jurists
23. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal, translation of the foreign piece in the book
24. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal, check the references
The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
Variation in the approach of applicants and those who are late in correcting and teaching...
1. The difference between trust and trust
The difference between the weak and the trustworthy
2. Editors' errors in rounding text
1. Editors’ errors in the text of the approximation by Dr. Maher Al-Fahal
The contradiction between the linked and sent narration and the means of weighting
The causes of the heart in the text or the reason
Reasons for the inclusion
body disorder
The difference in hadith is due to the narrator's mistake
The difference in the narrator's name and lineage if he is hesitant between w...
The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
Correction and distortion
Duplicate/correction and distortion
Detecting the difference in the novel to the hadith
turbulent speech in the text
Acceptable speech.
The upside-down novel in the text
The importance of knowing the differences in the texts and the isnads
Connection conflict and disconnect
Contradictions of stopping and lifting
Documentation of Ibn Hibban What is it??
The rule of fraud, and the rule of one who is known for it
Renewal studies in the origins of hadith: exclusivity
Methods of detecting insertion Dr. Maher Al-Fahal
Differences of the weak with trustworthy ones and examples of itApr 07 (26)
Adding a man to one of the chains of narrators, what is the ruling?
Study the book explaining the note and the ticket
1. Manuscripts presented by Maher Al Fahal
1 and 2... Manuscripts presented by Dr. Maher Al Fahal
An example of what has an increase in one of its chains
The occurrence of the insertion in the bond without the text
The correct in the name of the book of Ibn Salah
Benefits Benefits
1. The Musnad of Imam Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin...
2. The Musnad of Imam Al-Shafi’i 2.
year of death in hijri
2. Year of death in Hijri, second page
1. Year of death in Hijri, front page
((The sheikhs of Abi Dawood are all trustworthy)) The truth between theorizing...
Documentation of the sheikhs of Baqy bin Makhlid Al-Andalusi
Analytical study of the biography of Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi
Referral in the encyclopedia / method of comparison of evidence / method of comparison...
Referral from the Encyclopedia of Parties to the references of the modern investigation
An approach to comparing bases and texts using bibliometric classification.
The reasons for the text, the reason for the transmission summary * The reason for the novel in the concept...
Adjusting the news in the context of the discrepancy in the degrees of control and preservation...
The method of comparing the chains of transmission / method of comparing the texts / the reasons for the text:
transport summary
* Novel meaning
*Verbal and contextual switching bug
* Novel concept
* Illusions and Mistakes of the Modernists
* Transliteration abbreviation bug, verbal switch bug
* The bug of cheating and flattening the text
* The bug of submission and discretionary reporting
* The reason for exclusivity and oddity is in the text as it is in the chain of transmission
* Inclusion Turbulence Bug Prone Almtnip
* Illusion in the narration of the textual error text
* distortion bug
* Bug debugging
*confused bug
*heart bug
* The bug of the novel with the transferable perception
* The bug of the translational misinterpretation
* Adjusting the news within the framework of the discrepancy in the degrees of control and preservation of the transmitters between the just trustworthy and the trustworthy who control and those who control them have a reason
The problem of corrections and how to fix it
Adjusting the rules of modernization between trustworthy and more trustworthy and weak and weaker than him
*Confidence boosting base
Setting the rules of fiqh deduction in light of setting the rule of abrogation and reliance on the date of revelation in a definitive manner
* The bug of dropping words or phrases in hadiths
* The method of comparing texts and chains of transmission
Raising a child in Islam and its rights
Raising a child in Islam and its rights
2) Blog in farewell to God, my mother
3) O Allah
4) I'm running
5) ……………………………………………………
6) Blogs no trap no trap
7) law of divine right
8) prayer notes
9) Farewell to God, my mother
10) Learn to excel in high school
11) Biography of the Prophet
12) index
13) God have mercy on my father and mother
14) set
15th) The graduations of the hadiths of divorce are mattna and a bond
16) Boundaries of doctrinal dealings between Muslims
17) law of divine right.
18) law of divine right
19) divine justice law
20) The law of the immutability of God’s law in creation
21) The Book of Tribulations, Signs of the Hour and the Day of Resurrection
22) not shin blogs
23) The issues of Sahih Muslim and the wrong explanations of Al-Nawawi on them
24) Description of poplar eye
25) Mami 27
26) Help blog
27) Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog
28) My dear affectionate mother
29) White Notebook 2 Secondary
30) ( Mother) The curriculum of the second grade of secondary science, sports and science
31) 2 secondary {computer - and citizenship}
32) 2 second secondary Arabic language
33) My dear affectionate mother
34) Revival of the second secondary, first term
35) Dangerous diseases and their prevention
36) The Beginning and the End by Hafiz Ibn Kuthbar
37) date 2 s
38) intonation
39) Second term, second secondary, all subjects 2 sec
40) Third secondary, literary and scientific section
41) Geography and geology second secondary
42) Abstract in Physics
43) The Comprehensive Court of Divorce Rulings
44) Biography of the Prophet
45) Divorce is different
46) Secondary Physics Links
47) French language 2 secondary
48) Useful summary, second secondary, first term
49) Approach to divorce
50) Elite in 2nd semester courses, first semester 2017-2018
51) The elite in the law of divorce
52) Engineering in its branches
53) General Knowledge House
54) Second term of second secondary scientific, sports and literature..
55) Get over it and go for it
56) third secondary blog
57) Second secondary term first and second German
58) Links to educational websites
59) Links to the second secondary educational curricula, all sections
60) Pure and Applied Mathematics, Secondary, Second Term
61) Abdel Wahed Term 1st 2nd Secondary
62) Abdul Wahed Second Secondary Term 1 and 2.
63) Immunology
64) Philosophy.Logic.Psychology.Meeting 2th first term
65) Secondary physics, first term
66) Secondary physics, second term
67) The Sealed Nectar by Mubarakpuri
68) Zakat book
69) Secondary Secondary Books Term 1 and 2
70) notebook
71) All mathematics calculus and trigonometry 2 secondary first term and sometimes second
72) Chemistry second secondary first term
73) English language 2s. first term
74) Little Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog 3s
75) Shortcuts Blog
76) The university blog prohibiting the provisions of divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq 7/5 AH
77) Italian language blog
78) Blog of all the educational bend links for the secondary stage
79) Exam night revisions for all 2nd semester courses
80) Links library, second secondary, first term
81) The turning point of educational excellence for all levels of secondary school
82) Mechanics and statics 2nd first term
83) the end of the beginning
https://whitecolor12.blogspot.com/ Causes of the destruction of the universe

The Book of the Spirit by Ibn al-Qayyim
Blog of the names of the educational weapon the link ..................

medical links
disseminated intravascular coagulation
A bite-sized camera, why would you need to swallow it?
blood and its components
Varicocele and its relationship to infertility
Myelofibrosis (Myelofibrosis)
Transformational Disorder: A Mysterious Leap from Mind to Body
Temporal Arteritis
An electric shock with just a touch!! Trigeminal neuralgia
Intestinal obstruction
Are obese people really stronger than normal weight people?
Knee joint replacement surgery
Silent Diabetic Nephropathy
microchimerism; One of the causes of autoimmune diseases in women
Hollywood smile between veneer and lumineer
Chronic diarrhea may predict future rheumatoid arthritis
Changes after death
Walking on toes in children
Heat stroke symptoms and how to prevent and first aid
The bubonic plague is knocking again in China
Biological clock and circadian rhythm
athlete's foot
electronic cigarettes.
Passive smoking damages children's health...
COVID-19 and cancer patients
Mary Barrett
Baker's Cyst; Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
The Book of the Spirit by Ibn al-Qayyim
Blog of the names of the educational weapon the link ..................


_ _ ………………………………………………………………………………

_ .......

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1. People ask: Do women have wives of angels other than their human husbands?
Download what you want from the blog The links are fully activated and Word Download from here
Download what you want from the blog The links are fully activated in pdf. download from here
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The Book of Divorce in Sunan Abi Dawood.
The arbitrator and the similar in the hadiths of reprimand and the hadith of the owner of the card, I suspect the significance.
How can a Muslim divorce his wife if divorce is necessary?
Do the women of this world have husbands like the men in Paradise as the men of the hoor al-‘iyn?
Refusal to divorce at the time of pregnancy, a crime and a statement of the error of all those who say that it is permissible
Explanation of the methods of Ibn Umar's hadith and the verification of his most correct narration and referring the rest of the narrations to disorder and abnormality
Shortcuts blog
People ask: Do women have wives of angels other than their human husbands?
Introduction to Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by An-Nasa’i, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, “The Disobedient Ones in the Qur’an” / Examples of the insertions
O Allah, expand for me in my home, expand for me in my money, spare me prisons and diseases as long as I live, comfort me, fix my days, make my final ending, have mercy on my parents and my friends, and those who have rights over me, and guide my offspring and grandchildren.” Amen to me and to all the righteous among Your servants
When was Surah Divorce revealed?
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Introduction to Al-Sunan Al-Kubra by An-Nasa’i, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, “ The Disobedient Ones
in the Qur’an ” / Models of
Al-Muqaqamat / ………
What are the insertions
, and whoever does not repent, then those are the unjust . Who are the unjust/
1. The
with the cry PDF
2. The destruction of the universe with the horn 3. The destruction of the universe with the shout (the horn) Scenes from the Day of Resurrection
4-¤-¤ Continued 4 The destruction of the universe with the shout or the shout or fire.
5 The torment of the Fire (God forbid) and the attitudes of the unbelievers on the Day of Resurrection
6/Allthe Book of the Destruction of the Universe with a cry
Allah Muhammad

Fonts and links
The two blogs indexed , updating the
inserts ,
adding another link to the inserts . The
interpretations of al-Nawawi and his peers have lost the meaning of the texts of the Qur’an and the Prophetic hadiths,
the code of the law of the divine right ,
the code of the law of the divine right. Aa , the
hadith of Abi Dharman, he died not associating anything with God that entered heaven and its evidence. It means
that the difference of Muslims in the matter of singing is conclusive evidence of the lack of judgments In the meaning of the texts inferred.
Encyclopedia of Science and Knowledge Dr. Ahmed Al-Kalhi
, chapter on mentioning temptation as a sentence, and then we will detail its mention after that, if he wants.
Enter the blog of the law of divine right
. Download all the lines from here
Mediafire The establishment of testimony to God in the provisions of divorce has two meanings.
The meaning of shelter from the Arabic language
* Immortality Khaludan is a saying and term composed that is not from Islam in...
Fire.. in the Holy Quran
✿ The meaning of eternity metaphorically in proportion to its presumption and never in an eternal proportion...
✿>✿ There is no immortality in the afterlife except with one meaning, which is eternity, and from...
The shelter is a sign of eternity in the afterlife, either to heaven forever or to hell forever...
Eternity and seeing people
He who dies not associating anything with God
/ How does God Almighty say that God does not forgive association with Him and forgives what is less than that for whomever He wills, then He, Most High, says../
How do people perceive the saying of God Almighty (If you avoid such
So if it becomes clear to us that polytheism is an amount that is below nothingness...
Object is the definition of the meaning of something in the Book of God and a lexicon for the tongue
Coordinated presentation of a speech
/ The owner of the card on the Day of Resurrection / Commenting on the article on the removal of forms about the meaning of immortality
Commenting on an article. Removing the confusion about the meaning of (eternity)
The arbitrator and the similar in the hadith of the card holder and the mistakes of the owners...
/ The presumptive texts on which al-Nawawi relied in making a parallel law / Whoever dies does not associate anything with God
/ How do people perceive the saying of God Almighty (If you avoid such...
/ Inserts
Sincerity is the condition for entering Paradise in saying there is no god but God
Repentance is Islam as a whole . Eternity is one eternity that has no other .
Sigma writing programs/Immortality and people's vision /// If it turns out...
Ⅰ So what is the meaning of His saying, “The Most High, and He forgives what is less than that…”
Whoever dies not associating anything with God...
Links to the book of faith by Ibn Mandah
Whoever dies not associating partners with God...
The term blasphemy without blasphemy and immortality are immortal All that was revealed by the...
* Al-Nawawi's interpretations of Ali Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj in an explanation of the mosque...
In the talk of the card holder, there are several considerations
Evidence for the uniqueness of the Lord of Glory in legislation, originally, perfect, and liberating...
✓ ✓ Evidence for the uniqueness of the Lord of Glory in legislation in the first place and perfection...
Code of Divine Right Law * God's Firm Sunnah in the Victory of...
☐ What are insertions = intrusion and insertion of the soul...
View PDF and Word // The arbitrator of Quranic verses and hadiths...
A man from my nation will be shouted at the heads of the...
A man from my nation will be shouted at the heads of the...
pdf for those who deserve intercession and word
�� That something is indicative of what the individual wanted, whether by will or by...
How does God Almighty say that God does not forgive association with Him and forgives what is less than that, then...
The soul, the devil, the passion, and the affection between you, all of that comes from...
Investigating the hadith of Whoever killed himself with a piece of iron...
★ ★ Inserts and people's view of their interpretation according to the concept of...
Download Lisan Al Arab online dictionary
↑↑ How does God Almighty say: (God does not forgive polytheism...
1. He testified that there is no god but God 2. Sincerity of those who say...
Link to the historical investigation of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq

Achieving a divorce WordPress
It is important to historically verify that Surat Al-Talaq was loosely revealed from Surat Al-Baqarah
Proof of the historical descent in Surat Al-Talaq
Link to the historical investigation of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, click here*
How do I know the timing of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
Proof of time
And it is proven that Surat Al-Talaq was revealed several years after Surat Al-Baqarah
How do you know the date of revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
How do we prove the laxity between Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 and Surat Al-Talaq 4 or 5 AH?
full blog archive
Divorce provisions sites directory for several
Seizing the arguments of those who claim irrevocable divorce after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq
Nisab for gold, gold and silver, and the amount of zakat on them
C - what - no share
Blog in farewell to God, my mother
O Allah
I'm running
Blogs no trap no trap
law of divine right
prayer notes
Farewell to God, my mother
Learn to excel in high school
Biography of the Prophet
God have mercy on my father and mother
The graduations of the hadiths of divorce are mattna and a bond
Boundaries of doctrinal dealings between Muslims
The law of divine right aa.
law of divine right
divine justice law
The law of the immutability of God’s law in creation
The Book of Tribulations, Signs of the Hour and the Day of Resurrection
not shin blogs
The issues of Sahih Muslim and the wrong explanations of Al-Nawawi on them
Description of poplar eye
Mami 27
Help blog
Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog
My dear affectionate mother
White Notebook 2 Secondary
(Mother) The curriculum of the second grade of secondary science, sports and science
2Secondary {computer - and citizenship}
2nd secondary Arabic language
My dear affectionate mother
Revival of the second secondary, first term
Dangerous diseases and their prevention
The Beginning and the End by Hafiz Ibn Kuthbar
date 2 s
Second term, second secondary, all subjects 2 sec
Third secondary, literary and scientific section
Geography and geology second secondary
Abstract in Physics
The Comprehensive Court of Divorce Rulings
Biography of the Prophet
Divorce is different
Secondary Physics Links
French language 2 secondary
Useful summary, second secondary, first term
Approach to divorce
Elite in 2nd semester courses, first semester 2017-2018
The elite in the law of divorce
Engineering in its branches
General Knowledge House
Second term of second secondary scientific, sports and literature ..
Get over it and go for it
third secondary blog
Second secondary term first and second German
Links to educational websites
Links to the second secondary educational curricula, all sections
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Secondary, Second Term
Abdel Wahed Term 1st 2nd Secondary
Abdul Wahed, the second secondary school, Term 1 and 2.
Philosophy.Logic.Psychology.Meeting 2th first term
Secondary physics, first term
Secondary physics, second term
The Sealed Nectar by Mubarakpuri
Zakat book
Secondary Secondary Books Term 1 and 2
All mathematics calculus and trigonometry 2 secondary first term and sometimes second
Chemistry second secondary first term
English language 2s. first term
Little Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog 3s
Shortcuts Blog
The university blog prohibiting the provisions of divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq 7/5 AH
Italian language blog
Blog of all the educational bend links for the secondary stage
Exam night revisions for all 2nd semester courses
Links library, second secondary, first term
The turning point of educational excellence for all levels of secondary school
Mechanics and statics 2nd first term
the end of the beginning

