110 ب مم

تشقق السماوات وتكور الشموس /ثالثة 3 ثانوي مدونة محدودة /كل الرياضيات تفاضل وتكامل وحساب مثلثات2ثانوي ترم أول وأحيانا ثاني التجويد /من كتب التراث الروائع /فيزياء ثاني2 ثانوي.ت2. /كتاب الرحيق المختوم /مدونة تعليمية محدودة رائعة / /الكشكول الابيض/ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية ترم اول يليه ترم ثاني ومعه 3ث /الحاسب الآلي)2ث /مدونة الأميرة الصغيرة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ث /مدونة السنن الكبري للنسائي والنهاية لابن كثير /نهاية العالم /بيت المعرفة العامة /رياضيات بحتة وتطبيقية2 ثانوي ترم ثاني /احياء ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /عبدالواحد2ث.ت1و... /مدونة سورة التوبة /مدونة الجامعة المانعة لأحكام الطلاق حسب سورة الطلاق7/5هـ /الثالث الثانوي القسم الأدبي والعلمي /المكتبة التعليمية 3 ثانوي /كشكول /نهاية البداية /مدونة كل روابط المنعطف التعليمي للمرحلة الثانوية /الديوان الشامل لأحكام الطلاق /الاستقامة اا. /المدونة التعليمية المساعدة /اللهم أبي وأمي ومن مات من أهلي /الطلاق المختلف عليه /الجغرافيا والجيولوجيا ثانية ثانوي الهندسة بأفرعها / لغة انجليزية2ث.ت1. / مناهج غابت عن الأنظار. /ترم ثاني الثاني الثانوي علمي ورياضة وادبي /المنهج في الطلاق/عبد الواحد2ث- ت1.  /حورية /المصحف ورد ج /روابط المواقع التعليمية ثانوي غام /منعطف التفوق التعليمي لكل مراحل الثانوي العام /لَا ت /قْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِفيزياء 2 ثاني ثانوي.ت1. /سنن النكاح والزواج /النخبة في /مقررات2ث,ترم أول عام2017-2018 /مدونة المدونات /فلسفة.منطق.علم نفس.اجتماع 2ث /ترم اول /الملخص المفيد ثاني ثانوي ترم أول /السيرة النبوية /اعجاز الخالق فيمن خلق /ترجمة المقالات /الحائرون الملتاعون هلموا /النُخْبَةُ في شِرعَةِ الطلاق. /أصول الفقه الاسلامي وضوابطه /الأم)منهج ثاني ثانوي علمي رياضة وعلوم /وصف الجنة والحور العين اللهم أدخلنا الجنة ومتاعها /روابط مناهج تعليمية ثاني ثانوي كل الأقسام /البداية والنهاية للحافظ بن /كثبر /روابط مواقع تعليمية بالمذكرات /دين الله الحق /مدونة الإختصارات /الفيزياء الثالث الثانوي روابط /علم المناعة /والحساسية /طرزان /مدونة المدونات /الأمراض الخطرة والوقاية منها /الخلاصة الحثيثة في الفيزياء /تفوق وانطلق للعلا /الترم الثاني ثاني ثانوي كل مواد 2ث /الاستقامة أول /تكوير الشمس /كيمياء2 ثاني ثانوي ت1. /مدونة أسماء صلاح التعليمية 3ث /مكتبة روابط ثاني /ثانوي.ت1./ثاني ثانوي لغة عربية /ميكانيكا واستاتيكا 2ث ترم اول /اللغة الفرنسية 2ثانوي /مدونة مصنفات الموسوعة الشاملة فهرسة /التاريخ 2ث /مراجعات ليلة الامتحان كل مقررات 2ث الترم الثاني /كتاب الزكاة /بستان العارفين /كتب 2 ثاني ثانوي ترم1و2 . /ترم اول وثاني الماني2ث

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الخميس، 31 مارس 2022

تحقيق لفرق بين سورة البقرة وسورة الطلاق مترجم للانجليزية /I said to the blogger , the date of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq can be identified by one of the following signs


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Realizing the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah and Surat Al-Talaq revealed before Surat Al-Hashr


* I told the blogger:
 Realizing the difference between the revelation of Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah and Surat Al-Talaq, which was revealed before Surat Al-Hashr, whatever the difference in the date of its revelation between the fifth or seventh Hijri Hijri, the relaxation between them is fixed and does not affect the difference in time between their revelation with certain relaxation. Or 6 AH or 7 AH or even 4 AH, it does not hurt to prove indolence for the certainty that Surat Al-Baqarah was revealed in the first two years of Hijrah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah   

I said to the blogger, the date of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq can be identified by one of the following signs

I said to the blogger , the date of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq can be identified by one of the following signs 

1. There is a direct text stating the date of the revelation, and it is here on the authority of Al-Suddi, who said: It was revealed about Abdullah bin Omar, and that is because he divorced his wife during her menstruation, [Al-Wahidi p. Another menstruation, and if she becomes pure, he can divorce her, if he wants, before he has intercourse with her. This is the waiting period that God has commanded . { I said the blogger, but the date here is unknown in this text} And the narration of Qatada on the authority of Anas No. 824 on the authority of Al-Wahidi lacks the historical quotation as well.