Link to the historical investigation of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, click here
Proving the chronological history and proving that Surat Al-Talaq was revealed several years after Surat Al-Baqarah
How do you know the date of revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
How do we prove the laxity between Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 and Surat Al-Talaq 4 or 5 AH?
Download Arabic fonts
Old stylized blog guide first, then newer
The difference in divorce legislation between Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Bal...
Abstaining and prohibiting divorce during pregnancy (Elite)
Links to divorce topics for several Sharia law in Surat Al-Talaq 6 or 7 AH...
Divorce in the minds and hearts of the jurists
Ibn Kathir in Surat Al-Talaq and his mention of the differences of scholars and...
(You do not know, perhaps God will happen after that something) and the psychology of...
Amplifier / Law of Right Part One, Two and Meanings Three...
Immunopathology technology
Al-Shamrli's entire Qur'an
Allah, Most High, has placed the “counting kit” on the path of spouses after...
Table of differences in the provisions of divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al...
God Almighty replaced the waiting period with the number of statistics {By the descent of Su...
The difference between dismissal and separation in light of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
Investigating the nullity of divorce during pregnancy and explaining the abnormality of his narration
Arranging the surahs of the Noble Qur’an according to the date of its revelation
This is why he who divorced his wife in the eighth month while she was pregnant did not...
The incident of the divorce of Fatima bint Qais, which occurred during the second year of the Hegira...
Characteristics of the rulings in Surat Al-Talaq and their nature:
The Eight Methods of Hadith of Abdullah bin Omar on Divorce...
Direction in living organisms (Read to expand on the output from...
Book: Divorce on Balance and Installment {Download}
Divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah (1 and 2 AH) and Surat al-Talaq (6 or 7 AH)...
Links programs to access its website
What does the saying of God Almighty mean (inhabit them from where you lived, from and...
Download directly the comparison table between the terms of divorce in Surat...
Some differences in the rulings on divorce between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Baqara
The significance of the jurisprudence terms in the rulings on divorce taken from...
Divorce between the previous Surah Al-Baqarah in the download and Surat Al-Baqara...
The previous divorce arrangements in Surat Al-Baqarah were... w...
The statistic kit and the Istibra kit, and the difference between them
Al-Albani’s saying: The sayings of the imams in following the Sunnah and leaving...
What is the significance of the saying of God Almighty (You do not know, perhaps God will limit...
Surah Al-Talaq is comprehensive in its provisions
And because the assignment to establish the testimony to God is assumed:
Why did God want to send down the Qur’an as an astrologer and...
The provisions of Surat Al-Baqarah / The provisions of Surat Al-Talaq
- Surah Al-Talaq and its verses 12
Divorce is very detailed
Rules absent from people in divorce provisions
The description of the Prophet's prayer, may God bless him and grant him peace, from...
What does the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq mean in the fifth year of Hijri?
What is the difference between the legislation of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 Hijri) and the legalization of...
Divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq dominated the law of divorce...
Divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq (the revealed in the sixth year...
A fundamental difference under all of them has many sub-differences...
Download the book How the Disputes of the Jurists Are Structured in Divorce and a Dictionary of...
How were the sharp differences between the jurists in the Shariah of...
The perplexed, the baffled, come to the mercy of God and judge...
Confused people who are engrossed in the fire of separation and are divorced, come to the...
Several statistics have become an obstacle for hardship couples to divorce...
(Kamel) How did the bitter differences between jurists and...
Download the book Description of the Prophet's Prayer, may God bless him and grant him peace...
Rules absent from people in divorce rulings???,
One of the very important differences between Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baqarah...
Divorce in the minds and hearts of the jurists
Creating effects, fitting pictures, writing them online
Investigation of the text of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar
Heroes of opinion and approval.. 1-47
Heroes of opinion and approval 48-94
3. Invalidation of Opinion and Approval in the Origins of Religion by Ibn Hazm Al...
4. The invalidation of opinion and approval from 179------ 142.
5. Invalidating the analogy for memorization by Ibn Hazm from 180-226.
6. Measurement weights from 227-274
7 size champs from 275 to 322.
8 Invalids of Measurement by Al-Hafiz Al-Faqih Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi from 3...
9. Measurement invalidation from page 371. to 432. (From page 424...
10. Size champs from 433 to 484.##
Human immunity and treatment of incurable diseases through it
Investigation of the text of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar (repeated)
(Blog for general knowledge) Treatment of chronic diseases and the secret ...
Evidence of Lam meaning after in the first verse of Surat Al-Tala...
What is the importance of the testimony in the provisions of divorce and what does it mean...
The perplexed, the perplexed, come to the mercy of God and...
Establishing the testimony of God in the provisions of divorce has a significance...
Confused people who suffer from the heartburn of divorce and the fire of separation...
Divorce during purity is not the same as divorce in the waiting period that the...
The termination of the term revocable divorce after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in...
There are many differences among Muslims in the rulings on divorce because of...
What is the story of the census of the kit? And when did the believers charge it?
The stubbornness of humans and their turning away from the true law of God, and following them in order to...
1. Sections of the Arabic Dictionary Dictionary of Divorce for the Kit*
Blog of the Quran written in roses
Divorce during pregnancy and the difference of jurists even in it and the statement of the truth...
Blog (The Diwan of Divorce) What is the significance of the Almighty saying {in terms of...
Elite (not divorce in purity like divorce for the waiting period
Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir's statement on the differences of jurists in the origins of...
Schizophrenia Blog
Astronomy Blog The creation of the universe and how the Earth was formed?
Intergalactic travel and the Milky Way star galaxy
Divorce Code*2.
The Code of Divorce Provisions Reproduced by Substitution
astronomers cosmology
There is no divorce until after the census, and everyone who says otherwise is...
* Code of provisions and the system of divorce and waiting in Islam and the law...
Introduction to the solar system
Treatment of cancer and skin diseases that appear on...
The description of the Prophet's prayer, may God bless him and grant him peace, from...
How not to count the wrong divorce and how?
The meaning of statistics from the language of the Arabs and from the verses of the Qur’an / What remains...
Blog Archive
**Why did God want to send down the Qur’an as a mine and a fragment...
Commenting on the answer of the one who answered the question {An argument is still ...
The term hadith, hadiths of the end of time, between virtue and slander
What should a Muslim do if two legal texts contradict each other?
Is the rule if two legal texts contradict, then the first duty is to...
It is forbidden with the mother of the kiss that the semantics of the following verses apply...
Contradiction and Preference: The Science of Usul al-Fiqh and Commentary on Research...
Part 2 of the book Contradiction and Prejudice in Usul al-Fiqh and Commentary on...
It is forbidden with the mother of the kisses that the semantics of the verses that are mentioned...
visible universe
Refusal to divorce during pregnancy and its prohibition as blasphemy
Links to the comprehensive Diwan blog in the divorce law
{The term for those carrying loads is to give birth...
The invalidity of divorce during pregnancy and its abstinence, and the abnormality of the revelation novel...
Characteristics of the rulings in Surat Al-Talaq: Magnifying
Rulings of khul'
Divorce Blog for several Q and C * Sahih hadiths about divorce...
Inevitable elements of divorce
1/ Elements of divorce account and occurrence
Divorce and comment on it on the page
Divorce Handbook
Ruling on divorce after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 7/6 of the Hijrah
Blog divorce kit what is it? law of right
Interpretation, its danger and its effects, by Dr. Al-Ashqar and the commentary
The law of right is a pictorial presentation and the invalidity of interpretation except...
A new presentation of the legalization of divorce for the waiting period in Islam for the...
Achieving the abstention of a pregnant woman’s divorce and its nullity if...
Abrogated and abrogated verses in the rulings on divorce between Surat...
Pg. 1/ Not counting the wrong shot
P. 2/ Continue not to count the wrong divorce on the previous page...
The (if) conditional in the Holy Qur’an from the study of (if) evil...
Hafs bin al-Mughirah divorced his wife, Fatimah bint Qais.
Do not drive them out of their homes, nor do they go out, and an explanation of being alone with me...
111. Al-lam meaning after and other terms of divorce
* Lam the consequence or the end in the Almighty’s saying (so they divorced them to p...
The meaning of his saying, "God does not burden a soul but...
And do not harm them in order to narrow them down / Explanation of the outrageous shown pg.
If they are pregnant, then spend on them
You don't know, maybe God will happen after that something psychological and now...
2. Securing the arguments of those who say the rules of jurisprudence in divorce
If the conditional is not decisive and its role in the verse of Surat Al-Talaq...
The term “Lam” added to their waiting period (so they divorced them for their waiting period...
The difference in divorce legislation between Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Tal...
The end of the term “Al-Rij’” in Fiqh after the revelation of Surat Al-Ta’...
The end of the term “Al-Ri’a” in Fiqh after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
Elite Catalog
If a non-deterministic conditional method is used for the future time...
If the conditional is not assertive
The uses of the lam in the Arabic language He said: Abu al-Qasim, peace be upon him...
The Book of Al-Lamat Author: Abu Al-Qasim Abdul Rahman Al-Zajji...
Explanation of the types of lam in the Arabic language video
The invalidity of all excuses for divorced people raised in jurisprudence after the descent of the...
Khul' in the opinion of the jurists
The science of inheritance and duties in Islam
Al-Khula’ Q and C compiled from the fatwas of Islam Web for comment
Al-Khula’ from Imam Al-Shawkani’s point of view and commenting on Ali...
The methods of the hadith of Thabit bin Qais in the Khul`
5. The ruling of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace
The meaning of the saying of the Most High (So if you fear that a punishment will not be established...
All the index to the elite from the first meaning of his saying Come if you are afraid...
The rest is included in the general index of the elite blog in the Sharia...
2. An enlarged historical overview of the provisions of divorce
The Comprehensive Diwan of the Rulings of Divorce The Word of God Almighty in Surahs...
The invalidity of the abrogated Sharia and the imposition of the assignment to...
Legislation prohibiting alcohol
Changing the qiblah and copying the direction to Al-Aqsa Mosque by copying...
The elite index in divorce from 1 to 167.
Seizing the arguments of those who say the rules of jurisprudence in divorce
Important links: Divorce sites guide to several provisions of Surat Al-Ta...
(The Diwan of Divorce) Terminology copied or copied in issues and...
Download the recitation of Sheikh Kamel Yusuf Al Bahtimi
Download the book The Difference Between Jurists, Words and PDF
The narrators’ violation of the hadith of the divorce of Ibn Omar - may God be pleased with him -...
So if they reach their term, then seize them with...
4. Divorce of a pregnant woman
The copied and abrogated in the creations of the book of God...
Warning and reminding of the Quran
When did the qiblah of Muslims shift from Bait Al-Maqdis to the Kaaba?
Pictures copied from the law of divorce, abrogation and education...
1. The Cause of Transcriptional Briefness 14
2. Transliteration Abbreviation Bug2
3. The bug of the novel as a whole
4. The fault of the novel in the sense 4.
5. The bug of fraudulent projection5.
6. The novel’s fault is with the human understanding of the narrator 6.
7. The bug of the novel 7.
6. The novel's fault is with the human understanding of the narrator.
Index of Dr. Maher Al-Fahl's books in criticism of the text and...
1. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal: The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
2. Dr. Maher Al Fahal Types of Variation
3. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The fifth topic: Knowing the difference and entering...
4. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The impact of this hadith on the difference in jurisprudence...
5. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The second topic: The effect of uniqueness on...
6. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal Chapter Two Differences in Text...
7. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl, the second topic, in violation of the hadith...
8. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal Section VII Hadith Violation of...
9 Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The eighth topic The difference in hadith...
10. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl Chapter Three: Differences in...
11. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl, the effect of the difference in the boy’s urine
12. Dr. Maher Al Fahal Fifth Type: The addition of a man in one of the...
13D Maher Al-Fahal Section Two The turmoil...
14. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The second topic: The difference in the increase...
15. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The impact of this hadith on the difference of opinion...
16. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The jurists differed regarding the prostration of forgetfulness. The topic is...
17. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl: Inclusion and the difference of weak, trust and...
16/18. The effect of this increase on the differences of jurists: How to...
18^/16. The effect of this increase on the differences of jurists: How...
19 Dr. Maher Al-Fahal. Fourth topic: The difference between the weak and the weak.
20. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal and this type of listing is the most common...
21. Dr. Maher Al-Fahl The seventh topic: Inverted, and its impact on...
22. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal The effect of the heart on the differences of jurists
23. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal, translation of the foreign piece in the book
24. Dr. Maher Al-Fahal, check the references
The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
Variation in the approach of applicants and those who are late in correcting and teaching...
1. The difference between trust and trust
The difference between the weak and the trustworthy
2. Editors' errors in rounding text
1. Editors’ errors in the text of the approximation by Dr. Maher Al-Fahal
The contradiction between the linked and sent narration and the means of weighting...
The causes of the heart in the text or the reason
Reasons for the inclusion
body disorder
The difference in hadith is due to the narrator's mistake
The difference in the narrator's name and lineage if he is hesitant between w...
The difference is linguistic and idiomatic
Correction and distortion
Duplicate. Correction and distortion
Detecting the difference in the novel to the hadith
turbulent speech in the text
Acceptable speech.
The upside-down novel in the text
The importance of knowing the differences in the texts and the isnads
Connection conflict and disconnect
Contradictions of stopping and lifting
Documentation of Ibn Hibban What is it??
The rule of fraud, and the rule of one who is known for it
Renewal studies in the origins of hadith: exclusivity
Methods of detecting insertion Dr. Maher Al-Fahal
The difference of the weak with trustworthy and models of it
Adding a man to one of the chains of narrators, what is the ruling?
Study the book explaining the note and the ticket
1. Manuscripts presented by Maher Al Fahal
1 and 2... Manuscripts presented by Dr. Maher Al Fahal
An example of what has an increase in one of its chains
The occurrence of the insertion in the bond without the text
The correct in the name of the book of Ibn Salah
Benefits Benefits
1. The Musnad of Imam Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin...
2. The Musnad of Imam Al-Shafi’i 2.
year of death in hijri
2. Year of death in Hijri, second page
1. Year of death in Hijri, front page
((The sheikhs of Abi Dawood are all trustworthy)) The truth between theorizing...
Documentation of the sheikhs of Baqy bin Makhlid Al-Andalusi
Analytical study of the biography of Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi
Referral in the encyclopedia / method of comparison of evidence / method of comparison...
Referral from the Encyclopedia of Parties to the references of the modern investigation...
An approach to comparing bases and texts using bibliometric classification.
The reasons for the text, the reason for the transmission summary * The reason for the novel in the concept...
Adjusting the news in the context of the discrepancy in the degrees of control and preservation...
Is establishing testimony to God over the event of divorce a condition for its occurrence and...
The conflict of endowment and lifting is repeated with a jurisprudential presentation
The hadiths contained in the urine of the boy, narrated by the six imams in...
Differences in divorce provisions Word/1
Differences in divorce provisions Word/1
Investigation of the text of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar
Investigation of Abdullah bin Omar's narrations on the incident of his wife's divorce...
Investigations composed of Abdullah bin Omar’s narrations in the accident...
And if they are the carriers of a burden, then spend on it...
God does not burden a soul except with what He has given it...
Conclusive evidence of the existence of temporal laxity and copies between the two surahs...
The meaning of the review from Lisan Al Arab and the commentary and what is...
So the circumstantial and the saying of God Almighty (If you divorce women, divorce...
Rulings on divorce in Surat Al-Baqaro 1 and 2 AH, Surat Al-Talaq 6/6 AH, h...
Expressive images outside the elite
Why and how did God Almighty change the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Ba...
The right to housing and alimony was determined only in the legislation of Surat Al-Tala...
Elite Catalog
Links to Surat Al-Baqarah from Tafsir Al-Baghawi
The difference between the rulings on divorce was mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat...
Establishing a certificate in divorce, what does it mean?? And settle the difference...
1. Wood species Higher Institute of Applied Arts
So if they reach their term, then seize them with...
A wrongful divorce does not count
Inhabit them from where you lived, who found you The verse is evidence that the...
Everyone who accidentally divorces his wife is a man who has not...
The mandate to establish the Shahada for God is conclusive evidence of legalization...
Divorce links for the kit
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the torment of the Fire, the torment of the grave, and the...
The most hated halal to God is divorce and differences from 1 to 8...
Surah Al-Insan is a civil one
Surah Al-Hashr
The Battle of Uhud, which was before the Battle of Banu An-Nadir
The hadith of burning the palm trees of Banu an-Nadir
Turbulence in the text Maher Al -Fahal
The complete divorce from the book Al-Ma’ana Al-Ma’ana and a statement is...
The complete book from the university that prevents divorce provisions
Reading is menstruation and purification
Hot Mail Presentation of the Complete Book in the Anti-Provisions University...
Hotmail book full of the university preventer
Divorce came to a correct view
1. The Book of Maghazi by Al-Waqidi 1.
2. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi 2.
3. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi 3.
4. The Book of Maghazi by Al-Waqidi 4.
5. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi 5.
5>. Fifth Maghazi
6. Comprehensive Maghazi Sixth
7. Al-Maghazi of Al-Waqidi Seventh Comprehensive
8. Maghazi
9 The Maghazi of Al-Waqidi
10. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi Ward
11. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi came from the company of Muhammad bin Maslamah
12 Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi Ward
13 Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi WordPress *
14 Al-Maghazi Al-Waqidi
15. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi
16 Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi Ward
17. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi
18. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi naming someone who was martyred with...
19. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi Ward
20 Maghazi What was revealed from the Qur’an is mentioned in...
21. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi
22. Al-Maghazi by Al-Waqidi Ward / The Prophet's sermon, PBUH...
1. In the name of God / Rawd Al-Anf
2. Al Rawd Al Anf
3 Al Rawd Al Naf
4 pact curiosity
5 Rawd Al Anf
6 Al-Rawd Al-Anf C 3 Abu Talib is proud of his lineage...
8 Rawd al-Anf from the story of Islam Tufail ibn Amr...
9 Rawdat Al-Anf C 4/1.
10. Rawd Al-Anf C 4/2. robbery of my son...
11 Kindergarten nose c 5.
12 Rawd Al-Anf C 5/2.
13 Al-Rawd Al-Anf Part 6 / 13 Safiya's poetry:
14 Rawdat Al-Anf C 6/14. The first to know the Messenger...
15 Rawdat Al-Anf C 6/15. hair heels in tears...
16. Rawdat Al-Anf C 16/7. The conversion of some Banu Hadal...
7 / 17 Al-Rawd Al-Anf, the good news of the conquest of Mecca and the hastening of...
C/8./1/18..al-Rawdat al-Anf (from the first acknowledgment of the Messenger...
C 19/8./2. To tame the nose from the death of Abu Amer the...
20./3/C8 Al-Rawd Al-Anf from the first pilgrimage of Abu Bakr with...
21./. C 1/9. Al-Rawd Al-Anf and sent Hatib bin Abi...
22. Part 9 / 2 Al-Rawd Al-Anf from (The Messenger's command to...
Biography of the Prophet Ibn Hisham
1. The Prophet’s Biography of Ibn Hisham (*1*Volume One)
2. Pg. 2 of the Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham is the matter of Samah bin Luay...
3 The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham (Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughira begins...
4. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham (Some of what Abu Bakr received in...
5. The Prophet’s biography of Ibn Hisham, who called him his wife, i.e. Tufail.
6 * The Biography of the Prophet of Ibn Hisham, from all the Bani Hurra their fate...
7 Biography of the Prophet of Ibn Hisham from what the Jews said when...
8 Biography of a Prophet by Ibn Hisham
9. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham, the number of those who witnessed...
10. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Hisham, which aims to reduce the hypocrites
11 ** Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham
12 Captivity of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham The poetry of Ibn Rawahah in the lamentation of H...
13. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham from (4/ 159. until (4/ 21...)
14. The Biography of Ibn Hisham from (4/211) to (4/294)
15 Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham from 4/295 to 34/5
16. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham from (5/35) to (5/1...
17. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham (5/123) to...
18. The Biography of the Prophet of Ibn Sham from (5/204) to (5/2...
19. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Hisham from (5/282) to (6...
The difference in divorce legislation between Surat Al-Talaq and Surah Al-Talaq...
Blog guide page
The Battle of Banu An-Nadir at Al-Waqidi
Four years of the Prophet's migration
Five 5 A.H. of the Prophet's Hijrah
A chapter on the Battle of Banu Qurayza, the Beginning and the End by Ibn Kathir...
Facts and events of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth year...
Saraya in the 6th year of the Hijrah
Battle of Badr the Hereafter
It happened in the fifth year of the Hijrah
Encyclopedia of the Prophet's Biography - Third Edition
Arrangement of the surahs of the Qur’an historically and according to the date of revelation
And the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Omar regarding divorce were investigated...
The events of the fourth year of the Hijrah 4.
Happened in the fifth year of migration 1, 2 and 3.
Happened in the fifth year of Hijrah (4)
Ibn al-Qayyim's investigation of the history of the Battle of Bani al-Nadir // and that it is like...
The Battle of Banu Qurayzah In Dhul-Qa'dah of this year: The Battle of Banu Qurayzah took place...
The Aleppo Biography Wiki and the Battle of Banu Qurayza and Banu al-Nadir
The events of the years after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace...
The events of the years (4, 5, 6 and 7.) in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of God be upon...
View the events of the years, the fourth year 1. The fourth year of...
It happened in the sixth year of the Hijrah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
7. It happened in the seventh year after the Hijrah
4. The fourth year of the Hijrah, in which there are thirteen events
5. The events of the fifth year of the Hijrah, in which there are fourteen punishments...
1./1..it happened in the first year of the hijra (1) the first event...
1/2 An event in the first year of Hijrah (2) Al-Hadath (AD...
3/1 An event in the first year of Hijrah (3) the events (from...
4/1 An event in the first year of the Hijrah (4) The fourth event...
5/1 An event in the first year of the Hijrah (5) The event, etc.
6/1 The sixth and seventeenth event during this year The event...
7/1 An event in the first year of the Hijrah (7) The third events...
1/1 An event in the first year of the Hijrah (1) The first event
1/2 happened in the second year of Hijrah (1)/ and 2/2 happened...
3/2 Happened in the second year of Hijrah (3)
4/2 The second year of the Hijrah Fourth events
2/2 Happened in the second year of Hijrah (2)
6/1 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (1)
6//2 An event in the sixth year of Hijrah (2)
6/3 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (3)
6/4 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (4)
5/6 An event in the sixth year of Hijrah (5)
6/6 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (6)
6/7 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (7)
6//8 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (8)
6//9 An event in the sixth year of the Hijrah (9) (The branches...
6//10 event
5//1. Happened in the fifth year of Hijrah (1)
5//2. Happened in the fifth year of Hijrah (2)
5//3 An event in the fifth year of Hijrah (3)
5//4 An event in the fifth year of Hijrah (4)
3/1 An event in the third year of the Hijrah (1)
3//2 . Happened in the third year of Hijrah (2)
3/3 An event in the third year of Hijrah (3)
4/1 An event in the fourth year of Hijrah (1)
4/2 An event in the fourth year of Hijrah (2)
3/4 An event in the fourth year of Hijrah (3)
2/1 An event in the second year of the Hijrah (1)
2//2 Happened in the second year of Hijrah (2)
2//3 Happened in the second year of Hijrah (3)
2//4 Happened in the second year of Hijrah (4)
2//5 of the (wet twigs explaining the glorious summary in the order of...
6/2 --(2/6) an event in the second year of the Hijrah (6)
Each index of the elite blog in the divorce law is its history
Variation in the approach of applicants and those who are late in correcting and teaching...
The difference in the increases for Dr. Maher Al-Fahal
The example of Ibn al-Salah to increase confidence with two examples
An example in which he realized that the increase was wrong:
Another example of the abnormal increase due to the large number of violations:
Another example of anomalous confidence increase
Riyada (except for a hunting dog) on ​​the path of Hammad bin Salamah, on the authority of Abi...
Critics may differ in the increase of increases, some accept it...
The narrator may differ in adding to it, mentioning it once and neglecting it once...
The increase may be possible to accept and respond
1. The first part of Al-Waqidi's Maghazi as a whole
1. The first part of Al-Waqidi's Maghazi as a whole
** Continue to the first part of the Maghazi of Al-Waqidi Part 1.
God Almighty has legislated for the two lawmakers to divorce after the revelation of the surahs...
A set of pictorial Diagrams for a pictorial statement of the provisions of...
The newly revised Elite Manual
Investigations of the hadith of Ibn Omar and Ward *
*/* A duplicate report, verifying the narrations of the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Omar in...
The narrations of the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Omar regarding the divorce of the mother of...
The provisions of divorce between the two surahs of divorce (5 AH approximately) and Al-Baqarah (2)...
How did the matter become in Surat Al-Talaq and transformed from the period of discharge...
Interjection sentence in the Holy Qur'an
Divorce part investigated in the book of divorce by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi...
Investigations of all the narrations of Ibn Umar and an explanation of the most correct ones and the most...
What is the moral picture that the prophetic texts painted for us...
Evidence for proving the news of Tamim Al-Dari with certainty
Surah Al-Talaq, which prohibits the provisions of divorce until the day...
The law of truth and the law of immutability of creation and the command in the kingdom of God...
The complete divorce from the book Al-Ma’ana Al-Ma’ana and a statement is...
Achieving the Book of Divorce from Al-Sunan Al-Kubra and listing the differences...
The Confused...: Terms of Jurisprudents in Surahs Al-Talaq and Al-Baqar...
The waiting period standing between the husband and his utterance of divorce pg 46....
The waiting period standing between the husband and his utterance of divorce pg 46....
Divorce during pregnancy, its abstinence, and the abnormality of its only novel...
Diwan Comprehensive Divorce Blog Index
Diwan's comprehensive guide to divorce repeated in a nutshell
A short list of the comprehensive court of divorce rulings
The provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH, which God replaced...
Elite / Abstaining from divorce during pregnancy and its prohibition as blasphemy
The quorum of paper" means silver
Zakat on gold and silver The book of Al-Hafiz Al-Shawkani
Zakat book for Al-Shawkani, Zakat for gold and silver for Al-Shawkani
How come Zakat gold and silver today? How to give zakat on the first...
Stories told by the Prophet, peace be upon him
The story of the ascetic king in his kingdom
Story: The reward for a good deed
Stories told by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace / to an unforgettable sorrow...
3. Zakat of gold and silver
5. On zakat on gold and silver: zakat on jewelry and zakat on gifts...
On zakat on gold and silver: zakat on jewelry and zakat on jewelry... Evidence from the Sunnah that zakat is set at 2.5 percent or...
7. All Zakat Book: It includes six chapters
Refusal to observe i'tikaaf, then the Hajj book, then the sacrifice, and then the Ghaqiqa
Realizing the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah and...
In terms of where you lived / the right to housing and alimony was decided only in the...
God does not burden a soul except with what He has given it...
Who is concerned with the statistics? And what to say about the return of Ali m...
Defining God's limits
Those are the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits...
You do not know, perhaps God will happen after that...
Table of links to divorce sites for several
Table of links to divorce sites for several 2.
*/ Divorce from increased resurrection and comment
Whoever increases the date * If the state of those who intend to seek...
All that Ibn al-Qayyim will mention is mixed inferences between...
So if they reach their term, then seize them with...
The meaning of holding on to the good and the paradox of the good and the difference with...
The obligation to establish the testimony to God in divorce was revealed in Su...
And whoever fears God, He will grant him his affair...
Inhabit them from where you dwelt, from where you found you...
And do not quarrel with them, in order to make them uncomfortable...
And if they are the carriers of a burden, then spend on it...
So that he who is able to spend out of his means, and for those who are able...
God does not burden a soul except with what He has given it...
Conclusive evidence of the existence of temporal laxity and copies between the two surahs...
The investigation of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar, all of them are a table of differences in the...
Investigating the narrations of the incident of Ibn Omar in his divorce to his wife
Table of divorce differences between Surat Al-Baqarah and Al-Talaq inclusive...
What came from the differences of jurists in the interpretation of Surat Al-Talaq, Qom...
The husband and wife are equal in the marital home = and the husband and...
[Once, let him review it] The whole talk
God Almighty sent down the provisions of divorce over two periods, the first time...
God sent down the provisions of divorce in two stages, the stage of abrogating the previous one...
Do not drive them out of their homes and do not go out / An explanation of the fact that being alone...
The wisdom felt after changing the provisions of divorce in Surat Al...
Realization of divorce, its time and the form of the waiting period for divorce after the descent of...
Divorce for the waiting period - the word for divorce for the number of copies of Sharia...
Submit another site1.Very important evidence of the nisab of gold and gold...
Establishing the testimony in divorce and a statement about solitude between strangers...
* Differences of jurists in the interpretation of Surat Al-Talaq, which he monitored...
[Once, let him review it] + The imposition of the spouses being alone in the census kit...
The meaning of the review from Lisan Al Arab and the commentary
From difference 11 to 12, the eleventh and second difference p...
Archive of the elite blog in the divorce bill removed
Wrongful divorce is not counted how? The prohibition of divorce in the...
Stories about divorce and divorced women and identifying the causes of events...
Demobilization is separation after separation, but separation is separation...
There is no allegation that there is a conflict between the verses of the Qur’an, except for...
Likewise, if the Qur’an was revealed to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace...
The incident of the divorce of Fatima bint Qais, which occurred during the second year of the Hegira...
The reasons for the differences that pervaded and prevailed in the divorce rulings between...
The difference between dismissal and separation in light of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
Divorce in the minds and hearts of the jurists
Blog Index
Setting the arguments for irrevocable divorce in the light of what was revealed from Surat Al-Talaq...
Abdullah bin Omar divorced his wife while she was menstruating, Abdullah bin Omar said...
law of right
Several statistics? What are they and how do they perform?
The difference between divorce legislation in Surat Al-Talaq and Surat Al-Baq...
Divorce for the waiting period in Surat Al-Talaq dominated the law of divorce...
The Complete Book on Divorce from the Book of Al-Jameh Al-Mana’a and Bi...
The Book of the Preventive University and the Dominance of Divorce Provisions in S...
Detailing the provisions of Surat Al-Talaq revealed in the year 5 or 6 AH
Backgrounds. (That is the command of God that He revealed to you....)
That is the command of God that He sent down to you.... 2
Clarifying the issues of difference in the rulings on divorce between the jurists and...
Explanation of the abnormality of reciting the verse (So they divorced them for their waiting period) by reading (A child...
Detailed divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq
Divorce for the waiting period is a correct vision according to Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH
The meaning of statistics, counting, and lam, meaning after
* The significance of the words of Surat Al-Talaq in divorce legislation
Table of the difference in the provisions of divorce between the two surahs of divorce 5 AH...
Investigations pdf all the hadith of Ibn Omar and the statement of the abnormal narrations...
The Blue City Quran
The Blue City Quran
Word * Not counting the wrong divorce
The Aqeeqah book from Al-Mahali book by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi.
The Aqeeqah book from Al-Mahali book by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi
(And those are the limits of God, and whoever transgresses the limits...
Divorce arrangements between the previous Surah Al-Baqarah in the download...
The virtue of praying upon the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace)
Jurisprudence terms in the provisions of divorce taken from Surat...
You don't know, maybe God will happen after that something psychological and now...
That is the command of God sent down to you..Oh God?!!
If the conditional is not assertive
God does not burden a soul except with what He has given it...
The narration of Abi Al-Zubayr on the authority of Ibn Umar about not counting the...
The nullification of analogy, approval, deduction in opinion, and delaying...
Annulment of analogy, approbation, deduction by opinion, and invalidation of...
2. Invalidation of the analogy by Ibn Hazm
3. Remaining invalidation of measurement
5 Invalidating the saying of ills in all religious rulings
4. The rest of the book: Heroes of Measurement and Opinion
(The Diwan of Divorce) Terminology copied or copied in issues and rulings...
Diagrams explaining the divorce commission after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
The second part of the Q and C in the provisions of divorce and word
* The date of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq can be identified by one of the signs...
** How can one identify the date of revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
*** Proof of the historical descent of Surat Al-Talaq
Changing the form of the occurrence of divorce from Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH to Surah...
The last evidence for changing the appearance of a divorce is from Surat Al-Baqarah 2...
The significance of the words of Surat Al-Talaq used in the surah M...
Not counting the wrong divorce, part two
The repercussions of the different carriers of the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar in...
The wisdom of the revelation of the Qur’an as an astrologer and fragmentation over a period of 23 years...
Why did God want to send down the Qur’an as an astrologer and...
Abrogated and abrogated verses in the rulings on divorce between Surat...
The abrogated and abrogated provisions of divorce
2...The abrogated and abrogated verses in the rulings on divorce between S...
Law of Right C1 and C2.
Law of Right C1 and C2
The date of revelation of Surat Al-Talaq can be identified by one of the clues...
Statistics is the counting to the end of the count, which is the count...
New / Sharia’s wastage of wrongful divorce and disregard for...
The tight and similar text in terms of history p. 10
The Divorce Legislation Authority after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the year etc...
The sequencing is recorded from the index
A Complete Guide to the Elite 600
The historical difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah, which was revealed...
Comparison between the terminology of the jurists in the two surahs Al-Talaq and Al-Baqq...
A prayer and a request from the Lord of the servants
Knowledge of the hadith sciences of the Nisaburi ruler
Knowledge of the hadith sciences of the Nisaburi ruler
*/ It was among some of the customs that were extended from the era of ignorance...
Surat Al-Talaq is the prohibition group in the provisions of divorce to...
* Doubts of the Qur’an, prepared by Othman bin Mualim Mahmoud
The Virtues of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq by Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti
The difference between dismissal and separation in light of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq...
Another view (Demobilization is separation after separation, but separation...
It is forbidden to divorce during pregnancy, for the following:
Prohibition of saying divorce during pregnancy and proving the abnormality of Muhammed’s narration...
Investigation of the invalidity of the narration of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman Mawly Talha about...
Zoom in on the investigation of the nullity of divorce during pregnancy and the anomaly of the two novels...
The ruling on divorce of a pregnant woman is the prohibition of divorce during pregnancy and its prohibition...
There is no allegation that there is a conflict between the verses of the Qur’an, except for...
The incident of the divorce of Fatima bint Qais, which occurred during the second year of the Hegira...
Confused by the horror of discord, and afflicted by the fire of parting...
Al-Khula' in the Fiqh of Al-Hafiz Al-Shawkani, Neil Al-Awtar and Commentary...
A group in Paradise and a group in the Blaze) We seek refuge in God from striving...
(A group in Paradise and a group in the Blaze) May God protect us from the...
Important information about the copyist and the copied
Evidence for transcribing the verses of the rulings on divorce from Surat Al-Talaq to match it...
How are the sharp differences between jurists and sects structured in...
The blog's latest guide to date
The sayings of scholars regarding the ruling on music and singing
The final say in singing is permissible or forbidden
God has all the argument
The difference of Muslims in the matter of singing is conclusive evidence of...
How were Islamic sects established?
How were Islamic sects established?
How were Islamic sects established?