2. Or there is a semantic comparison between the two rulings of divorce in its rulings in Surat Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah and its ruling in Surat Al-Talaq in terms of significance as well, so that the general is included in the specific, or the absolute is included in the restricted or the abrogated is included in the abrogator, knowing that the detailed is always late. Comprehensive and lax, and Surat Al-Talaq detailed how divorce takes place, while there is nothing in Surat Al-Baqarah detailing how divorce takes place. Click the link  
How is the detailed divorce mentioned in Surat Al-Talaq, whose detail is inferred on the element of laxity between the two Surahs :
How is the detailed divorce mentioned in Surat Al-Talaq, whose detail is inferred on the element of laxity between the two Surahs:
1. In Surat Al-Baqarah, the Qur’an spoke directly about divorced women without mentioning how they divorced, except that they have had the utterance. There is no further difference between arranging the events of divorce according to the wording that occurred from a man in any way that it occurred, as it came in Surat Al-Baqarah, and the arrangement of events according to a detailed approach to how to divorce and the arrangement of the events. The times of its precise course and the method of its creation, as it came in Surat Al-Talaq. 
In Surat Al-Baqarah, God Almighty made the detail following the occurrence of the utterance, nothing but the pronunciation. 
 In Surah Al-Baqarah :
The pronouncement of divorce without detail __ Then the assignment of the repercussions of the detailed in a vague word that has not been decided upon except that it fell from its owner, whether he was a player or glory in it in a way that its elements were the pronunciation of divorce, then the divorced woman is considered several istibra:

And in Surah Al-Talaq:

Specify in detail how the divorce takes place
 Click image to enlarge
How is the detailed divorce mentioned in Surat Al-Talaq, whose detail is inferred on the element of laxity between the two Surahs:
1. In Surat Al-Baqarah, the Qur’an spoke directly about divorced women without mentioning how they divorced, except that they have had the utterance. There is no further difference between arranging the events of divorce according to the wording that occurred from a man in any way that it occurred, as it came in Surat Al-Baqarah, and the arrangement of events according to a detailed approach to how to divorce and the arrangement of the events. The times of its precise course and the method of its creation, as it came in Surat Al-Talaq. 
In Surat Al-Baqarah, God Almighty made the detail following the occurrence of the utterance, nothing but the pronunciation. 
 In Surah Al-Baqarah :
The pronouncement of divorce without detail __ Then the assignment of the repercussions of the detailed in a vague word that has not been decided upon except that it fell from its owner, whether he was a player or glory in it in a way that its elements were the pronunciation of divorce, then the divorced woman is considered several istibra:

And in Surah Al-Talaq:
Specify in detail how the divorce occurs ↶↴↴↴

Click image to enlarge

Investigating the history of the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq 
in the sciences of the Qur’an .

The Almighty said: (Oh Prophet, if you divorce women, divorce them for their waiting period ...) Verse 1
824 - Qatada narrated, on the authority of Anas, who said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - divorced Hafsa , so God Almighty revealed this verse, and it was said to him: Take it back, for she is a fast-forward, and she is one of your wives and wives in Paradise . { I said the blogger, the date of its revelation is vague, it is not known }

 825 - Al-Suddi said : It was revealed about Abdullah bin Omar, and that is because he divorced his wife during her menstruation. If she becomes pure, he will divorce her, if he wills, before he has intercourse with her, because it is the waiting period that God has commanded . {I said the blogger, see the investigation of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar in the story of his wife’s divorce }
826 - Mansour bin Abdul-Wahhab bin Ahmed Al-Shallanji told us, Abu Omar Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Hairy told us, Muhammad bin Zanjaweh told us, Abdul Aziz bin Yahya told us, Al-Laith bin Saad told us, on the authority of Nafi’, on the authority of Ibn Umar : He divorced his wife while she was only one menstruating, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - commanded him to take her back, then hold her until she becomes pure and she has another menstruation, then waits for her until she becomes pure from her menses. Before he has intercourse with her, that is the waiting period that God Almighty has commanded that women be divorced for . [ Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Qutaybah on the authority of Al-Laith ]
I said the blogger see the investigation of the narrations of Abdullah bin Omar on the story of his wife’s divorce