Ismael bin Abdullah told us, he said Malik told me on the authority of Nafi’ on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with him, that he divorced his wife while she was menstruating during the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Once, let him go back to her, then hold her until she becomes pure, then menstruates, then becomes pure, then if he wants he can hold her after and if he wants he divorced before he touches, that is the waiting period that God commanded to divorce women for.
educational links
The sixth part of the question and answer on divorce 150.
The perplexed, the baffled, come to the mercy of God and judge...
Reclaim 1 Inserts are open for writing and rectification
The inserts are open for writing and deduction. As for the definition of the word...
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Links to textbooks from your education website
Links to textbooks for the second year of secondary school, the third term...
Links to my wonderful site for textbooks for the second grade...
Links for the second year of secondary school, the second term

The comprehensive court in the law of divorce

page 2.
Next stylized guide 2
The historical difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah, which was revealed...
A Complete Guide to the Elite 600
The Divorce Legislation Authority after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the last year...
The Divorce Legislation Authority after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq in the year etc...
Important links
Submit another site
1. Very important evidence of the nisab of gold and silver and its amount
2. Zakat on gold and silver, the book of Al-Hafiz Al-Shawkani
3. The Book of Zakat on Gold and Silver by Al-Shawkani
4. How do we pay zakat on gold and silver today? And how to zakat on banknotes?
5. On zakat on gold and silver: zakat on jewelry, zakat on merchandise, zakat on what comes out of the land, and zakat on livestock
6. Zakat on gold and silver with legal evidence
7. All Zakat book with legal evidence
8. I'tikaf, then the Hajj book, then the sacrifice, and then the Ghaqeqa
9. Investigating the Book of Divorce in Al-Mahali by Ibn Hazm
Translation of Ibn Kathir Al-Hafiz
1. The Prophet’s Biography of Ibn Kathir Part 1/1.
2. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir vol.1/2.
3. Part 1/3 The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir Al-Hafiz.
4. The Prophet’s Biography of Ibn Kathir vol.1/4
5. The Biography of the Prophet, Lab Katheer, Part 2 / 1 6 .. The Prophet's Biography of Lab Katheer Part 2//2
7. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir , Volume 2 / 3
8. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir C 2/4.
9. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir C 3/1.
10. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir C 3/2.
11. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir C 3/3.
12. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir C 3/4.
13.. The Prophet’s Biography of Ibn Kathir, vol. 4, vol. 4//1.
14. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir vol.4a vol.4//2.
15. The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir 3/4. He mentioned his departure from him...
p. 16. In the blog, the Biography of the Prophet, by Ibn Kathir, is numbered...
p. 17. In the blog, the Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir is numbered...
p. 18. In the blog, the Biography of the Prophet, by Ibn Kathir, is numbered... p.
19. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir, Part VI - Part 6/ 1
p. 20. C 6//2 The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir
Pg 21. C 6/3 The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Kathir
Pg. 22. C 6/4 The Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham Al-Hafiz
Links to Part 6
P. 23. The Prophet's Biography of Ibn Kathir, Part 7, with the comprehensive classification...
Page 2 of the elite index of the divorce law
Click on the link for the rest of the index
Limited subdirectory
* The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period
Table of the difference in the provisions of divorce between the two surahs of divorce 5 AH...
I told the blogger that all that Ibn al-Qayyim will mentionIt is mixed inferences between Surat Al-Baqarah, which was revealed in the first two years of the Hijrah, and Surah Al-Talaq, which was revealed after Surat Al-Baqarah, with twelve civil surahs. The difference between them is estimated at about three years or more. In Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH with that which was revealed in the fifth year of the Hijri of Surat Al-Talaq on the grounds that he will make a mistake and fill the world, unlike everyone who combines the two Shariahs in inference and deduction because it is impossible for the abrogated from Surah Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 AH and the abrogator from Surah Al-Talaq 5 AH to combine with each other, just as it is impossible for worship to be correct with a copied law And abrogating at the same time, in addition to the prohibition of worship by the abrogated Sharia even if its drawing remains in the Qur’an.It is abundant in the words of Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, on the following topics of disagreement:
Download the recitation of Sheikh Kamel Yusuf Al Bahtimi

Download the book Differences between the Jurists in Divorce Ward.rar. The eight ways of the hadith
of Abdullah bin Omar in the divorce of his wife The abstention and prohibition of divorce during pregnancy
Referral in the encyclopedia
The method of comparing evidence
Comparative method
The reasons for the text :
transport summary
* Novel meaning
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verbal switching bug
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The Qur’an according to the date of its revelation
The Qur’an is written in a simple word, according to the date of its revelation
Surat Al-Alaq
Surat Al-Qalam
Surah Al-Muzzammil
Surah Al-Muddathir
Surah Al -Fatih Surah Al
-Masd Surat
Surah Al-Ala Surah
-Fajr Surat
Al-Dhaha Surah Al
Al-Adiyat Surah
Surah Al -
Atkathir Surat Al-Shams Surat Al-Buruj Surah Al-Teen Surah Quraish Surah Al-Qari’ah Surat Al-Qiyamah Surah Al-Humza Surah Al-Mursalat Surah Q Surah Al-Balad Surat Al-Tariq
Surat Al-Qamar
Surah Al-Jin
Surah Yasin
Surat Al-Furqan
Surah Fatir
Surah Maryam
Surah Taha
Surah Al-Waqi’ah Surah Al
Surah Al-Naml
Surah Al-Qasas
Surah Al-Isra’
Surah Yunus
Surah Hud
Surah Yusuf
Surah Al-Hajar
Surah Al-An’am
Surah Al-Safat
Surah Luqman
Surah Sheba
Surat Al-Zumar
Surah Ghafir
Surah Fussilat
Surat Al-Shura
Surat Al-Zukhruf
Surat Al-Dukhan
Surah Al-Jathiya
Surah Al-Ahqaf
Surat Al-Dhariyat
Surat Al-Ghashiah Surat
Surah Al-Nahl
Surah Nuh
Surah Ibrahim
سورة الأنبياء
سورة المؤمنون
سورة السجدة
سورة الطور
سورة الملك
سورة الحاقة
سورة المعارج
سورة النبأ
سورة النازعات
سورة الإنفطار
سورة الانشقاق
سورة الروم
سورة العنكبوت
سورةالمطففين.آخرمانزل بمكة
سورة البقرة
سورة الأنفال
سورة آل عمران
سورة الأحزاب
سورة الممتحنة
سورة النساء
سورة الزلزلة
سورة الحديد
سورة محمد
سورة الرعد
سورة الرحمن
سورة الإنسان
سورة الطلاق
سورة البينة
سورة الحشر
سورة النور
سورة الحج
سورة المنافقون
سورة المجادلة
Surat Al-Hujurat
Surat Al-Tahrim
Surat Al-Taghabun
Surat Al-Saff Surah
Surah Al-Fath
Surah Al
-Ma’idah Surah At-Tawbah
Surat Al-Nasr
The Qur’an verse by verse historically
Surat Al-Alaq
Surat Al-Qalam
Surat Al-Muzammil Surat
Surat Al - Fatih Surah Al- Masd
Surat Al - Ala Surah Al- Ala Surah Al -Fajr Surat Al-Dhahi Surah Al-Sharh Surat Al-Asr Surat Al-Adiyat Surat Al-Kawthar Surah Al- Atkathir . Surat Al-Shams Surat Al-Buruj Surat Al-Teen Surah Quraish Surat Al- Qari’ah Surah Al-Qiyamah Surah Al-Hamza Surah Al-Mursalat Surah Q Surah Al-Balad Surat Al-Tariq
Surah Al-Qamar
Surah Al-A’raf Surah
Surah Al-Jin
Surah Yasin
Surah Al-Furqan
Surah Fatir
Surah Maryam
Surat Taha
Surah Al-Waqi’ah
Surah Al-Waqi’ah Surah Al-
Anmel Surah Al
Surah Al-Isra
Surah Yunus Ayat
Surah Hud
Surah Yusuf
Surah Al-Hijr
Surah Al-An’am Surah Luqman Surah Saba Surah Al-Zumar Surah Ghafir Surah
Fusilat Surah Al- Shura Surat Al-Zukhruf Surat Al-Dukhan Surah Al-Jathiya Surah Al-Ahqaf Surat Al-Dhariyat Surat Al-Ghashiah Surah Al-Kahf Surah Al-Nahl Surah Nuh
سورة إبراهيـم
سورة الأنبياء
سورة المؤمنــون
سورة الســـجدة
سورة الطور
سورة الملك
سورة الحــــــاقة
سورة المعارج
سورة النبأ
سورة النازعات
سورة الأنفطار
سورة الإنشقاق
سورة الروم
سورة العنكبوت
سورة المطففين
سورة البقرة
سورة الأنفال
سورةآل عمران
سورة الأحزاب
سورة الممتحنة
سورة النســاء
سورة الزلزلة
سورة الحديــــد
سورة محمد
سورة الرعـد
سورة الرحمن
سورة الإنسان
سورة الطلاق
سورة البيِّنة
سورة الحشر
سورة النــــــور
سورة الحج
سورة المنـافقون
سورة المجادلة
سورة الحجرات
سورة التحريم
سورة التغابن
سورة الصف
سورة الجمعة
سورة الفتـــح
سورة المائدة
سورة التـــــوبة
سورة النصر
شرح انواع اللام فى اللغة العربية
شرح انواع اللام فى اللغة العربية
مؤلفات د.كتور ماهر الفحل
اقرأ اثر اختلاف الأسنيد والمتون في اختلاف الفقهاءاضغط الرابط
الجامع في العلل والفوائد - دار ابن الجوزي
المنتخب من صحيح السنة النبوية
نماذج من تحقيق الهداية للكلوذاني
أسباب نزول القرآن للواحدي
أن يروي الحديث قوم
المصلي عند نزوله من الركوع إلى السجود
حديث على صدره ( دراسة حديثية فقهية )
حديث وضع الخاتم ( دراسة نقدية )
حديث لاوضوء إلا من صوت أو ريح وأثر اختصار الْحديث فيه
حديث قتيبة بن سعيد في جمع التقديم ( دراسة نقدية )
حديث سترة المصلي ( دراسة حديثية فقهية )
حديث النظر إلى الفرج ( دراسة نقدية )
حديث النضح وأثر اختلاف الفقهاء
حديث النصف من شعبان ( دراسة حديثية فقهية )
حديث المسح على الجوربين ( دراسة نقدية )
حديث المسبوق في الصلاة ( دراسة حديثية فقهية )
حديث كفارة الإفطار في رمضان ( دراسة حديثية فقهية )
حديث إدراك الجمعة وأثره في اختلاف الفقهاء(دراسة نقدية)
رواية الأرغياني لكتاب أسباب نزول القرآن
أثر اختلاف المتون والأسانيد في اختلاف الفقهاء
تباين منهج المتقدمين والمتأخرين في التصحيح والتعليل
حرمة المسلم على المسلم
بحوث في المصطلح
ألفية العراقي في علوم الحديث
بحوث قيمة في علم مصطلح الحديث
هتميل عرض كتاب الكاملة في الجامعة المانعة في الطلاق وروابط تاريخ وأحداث
من روابط موقع الألوكة تواريخ وأحداث
حدث في السنة الرابعة من الهجرة (1)
حدث في السنة الرابعة من الهجرة (2)
حدث في السنة الرابعة من الهجرة (3)
حدث في السنة الخامسة من الهجرة (2)
حدث في السنة الخامسة من الهجرة (3)
حدث في السنة الخامسة من الهجرة (4)
حدث في السنة السادسة من الهجرة (1)
حدث في السنة الحادية عشرة من الهجرة (4)
حدث في السنة الحادية عشرة من الهجرة (3)
حدث في السنة الحادية عشرة من الهجرة (2)
حدث في السنة الحادية عشرة من الهجرة (1)
حدث في السنة العاشرة من الهجرة (5)
حدث في السنة العاشرة من الهجرة (4)
حدث في السنة العاشرة من الهجرة (3)
حدث في السنة العاشرة من الهجرة (2)
حدث في السنة العاشرة من الهجرة (1)
هتتميل عرض كتاب الكاملة في الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق
هتميل كتاب الكاملة من الجامعة المانعة
الحصري والعفاسي
مدونة في وداع الله يا امي
يا الله
جاري جاري
مدونات لا شرك لا شرك
قانون الحق الالهي
نوتة الصلاة
في وداع الله يااماي
تعلم التفوق بالثانوية
السيرة النبوية
اللهم ارحم ابي وامي
تخريجات أحاديث الطلاق متنا وسندا
حدود التعاملات العقائدية بين المسلمين
قانون الحق الالهي اا.
قانون الحق الالهي
قانون العدل الالهي
قانون ثبات سنة الله في الخلق
كتاب الفتن علامات الساعة ويوم القيامة
مدونات لا شين
The issues of Sahih Muslim and the wrong explanations of Al-Nawawi on them
Description of poplar eye
Mami 27
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Dangerous diseases and their prevention
The Beginning and the End by Hafiz Ibn Kuthbar
date 2 s
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Abstract in Physics
The Comprehensive Court of Divorce Rulings
Biography of the Prophet
Divorce is different
Secondary Physics Links
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Useful summary, second secondary, first term
Approach to divorce
Elite in 2nd semester courses, first semester 2017-2018
The elite in the law of divorce
Engineering in its branches
General Knowledge House
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Get over it and go for it
third secondary blog
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Links to educational websites
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Abdel Wahed Term 1st 2nd Secondary
Abdul Wahed, the second secondary school, Term 1 and 2.
Philosophy.Logic.Psychology.Meeting 2th first term
Secondary physics, first term
Secondary physics, second term
The Sealed Nectar by Mubarakpuri
Zakat book
Secondary Secondary Books Term 1 and 2
All mathematics calculus and trigonometry 2 secondary first term and sometimes second
Chemistry second secondary first term
English language 2s. first term
Little Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog 3s
Shortcuts Blog
The university blog prohibiting the provisions of divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq 7/5 AH
Italian language blog
Blog of all the educational bend links for the secondary stage
Exam night revisions for all 2nd semester courses
Links library, second secondary, first term
The turning point of educational excellence for all levels of secondary school
Mechanics and statics 2nd first term
نهاية البداية رابط التحقيق التاريخي لنزول سورة الطلاق اضغط هنا��
اثبات التاريخ الزمني وثبوت نزول سورة الطلاق بعد سورة البقرة بعدة سنوات
كيف تتعرف علي تاريخ نزول سورة الطلاق
كيف نثبت التراخي بين سورة البقرة1و2هـوسورة الطلاق4أو5هـ
موقع الكتاب الاسلامي
مكتبة القرآن
مكتبة علوم القران
مكتبة الحديث
مكتبة العقيدة
مكتبة الفقه
مكتبة التاريخ
مكتبة الأدب
المكتبة العامة
بطاطساية+بيكاربونات الصوديوم(2ملعقة كبيرة)+ملعقتان نوشادر وتوضعبجوار البلاعة في الطبخ أو الحمام
مدوونات مواقع الطلاق بعد العدة
روابط مواقع الطلاق للعدة
الروابط لكل مدونات الطلاق للعدة
1. الفرق بين تشريعات الطلاق في سورة الطلاق وسورة البق...
2. عرض آخر للفرق بين سورة الطلاق وسورة البقرة في تشري...
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4. 1.احكام الطلاق في سورة البقرة وسورة الطلاق%
5. الطلاق للعدة في سورة الطلاق هيمن علي شريعة الطلاق ...
6. تشريعات الطلاق في سورة الطلاق ناسخة لتلك التي كانت...
7. جدول الفرق في تشريعات الطلاق (بين سورتي الطلاق...
8. الفرق في تشريعات الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5هـ) و...
9. الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ وس...
10. الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
11. الطلاق للعدة هو الشريعة الباقية الي يوم القيامة
12. 1.أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة
13. كتاب الطلاق للحافظ الامام البخاري
14. معني الاحصاء والعد
15. *المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق في تشريعات الطلاق
16. الفتن ***
17. السورة في الترتيب التاريخي للمصحف في كل نسخ المصاح...
18. القرآن معلومات من ويكبيديا
19. القرآن الكريم دراسة تاريخية
20. القرآن الكريم بحث من ويكبيديا
21. نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
22. نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة*
23. مصحف المدينة الأزرق
24. 1.أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة** مكرر
25. عرض آخر للطلاق للعدة وهو مكرر
26. جدول الفرق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق 5هـ...
27. Tالفرق في تشريعات الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5هـ) وال...
28. دليل مدونتي الطلاق للعدة والطلاق تشريع الي يوم القيامة
29. قول ابن حزم في الطلاق
30. دليل مدونة س وج في الطلاق
31. مدونة المصحف مكتوب آية آية***
32. اهدار الشرع للتطليقة الخاطئة وعدم الاعتداد بها
33. تابع س وج حول مواضيع الطلاق
34. عدم احتساب التطليقة الخاطئة
35. الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
36. *الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
37. الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
38. الطلاق للعدة هو الشريعة الباقية الي يوم القيامة
39. 1.أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة
40. كتاب الطلاق للحافظ الامام البخاري
41. معني الاحصاء والعد
42. *المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق في تشريعات الطلاق
43. السورة في الترتيب التاريخي للمصحف في كل نسخ المصاح...
44. القرآن معلومات من ويكبيديا
45. القرآن الكريم دراسة تاريخية
46. القرآن الكريم بحث من ويكبيديا
47. نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
48. نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
49. نظام الطلاق في الاسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
50. سورة الطلاق - سورة 65 - عدد آياتها 12
51. مصحف المدينة الازرق
52. نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة في سورة
53. *المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق في تشريعات الطلاق
54. أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة
55. نظام الطلاق في الاسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
56. الطلاق للعدة شريعة الله الباقية الي يوم القيامة
57. مدونة الطلاف للعدة
58. مدونة الطلاف للعدة *
59. هل طلقت امرأتك؟قد تكون ظننت ولم تطلق فعلا!! أقر أ ...
60. قانون الحق وهزل العباد في حق الله الواحد الجبار
61. %2تجميع س وج حول مسائل الطلاق للعدة
62. %1تجميع س وج حول مسائل الطلاق للعدة/*
63. فوائد في تخريج حديث " دخل رجل النار في ذباب "
64. أفضل المواقع لتحميل برامج الكمبيوتر المجانية والكا...
65. مواقع تحميلات
66. مدونة الطلاف للعدة * واحكام العدة للنساء
67. المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق المستعملة في السورة
68. الطلاق للعدة شريعة الله الباقية الي يوم القيامة
69. نظام الطلاق في الاسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
70. The first divorce book of the kit
71. * The meaning of the words of Surat Al-Talaq in divorce legislation
72. The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period in Surat A...
73. The Blue City Quran
74. Surat Al-Talaq - Surah 65 - the number of its verses is 12
75. The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period***
76. * Divorce for the waiting period is very detailed ***
77. Divorce is very detailed***///
78. ** Wrongful divorce is not counted
79. Follow Q&A on divorce issues*
80. How did people not understand the revelation of the legislation in Surat Al-Baqarah?...
81. Sharia squandering the wrong divorce and disregarding it*
82. Ibn Hazm's statement regarding divorce and commenting on it**
83. Copies of divorce before the waiting period in the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-...
84. Code of the Qur'an verse by verse
85. The first divorce book for the waiting period + a table comparing the provisions of divorce with me...
86. The hadith (A man entered Paradise in flies..) is suspended
87. Foxit Reader Foxit Reader
88. 4shared_Desktop_4.0.14.27377.exe
89. Divorce for the kit is very detailed and important additions to the page
90. The translation of Surat Al-Talaq and the applications of divorce between Surat Al-Talaq...
91. %4. Divorce is for the legal waiting period that remains until the day of the...
92. Wrongful divorce is not counted
93. Al-Shamrli colored Quran ***|*
94. Kitab al-Aqiqah from al-Mahali book by Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi&
95. كتاب العقيقة من كتاب المحلي لابن حزم الاندلسي */*/...
96. /شروط وقوع واحتساب الطلاق
97. لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة كيف؟
98. مواقع تنزيل خرافية &*$%@
99. لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة */*/---
100. لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة كيف؟ 2
101. لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة 3 عرض آخر
102. معني السيئات من لسان العرب
103. (T)جدول الفرق في تشريعات وأحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ا...
104. الفرق في تشريعات الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5هـ) والب...
105. T.جدول الفرق في تشريعات وأحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
106. مصحف الشمرلي الملون ****
107. الخلع عرض مكبر
108. الطلاق للعدة مفصل جداً- - DEVORSE TO EDDH
109. الفرق في أحكام الطلاق المنزلة بين سورتي الطلاق(...
110. الخلع منقحا ومصورا
111. الخلع مصورا
112. باب الخلع من صحيح البخاري
113. الخلع وكيف الطلاق فيه
114. الطلاق في السنن الكبري للنسائي محقق
115. الطلاق للعدة هو الطلاق بعد انقضاء ثلاثة حيضات في ز...
116. الدليل الدائم للمدونة
117. دراسة عن موسوعة أطراف الحيث للشيخ سعيد بسيوني زغلو...
118. devors --devors
119. devors to al_eddah الطلاق للعدة =Divorce for ...
120. devors to edah الطلاق للعدة
121. الطلاق للعدة هو شريعة الله الباقية الي يوم القيامة...
122. كتاب نقد المتن 1و2و3
123. 3.نقد المتن من 251 الي صفحة 364
124. 2.نقد المتن من ص92 الي ص 250
125. 1.نقد المتن وعلل المتون من ص 1 الي ص 90
126. عدة المختلعة حيضة واحدة ؟
127. ؟ما هو الخلع وما هي أحكامه وهل تحتسب تطليقة الخلع ...
128. الطلاق للعدة شريعة الله للعالمين
129. $الطلاق لا يكون إلا في منتهي العدة وما يتم غير ذلك...
130. الطلاق للعدة رؤية صحيحة%%
131. الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
132. كتاب الطلاق للعدة عرض
133. الطلاق للعدة وتحقيق متن حديث عبد الله ابن عمر
134. 4.الطلاق للعدة رؤية صحيحة
135. 3.كتاب الطلاق للنسائي***
136. 2.كتاب الطلاق للنسائي**
137. 1.كتاب الطلاق للحافظ النسائي*
138. احكام الطلاق (كتاب الطلاق من السنن الكبري للنسائ...
139. أحكام الطلاق قبل وبعد نزول سورة الطلاق في العام ال...
140. •*الأحاديث الصحيحة فى الطلاق وبيان عدم احتساب التطل...
141. اسماء الله الحسني من موقع صح
142. قواعد غائبة عن الناس في أحكام الطلاق
143. أسباب انقطاع الطمث أو الحيض عند النساء
144. الدين القيم
145. كتاب الطلاق من البخاري وتحقيق الخلافات بين الرواه...
146. معني الإحصاء من لغة العرب ومن آيات القرآن
147. كتاب سلسلة الذهب لابن حجر العسقلاني
148. الدليل علي أن حادثة طلاق فاطمة بنت قيس قد وقعت أثن...
149. فاطمة بنت قيس وقصة طلاقها وبيان أنه كان علي قاعدة ...
150. فاطمة بنت قيس وبيان موقع طلاقها من سورة البقرة وكي...
151. ملخص تشريعات احكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة ال...
152. فهرست كتاب الطلاق من كتاب النسائي
153. باب إحلال المطلقة ثلاثا والنكاح الذي يحلها به
154. فقرات ذات صلة بموضوع: نكاح المحلل
155. رفاعة بن سموأل القرظي وسهيمة امرأة رفاعة القرظي
156. مدار حديث التيس المستعار علي مشرح بن هاعان أبي مصع...
157. مصحف الشمرلي الملون