The Almighty said: ( And whoever fears God, He will make for him a way out and provide for him from where he does not expect ) [2-3] 
827 - the verse was revealed about Awf bin Malik Al-Ashja’i, and that is that the polytheists had captured a son of his, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came and complained to him about poverty. And he said: The enemy captured my son, and the mother was distressed, so what do you command me to do? The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , said: “ Fear God and be patient, and I command you and her to say a lot: There is no might and no power except with God.” So he returned to his house and said to his wife: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, commanded me and you to say a lot. There is no might or power except with God. She said : Yes, what He commanded us. So they started saying, so the enemy neglected his son, so he led their sheep and brought them to his father, which are four thousand sheep. This verse was revealed .
828 -Abd al-Aziz Ibn Abdan informed us, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Naim informed us, he said: Abu al-Qasim al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Husayn al-Sakuni informed us, Obaid Ibn Katheer al-Amiri told us, Abbad Ibn Yaqoub told us, Yahya Ibn Adam informed us, Israel informed us, Ammar Ibn Muawiyah told us, on the authority of Salem bin Abi Al-Jaad, on the authority of Jaber bin Abdullah, who said: This verse was revealed: (He who fears God, He will make for him a way out and provide for him from where he does not expect ) about a man of the bravest, he was poor, light, with a hand and many children, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came So he asked him and he said: “Fear God and be patient.” So he went back to his companions and they said : What did the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - give you? He said: He gave me nothing. He said :Fear God and be patient, for it was only a short while before a son came to him with sheep, and the enemy had hit him. So the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came and asked him about it and told him about it, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Beware of it .”
The Almighty says: (And those of your women who despair of menstruation ) [4].
829 - Muqatil said: When it was revealed: (And divorced women lie in wait for themselves ) the verse Khallad bin al-Nu’man bin Qais al-Ansari said: O Messenger of God, what is the waiting period for a woman who does not menstruate, the waiting period for a woman who has not menstruated, and the waiting period for a pregnant woman? God Almighty revealed this verse .
[ Pg .: 226] 830 -Abu Ishaq Al-Maqri told us, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hamdun told us, Makki bin Abdan told us, Abu Al-Azhar told us, Asbat bin Muhammad told us, on the authority of Mutref, on the authority of Abu Othman Amr bin Salem, he said: When the number of women - in Surat Al-Baqarah - was revealed in the absolute and the deceased About her, her husband Ubayy bin Kaab said : O Messenger of God, women from the people of Medina say: There are still women who are not mentioned in them? He said : “ What is it?” He said: young, old, and pregnant women, so this verse : ( And those who despair ) was revealed to the end of it .

 As for what was mentioned about the residence of the iddat wife after the revelation of Surat Al-Talaq, it says:                 
The saying of God Almighty (Residence them from wherever you have found you) I said the blogger. As for the verse, it has been previously explained that the command to reside during the period of the census {according to the legislation of Surah Al-Talaq revealed in the year 6/5-7 AH} is in the wife’s house, which took the same legitimacy as the residence being her home. It is his house, i.e. her husband’s house, and that she  was possessing this dwelling as her home, had she not been the wife of this person, and that the two of them possessed the dwelling in a seclusion for them, authorized by God.It is not in vain that God Almighty does not permit seclusion between a divorced man and his divorced woman except in one case, which is that this is a human perception that miscalculated it. (The divorced one and his divorced woman) Then he permits her unless they are a married couple whose wife is not forbidden to him and he is still her husband. Here he was confused in understanding the verses of Surat Al-Talaq. Almost all the jurists except for those who have discerned and understood that the number of censuses reversed the two positions of divorce and the waiting period by submitting the waiting period and delaying the divorce.After the husband uttered the divorce at the beginning of her waiting period in Surat Al-Baqarah 2 AH, the situation in Surat Al-Talaq changed to the fact that the issue in which the census was issued, and the divorce was delayed until after the waiting period 5-7/6 AH, according to the investigations of the biography preservers, and this date is at a minimum 5 AH or if Its highest point was 7/6 AH, which in both cases is far from lax about the timing of the revelation of Surah Al-Baqarah 1 and 2 of the Hijrah, which was revealed in the largest estimate in the beginning of the civil era, with no more than the first two years of migration. In the assessment of a year or even two years between the two legislations, the laxity between the two surahs is definitely proven. Click the following link  


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