158. الرحيق المختوم في سيرة نبي الله محمد صلي الله عليه...
159. الرحيق المختوم في سيرة نبي الله محمد صلي الله عليه...
160. مصحف الشمرلي الملون كله%
161. الفرق في أحكام الطلاق المنزلة بين سورتي الطلاق
جمهرة اللغة العربية
الصفحة الرئيسة| علوم القرآن| التفسير| علوم الحديث| العقيدة| السلوك| الفقه| أصول الفقه| اللغة العربية
بستان العارفين
كتاب : آداب الصحبة المؤلف : أبي عبد الرحمن السلمي
أرشيف الألباني
يمتنع مع لام القَبْلِ أن تسري دلالات الآيات ا...
الي الحائرين + تحقيق الفول في محمد بن عيد الرحمن م...
أرشيف الألباني
{ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر بما كسبت أيدي الناس‏}
شرح كامل لمناسك الحج للشيخ / عبد العزيز بن باز
شروط قول لا إله إلا الله للشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
موقف الدعاة والعلماء من كثرة انتشار الباطل
ما هو الوسط في الدين ؟ للشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين
الحكمة من خلق الجن والإنس للشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين
ج 1. كتاب:الاختيارات الفقهية
ج 2. كتاب:الاختيارات الفقهية المؤلف : شيخ الإسلام...
معجم لسان العرب لابن منظور
ج 1. كتاب:روضة الناظر وجنة المناظر عبد الله بن أحم...
ج2..كتاب:روضة الناظر وجنة المناظر ..عبد الله بن أح...
كتاب:إجمال الإصابة في أقوال الصحابة خليل بن كيكلدي...
ج1..كتاب:أصول الفقه المسمى إجابة السائل شرح بغية ا...
ج.1-:أصول السرخسي ابى بكر محمد بن احمد بن ابى سهل ...
كتاب:أصول البزدوي علي بن محمد البزدوي الحنفيى أقسا...
كتاب:تحفة الملوك محمد بن أبي بكر بن عبد القادر ال...
ج1..كتاب:تحفة الفقهاء علاء الدين السمرقندي أقسام ا...
كتاب:تبيين الحقائق شرح كنز الدقائق فخر الدين عثمان...
كتاب:العناية شرح الهداية محمد بن محمد البابرتي أقس...
كتاب:الجوهرة النيرة أبو بكر بن علي بن محمد الحدادي...
كتاب:الكسب محمد بن الحسن الشيباني
ج1. كتاب:المبسوط محمد بن الحسن بن فرقد الشيباني أ...
دليل جمهرة العلوم كتب أهل الحديث المطبوعة مرتبة عل...
كتاب:المحرر في الفقه على مذهب الإمام أحمد بن حنبل ...
m m2. ... روابط أوهو
➌ الثانوية العامة ٣ثانوي.
➌عقوبة من قتل نفسه؟
➌وصف الجنة والحور العين
➌ المدونة التعليمبة الثانية أسماء صلاح ٣.ثانوي عام
➌الفتن ونهاية العالم
➌ المقحمات ا.
➌ قانون الحق الإلهي اا
➌ القرانيون الفئة الضالة
➌ قواعد وثوابت قرانية
➌ مسائل صحيح مسلم وشروح النووي الخاطئة عليها
➌ المسائل الفقهية في النكاح والطلاق والمتعة والرجعة
➌ مدونة الصفحات المقتوحة
➌ قانون ثبات سنة الله في الخلق
➌ اللهم ارحم أبي وأمي والصالحين
➌ السيرة النبوية
➌ مدونة {استكمال} مدونة قانون الحق الإلهي
➌ الجنة ومتاعها والنار وسوء جحيمها عياذا بالله الواحد.
➌لابثين فيها أحقابا
➌ المدونة المفتوحة
➌ نفحات من سورة الزمر
➌أُمَّاهُ عافاكِ الله ووالدي ورضي عنكما ورحمكما
➌ترجمة معان القران➌
➌ مصنفات اللغة العربية
➌ كتاب الفتن علامات القيامة لابن كثير
➌ قانون العدل الإلهي
➌جامعة المصاحف
➌ قانون الحق الإلهي
➌ تخريجات أحاديث الطلاق متنا وسندا
➌ تعلم للتفوق بالثانوية العامة
➌ مدونات لاشين
➌ قانون الحق الألهي ٣
➌ قانون الحق الإلهي٤.
➌ حدود التعاملات العقائدية بين المسلمين
➌ المقحمات اا.
➌ منصة الصلاة اا
➌مدونة تخفيف
مددونات مهمة
الحائرون https://hae1molt.blogspot.com/ / المنهج في الطلاق https://altfrehaintalak.blogspot.com/ / بيت المعرفة العامة https://generalknowlledges.blogspot.com/ / تكوير الشمس https://whitecolor12.blogspot.com/ / سنن النكاح https://sunnahsofmarriage.blogspot.com/ / مدونة السنن الكبري للنسائي https://alsonnalkobraallnsaa.blogspot.com/ / مدونة سورة التوبة https://surataltwbah.blogspot.com/ مدونة نهاية العالم https://theendofwardes.blogspot.com/
فجر وضحي
فجر الإسلام
ضحي الإيمان
مدونة التجويد رائعة https://wwwtajweed.blogspot.com/
https://mostimportfkhbasis.blogspot.com/2021/05/3_91.html مدونة تعليمية محدودة رائعة
المصاف + خصائص ابن جني
الفتن لنعيم بن حماد وورد - كتاب الفتن لنعيم بن حماد/كتاب الخصائص المؤلف: ابن جني /كتاب جواهر القرآن أبو حامد الغزالي مكتبة العلوم الشاملة /مكتبة العلوم الشاملة /https://sluntt.blogspot.com//
الفهرس العامة
الفتن وأشراط الساعة ج /التقييد والإيضاح شرح مقدمة ابن الصلاح للحافظ العراقي/كتاب : الفرج بعد الشدة/المؤل/:القاضي أبو علي الم.../الشعاب المرجانية/مخلوقات مخيفة وفتاكة/حمل مصنفات الجرح والتعديل/الطلاق.بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطلاق؟ /البداية والنهاية./ثبات شرع الله ودليل سوياند/موقع التجويد/سورة الزمر/جامعة المواقع المهمة/الكلم الطيب/مدونة طلاق سورة الطلاق1./الجهاز المناعي م/المجاز والحقيقة/جامعة المواقع/مدونة اللغة العربية وروابطها/ديوان مصطلح الحديث۱./ديوان الكتاب الإسلامي/الخلاصة العلمية والعائدون من الموت/الفتن والاهوال/أحكام ونظام الطلاق والعدة في الإسلام بعد نزول سورة الطلاق7هـ/غريب القران سوباند/مدونة الزكاة والصدقات/ديوان الحديث ومصطلحه۲./مكتبة التاريخ/المانجووو/مدونة تعليمية محدودة 3ث./سورة الحج/المصحف الإملائي.وآية آية.وورد.وصور المصحف/الدليل/أهوال القبر ويوم القيامة/ديوان الطلاق حسب سورة الطلاق5هـ/مدونة توعية { أمراض الأطفال}/مدونة سورة يس./خلفيات./اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم/الإبل في أحاديث خير الرسل /مكتبات ومخطوطات/كتاب (الباعث الحثيث) اختصار علوم الحديث لابن كثير/السنن الكبرى النسائي/تفسير البغوي/كتب الألباني/مكتبة الحديث/مدونة في وداع الله يا امي/يا الله /جاري جاري Blogs _ / law divine right/ note Prayer // farewell God oh my/ learn High school excellence / biography prophetic / index/ God Have mercy on my father and mother/ tuned / Graduations Talks of divorce mattna and bond/ limits Doctrinal interactions between Muslims/ law Divine right. / law divine right/ law divine justice/ law The constancy of God’s Sunnah in creationThe Book of Tribulations, Signs of the Hour and the Day of Resurrection / Blogs La ShinIssues of Sahih Muslim and the wrong explanations of Al-Nawawi on it Description of poplars / Mami 27Help / Tutorial Blog/ blog Princess Asmaa Salah Education/ mom dear tenderness/ notebook white2secondary/ mother) curriculum Second grade of secondary science, sports and science / Secondary {computer - and citizenship} / second secondary Arabic language / mom dear tenderness / revive Second secondary first term / Diseases Dangerous and preventable The Beginning and the End by Al-Hafiz bin Kuthbar / date 2s / intonation // term The second is the second secondary, all subjects are 2 s // third Secondary, literary and scientific section // geography And geology is a second secondary // abstract Intensive in Physics // Diwan Comprehensive divorce provisions // biography prophetic // divorce different// Physics Third secondary links // language French 2 secondary // abstract Al-Mufid Secondary Secondary First Term// syllabus in divorce // elite In 2 s courses, first term of 2017-2018 // elite In the divorce bill // engineering with its branches // house general knowledge // second term Secondary scientific, sports and literary.. // excel And go up // third high school blog// second High school, first and second term, German // links educational sites // links Secondary educational curricula all sections// Pure and Applied Mathematics, Secondary Secondary, Second Term // Abdul Wahed first term 2 secondary // Abdulwahed Second secondary term 1 and 2. // flag immunity // philosophy.logic.science Nafs.meeting 2 th first term// physics Second secondary first term // physics second secondary term second // book The Sealed Nectar of Mubarakpuri // book zakat // second books Secondary Term 1 and 2 // notebook // all math Calculus and trigonometry 2 secondary first and sometimes second term // Chemistry second secondary first term // English language 2s. First term // The Little Princess' Blog // Asmaa Salah Educational 3s // blog abbreviations // The university’s anti-divorce rules according to Surat Al-Talaq 7/5 AH// blog Italian Language // blog every Links of the educational bend for the secondary stage // Exam night revisions for all 2nd semester courses// library Secondary links, first term // turn Educational excellence for all levels of secondary school // Mechanics and statics 2 s first term // end of startIkma fi Usul al-Ahkam by Ibn Hazm/ khul/ Secondary calculus of acid multiplication/ biography prophetic Metaphor , its divisions and the relation of truth to it/ Albanian Archive/ C 1. Book: Jurisprudential Choices/ bound to excel in ArabicSurah Al -Ikhlas and its verses / How do you pronounce sentences?Curriculum for the second year of secondary schoolSurah At - Tawbah verse by verse/ The book "Abstract of Hadith Sciences"Minor and major hour markers, in order/ End of the Universe The Book of the Destruction of the Universe and Its End /My Blogs /PSU/My Blogs/Links/ my blogs/ Mom's blogs, may God be pleased with you/ end of the world/ Code of guarding the texts of Sharia/Islamic law/ and the prevention of playing with interpretation and metaphor in it/ Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi/ educational/ Signs of the Hour/ pure jurisprudence/ garden/ Medical Blog/ pure jurisprudenceStandards of the Hereafter and the Day of Judgment/ honor the parents/ General secondary blog. 3 s / Slimano// Oh God, have mercy on my father, mother, and our dead, and favor my dead Muslims/ The written Qur’an / Solimaoo/ Oh God, have mercy on my parents and honor those of us who died with your mercy/مدونة ابن سينا/مصحف الفرج/ذكر الله/الأزهر الشريف/ءء اللهم ارحم أشرف/المصحف المدونة /Oho/مدوناتي/الثانوية العامة ٣ثانوي./عقوبة من قتل نفسه؟/وصف الجنة والحور العين/المدونة التعليمبة الثانية أسماء صلاح ٣.ثانوي عام/الفتن ونهاية العالم/المقحمات ا./قانون الحق الإلهي اا/القرانيون الفئة الضالة اوه/قواعد وثوابت قرانية/مسائل صحيح مسلم وشروح النووي الخاطئة عليها اوهو/المسائل الفقهية في النكاح والطلاق والمتعة والرجعة/مدونة الصفحات المقتوحة/خائف من الله؟/قانون ثبات سنة الله في الخلق/اللهم ارحم أبي وأمي والصالحين/السيرة النبوية/مدونة {استكمال} مدونة قانون الحق الإلهي/مدونة الحائرين/الجنة ومتاعها والنار وسوء جحيمها عياذا بالله الواحد./لابثين فيها أحقابا/المدونة المفتوحة/نفحات من سورة الزمر/أمَّاهُ عافاكِ الله ووالدي ورضي عنكما ورحمكما/ترجمة معان القران➌/مصنفات اللغة العربية/➌ كتاب الفتن علامات القيامة لابن كثير/قانون العدل الإلهي/الفهرست/جامعة المصاحف/قانون الحق الإلهي/تخريجات أحاديث الطلاق متنا وسندا/تعلم للتفوق بالثانوية العامة/مدونات لاشين/الرافضة/قانون الحق الألهي ٣/قانون الحق الإلهي٤./حدود التعاملات العقائدية بين المسلمين/المقحمات اا./منصة الصلاة اا/مدونة تخفيف /دادي حكشة/ديوان الطلاق)مصطلحات منسوخة أو ناسخة في مسائل وأحكام الطلاق/اللوكشة/الخندق /الحزام الناري/الالتهاب السحائي عند الكبار والأطفال/كتاب : الإحكام في أصول القرآن المؤلف : ابن حزم/المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق المستعملة في السورة/عدم احتساب التطليقة الخاطئة/كتاب: أدب النفوس أبو بكر محمد بن/مصحف الشمرلي الملون/الامراض الجنسية وعلاجها/مصحف المدينة الازرق/مدونة القرآن آية آية/روابط موقع روح الإسلام./حجج ابراهيم علي قومه /تاريخ الإسلام للذهبي وكتاب سير الأعلام/اليرموك/السلام/الزهراء/المصحف كله ور/بيس/مدونات أمي رضي الله عنكي/نهاية العالم/مدونة تحريز نصوص الشريعة الإسلامية ومنع اللعب باالتأويل والمجاز فيها/ابن حزم الأندلسي/تعليمية/أشراط الساعة/أولا/ الفقه الخالص/التعقيبات/المدونة الطبية/خلاصة الفقه/معايير الآخرة ويوم الحساب/بر الوالين/السوالب وتداعياتها//المخلوقات الغامضة/البحيرة الغامضة//كوكب المشتري/ألفية العراقي في علوم الحديث" مخطوط//مواقع عامة/الطلاق للعدة*/احكام فروق الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق/الفلكيات/احكام الطلاق المنسوخة تبديلا/المذاكرة تصنع النجاح بإذن الله/تحقيقات نصوص اسلامية وعلمية//مقدمة ابن الصلاح مخطوط/عطيت/واحة الذاكرين / الوفاء / الكلم الطيب/ /لإحكام لإبن حزم /كل النحو والاعراب وورد/نداء الي/الأزهر وشيخه وأساتذته الأجلاء الأكارم /التقوي/ بر الرالدين/ كتاب اعراب الفران للعكبري/الديوان الشامل لأحكام الطلاق/المسائل الفقهية في النكاح والطلاق/لماذا النص الأصلي هو الحجة/ نزل كتاب إعراب القران للسيوطي/اعراب القران للسيوطي/النُخْبَةُ في شِرعَةِ الطلاق/مدونة الطلاق للعدة/مدونة ديوان الطلاق/ نداء إلي شيخ الأزهر وأساتذته/المسائل الفقهية في النكاح والطلاق والمتعة والرجعة/أحكام ونظام الطلاق والعدة في الإسلام بعد نزول سورة الطلاق7هـ /خلفيات.: الحائــــــرون الملتاعون هلموا الي /المنهج في الطلاق/مدونة الطلاق للعدة:/الحائــــــرون الملتاعون/قانون الحق الإلهي /الديوان الشامل/كل أحكام الطلاق /ابن حزم الأندلسي/حكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق ا/مصنفات اللغة العربية/امتناع الطلاق في الحمل /للاطباء علاج سرطان الثدي/اسم الله الأعظم/زاد المعاد/حق السكني والنفقة/مصطلح الحديث /حمل القران مسموعا من الشيخ الحصري/التقييد والإيضاح /ألفية العراقي/الطلاق في الغضب والسكران/ج1. الفتن لنعيم بن حماد/مدونة الأميرة الصغيرة/حمل القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية/سيرة ابن إسحاق/إقامة الدليل على إبطال التحليل لابن تيمية /كتاب النشر في القراءات العشر/المكتبة مشكاة /صيد الخاطر /الطلاق س وج /المقحمات والنووي/ /كتاب التبيان في نزول القرآن لابن تيمية/منهاج السنة النبوية/موسوعة الواريث/كتاب : الكبائر/ فقه النكاح والفرائض/مخطوطات /كتاب الفتن لنعيم بن حماد/بر الوالدين /كتاب الكبائر /الحديث وكتب السنة/التَّفْرِيطُ فِي بِرِّ الأَبِ منتهي الباطل /مجموع الفتاوى لابن تيمية/مؤلفات ابن تيمية/كتاب الأخلاق والسير/-الفائق في غريب الحديث و الأثر/موطأ مالك/اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم مخالفة /علاج إلتهاب العصب السابع/مصطلح الحديث/ترجمة شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية ابن تيمية /. مُصنف ابن أبي شيبة/ج 1. سنن البيهقي الكبرى /نخبة الفكر في مصطلح أهل الأثر لابن حجر/روابط مواقع موصي بها/حديث صنائع المعروف تقي مصارع السوء/- كتاب الفتن لنعيم بن حماد/كتاب جواهر القرآن /تحميل الموسوعة{المواريث(عدة صيغ)/ الاخلاق والسير كله لابن حزم/العلامات والأعراض التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي /الالتهاب المفصلي اليفعي الجهازي مجهول السبب//َتصَلُّبُ الجِلْدِ المَجْموعِيّ =تصلب الجلد المنتش.../التهاب العضلات والجلد Dermatomyositis ./ موقع الشيخ الألباني/موقع روح الإسلام/كتاب الطلاق الشامل د . عبد الغفار سليمان البنداري/كتاب الإحكام لإبن حزم /بر الوالدين /وصف الجنة والحور/الدليل المصور لأجمل جنات الدنيا/جنات النعيم نسأل الله مثواها ومأواها/وصف ثمن دخول الجنة/الاعجاز اللغوي بين الماضي والمضارع/من قرأ عشر آيات في ليلة كتب/.حاشية ابن القيم على سنن أبي داود//مصطلح الحديث روابط/*تلخيص كتاب الرحيق المختوم كاملا/*تلخيص كتاب الرحيق المختوم كاملا//المواريث/فوري نعم مخطوطات/مكتبة العلوم الشاملة/بر الوالدين/حقوق الطفل العامة والخاصة/التَّفْرِيطُ فِي بِرِّ الأَبِ/أحكام القرآن للشافعي/جراحات القلب والقلب المفتوح/بوستك/المدونة الطبية/علوم الطبيعة/جمع النهاية في بدء الخير والغاية ابن أبي جمرة الأزدي/سيتي/النسور للتعليم الثانوي/ ويوم يعض الظالم علي يديه/مدونة الخيرات الإسلامية والقدوة الحسنة/شعاع-ray.//جاجي /لغة المانية جاجي/طبيعيات/مدونة اللغة الانجليزية أولي ثانوي/كل أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة2هـ والطلاق5هـ/سورة محمد/خطيئة الصيدليات/جاجي/الروابط التعليمية1ثانوي/الحاسب الآلي1ثانوي جاجي/التاريخ/جاجي أولي ثانوي/محطة التفوق في الصف الأول الثانوي/حاجي التعليمي/الرياضيات أولي ثانوي ترم ثاني جاج/روابط تحميلات القران الكريم من مواقع الصوتيات القرانية/الاحياء1ثانوي جاجي/الكيمياء اولي ثانوي جاجي/اللغة العربية أولي ثانويت2. جاجي/الحاسب الالي اولي ثانوي جاجي/مدونة الطريق/جبر ومثلثات وهندسة اولي ثانوي جاجي//طرازان/المخطوطات/حنين75/ذكر الله/ اللهم ارحم والداي واغفر لهما وتجاوز عن سيئاتهما وكل الصالحين/الحنين/المدونة العلمية z./المصحف العظيم/الحديث النبوي ومصطلحه.//كانين/تاريخ الإسلام للذهبي وكتاب سير الأعلام/اليرموك/السلام/الزهراء/المصحف كله ورد/لووليي/الاستغفار لوولي ../لولي /نداء /qoran.kareem ج القران الكريم/مكه/علوم الفلك/مصحف0/الطلاق للعدة س وج/مدونة القرآن الكريم مكتوبا آية آية/طلاق سورة الطلاق اعجاز وضعه الله في حرف/الجنة ونعيمها والقبر وما فيه/المصحف المدونة س/سورة الأنبياء/فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْغَمِّ وَكَذَلِكَ نُنْجِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ /فَاسْتَجَبْنَ/ لَهُ فَكَشَفْنَا مَا بِهِ مِنْ ضُرٍّ/امتداد مدونة قانون الحق الالهي/نانين 0/فجر الإسلام/ضحي الإيمان/كاكي0/الياسمين/المدونة التعليمية للثانوي العام3./المصحف للكل/الزيتونة/راري/هول ينتظر الناس أيامنا هذه/نداء الحق/أهوال ما قبل القيامة وما بعدها /ساكي/كل أجزاء وسور المصحف كاملة/مدونة محدودة 3 ثانوي علمي/مدونة الزهد والرقائق/الذكر والدعاء/وَسَارِعُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ../لقطة//توحيد/توحيد الله/تاريخ الخلافات/تاتي/حكم من طلق وهو غضبان/اولي ث 1.ثاني ثانوي بمشيئة الله/النخبة التعليمية للثانوية العامة/سورة القصص /واقي/المصحف العظيم/الفهرست هـ/التقوي/مصنفات ومراجع/سورة الأعراف//توحيد الله/تاريخ الخلافات/مكتبة الحديث/كتب الكترونية في السيرة والتاريخ والتراجم
تحميلات مصاحف وسور
حمل مصحف مشاري العفاسي
سورة الفاتحة /سورة البقرة /سورة آل عمران /سورة النساء /سورة المائدة /سورة الأنعام /سورة الأعراف /سورة الأنفال /سورة التوبة /سورة يونس /سورة هود /سورة يوسف /سورة الرعد /سورة إبراهيم /سورة الحجر /سورة النحل /سورة الإسراء /سورة الكهف /سورة مريم /سورة طه /سورة الأنبياء /سورة الحج /سورة المؤمنون /سورة النّور /سورة الفرقان /سورة الشعراء /سورة النّمل /سورة القصص /سورة العنكبوت /سورة الرّوم /سورة لقمان /سورة السجدة /سورة الأحزاب /سورة سبأ /سورة فاطر /سورة يس /سورة الصافات /سورة ص /سورة الزمر /سورة غافر /سورة فصّلت /سورة الشورى /سورة الزخرف /سورة الدّخان /سورة الجاثية /سورة الأحقاف /سورة محمد /سورة الفتح /سورة الحجرات /سورة ق /سورة الذاريات /سورة الطور /سورة النجم /سورة القمر /سورة الرحمن /سورة الواقعة /سورة الحديد /سورة المجادلة /سورة الحشر /سورة الممتحنة /سورة الصف /سورة الجمعة /سورة المنافقون /سورة التغابن /سورة الطلاق /سورة التحريم /سورة الملك /سورة القلم/ سورة الحاقة /سورة المعارج /سورة المعارج مكررة/سورة نوح /سورة الجن /سورة المزّمّل /سورة المدّثر /سورة القيامة /سورة الإنسان /سورة المرسلات /سورة النبأ /سورة النازعات /سورة عبس /سورة التكوير /سورة الإنفطار /سورة المطفّفين /سورة الإنشقاق /سورة البروج /سورة الطارق /سورة الأعلى /سورة الغاشية /سورة الفجر /سورة البلد /سورة الشمس /سورة الليل /سورة الضحى/ سورة الشرحسورة التينسورة العلقسورة القدر /سورة البينة/ سورة الزلزلة /سورة العاديات /سورة القارعة /سورة التكاثر /سورة العصر/ سورة الهمزة /سورة الفيل/ سورة قريش /سورة الماعون /سورة الكوثرسورة الكافرون /سورة النصر /سورة المسد /سورة الإخلاص /سورة الفلق /سورة النّاس
روابط تحميلات مباشرة للبرامج الرائعة /الـذاكـر /القرآن الكريم مع الترجمة /القرآن الكريم مع التفسير/القرآن الكريم مع التلاوة /المكتبة اللغوية الإلكترونية /الموسوعة الحديثية المصغرة./برنامج الأسطوانة الوهمية /برنامج الموسوعة القرآنية المتخصصة /برنامج حقائق الإسلام في مواجهة المشككين /برنامج مكتبة السنة /خلفيات اسلامية رائعة/مكتبة الإمام ابن الجوزي /مكتبة الإمام ابن حجر العسقلاني /مكتبة الإمام ابن حجر الهيتمي /مكتبة الإمام ابن كثير /مكتبة الإمام الذهبي /مكتبة الإمام محمد بن علي الشوكاني /موسوعة أصول الفقه /.موسوعة التاريخ الإسلامي /موسوعة الحديث النبوي الشريف /موسوعة السيرة النبوية /موسوعة رواة الحديث /موسوعة علوم الحديث /موسوعة علوم القرآن /موسوعة علوم اللغة/
قران كريم
اسم السورة
عدد آياتها
آل عمران
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three hundred fifty
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surah divorce
Explain compressed
surah divorce:1.The verses in which there is a mandate (from 1 to 7) O Prophet, when you divorce the women, divorce them for their waiting period. And he imposed its enumeration and reaching its end, because - God the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing - kept the word of divorce away from you, so it is no longer within your reach after the hour, and whoever of you wanted to divorce his wife should no longer divorce her, as was the case in the previous legislation of Surah Al-Baqarah 2 AH, which God replaced by the legislation of Surat Al-Talaq 5 AH and made the word divorce compulsory after the waiting period } And took the mixture. Transferring the pronunciation to after the waiting period madeWives as they are wives and stay at home The right wife is absolute}} 1.ot you limits of God and whoever limits God has been wronged. It has been wronged.= Reaching the term, for they are still your wives, if you wish, if you remain with them, for God has permitted and permitted you to seize them and do not divorce them. Testimony is the rooting of the obligation of witnessing, meaning a careful investigation of everything that you will testify about. 1. Whoever investigates whether the woman is her or her replacement 2. Did she perform the waiting period on her own with her husband, or did she go out even for an hour 3. Her leaving or taking her out invalidates the testimony 4. Is she in her eyes or her sister For example, or another woman *5. And has the waiting period ended completely, or did he remain in it even for an hour?6. For whatever time remains in it, even if it is a little, invalidates the testimony until it fulfills all of its time. 7. Was he harming it or not? If it is proven that he harmed it, the rewards for all his initiation are nullified. He must repeat the preparation procedures from the beginning with the conditions imposed by God. And the last day * and whoever fears God, He will make for him a way out.(2) and by where it is not counted * and who trusts God is true. did not cuddle *And the nights of the loads are to put their pregnancy. His wife in the same place in which he dwells. The post-divorce stage is the affairs of the newborn, which is limited to breastfeeding him and taking care of his sleep and wakefulness/1.If you have to leave them Except for what comes to it *God will make after hardship ease(7) /Surah Al-Talaq
Blog in farewell to God, my mother
O Allah
I'm running
Blogs no trap no trap
law of divine right
prayer notes
Farewell to God, my mother
Learn to excel in high school
Biography of the Prophet
God have mercy on my father and mother
The graduations of the hadiths of divorce are mattna and a bond
Boundaries of doctrinal dealings between Muslims
The law of divine right aa.
law of divine right
divine justice law
The law of the immutability of God’s law in creation
The Book of Tribulations, Signs of the Hour and the Day of Resurrection
not shin blogs
The issues of Sahih Muslim and the wrong explanations of Al-Nawawi on them
Description of poplar eye
Mami 27
Help blog
Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog
My dear affectionate mother
White Notebook 2 Secondary
(Mother) The curriculum of the second grade of secondary science, sports and science
2Secondary {computer - and citizenship}
2nd secondary Arabic language
My dear affectionate mother
Revival of the second secondary, first term
Dangerous diseases and their prevention
The Beginning and the End by Hafiz Ibn Kuthbar
date 2 s
Second term, second secondary, all subjects 2 sec
Third secondary, literary and scientific section
Geography and geology second secondary
Abstract in Physics
The Comprehensive Court of Divorce Rulings
Biography of the Prophet
Divorce is different
Secondary Physics Links
French language 2 secondary
Useful summary, second secondary, first term
Approach to divorce
Elite in 2nd semester courses, first semester 2017-2018
The elite in the law of divorce
Engineering in its branches
General Knowledge House
Second term of second secondary scientific, sports and literature ..
Get over it and go for it
third secondary blog
Second secondary term first and second German
Links to educational websites
Links to the second secondary educational curricula, all sections
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Secondary, Second Term
Abdel Wahed Term 1st 2nd Secondary
Abdul Wahed, the second secondary school, Term 1 and 2.
Philosophy.Logic.Psychology.Meeting 2th first term
Secondary physics, first term
Secondary physics, second term
The Sealed Nectar by Mubarakpuri
Zakat book
Secondary Secondary Books Term 1 and 2
All mathematics calculus and trigonometry 2 secondary first term and sometimes second
Chemistry second secondary first term
English language 2s. first term
Little Princess Asmaa Salah's educational blog 3s
Shortcuts Blog
The university blog prohibiting the provisions of divorce according to Surat Al-Talaq 7/5 AH
Italian language blog
Blog of all the educational bend links for the secondary stage
Exam night revisions for all 2nd semester courses
Links library, second secondary, first term
The turning point of educational excellence for all levels of secondary school
Mechanics and statics 2nd first term
End of the beginning Link to the historical investigation of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq Click here
Proving the chronological history and proving that Surat Al-Talaq was revealed several years after Surat Al-Baqarah
How do you know the date of revelation of Surat Al-Talaq?
How do we prove the laxity between Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 and Surat Al-Talaq 4 or 5 AH?
mm 63.427. Appearance: Awesome Inc.. Powered by Blogger .
Divorce Blog Links to Kit
Al-Talaf blog for the waiting period * and the provisions of the waiting period for women
The significance of the words of Surat Al-Talaq used in the surah
Divorce for the waiting period is the law of God that will remain until the Day of Resurrection
The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period
The first divorce book for kit
* The significance of the words of Surat Al-Talaq in the legislation of divorce
The system of divorce in Islam is the divorce for the waiting period in Surat A...
The Blue City Quran
Surat Al-Talaq - Surah 65 - the number of its verses is 12 and models from a brother...
** The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period***
Divorce for the kit is very detailed ***
Divorce is very detailed ***///
** Wrongful divorce is not counted
Follow Q&A about divorce issues*
How did people not understand the download of legislation in Surat Al-Talaq 5...
Wasting Sharia law for the wrong divorce and its disregard*
Ibn Hazm’s statement about divorce and commenting on it^^
Copies of divorce over the waiting period in the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-...
Quran verse by verse blog
The first divorce book for the kit + table comparing the provisions of divorce with me...
The hadith (A man entered Paradise in flies..) is suspended
Focus ReaderFoxit Reader
Those with interpretation should know the following
Divorce for the kit is very detailed and important increases on the page
Translation of Surat Al-Talaq and applications of divorce between Surat Al-Talaq...
%4. Divorce is for the legal waiting period that remains until the day of the...
* Wrongful divorce is not counted
Al-Shamrli Colored Quran ***|*
The Aqeeqah book from Al-Mahali book by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi&
The Aqeeqah book from Al-Mahali book by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi*/*/
/></ Conditions for the occurrence and calculation of divorce
Wrongful divorce is not counted how?
fairy download sites&*$%@
Do not count the wrong divorce */*/---
Wrongful divorce is not counted how? 2
Wrong shot 3 does not count as another show
The meaning of bad things from the tongue of the Arabs
(T) Table of the difference in the legislation and provisions of divorce between the two surahs A...
TT The difference in divorce legislation between the two surahs of divorce (5 AH) and...
Abrogated and abrogated verses in the rulings on divorce between Surahs...
-------- Divorce Guide------
^ Complete Divorce Guide to Divorce Sites for Several
% Complete Divorce Guide to Divorce Sites for Several
^ What does the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq mean in the fifth year of Hijri?
What does the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq mean in the fifth year of Hijri?
nuclear fission energy
Links to the provisions of divorce from Surat Al-Talaq
> Repentance is a condition for entering Paradise
>> Blaster. The divorce is very detailed
How did God Almighty change the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-Baqarah to...
The complete guide to divorce sites for several duplicates
Ask about me video and the picture of Al-Amura
fabulous download site
God Almighty has placed a heavy and heavy obstacle in the path of spouses...
Elite Archive
Links in divorce
Rules absent from people in divorce rulings
Journey through space Zoom
Journey through space
How to permanently delete your account from Facebook
How to permanently delete your Twitter account
Introduction to elementary particle physics 2017.
The method of comparing texts in the light of comprehensive indexes
The Spelling Quran. Verse by Verse. Words. Pictures of the Mushaf
Blog Index: The Spelling Qur'an in the blog / and the Qur'an is a verse...
The complete book in the university that prevents divorce provisions
The complete divorce from the book of the university and the statement is...
Structuring disputes in divorce .docx.rar How to structure a conflict...
Not counting the wrong divorce
Copies of divorce over the waiting period in the provisions of divorce in Surat Al-...
Sheikh Al-Albani and his rejection of imitation and following people without evidence...
Sheikh Al-Albani and his rejection of imitation and following people without evidence...
Sheikh Al-Albani and his rejection of imitation and following people without evidence...
The system of divorce in Islam is divorce for the waiting period
The destruction of the universe by the horn / the hadith of Abi Dharman, he died without associating...
Inserts and models of them and a statement of the nuclear error in its definition...
The Complete Guide to Divorce Sites for Several
The Complete Guide to Divorce Sites for Kit PDF
Divorce for the waiting period...
The third part of the question and answer on divorce part 3.
Treatment of diseases that appear on the skin
It was returned to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and he did not...
لم يتنبه العلماء الي سورة الطلاق 5هــ واعتبر أكثره...
الطلاق.بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطلاق؟ *الفرق في تشر...
الامراض الجنسية وعلاجها
نزلت سورة الطلاق إبان العام الخامس الهجري بشريعة أ...
سؤال وجواب في الطلاق لسورة الطلاق5هـ
حق السكني والنفقة لم يتقرر إلا في تشريع سورة الطلاق
بيان نسخ خطاب أحكام الطلاق بسورة البقرة بأحكام الط...
لقد وضع الله تعالي{عدة الإحصاء}في طريق الأزواج عقب...
جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة ال...
قانون الحق وسنَّة ثبات الخلق والأمر في ملكوت الله ...
* من أهم فروض الاسلام
استخدم النووي إضلال القارئ بأن استبدل الجوهر بالعر...
قانون الحق وسنَّة ثبات الخلق والأمر في ملكوت الله ...
مدونة الطلاق للعدة: قانون الحق وسنَّة ثبات الخلق و...
مدونة الطلاق للعدة: استخدم النووي إضلال القارئ بأن...
معني الإحصاء من لغة العرب وفي آيات القرآن
واجهة م الطلاق للعدة
تشريع سورة الطلاق الذي أهدره الناس بما فيهم كل الع...
دليل مواقع الطلاق بعد العدة
دليل مواقع الطلاق بعد العدة
دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة (جامع للادلة) دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة.خلفيات
معني الحق
س وج
1.الطلاق من زاد المعاد والتعقيب
لماذا فرض الله تعالي علي المؤمنين عدة الإحصاء؟
المصحف وورد من أول سورة الزخرف إلي آخر سورة الناس
2.الطلاق من زاد المعاد والتعقيب *
*من زاد العاد أكام النبي (ص) في الطلاق
دليل مواقع الطلاق
العدة في الصدر بعد نزول سورة الطلاق
ايقونات روابط
تفصيل أحكام سورة الطلاق المنزلة في العام 5 أو6 هـ
لماذا فرض الله تعالي عدة الإجصاء وأخر الطلاق لما ب...
الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطلاق
سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة
جدول بعض فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسور..
*اذا الظرفية وقول الله تعالي(إذا طلقتم النساء فطلق...
^&^.تفسير سورة الطلاق للقرطبي وابن كثير والتعقيب
روابط ترتيب نزول المصحف حسب زمان نزول سوره لتفيد ف...
^.تفسير سورة الطلاق للقرطبي وابن كثير والتعقيب
*^مغزي قول الله تعالي(لا تدري لعل الله يُحْدِث ببع...
مغزي قول الله تعالي(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُ...
دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
14*اختلاف أساسي رصدهم القرطبي تحت كل اختلاف اختلاف...
..الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ ...
^%^ ما هو مغزي:الآية(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ ي...
مقدمة جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وس..
تحقيق روايات عبد الله بن عمر كلها +جدول فروق في أح...
*الفرق في تشريعات الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5هـ) وال...
تحقيق روايات حديث عبد الله بن عمر كلها والفرق في ت...
روابط مواقع الطلاق للعدة
الروابط لكل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
ملخص الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ النا...
احكام ونظام الطلاق والعدة في الاسلام
لماذا أراد الله أن يُنَزِّل القرآن منجما ومفرقا عل...
قانون الحق ج1وج2
قانون الحق ج1وج2
الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة ...
مصحف الشمرلي كله
^&^تصاوير ناطقة بأحكام الطلاق من سورة البقرة إلي س...
وورد/قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطل...
الطلاق للعدة وأحكامه الناسخة لما كان قبله
كيف صار الأمر في سورة الطلاق وتحول من عدة التسريح ...
ترتيب آيات الذكر الحكيم حسب نزولها تاريخيا وهو ةيف...
**لمحات عن دراسة (إذا) الشرطية في القرآن الكريم من...
لمحات عن دراسة (إذا) الشرطية في القرآن الكريم من د...
تفسير سورة الطلاق للحافظ ابن كثير
مدونة الطلاف للعدة * واحكام العدة للنساء
المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق المستعملة في السورة
الطلاق للعدة شريعة الله الباقية الي يوم القيامة
نظام الطلاق في الاسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة
*المغزي من ألفاظ سورة الطلاق في تشريعات الطلاق
نظام الطلاق في الإسلام هو الطلاق للعدة في سورة الطلاق
مصحف المدينة الازرق
سورة الطلاق - سورة 65 - عدد آياتها 12
نظام الطلاق في الاسلام هو الطلاق للعدة
*الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا*
الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
**عدم احتساب التطليقة الخاطئة
تابع س وج حول مواضيع الطلاق*
كيف لم يفهم الناس تنزيل التشريع في سورة البقرة برغ...
اهدار الشرع للتطليقة الخاطئة وعدم الاعتداد بها *
قول ابن حزم في الطلاق والتعقيب عليه**
نسخ تقدم الطلاق علي العدة في أحكام الطلاق بسورة ال...
مدونة القرآن آية آية
أول كتاب الطلاق للعدة +جدول مقارنة أحكام الطلاق بي...
حديث (دخل رجل الجنة في ذباب..) موقوف
الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا وزيادات مهمة بالصفحة
ترجمة سورة الطلاق وتطبيقات الطلاق بين سورة الطلاق ...
%4.الطلاق للعدة الشريعة المحكمة الباقية الي يوم ال...
عدم احتساب التطليقة الخاطئة
مصحف الشمرلي الملون **|*
كتاب العقيقة من كتاب المحلي لابن حزم الاندلسي&
كتاب العقيقة من كتاب المحلي لابن حزم الاندلسي */*/...
/شروط وقوع واحتساب الطلاق
لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة كيف؟
مواقع تنزيل خرافية &*$%@
لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة */*/---
لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة كيف؟ 2
لا تحتسب التطليقة الخاطئة 3 عرض آخر
معني السيئات من لسان العرب
(T)جدول الفرق في تشريعات وأحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ا...
TTالفرق في تشريعات الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5هـ) وا...
الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة ...
&^&أما آن لأمة الاسلام أن تنهي خلافاتها في قضية ال...
&جدول فروق أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطل...
^جدول فروق الأحكام في أمر الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة2...
^الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة...
الناسخ والمنسوخ من الآيات القرآنية ليس علي سبيل ال...
الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة ...
كفوا عن الاختلاف في أحكام الطلاق فإنها ناصعة لا في...
نماذج من اختلافات الفقهاء والمذاهب في أمر الطلاق
تخريجات حديث ابن عمر في طلاق امرأته
اللوحات التصويرية للطلاق للعدة وروابط الموضوعات
علاج الأمراض المزمنة والسر في جهاز المناعة: مهم جد...
*قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق و...
5جدول الفروق(وورد) في احكام الطلاق +تنبيهات لمعاني...
روابط الطلاق للعدة
الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة ...
&^الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سور...
الآيات المنسوخة والناسخة في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة ...
T.جدول الفرق في تشريعات وأحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
مصحف الشمرلي الملون
الخلع عرض مكبر
الطلاق للعدة مفصل جداً- - DEVORSE TO EDDH
الفرق في أحكام الطلاق المنزلة بين سورتي الطلاق(...
الخلع منقحا ومصورا
الخلع مصورا
باب الخلع من صحيح البخاري
الخلع وكيف الطلاق فيه
الطلاق في السنن الكبري للنسائي محقق
الطلاق للعدة هو الطلاق بعد انقضاء ثلاثة حيضات في ز...
الدليل الدائم للمدونة
دراسة عن موسوعة أطراف الحيث للشيخ سعيد بسيوني زغلو...
devors --devors
devors to al_eddah الطلاق للعدة =Divorce for ...
devors to edah الطلاق للعدة
الطلاق للعدة هو شريعة الله الباقية الي يوم القيامة...
كتاب نقد المتن 1و2و3 من1 الي364
3.نقد المتن من 251 الي صفحة 364
2.نقد المتن من ص92 الي ص 250
1.نقد المتن وعلل المتون من ص 1 الي ص 90
عدة المختلعة حيضة واحدة ؟
؟ما هو الخلع وما هي أحكامه وهل تحتسب تطليقة الخلع ...
الطلاق للعدة شريعة الله للعالمين
$الطلاق لا يكون إلا في منتهي العدة وما يتم غير ذلك...
الطلاق للعدة رؤية صحيحة%%
الطلاق للعدة مفصل جدا
كتاب الطلاق للعدة عرض
الطلاق للعدة وتحقيق متن حديث عبد الله ابن عمر
4.الطلاق للعدة رؤية صحيحة
3.كتاب الطلاق للنسائي***
2.كتاب الطلاق للنسائي**
1.كتاب الطلاق للحافظ النسائي*
احكام الطلاق (كتاب الطلاق من السنن الكبري للنسائ...
أحكام الطلاق قبل وبعد نزول سورة الطلاق في العام ال...
1.فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطلا...
قواعد وملاحظات 2.في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق ...
الطلاق للعدة وأحكامه الناسخة لما كان قبله
أحكام سورة الطلاق وورد.مجدول
تحقيق روايات عبد الله بن عمروورد1مجدول
وورد/قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطل...
وورد2.قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الط...
أحكام سورة الطلاق (وورد)2
قائمة فير مكتملة للمنسوخ من آيات القرآن الكريم وال...
الناسخ والمنسوخ بين سورة الطلاق الناسخة وسورة البق...
ذلك أمر الله أنزله إليكم ..يا الله؟!!
سبب اختلاف الناس في أحكام الطلاق هو اعراضهم عن سور...
*دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ وس...
قصة تنزيل أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق(وو...
إن هناك جانبا كبيرا من أحكام سورة الطلاق يعتمد في ...
^قصة تنزيل أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق
كتاب سلسلة الذهب أو السلسلة الذهبية لابن حجر الحاف...
دليل مواقع محدودة لأحكام الطلاق
يأجوج ومأجوج نسل نيندرتالي
احكام سورة الطلاق محولة الي صور من وورد
الكتاب 4 و2 من سورة الطلاق
*^*من أهم اسباب الاختلافات في أحكام الطلاق أهمال ع...
جهاز المناعة والأمصال واللقاحات
نماذج دون تعقيب من اختلافات الفرق في أجكام الطلاق ...
الاختلافات في أحكام الطلاق بلغت الأفق
بيان أن سورة النساء القصري(سورة الطلاق) قد نزلت بع...
نماذج دون تعقيب من اختلافات الفرق في أجكام الطلاق ...
المصحف 114 سورة في مدونة ترتيب آيات الذكر الحكيم ح...
14.اختلاف أساسي تحت كل اختلاف اختلافات فرعية كثيرة...
*نماذج من خلافات الناس والمذاهب في أحكام الطلاق وا...
^إذا الشرطية في قوله تعالي(إذا طلقتم النساء فطلقوه...
بـــر الوالدين وزيادة الرزق
.ج2من الحصن الحصين للشوكاني_
ج3 من كتاب .الحصن الحصين
ج4 من كتاب عدة الصابرين للشوكاني 4
ج5 عدة الصابرين للشوكاني
ج6 عدة الصابرين للشوكاني الي 199
.*ج6 الحصن الحصين 231
ج6 عدة الصابرين للشوكاني الي 199
^**^ج6 الحصن الحصين 231
دليل المدونة الدائم2
دليل المدونة الدائم
^&^جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة...
كيف يطلق الرجل زوجنه في شريعة الإسلام السمحة. وترت...
تحقيقات روايات ابن عمر كلها وبيان الأصح منها والشا...
مسار التشريع لأحكام الطلاق المنزلة بسورة الطلاق وم...
دليل الطلاق من منظور سورة الطلاق
*الأحاديث الصحيحة فى الطلاق وبيان عدم احتساب التطل...
اسماء الله الحسني من موقع صح
قواعد غائبة عن الناس في أحكام الطلاق
أسباب انقطاع الطمث أو الحيض عند النساء
الدين القيم
كتاب الطلاق من البخاري وتحقيق الخلافات بين الرواه...
معني الإحصاء من لغة العرب ومن آيات القرآن
كتاب سلسلة الذهب لابن حجر العسقلاني
الدليل علي أن حادثة طلاق فاطمة بنت قيس قد وقعت أثن...
فاطمة بنت قيس وقصة طلاقها وبيان أنه كان علي قاعدة ...
فاطمة بنت قيس وبيان موقع طلاقها من سورة البقرة وكي...
ملخص تشريعات احكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة ال...
فهرست كتاب الطلاق من كتاب النسائي
باب إحلال المطلقة ثلاثا والنكاح الذي يحلها به
فقرات ذات صلة بموضوع: نكاح المحلل
رفاعة بن سموأل القرظي وسهيمة امرأة رفاعة القرظي
مدار حديث التيس المستعار علي مشرح بن هاعان أبي مصع...
مصحف الشمرلي الملون
الرحيق المختوم في سيرة نبي الله محمد صلي الله عليه...
الرحيق المختوم في سيرة نبي الله محمد صلي الله عليه...
مصحف الشمرلي الملون كله%
^^^الفرق في أحكام الطلاق المنزلة بين سورتي الطلاق(...
روابط مدونات الطلاق للعدة
سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق ومغزي قو...
إذا كنت طلقت امرأتك فراجع طلاقك لها ودقق فيه !!+مع...
الدلائل القاطعة علي نزول سورة الطلاق متراخية عن سو...
تحقيق روايات عبد الله بن عمر في حادثة طلاقه لإمرأت...
روايات حديث عبد الله بن عمر المضطربة وبيان صحة روا...
.اضف موقعك لـ 150 محرك بحث
اضف موقعك الي جوجل وبنج وياهو
آية الطلاق للعدة بسورة الطلاق نسخت آية الطلاق بسور...
^ مغزي قول الله تعالي(يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِذَ...
..موقع صحابة رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم
موقع برامج مجانية
موقع صح للبرامج
إقامة الشهادة لله في الطلاق خاصة كيف هي؟
قواعد الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق**
قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5ه...
^(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِ...
النسخ وشروطه
اذا الشرطية واستعمالاتها وورد
^^^تفسير سورة الطلاق للقرطبي والتعقيب عليها
أحوال| اللام | في القرآن الكريم
أحوال^ اللام^ في القرآن الكريم
دراسة (اللام) في القرآن الكريم
%%الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ ...
*^.أحوال إذا الشرطية غير الجازمة
دراسة (إذا) الشرطية في القرآن الكريم
.أثر تدرج نزول القرآن في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
.أثر تدرج نزول القرآن في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
دليل وصورة
^%الطلاق للعدة وأحكامه الناسخة لما كان قبله +معني ...
*/سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي يو...
كيف يطلق الرجل زوجته في شريعة الاسلام السمحة
الدلائل القاطعة علي تنزيل سورة الطلاق5هـ بعد نزول ...
الدليل المنمق لموقع علاج الأمراض المزمنة والسر في ...
موسم الأعاصير في المحيط الأطلسي
ظاهرة تعرق القدمين والكفين وطرق العلاج
العاصفة الاستوائية غابريل
متي تنزلت سورة الط
كِتَابُ الطَّلَاقِ وموسوعاته
علاج الأمراض المزمنة والسر في جهاز المناعة؟!
***الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ...
^#14اختلاف رصدهم القرطبي .....وورد*||*
معني لفظة الرجعة في لسان العرب
نظام الطلاق في الاسلام *
14 #اختلاف أساسي تحت كل اختلاف اختلافات فرعية كثير...
^%*^ 14اختلاف أساسي تحت كل اختلاف اختلافات فرعية ك...
^|^.المجموع كل كتاب (الطلاق ليس فيه خلاف ولا اختلا...
^^المجموع كل كتاب (الطلاق ليس في خلاف ولا اختلاف +...
*صفحة5تحقيقات حديث ابن عمر(من صفحة 194 ألي 200ال...
الفرق بين المـــــــوت والوفــــــــاة
*صفحة4تحقيقات طرق حديث عبد الله بن عمر
*صفحة3.احكام ةالطلاق لا خلاف فيها ولا اختلاف+تحقيق...
*صفحة2.الطلاق لا خلاف ولا اختلاف
الطلاق الشريعة المحكمة لا خلاف فيها ولا إختلاف +تح...
روابط موسوعة التاريخ
تاريخ نزول سورة الطلاق
إذا الشرطية غير الجازمة
الكناش في فني النحو والصرف
^دلائل وجود النسخ بين احكام الطلاق في سورة البقرة ...
*الدلائل القاطعة علي وجود النسخ بين سورة البقرة وس...
قصة تنزيل أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة2هـ وسورة ال...
الطلاق للعدة الشريعة الناسخة لمقابلها مما كان قبله...
أحكام سورة الطلاق جميعها
B.التدرج في القرآن وأثرة في التشريع الاسلامي
A نزول القرآن الكريم
نظرة خاصة علي صورة الطلاق المنزلة 5هـ
إقامة الشهادة لله في الطلاق خاصة كيف هي؟
قواعد الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق**
قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي الطلاق(5ه...
^(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ ذَلِ...
النسخ وشروطه
اذا الشرطية واستعمالاتها وورد
^^^تفسير سورة الطلاق للقرطبي والتعقيب عليها
أحوال| اللام | في القرآن الكريم
أحوال^ اللام^ في القرآن الكريم
دراسة (اللام) في القرآن الكريم
%%الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ ...
*^.أحوال إذا الشرطية غير الجازمة
دراسة (إذا) الشرطية في القرآن الكريم
.أثر تدرج نزول القرآن في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
.أثر تدرج نزول القرآن في أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
دليل وصورة
^%الطلاق للعدة وأحكامه الناسخة لما كان قبله +معني ...
*/سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي يو...
كيف يطلق الرجل زوجته في شريعة الاسلام السمحة
الدلائل القاطعة علي تنزيل سورة الطلاق5هـ بعد نزول ...
الدليل المنمق لموقع علاج الأمراض المزمنة والسر في ...
موسم الأعاصير في المحيط الأطلسي
ظاهرة تعرق القدمين والكفين وطرق العلاج
العاصفة الاستوائية غابريل
متي تنزلت سورة الط
كِتَابُ الطَّلَاقِ وموسوعاته
علاج الأمراض المزمنة والسر في جهاز المناعة؟!
الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ...
اختلاف رصدهم القرطبي .....وورد
معني لفظة الرجعة في لسان العرب
نظام الطلاق في الاسلام *
14اختلاف أساسي تحت كل اختلاف اختلافات فرعية كثير...
14اختلاف أساسي تحت كل اختلاف اختلافات فرعية ك...
المجموع كل كتاب (الطلاق ليس فيه خلاف ولا اختلا...
المجموع كل كتاب (الطلاق ليس في خلاف ولا اختلاف +...
*صفحة5تحقيقات حديث ابن عمر(من صفحة 194 ألي 200ال...
الفرق بين المـــــــوت والوفــــــــاة
*صفحة4تحقيقات طرق حديث عبد الله بن عمر
*صفحة3.احكام ةالطلاق لا خلاف فيها ولا اختلاف+تحقيق...
*صفحة2.الطلاق لا خلاف ولا اختلاف
الطلاق الشريعة المحكمة لا خلاف فيها ولا إختلاف +تح...
روابط موسوعة التاريخ
تاريخ نزول سورة الطلاق
إذا الشرطية غير الجازمة
الكناش في فني النحو والصرف
^دلائل وجود النسخ بين احكام الطلاق في سورة البقرة ...
*الدلائل القاطعة علي وجود النسخ بين سورة البقرة وس...
قصة تنزيل أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة2هـ وسورة ال...
الطلاق للعدة الشريعة الناسخة لمقابلها مما كان قبله...
أحكام سورة الطلاق جميعها
B.التدرج في القرآن وأثرة في التشريع الاسلامي
A نزول القرآن الكريم
نظرة خاصة علي صورة الطلاق المنزلة 5هـ
*/*/*/ الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلا...
*/* قواعد وملاحظات في أحكـــام الطلاق بين سورتي ال...
الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ وس...
روابط مواقع الطلاق للعدة
ما هي قصة أحكام الطلاق بين سورتي البقرة والطلاق؟ول...
*الطلاق للعدة الشريعة الناسخة لمقابلها مما كان قبل...
مصحف الشمرلي
لماذا قال الله تعالي(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّهَ ي...
^%^قواعد وملاحظات في أحكام الطلاق
**جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة ...
saidلماذا قال الله تعالي(لَا تَدْرِي لَعَلَّ اللَّ...
^%^الكتاب4 من تفسير سورة الطلاق والتعقيب
سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي يوم ...
كتاب جامع لطل مسائل الطلاق وروابطة
قانون الحق الثابت بلا شك
قانون الحق ج1وج2
كتاب جامع لطل مسائل الطلاق وروابطة
.الجزء الثالث من قانون الحق 3
قــنون الحق الأول والثاني
1.الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ وسورة ا...
ادلة ثبوت خبر تميم الداري المستيقنة
سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي يوم ...
تحقيقات روايات ابن عمر كلها وبيان الأصح منها والشا...
نماذج من حيود العلماء عن الحق في فتاواهم الفقهية ل...
^عرض آخر لسورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة وفرض عدة ...
^.^سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي ي...
دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
تحقيقات روايات ابن عمر كلها وبيان الأصح منها والشا...
كيف يطلق الرجل زوجنه في شريعة الإسلام السمحة. و...
كيف يطلق الرجل زوجنه في شريعة الإسلام السمحة. وترت...
*آية الطلاق للعدة بسورة الطلاق نسخت آية الطلاق بسو...
الفرق بين التسريح والتفريق بين سوتي البقرة والطلاق...
مدار حديث التيس المستعار علي مشرح بن هاعان أبي مصع...
مرض الحمي الشوكية عند الأطفال
جدول الفروق بين تشريعات الطلاق في سورة الطلاق و...
مواضع موضوعات موسوعة النابولسي
بيان نسخ خطاب أحكام الطلاق بسورة البقرة بأحكام الط...
امثلة من اختلافات المسلمين في أحكام الطلاق بسبب اغ...
سورة الطلاق
^.سورة الطلاق الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق إلي يو...
نماذج لاعراض علماء المسلمين عن غير عمدٍ عما نبه ال...
تبديل العدة الي موضع الطلاق والطلاق الي موضع العدة...
^&^ ماذا يفعل الندم علي طلاق الزوجة وضياع الاولاد
دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
لا ينفع الندم
تحقيق روايات حديث عبد الله ابن عمر في طلاق امرأته
سورة البقرة مجدولة مع تنقيحات وزيادات
سورة الطلاق مجدولة مع تنقيحات وزيادات**
تحقيق امتناع تطليق المرأة الحامل وبطلانه إذا حدث إ...
تحقيق امتناع تطليق المرأة الحامل وبطلانه إذا حدث إ...
أحكام سورة الطلاق مجدولة
دليل مدونة المصحف مكتوب بصيفة وورد
&الطلاق للعدة -وورد نسخة ثانية&
^الطلاق للعدة -وورد نسخة ثانية ^
الطلاق للعدة -وورد
متلازمة ستيفنس جونسون
جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسورة ال...
دليل مواقع الطلاق للعدة
(^%^)جدول فروق في أحكام الطلاق بين سورة البقرة وسو...
الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة الطلاق5هـ وس...
مــــــا هي؟الجدول(الفرق بين أحكام الطلاق في سورة ...
لام البعد والغاية
كان تشريع الطلاق في سورة البقرة هو:طلاق ثم عدة فتب...
الرجعة في كتب الفقه
فاطمة بنت قيس وقصة طلاقها وبيان أنه كان علي قاعدة ...
لام الغاية
الطلاق في كتب الفقه والأخطاء القاتلة التي حشيت به ...
رسم تبيني يوضح تشريعات الطلاق حين كانت أحكامه سائد...
راجع نفسك إذا كنت قد طلقت زوجتك فلربما لم تطلقها و...
هل طلقت امرأتك؟قد تكون ظننت ولم تطلق فعلا!! أقر أ ...
قانون الحق وهزل العباد في حق الله الواحد الجبار
%2تجميع س وج حول مسائل الطلاق للعدة
%1تجميع س وج حول مسائل الطلاق للعدة/*
فوائد في تخريج حديث " دخل رجل النار في ذباب "
أفضل المواقع لتحميل برامج الكمبيوتر المجانية والكا...
مواقع تحميلات
البريد المفقود

‏في Blogger منذ أغسطس 2014
مرات مشاهدة الملف الشخصي - 826
نوتة الصلاة
أحكام تجويد تلاوة القرآن
مدونة مصنفات وكتب تفسير القرآن الكريم
المصحف مكتوب آية آية
مدونة ضد القرآنيين ومنكري السنة
اللهم ارحم أبي وموتي المؤمنين آمين
مدونة ختان الأنثي في الإسلام
كشكول الزكاة

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أبو بكر الصديق

أبو بكر الصديق من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة لمعانٍ أخرى، انظر أبو بكر الصديق (توضيح) . هذه المقالة عن أبي بكر الصدّيق أوَّل الخلفاء الراشدي...